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Charles the Second

Jacob Abbott

Charles the Second is the story of Prince Charles, who, after his fathers death, came to the throne. In a sense, this is a continuation of the book Charles the First. However, we watch the fate of the newly-made ruler, who is being pursued by his fathers misfortunes. Charles the Second had a difficult fate, he even had to flee the country.


The Day of the Beast

Zane Grey

The Day of the Beast is the story of Daren Lane and hundreds of thousands like him in the years immediately after the conclusion of WWI, disabled soldiers returning home to an America that simply didnt want to be reminded of what just took place. His fiancée has forgotten him, his job has been filled, and his poor health is failing quickly. But Lane is not one to be kept down, and with the true love of a strong woman, Lane will overcome every tragedy. It is set in Middletown USA. Zane Gray (1875-1939), master storyteller of the frontier and the outdoors, in The Day of the Beast gives tribute to the unsung heroes of the Great War.


Trzaska i Zbroja

Antonina Domańska

Powieść historyczna Antoniny Domańskiej rozgrywająca się w końcu XIV wieku za panowania Kazimierza Wielkiego. Powieść ukazuje mądrą politykę zagraniczną i sprawiedliwe rządy wewnętrzne ostatniego z Piastów, któremu wdzięczna pamięć ludu nadała miano króla chłopów. Pisarka w sposób bardzo interesujący i trafiający do wyobraźni opisuje historyczną rzeczywistość i łączy ją z fikcyjnymi zdarzeniami. Dzięki wartkiej akcji, starannie odtwarzającej przeszłość, mamy wrażenie niejako przeniesienia się do tamtych odległych czasów. Zasługą pisarki jest też wzbogacanie utworu wątkami sensacyjnymi.



Juliusz Słowacki

Poemat Juliusza Słowackiego wyrażający pesymistyczną wizję działań polskiej emigracji po klęsce postania listopadowego i jej walki o niepodległość. Uważa się, że poemat stanowił odpowiedź na Księgi narodu i pielgrzymstwa polskiego Adama Mickiewicza, do których nawiązuje stylistycznie. W utworze przedstawiono wędrówkę Anhellego po Syberii białym piekle polskich zesłańców.


The Squeaker

Edgar Wallace

The Squeaker is a piece of early crime writing by author Edgar Wallace, first published in 1927. This novel is a traditional mystery, featuring some crooks and some policemen, a mysterious villain, a lovely girl and a plot with many twists. It is the thrilling story of a group of London jewel thieves and the company they keep. The title character is an omnipotent fence who has cornered the diamond-smuggling racket. The fence travels in polite society under the guise of a wealthy philanthropist. A Scotland Yard detective pretends to be an ex-convict in order to infiltrate the Squeakers gang and to track down the stolen gems. An entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue in Londons underworld, this volume constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime fiction.


Mr. Meesons Will

H. Rider Haggard

Haggards story about greed and selfishness. This is the story of the dastardly Mr. Meeson, the rich owner of the publishing house. The only brave human who wants to stop his atrocities is Augusta. However, he leaves a mark on her spine before death, which leads further to battle.


Two Little Women and Treasure House

Carolyn Wells

A thrilling tale for younger ladies who love mysteries by Carolyn Wells. When Dotty Rose moves into the house next door to Dolly Fayre, the two 14 year old girls quickly become friends. We follow them through many of their adventures as they finish 8th grade and start high school. Table of contents: Two Little Women, Two Little Women and Treasure House, Two Little Women on a Holiday. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American writer and poet. She is known for her Patty Fairfield series of novels for young girls. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on childrens books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre. This is a little thriller, sure to please!


The Broken Thread

William Le Queux

On this particular morning, about ten oclock, the seafront was already full of men in flannels and lounge-suits, and women in garments of muslin and other such flimsy materials usually affected at the seaside, for stifled and jaded Londoners had flocked down there, as usual, to enjoy the sea air and all the varied attractions which Southport never fails to offer.


Michel Strogoff

Jules Verne, Jules Verne

Le héros du roman, le courrier Mikhail Strogov, sur les instructions de lempereur, entreprend un long voyage de Moscou Irkoutsk travers toute la Sibérie, englouti dans le soulevement des Tatars, pour sauver le frere du roi. Le voyage extraordinaire Irkoutsk, créé par le fantasme dun romancier français, sest avéré si fascinant que la mode pour tout ce qui est russe est apparue en France et que plusieurs générations lisaient ce livre.


The Metal Monster

Otis Adelbert Kline

Originally published in 1931, The Metal Monster is a classic science-fiction novel by Otis Adelbert Kline (1891-1946), best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mar. When the most powerful artillery, deadly bacteria and explosives known, and the most destructive methods available fail to be effective against some enemys unknown weapon of war, it is time, very frequently, to turn to some simple means of combat and attack. Paradoxically, though, it is the simple thing that is so difficult to hit upon. In fact, like some of the greatest discoveries and inventions, the most destructive chemical solutions are often discovered by sheer accident. For instance, who could ever have thought purposefully of the chemical that was finally adopted by the hero of this story?


Tajemnice Krakowa

Michał Bałucki

Powieść z początków twórczości Michała Bałuckiego. Autor przedstawia w utworze swoje miasto rodzinne i jego mieszkańców. Skupia się głównie na charakterystyce mieszczan ukochanego Krakowa.


Pogrobek. Powieść z czasów przemysławowskich

Józef Ignacy Kraszewski

Akcja powieści toczy się podczas rozbicia dzielnicowego Polski. Fabuła skupia się wokół postaci Przemysława Wielkopolskiego. Kraszewski opisuje dzieje małżeństwa króla z Ludgardą księżniczką szczecińską. W tle powieści autor ukazuje sytuację polityczną Polski, jednak na pierwszy plan wysuwa nieszczęśliwy związek władcy, zakończony śmiercią Ludgardy. Do śmierci kobiety, poprzez nieumiejętnie dobrane słowa, przyczynił się sam małżonek.


Better Dead

J.M. Barrie

Scottish-born author and playwright Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM (9 May 1860 19 June 1937) first established himself in the public eye as a writer of childrens books and humorous plays. He is best remembered for creating Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up, whom he based on his friends, the Llewelyn Davies boys. According to historians of Barries life and work, Better Dead is one of his earliest pieces, it is a novel about the challenges of finding ones place in the world. It combines sly humor with a compelling plot with elements of mystery and romance. The main character Andrew is a young Scotsman who heads to London after university because the job prospects are so poor back home. He finds himself as a probationary member of a secret society which engages in the murder of those in society it deems would be, as the title suggests, Better Dead.


Dick Merriwell Abroad

Burt L. Standish

Dick Merriwell Abroad is a book about the exciting adventures of a young guy. He did not just set off on adventures, but discovered the world from a new side. The main character is bold and persistent, since he went abroad without a doubt. This book will appeal to everyone, especially adventure hunters.


Sandi the Kingmaker

Edgar Wallace

Colonial adventures in a 6 volume collection set on the Dark Continent. Sanders and Co. return to Africa (following the events in Bones in London) to bring the old Kings country under the Union Jack and to try and find what has happened to a missionary and his daughter. It is written in a delightfully humorous style. Sandi, the King-maker among other novels by Edgar Wallace conveys the paternal attitude that Englands officials felt toward the native tribes of Africa. Part of his famous African novels (Sanders of the River series), this volume is highly recommended for those who have read and enjoyed others in the series, and it would make for a worthy addition to any collection.


A Crime on Canvas

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White has written many novels or short stories, many related to London. Modest stories in his spirit. A Clue in Wax is a simple, kind story. The story that even in a dark London place a bright life can occur.