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Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas

Zane Grey

Zain Gray, the master of the discovery of Americas old West, was a passionate fisherman. He was fishing for 300 days! This collection, first published in 1925, describes its fishing adventures in exotic locations throughout the Pacific. Illustrated by more than 100 photographs from a private collection of the author. These stories give rise to the passion that Gray felt like the first man to swim so much from the Galapagos Islands to Cabo San Lucas, and also the first to catch and document many new fish species. No story lover about Zane Gray will want to miss these real adventures.


Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa (Tom 15). Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa. Tom 15: Miłosny szał króla złodziei


Sherlock Holmes to jeden z tych bohaterów popkultury, którego nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba. Miłosny szał króla złodziei to jedno z wielu nieautoryzowanych przez Arthura Conan Doylea opowiadań o przygodach legendarnego londyńskiego detektywa i jego ucznia Harryego Taxona. Holmes rozwiązuje kryminalną zagadkę, nie tylko wykorzystując swoje niezwykłe talenty w dziedzinie dedukcji i szeroką wiedzę z zakresu chemii i psychologii, lecz także bezpośrednio stawiając czoła przemocy przy użyciu... pięści. Zagadkowe morderstwa, tajemnicze zaginięcia, zuchwałe kradzieże sprawiają, że czytelnik poczuje, że jest otoczony przez wszechogarniające zło.


The Wheels of Chance

Herbert George Wells

This novel is a great document illustrating the anticipation of comings of the 20th century. This early H.G. Wells tale is about a 20 year old man who has a job as a Drapers Assistant, a job which he is probably too old for. Loaded with poor self esteem and a second class status, poor Mr. Hoopdriver takes a ten day holiday. On this holiday he falls for a young socialite named Jessie who is rebelling against her stepmother and society. She soon falls prey to a married man that had designs on compromising her but the hero Mr. Hoopdriver comes like a knight in shining armor, to her rescue. The Wheels of Chance A Bicycling Idyll follows the adventures of a Drapers Assistant who, having brought an ancient bicycle, sets off on a 2 week tour of the countryside. And his world will never be the same again.


The Evil Shepherd

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Welcome to 1922 and E. P. Oppenheims The Evil Shepherd. A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Francis Ledsam is a defense barrister and is congratulating himself on a brilliant performance which has just seen Oliver Hilditch acquitted of murder. His ego is pricked by Margaret Hilditch confessing to him that Hilditch was guilty of crimes far more monstrous than murder. Ledsam vows never again to defend a guilty man. But when his newfound principles run up against the harsh reality of real-world justice, he finds himself trapped between his love for a beautiful woman and a powerful desire to do the right thing no matter the cost.


When Rogues Fall Out

R. Austin Freeman

"When Rogues Fall Out incorporates some wonderful conundrums to hoodwink and hinder the cleverest of crime readers. This book contains three interconnected stories. In the first, a respectable collector of antiques falls victim to temptation. In the second a police inspector is found dead in suspicious circumstances in a railway tunnel. This section includes an interesting essay on the early use of fingerprint evidence. The third is a classic locked room mystery where someone has been making use of a sealed room in a remote country house. All three are resolved together in the last few pages. The rogues of the title include three very different men engaged in stealing and fencing high-quality jewelry. One is a working-class robber; one a refined antiques dealer turned fence; and one a mysterious middleman with the appearance of a gentleman.



Leo Tolstoy

This work is about how black stripes always alternate with white. About how a child learns his mind, for the first time experiences one of the most terrible events of his life the death of his mother, about how he first feels one of the most beautiful and bright feelings his first love, about how he feels affection, grief. In the first part, we begin our acquaintance with the family of Nicholas, as well as himself. Here we will see all the joyful and sad events of his childhood, get acquainted with his brothers, parents, grandmother. We will also be able to observe how Nikolai will overcome grievances, tears. We will become his faithful and invisible friend.


The Professor

Charlotte Brontë

Written two years before Jane Eyre, The Professor was Charlotte Brontes first novel and was based on her experiences in Brussels. The story is one of love and doubt, as the hero, William Crimsworth, seeks his fortune as a teacher in Brussels and finds his love for the good Anglo-Swiss girl, Frances Henri, severely tested by the sensuously beguiling and manipulative headmistress, Zoroade Reuter. On the other hand, the social protest sounded distinctly in this novel that is typical for mature works of Charlotte Bronte. In particular, this protest is expressed in the image of a soulless, prudent businessman, the factory owner Edward Crimsworth who devoided of basic humanity in dealing with workers and their families.



Władysław Stanisław Reymont

Akcja tej powieści grozy rozgrywa się na początku XX wieku w Londynie. Zenon główna postać utworu jest emigrantem z Polski. Odnosi sukcesy literackie. Szczęści mu się także w życiu osobistym. Właśnie zaręczył się z piękną Betsy. Jego życie komplikuje się niespodziewanie w momencie, gdy za namową przyjaciela postanawia pójść na seans spirytystyczny. Tajemny świat okultyzmu wciąga go bardzo szybko. Podczas jednego z seansów poznaje hinduskiego guru oraz piękną i tajemniczą Daisy. Zafascynowany rudowłosą pięknością coraz bardziej ulega jej urokowi. Za jej pośrednictwem kontaktuje się z duchami oraz staje się świadkiem satanistycznych rytuałów. Jego sytuacja jeszcze bardziej się komplikuje, gdy do Londynu przybywa dawna jego ukochana Ada. Wampir to powieść niepokojąca, pełna zjawisk paranormalnych. Znakomicie oddaje ducha tej pełnej spirytyzmu epoki. Jest również świadectwem głębokiego zainteresowaniu pisarza okultyzmem.


Black Light

Talbot Mundy

Madame Rosika Storey was one of the most celebrated fictional female private investigators during the Golden Age of the mystery (1920-40). The Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection calls her, a stunningly beautiful young woman who describes herself as a practical psychologist specializing in the feminine. This one is the best private detective of England, but her stories are international. Her way to resolve the mystery is original and bring you in a new world. So we are introduced to the fascinating Madame Rosika Storey, fearless and intelligent, who plays cat-and-mouse with killers, goes undercover to break up criminal gangs, and unravels deadly mysteries.


The Black Arrow. A Tale of the Two Roses

Robert Louis Stevenson

Readers are invited to one of the writers best novels, The Black Arrow. The exciting adventures of his heroes take place in the heroic times of the war of the Scarlet and White Roses. The brilliantly twisted plot is replete with everything necessary: terrible secrets, courageous love, uncompromising valor and unexpected outcomes have been attracting readers of all ages for many years.The mystery of the gloomy Tanstoll forest and deadly black arrows can captivate even the most fastidious lover of adventure literature.



Eliza Orzeszkowa

Dziurdiowie to powieść o ludziach, którzy za sprawą przesądów, głupoty i wiary w zabobony dopuszczają się samosądów, krzywdząc przy tym niewinnych ludzi. Wszystko to opisane w konwencji mrocznego kryminału, od którego nie sposób się oderwać.


A Royal Wrong

Fred M. White

A story that quite often happens in the modern world. Dorchester Gardens were filled with guests gathered in honour of the engagement between Lady Letty and Stephen Du Cros, the South African millionaire. Of course, it was a marriage of convenience they all admitted. Earl, her father, was in need of money.



Thorne Smith

Thorne Smith best-remembered for humorous novels, many turning on some fantastic plot device which thrusts the protagonist into grotesque predicaments, often via unwitting transformation. The 1926 publication of Topper brought the author immediate acclaim. Elegant, fun-loving George and Marion Kerby are the toast of the town, until they wreck their flashy car and discover theyve become, well, ghosts. Making the best of a bad situation, they decide that being dead is the perfect opportunity to liven up stuffy Cosmo Topper. The capricious ghosts make it their mission to rescue the law-abiding, mild-mannered bank manager from the staid summer of suburban Sundays that is his life. With their ectoplasmic reappearances and whimsically insane actions, they leave Topper, and anyone else who crosses their path, in a whirlwind of discomfiture and delight.


A Study in Scarlet. Illustrated Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Richard Gutschmidt, a famous German painter, book illustrator and graphic artist. A Study in Scarlet is the first Sherlock Holmes book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Dr John H. Watson meets the great detective Sherlock Holmes and together they solve a case of murder, in which Watson is amazed at Holmes science of deduction. The only clues are a wedding ring, a gold watch, a pocket edition of Boccaccios Decameron, and a word scrawled in blood on the wall.



George Sand

Ceci est un roman historique. Les événements tournent autour de trois gars. Laccent est mis sur les pirates qui ont navigué en Croatie, o les événements vont se dérouler. Cette histoire sera appréciée par les lecteurs de tout âge. Ils trouveront quelque chose de nouveau et dintéressant pour eux-mmes.


Śmierć urzędnika i inne opowiadania

Antoni Czechow

Śmierć urzędnika i inne opowiadania to książka wybitnego rosyjskiego pisarza drugiej połowy XIX wieku, w których carska Rosja została przedstawiona w krzywym zwierciadle humoru podszytego ironią i sarkazmem. Choć jest to XIX-wieczna Rosja, to jednak tematy są uniwersalne. Czechow śmieje się z rozbudowanej biurokracji regulującej każdą sferę życia Rosjan. Drwi zwłaszcza z tych swoich rodaków, którzy tworzą urzędniczą machinę, a sami nie potrafią podjąć samodzielnie żadnej decyzji. I chociaż przedstawione typy ludzkie są często przerysowane, nie na tyle jednak, żeby nie móc wyobrazić ich sobie w realnym życiu. W tomie znalazły się następujące opowiadania: Śmierć urzędnika, Bezbronna istota, Przesolił, Po ciemku, Córa Albionu, Potwarz, Szczęśliwy, Dyrektor pod kanapą. Zakulisowa historia, Damy, Wańka, Malcy, W razurze, Dramat, Wykrzyknik, Nie udało się, Długi język, Złoczyńca, Zemsta, Order, Podrzutek, Dzieło sztuki, Szydło w worku, W biurze pocztowym, W złym humorze, Zagadkowa natura, Kameleon, Żarcik, Syrena, Aptekarzowa.