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Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum

Jules Verne

Deux villes sont construites sur Gokol, propriété de Googum, veuve du plus riche rajah indien, en Amérique, en Oregon, létat de largent, la belle Francesville et le sinistre Stalstadt. Le souverain de Stalstadt, le misanthrope Schulze, rve de détruire Franseville et son fondateur, le Dr Sarazen, et commence se préparer la guerre.


The Eyes of Max Carrados

Ernest Bramah

Short mysteries involving the blind detective Carrados. Max Carrados is one of the most unusual detectives in all fiction. He is blind and yet he has developed his other faculties to such an amazing degree that they more than compensate for his lack of sight. The Eyes of Max Carrados opens with a somewhat defensive essay which chronicles astonishing feats of the blind. Carrados himself outdoes them all and perhaps combines a few too many amazing abilities for real conviction. Here is a collection of the best of Max Carrados, a set of stories featuring a series of baffling puzzles to challenge the greatest of detectives. They are written by Ernest Bramah with great wit, style and panache.


Homo Sum

Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

Georg Ebers was one of the first who decided to popularize Egyptian knowledge through historical novels. So, for example, the Historical novel Homo sum is dedicated to the birth of the institution of monasticism in the depths of the Christian communities of Egypt and Syria. Unlike other novels of Georg Ebers, in this we find the life and customs of the Egyptian people. This novel is not inferior to others, even surpasses the knowledge of the people of Egypt.


Temple Tower

H.C. McNeile

One of the men is Captain Hugh Bulldog Drummond an officer with a strong desire for adventures. His friend, Peter, who tells this exciting story about a man who fears his life and desperately needs the help of a friend to penetrate the sinister Temple Tower. The author, as always makes an interesting story. The plot is full of dynamics actions.


Zagłoba swatem. Komedia w jednym akcie

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Henryk Sienkiewicz to nie tylko autor niezapomnianych powieści i nowel, lecz także twórca sztuk scenicznych. Jednym z najpopularniejszych utworów jest komedia Zagłoba swatem. Autor napisał ją na 25-lecie swojej pracy twórczej. Wystawiono ją w 1900 r. równocześnie w czterech miastach: Warszawie, Lwowie, Poznaniu i Krakowie. Zgodnie z tytułem fabuła komedii osnuta jest na wątkach miłosnych. Panna Zosia, córka Oliwiusa, nie otrzymuje zgody na małżeństwo z żołnierzem Janem Zarembą. I tu wkracza do akcji imć pan Zagłoba, którego fortel sprawia, że komedia może zwać się komedią, panna Zosia zaś panną być przestanie.


The House of the Whispering Pines

Anna Katharine Green

When a woman is found dead at The Whispering Pines, not only is everyone shocked, but murder is suspected. After all, why would such a well liked young lady put an end to things, or why would anyone want to do away with her? Her vagabond of a brother is suspected, since he has every cause to wish her out of the picture. Her fiancée Elwood Ranelagh also is suspected since he no longer wished to marry her but her sister. So perplexing is the case that the local authorities call in an ace detective from the New York City police force. Sweetwaters with his weak chin and protruding nose impresses no one, until he begins uncovering disturbing new evidence. Published in 1910, this is a good old-fashioned mystery from the Golden Era of the country house genre.


Обломов (Obłomow)

Iwan Aleksandrowicz Gonczarow, Иван Александрович Гончаров

Роман «Обломов» Гончарова входит в трилогию с двумя другими произведениями Гончарова 2013 «Обрыв» и «Обыкновенная история». В романе автор выводит важную для того время проблему российского общества 2013 «обломовщину», сделав имя главного героя Ильи Обломова нарицательным. Что такое «обломовщина»? Это определенный образ жизни, пассивная жизненная позиция, ничегонеделание, каждодневное лежание на диване, апатия.. Эта проблема актуальна и в нынешнее время. Человек, страдающий обломовщиной, может быть по сути своей умным, образованным и добрейшим человеком, но все устремления и желания его пропадут втуне. А ведь все могло сложиться по-другому... История неудавшейся карьеры, не сбывшейся любви, упущенных возможностей, но при этом, как ни странно, история жизни вполне счастливого, по собственному мнению, человека. Данное произведение многих читателей побуждает серьезно задуматься и, возможно, пересмотреть свою жизненную позицию.


Pcheur dIslande

Pierre Loti

Laction se déroule en Bretagne, dans la ville de Pempol, ainsi que sur des navires au large des côtes islandaises. Le fond est la vie des Islandais des pcheurs bretons quittant la mer chaque année pour pcher et de leurs familles: les vacances dhiver sont remplacées par les attentes et les angoisses de lété. Le roman est consacré lhistoire damour des bretones Year Mevel au pcheur Jan Gaos. Héritiere relativement riche, elle fait partie de sa vie parisienne et a été rejetée pour la premiere fois par Jan, une pauvre pcheuse qui vit avec ses parents et gagne sa vie en pchant la morue chaque printemps sur les dangereuses côtes de lIslande.


The Steward

Edgar Wallace

This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1932. Wallace was an extremely prolific writer who wrote over 175 novels, plus numerous plays, essays and journalistic articles. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible. Many of his novels were made into films and TV dramas. The Steward is a collection of short stories that include The left Pass, The Little Baroness, Solo and the Lady, and many more. The stories are fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read and definitely a product of their time and place.


Frank Merriwells Athletes

Burt L. Standish

The main character shows that in athletics, strength and skill win, regardless of money or family; it so happened that the poorest person at the university became a demonstration of becoming an idol for all young people. This story proves that in spite of its origin or on the income of its family. You can still achieve everything in this life. The main thing to believe in it.


Fruits of Culture. A Comedy in Four Acts

Leo Tolstoy

In the morning, men from the Kursk province arrive at the Zvezdintsevs house. Their appearance alarms the valet Fyodor Ivanovich, he tries to send uninvited guests to the courtyard, but the maid Tanya intervenes for the walkers: the peasants are her countrymen, in addition, one of them is the father of the barman Semyon, with whom the girl intends to associate fate. When Tanya finds out that the master refuses to sign an agreement on the sale of land, a cunning plan matures in her head.


Kapitan Czart. Przygody Cyrana de Bergerac

Louis Gallet

Ekscytujące przygody Cyrana de Bergerac, czyli Kapitana Czarta, rozgrywają się w dawnym Paryżu. Składa się na nie skomplikowana intryga miłosna, towarzyszące jej perypetie oraz tajemnice, których wyjawienie przesądzi o losie bohaterów. W tle bujne i kolorowe życie paryskich ulic, tłocznych, rozbrzmiewających muzyką, ubarwionych występami teatrów ulicznych.


Prester John

John Buchan

South Africa, 1900. After his father dies, nineteen-year-old David Crawfurd is sent off to South Africa to earn his living as a storekeeper in the back of beyond. A strange encounter on the journey suggests that dark deeds and treacherous intrigues are afoot all bound up with the mysterious primeval kingdom of Prester John. Laputa is a charismatic leader of an incipient native uprising, secretly preaching the incendiary creed of Africa for the Africans, and proclaiming himself heir to the mantle of Prester John, a legendary 15th-century Christian king of Ethiopia. We participate in many thrilling adventure chases in the wild country, deal with nasty villains, narrow escapes, impossible climbs up rock walks, a secret cave of massive proportions with a hidden switch to open a boulder door, stores of diamonds to fund the uprising, a valuable and ancient ruby necklace and the courageous love of a gigantic dog.


XYZ. A Detective Story

Anna Katharine Green

A brief early American detective novella written in 1883 by Anna Katharine Green that tells the story of a detective who arrives in a small town in Massachusetts in an attempt to investigate counterfeiters possibly connected to a series of mysterious letters addressed only to X Y Z. While he is questioning the postmaster, he learns of the Benson family and their super secretive lifestyle. They are rich and reclusive. The detective feels there is something amiss and switches his investigation to them the letters and counterfeiting is dropped. That eventuates in murder. He steps into the very shoes of the person being framed for the crime, with some interesting results.


Bunner Sisters

Edith Wharton

Originally published in 1916, but actually written in 1890, Bunner Sisters is a compelling, heartbreaking little novella about two sisters, who have never been apart, struggling to eek an existence as small shopkeepers on the margins of late nineteenth-century society in New York. They barely make enough money to live on. But when Ann Eliza the elder buys Evelina the younger a clock that does not work for her birthday, the sisters commence a relationship with Herbert Ramy, who operates a queer little shop, setting in motion a series of events that will prove to be everyones undoing. Edith Wharton provides a vivid description of the life of shop keepers and their friends in the poorer urban areas of New York City.


A House to Let

Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Elizabeth Gaskell, Adelaide Ann Procter

A House to Let is a novella originally published in 1858 by Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Elizabeth Gaskell and Adelaide Anne Procter. Each of the contributors wrote a chapter (stories within a story, and in the case of Adelaide Anne Procter, as a story in verse) and the whole was edited by Dickens, making it fit together seamlessly as a whole. This novella is a composite tale of mystery and intrigue set amid the dark streets of Victorian London. It is about a house that has remained vacant for several years which as come to the notice of an elderly woman named Sophonisba. She wants to know why the house is vacant, which is what the various chapters set out to explain, through the histories of various tenants. A House of Let is a seriously underrated novella that captures the mystery and humor of a fabulous story of bygone days.