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Whether you want to organize simple files or perform more complex consolidations between different Office programs and remote-control applications that don't allow outside access, Power Automate Desktop helps meet these challenges. This book shows you how to leverage this workflow automation platform by explaining the underlying RPA concepts in a step-by-step way.You’ll start with simple flows that can be easily recorded and further processed using the built-in recorder. Later, you’ll learn how to use the more advanced actions to automate folder and file management and enable Office programs to interact with each other. You’ll also get to grips with integrating desktop flows into other cloud environments and further enhance their value using AI. As you progress, you’ll understand how flows can run unattended and how they are managed in the Power Platform, as well as key concepts such as creating, modifying, debugging, and error-handling UI flows. Finally, the book will guide you to use Process Automation Designer (PAD) in conjunction with your frequently used desktop systems to automate routine tasks.By the end of this book, you’ll have become a Power Automate Desktop expert, automating both professional and personal tasks.
Muhammad Shujaat Siddiqi, Ryan Vice
MVVM (Model View View Model) is a Microsoft best practices pattern for working in WPF and Silverlight that is highly recommended by both Microsoft and industry experts alike. This book will look at the reasons for the pattern still being slow to become an industry standard, addressing the pain points of MVVM. It will help Silverlight and WPF programmers get up and running quickly with this useful pattern.MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will help you to choose the best MVVM approach for your project while giving you the tools, techniques, and confidence that you will need to succeed. Implementing MVVM can be a challenge, and this book will walk you through the main issues you will come across when using the pattern in real world enterprise applications.This book will help you to improve your WPF and Silverlight application design, allowing you to tackle the many challenges in creating presentation architectures for enterprise applications. You will be given examples that show the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major patterns. The book then dives into a full 3 tier enterprise implementation of MVVM and takes you through the various options available and trade-offs for each approach. During your journey you will see how to satisfy all the demands of modern WPF and Silverlight enterprise applications including scalability, testability, extensibility, and blendability.Complete your transition from ASP.NET and WinForms to Silverlight and WPF by embracing the new tools of these platforms, and the new design style that they allow for. MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF will get you up to speed and ready to take advantage of this powerful new presentation platform.
Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based distributed search engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack that allows you to index and search unstructured content with petabytes of data. With this updated fifth edition, you'll cover comprehensive recipes relating to what's new in Elasticsearch 8.x and see how to create and run complex queries and analytics.The recipes will guide you through performing index mapping, aggregation, working with queries, and scripting using Elasticsearch. You'll focus on numerous solutions and quick techniques for performing both common and uncommon tasks such as deploying Elasticsearch nodes, using the ingest module, working with X-Pack, and creating different visualizations. As you advance, you'll learn how to manage various clusters, restore data, and install Kibana to monitor a cluster and extend it using a variety of plugins. Furthermore, you'll understand how to integrate your Java, Scala, Python, and big data applications such as Apache Spark and Pig with Elasticsearch and create efficient data applications powered by enhanced functionalities and custom plugins.By the end of this Elasticsearch cookbook, you'll have gained in-depth knowledge of implementing the Elasticsearch architecture and be able to manage, search, and store data efficiently and effectively using Elasticsearch.
Java EE is one of the most popular tools for enterprise application design and development. With recent changes to Java EE 8 specifications, Java EE application development has become a lot simpler with the new specifications, some of which compete with the existing specifications. This guide provides a complete overview of developing highly performant, robust and secure enterprise applications with Java EE with Eclipse.The book begins by exploring different Java EE technologies and how to use them (JSP, JSF, JPA, JDBC, EJB, and more), along with suitable technologies for different scenarios. You will learn how to set up the development environment for Java EE applications and understand Java EE specifications in detail, with an emphasis on examples. The book takes you through deployment of an application in Tomcat, GlassFish Servers, and also in the cloud. It goes beyond the basics and covers topics like debugging, testing, deployment, and securing your Java EE applications. You'll also get to know techniques to develop cloud-ready microservices in Java EE.
Making sure that your application runs across different systems as intended is quickly becoming a standard development requirement. With Docker, you can ensure that what you build will behave the way you expect it to, regardless of where it's deployed. By guiding you through Docker from start to finish (from installation, to the Docker Registry, all the way through to working with Docker Swarms), we’ll equip you with the skills you need to migrate your workflow to Docker with complete confidence.
Krishnaswamy Venkataraman, Anindita Basak, Ryan Murphy, Manpreet Singh
Microsoft Azure is a very popular cloud computing service used by many organizations around the world. Its latest analytics offering, Stream Analytics, allows you to process and get actionable insights from different kinds of data in real-time. This book is your guide to understanding the basics of how Azure Stream Analytics works, and building your own analytics solution using its capabilities. You will start with understanding what Stream Analytics is, and why it is a popular choice for getting real-time insights from data. Then, you will be introduced to Azure Stream Analytics, and see how you can use the tools and functions in Azure to develop your own Streaming Analytics. Over the course of the book, you will be given comparative analytic guidance on using Azure Streaming with other Microsoft Data Platform resources such as Big Data Lambda Architecture integration for real time data analysis and differences of scenarios for architecture designing with Azure HDInsight Hadoop clusters with Storm or Stream Analytics. The book also shows you how you can manage, monitor, and scale your solution for optimal performance.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed in using Azure Stream Analytics to develop an efficient analytics solution that can work with any type of data.
Non-functional Requirements are key to any software/IT program and cannot beoverlooked or ignored. This book provides a comprehensive approach to the analysis,architecture, and measurement of NFRs. It includes considerations for bespoke Java, .NET, and COTS applications that are applicable to IT applications/systems indifferent domains.The book outlines the methodology for capturing the NFRs and also describes aframework that can be leveraged by analysts and architects for tackling NFRs for variousengagements.This book starts off by explaining the various KPIs, taxonomies, and methods foridentifying NFRs. Learn the design guidelines for architecting applications and systemsrelating to NFRs and design principles to achieve the desired outcome. We will then move on to various key tiers/layers and patterns pertaining to the business, database, and integrating tiers. After this, we will dive deep into the topics pertaining to techniques related to monitoring and measurement of NFRs, such as sizing, analytical modeling, and quality assurance. Lastly, we end the book by describing some pivotal NFRs and checklists for the softwarequality attributes related to the business, application, data, and infrastructuredomains.
Unity 2017 Game Optimization. Optimize all aspects of Unity performance - Second Edition
Unity is an awesome game development engine. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike.This book shows you how to make your games fly with the recent version of Unity 2017, and demonstrates that high performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets.Since nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience, the book starts by explaining how to use the Unity Profiler to detect problems. You will learn how to use stopwatches, timers and logging methods to diagnose the problem. You will then explore techniques to improve performance through better programming practices. Moving on, you will then learn about Unity’s built-in batching processes; when they can be used to improve performance, and their limitations. Next, you will import your art assets using minimal space, CPU and memory at runtime, and discover some underused features and approaches for managing asset data. You will also improve graphics, particle system and shader performance with a series of tips and tricks to make the most of GPU parallel processing. You will then delve into the fundamental layers of the Unity3D engine to discuss some issues that may be difficult to understand without a strong knowledge of its inner-workings. The book also introduces you to the critical performance problems for VR projects and how to tackle them.By the end of the book, you will have learned to improve the development workflow by properly organizing assets and ways to instantiate assets as quickly and waste-free as possible via object pooling.
Practical Business Intelligence. Optimize Business Intelligence for Efficient Data Analysis
Business Intelligence (BI) is at the crux of revolutionizing enterprise. Everyone wants to minimize losses and maximize profits. Thanks to Big Data and improved methodologies to analyze data, Data Analysts and Data Scientists are increasingly using data to make informed decisions. Just knowing how to analyze data is not enough, you need to start thinking how to use data as a business asset and then perform the right analysis to build an insightful BI solution. Efficient BI strives to achieve the automation of data for ease of reporting and analysis. Through this book, you will develop the ability to think along the right lines and use more than one tool to perform analysis depending on the needs of your business. We start off by preparing you for data analytics. We then move on to teach you a range of techniques to fetch important information from various databases, which can be used to optimize your business.The book aims to provide a full end-to-end solution for an environment setup that can help you make informed business decisions and deliver efficient and automated BI solutions to any company.It is a complete guide for implementing Business intelligence with the help of the most powerful tools like D3.js, R, Tableau, Qlikview and Python that are available on the market.
UNMESH GUNDECHA, Satya Avasarala
Selenium WebDriver is an open source automation tool implemented through a browser-specific driver, which sends commands to a browser and retrieves results. The latest version of Selenium 3 brings with it a lot of new features that change the way you use and setup Selenium WebDriver. This book covers all those features along with the source code, including a demo website that allows you to work with an HMTL5 application and other examples throughout the book.Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide will walk you through the various APIs of Selenium WebDriver, which are used in automation tests, followed by a discussion of the various WebDriver implementations available. You will learn to strategize and handle rich web UI using advanced WebDriver API along with real-time challenges faced in WebDriver and solutions to handle them. You will discover different types and domains of testing such as cross-browser testing, load testing, and mobile testing with Selenium. Finally, you will also be introduced to data-driven testing using TestNG to create your own automation framework.By the end of this book, you will be able to select any web application and automate it the way you want.
Ben Shaw, Saurabh Badhwar, Chris Guest, Bharath Chandra K S
Do you want to develop reliable and secure applications that stand out from the crowd without spending hours on boilerplate code? You’ve made the right choice trusting the Django framework, and this book will tell you why. Often referred to as a “batteries included” web development framework, Django comes with all the core features needed to build a standalone application. Web Development with Django will take you through all the essential concepts and help you explore its power to build real-world applications using Python.Throughout the book, you’ll get the grips with the major features of Django by building a website called Bookr – a repository for book reviews. This end-to-end case study is split into a series of bitesize projects presented as exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. As you advance, you'll acquire various practical skills, including how to serve static files to add CSS, JavaScript, and images to your application, how to implement forms to accept user input, and how to manage sessions to ensure a reliable user experience. You’ll cover everyday tasks that are part of the development cycle of a real-world web application.By the end of this Django book, you'll have the skills and confidence to creatively develop and deploy your own projects.
Design patterns are critical armor for every developer to build maintainable apps. TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices is a one-stop guide to help you learn design patterns and practices to develop scalable TypeScript applications. It will also serve as handy documentation for future maintainers. This book takes a hands-on approach to help you get up and running with the implementation of TypeScript design patterns and associated methodologies for writing testable code. You'll start by exploring the practical aspects of TypeScript 4 and its new features. The book will then take you through the traditional gang of four (GOF) design patterns in their classic and alternative form and show you how to use them in real-world development projects. Once you've got to grips with traditional design patterns, you'll advance to learning about their functional programming and reactive programming counterparts and how to couple them to deliver better and more idiomatic TypeScript code.By the end of this TypeScript book, you'll be able to efficiently recognize when and how to use the right design patterns in any practical use case and gain the confidence to work on scalable and maintainable TypeScript projects of any size.
The updated edition of Applying Math with Python will help you solve complex problems in a wide variety of mathematical fields in simple and efficient ways. Old recipes have been revised for new libraries and several recipes have been added to demonstrate new tools such as JAX.You'll start by refreshing your knowledge of several core mathematical fields and learn about packages covered in Python's scientific stack, including NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. As you progress, you'll gradually get to grips with more advanced topics of calculus, probability, and networks (graph theory). Once you’ve developed a solid base in these topics, you’ll have the confidence to set out on math adventures with Python as you explore Python's applications in data science and statistics, forecasting, geometry, and optimization. The final chapters will take you through a collection of miscellaneous problems, including working with specific data formats and accelerating code.By the end of this book, you'll have an arsenal of practical coding solutions that can be used and modified to solve a wide range of practical problems in computational mathematics and data science.
The MS-102: Microsoft 365 Administrator Exam Guide is meticulously crafted to empower readers with practical insights, starting with the essentials of provisioning a Microsoft 365 tenant, configuring identity synchronization and secure access, and deploying key Microsoft 365 Defender components.The book's purpose is clear—to guide professionals through the complexities of the MS-102 exam, ensuring not just exam success but mastery of the subject matter. This comprehensive exam guide comes with lifetime access to supplementary resources on an online platform, including flashcards, mock exams, and exam tips from experts. With unlimited access to the website, you'll have the flexibility to practice as many times as you desire, maximizing your exam readiness.As you progress through each chapter, the book unveils the layers of Microsoft 365 workloads, equipping you with the skills to manage role-based administration, deploy identity synchronization using Entra ID Connect, implement modern authentication methods, manage secure access through Conditional Access policies, and analyze security threats using Microsoft 365 Defender.By the end of this book, you'll have the proficiency to implement data loss prevention, configure information and data protection features, and approach the MS-102 exam with confidence.