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Viktor Latypov, Viktor Latypov, Sergey Kosarevsky
Android NDK is used for multimedia applications that require direct access to system resources. NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn allows a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains.This is a hands-on guide to extending your game development skills with Android NDK. The book takes you through many clear, step-by-step example applications to help you further explore the features of Android NDK and some popular C++ libraries and boost your productivity by debugging the development process.Through the course of this book, you will learn how to write portable multi-threaded native code, use HTTP networking in C++, play audio files, use OpenGL ES 3, and render high-quality text. Each chapter aims to take you one step closer to building your application. By the end of this book, you will be able to create an engaging, complete gaming application.
Discover the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric, the premier unified solution designed for the AI era, seamlessly combining data integration, OneLake, transformation, visualization, universal security, and a unified business model. This book provides an overview of Microsoft Fabric, its components, and the wider analytics landscape.In this book, you'll explore workloads such as Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, data science, data warehouse, real-time analytics, and Power BI. You’ll learn how to build end-to-end lakehouse and data warehouse solutions using the medallion architecture, unlock the real-time analytics, and implement machine learning and AI models. As you progress, you’ll build expertise in monitoring workloads and administering Fabric across tenants, capacities, and workspaces. The book also guides you step by step through enhancing security and governance practices in Microsoft Fabric and implementing CI/CD workflows with Azure DevOps or GitHub. Finally, you’ll discover the power of Copilot, an AI-driven assistant that accelerates your analytics journey.By the end of this book, you’ll have unlocked the full potential of AI-driven data analytics, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the analytics landscape and mastery over the essential concepts and principles of Microsoft Fabric.
Michael Burton, Ellie Altomare
Photopea is a comprehensive image and photo editing design tool that provides essential features and capabilities comparable to Adobe Photoshop. This book covers the latest version of Photopea, featuring step-by-step instructions for image editing, improving and enhancing designs with text and effects, and creating eye-catching projects for print and the web.The first part of this book will teach you how to navigate the workspace, use the best tools for specific tasks and projects, and make perfect selections. You’ll also discover how to remove backgrounds, merge and/or add objects, and adjust colors to create impressive images. Later, you’ll explore layers and compositing techniques, and get hands on with retouching images like a pro. The book will demonstrate how to create collages and use brushes, color wheels, and swatches for drawing and painting. You’ll also learn how to apply impressive text to images to create posters, flyers, and logos.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to retouch, paint, enhance, and manipulate images; how to use templates provided by Photopea; and finally, how to apply your skills to projects.
Proper date and time management is critical for the development and reliability of Oracle Databases and cloud environments, which are among the most rapidly expanding technologies today. This knowledge can be applied to cloud technology, on premises, application development, and integration to emphasize regional settings, UTC coordination, or different time zones. This practical book focuses on code snippets and discusses the existing functionalities and limitations, along with covering data migration to the cloud by emphasizing the importance of proper date and time management.This book helps you understand the historical background and evolution of ANSI standards. You’ll get to grips with data types, constructor principles, and existing functionalities, and focus on the limitations of regional parameters and time zones, which help in expanding business to other parts of the world. You’ll also explore SQL injection threats, temporal database architecture, using Flashback Technology to reconstruct valid database images from the past, time zone management, and UTC synchronization across regions.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create and manage temporal systems, prevent SQL injection attacks, use existing functionalities and define your own robust solutions for date management, and apply time zone and region rules.
Luca Massaron, Alberto Boschetti
Regression is the process of learning relationships between inputs and continuous outputs from example data, which enables predictions for novel inputs. There are many kinds of regression algorithms, and the aim of this book is to explain which is the right one to use for each set of problems and how to prepare real-world data for it. With this book you will learn to define a simple regression problem and evaluate its performance. The book will help you understand how to properly parse a dataset, clean it, and create an output matrix optimally built for regression. You will begin with a simple regression algorithm to solve some data science problems and then progress to more complex algorithms. The book will enable you to use regression models to predict outcomes and take critical business decisions. Through the book, you will gain knowledge to use Python for building fast better linear models and to apply the results in Python or in any computer language you prefer.
Go is an easy-to-write language that is popular among developers thanks to its features such as concurrency, portability, and ability to reduce complexity. This Golang book will teach you how to construct idiomatic Go code that is reusable and highly performant.Starting with an introduction to performance concepts, you’ll understand the ideology behind Go’s performance. You’ll then learn how to effectively implement Go data structures and algorithms along with exploring data manipulation and organization to write programs for scalable software. This book covers channels and goroutines for parallelism and concurrency to write high-performance code for distributed systems. As you advance, you’ll learn how to manage memory effectively. You’ll explore the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) application programming interface (API), use containers to build Go code, and work with the Go build cache for quicker compilation. You’ll also get to grips with profiling and tracing Go code for detecting bottlenecks in your system. Finally, you’ll evaluate clusters and job queues for performance optimization and monitor the application for performance regression.By the end of this Go programming book, you’ll be able to improve existing code and fulfill customer requirements by writing efficient programs.
AutoCAD helps you communicate your design intent by plotting your designs to drawings, in both paper and electronic format. But using AutoCAD can be daunting, even for an experienced user who wants to get their designs into the AutoCAD native DWG file format.Written by an Autodesk Certified Instructor at Platinum level with 30+ years of industry experience, this book will guide you on how to use new and existing AutoCAD tools to work smarter, not harder, and it will familiarize you with the processes needed to use AutoCAD much more effectively. As you work through the chapters, you’ll get used to these new methodologies in AutoCAD and build up muscle memory so that these skills become second nature. You’ll also take advantage of the author's expertise and experience, learning some highly effective AutoCAD tips and tricks along the way.By the end of this AutoCAD book, you’ll have gained valuable insights into the knowledge needed to confidently prepare for your Autodesk AutoCAD certification.
In today's fast-paced digital age, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a revolutionary financial asset class, capturing the attention of investors and traders worldwide. However, navigating the world of cryptocurrency trading can be overwhelming for beginners. Zero to Hero in Cryptocurrency Trading acts as a guiding light to navigate this complex realm.This comprehensive guide to cryptocurrency trading empowers you to go from a novice trader to a proficient investor by helping you implement your own trading strategy. As you progress, you’ll gain structured trading knowledge through hands-on examples and real-time scenarios, bolstered by trading psychology and money management techniques. You’ll be able to automate your manual trades with an algorithm that works even while you sleep. You’ll also benefit from interactive teaching methods, including screenshots, charts, and drawings to help decode market operations and craft your unique edge in the dynamic crypto world. As an added bonus, you’ll receive ready-to-use templates to identify useful indicators, test your strategy, and even maintain a trading journal.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to trade cryptocurrencies and automate manual trading to give you an edge in the markets.
In the evolving remote working arrangement, the demand for custom Microsoft Teams apps is increasing rapidly across businesses. If you are someone who aims to provide users with an exceptional experience through custom-built apps that adhere to industry standards and good governance, Customizing Microsoft Teams is for you!The book starts with an overview of Microsoft Teams customization and configuration prerequisites. It then shows you how to expose functionalities from various solutions through tabs, connectors, messaging extensions, and more before you move on to explore how the PowerShell module can manage multiple aspects of administration and how to use the SharePoint Framework for creating custom Microsoft Teams apps. You’ll be able to work with Microsoft Dataverse for Teams to build custom apps, bots, and flows using Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, and Power Automate. As you publish your production-ready apps on the Teams store and Microsoft AppSource, you’ll also understand Teams app analytics and reporting functionalities.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to develop custom solutions to solve critical business problems and extend the power of Microsoft Teams to develop high-value use cases in the remote working culture.
Whether you want to organize simple files or perform more complex consolidations between different Office programs and remote-control applications that don't allow outside access, Power Automate Desktop helps meet these challenges. This book shows you how to leverage this workflow automation platform by explaining the underlying RPA concepts in a step-by-step way.You’ll start with simple flows that can be easily recorded and further processed using the built-in recorder. Later, you’ll learn how to use the more advanced actions to automate folder and file management and enable Office programs to interact with each other. You’ll also get to grips with integrating desktop flows into other cloud environments and further enhance their value using AI. As you progress, you’ll understand how flows can run unattended and how they are managed in the Power Platform, as well as key concepts such as creating, modifying, debugging, and error-handling UI flows. Finally, the book will guide you to use Process Automation Designer (PAD) in conjunction with your frequently used desktop systems to automate routine tasks.By the end of this book, you’ll have become a Power Automate Desktop expert, automating both professional and personal tasks.
Muhammad Shujaat Siddiqi, Ryan Vice
MVVM (Model View View Model) is a Microsoft best practices pattern for working in WPF and Silverlight that is highly recommended by both Microsoft and industry experts alike. This book will look at the reasons for the pattern still being slow to become an industry standard, addressing the pain points of MVVM. It will help Silverlight and WPF programmers get up and running quickly with this useful pattern.MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will help you to choose the best MVVM approach for your project while giving you the tools, techniques, and confidence that you will need to succeed. Implementing MVVM can be a challenge, and this book will walk you through the main issues you will come across when using the pattern in real world enterprise applications.This book will help you to improve your WPF and Silverlight application design, allowing you to tackle the many challenges in creating presentation architectures for enterprise applications. You will be given examples that show the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major patterns. The book then dives into a full 3 tier enterprise implementation of MVVM and takes you through the various options available and trade-offs for each approach. During your journey you will see how to satisfy all the demands of modern WPF and Silverlight enterprise applications including scalability, testability, extensibility, and blendability.Complete your transition from ASP.NET and WinForms to Silverlight and WPF by embracing the new tools of these platforms, and the new design style that they allow for. MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will get you up to speed and ready to take advantage of this powerful new presentation platform.
Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based distributed search engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack that allows you to index and search unstructured content with petabytes of data. With this updated fifth edition, you'll cover comprehensive recipes relating to what's new in Elasticsearch 8.x and see how to create and run complex queries and analytics.The recipes will guide you through performing index mapping, aggregation, working with queries, and scripting using Elasticsearch. You'll focus on numerous solutions and quick techniques for performing both common and uncommon tasks such as deploying Elasticsearch nodes, using the ingest module, working with X-Pack, and creating different visualizations. As you advance, you'll learn how to manage various clusters, restore data, and install Kibana to monitor a cluster and extend it using a variety of plugins. Furthermore, you'll understand how to integrate your Java, Scala, Python, and big data applications such as Apache Spark and Pig with Elasticsearch and create efficient data applications powered by enhanced functionalities and custom plugins.By the end of this Elasticsearch cookbook, you'll have gained in-depth knowledge of implementing the Elasticsearch architecture and be able to manage, search, and store data efficiently and effectively using Elasticsearch.
Java EE is one of the most popular tools for enterprise application design and development. With recent changes to Java EE 8 specifications, Java EE application development has become a lot simpler with the new specifications, some of which compete with the existing specifications. This guide provides a complete overview of developing highly performant, robust and secure enterprise applications with Java EE with Eclipse.The book begins by exploring different Java EE technologies and how to use them (JSP, JSF, JPA, JDBC, EJB, and more), along with suitable technologies for different scenarios. You will learn how to set up the development environment for Java EE applications and understand Java EE specifications in detail, with an emphasis on examples. The book takes you through deployment of an application in Tomcat, GlassFish Servers, and also in the cloud. It goes beyond the basics and covers topics like debugging, testing, deployment, and securing your Java EE applications. You'll also get to know techniques to develop cloud-ready microservices in Java EE.
Moodle is the de facto standard for open source learning platforms. However, setting up and managing a learning environment can be a complex task since it covers a wide range of technical, organizational, and pedagogical topics. This ranges from basic user and course management, to configuring plugins and design elements, all the way to system settings, performance optimization, events frameworks, and so on.This book concentrates on basic tasks such as how to set up and configure Moodle and how to perform day-to-day administration activities, and progresses on to more advanced topics that show you how to customize and extend Moodle, manage courses, cohorts, and users, and how to work with roles and capabilities. You’ll learn to configure Moodle plugins and ensure your VLE conforms to pedagogical and technical requirements in your organization. You’ll then learn how to integrate the VLE via web services and network it with other sites, including Mahara, and extend your system via plugins and LTI. By the end of this book, you will be able to set up an efficient, fully fledged, and secure Moodle system.
Ashish M Kothekar, Sandeep Patil
This comprehensive guide to QRadar will help you build an efficient security operations center (SOC) for threat hunting and need-to-know software updates, as well as understand compliance and reporting and how IBM QRadar stores network data in real time.The book begins with a quick introduction to QRadar components and architecture, teaching you the different ways of deploying QRadar. You’ll grasp the importance of being aware of the major and minor upgrades in software and learn how to scale, upgrade, and maintain QRadar. Once you gain a detailed understanding of QRadar and how its environment is built, the chapters will take you through the features and how they can be tailored to meet specifi c business requirements. You’ll also explore events, flows, and searches with the help of examples. As you advance, you’ll familiarize yourself with predefined QRadar applications and extensions that successfully mine data and find out how to integrate AI in threat management with confidence. Toward the end of this book, you’ll create different types of apps in QRadar, troubleshoot and maintain them, and recognize the current security challenges and address them through QRadar XDR.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to apply IBM QRadar SOC’s prescriptive practices and leverage its capabilities to build a very efficient SOC in your enterprise.
Pentaho Reporting lets you create, generate, and distribute rich and sophisticated report content from different data sources. Knowing how to use it quickly and efficiently gives you the edge in producing reports from your database. If you have been looking for a book that has plenty of easy-to-understand instructions and also contains lots of examples and screenshots, this is where your search ends.This book shows you how to replace or build your enterprise reporting solution from scratch with Pentaho's Reporting Suite. Through detailed examples, it dives deeply into all aspects of Pentaho's reporting functionalities, providing you with the knowledge you need to master report creation.This book starts off with a number of examples to get you familiar with the tools and technology of the Pentaho Reporting Suite. Then, with additional examples, it goes into advanced subjects such as charting, sub-reporting, cross tabs, as well as API generation of reports. There are also details and examples on extending Pentaho's open source reporting engine. The reader will learn the ins and outs of Pentaho Report Designer, including a cheat sheet with all the available short-cut keys, to make report design efficient and painless.Embedding reports into your Java application can be difficult. With Pentaho Reporting it's just a few lines of code. The book provides examples of how to embed reporting into your J2EE and client Java applications, as well as showing you how to build dynamic reports from scratch using Pentaho Reporting's simple Java Bean-based report generation API.Setting up and integrating a reporting server in an enterprise environment can be arduous. In addition to learning how to build great embeddable reports, you'll also learn how to combine Pentaho Reporting with Pentaho's BI Server for a zero-code, easy-to-configure, enterprise reporting solution.