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Web development
Learning ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET. Build a GIS app Using ArcGIS Runtime SDK
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) that enables you to work with maps and geographic information. It can be used to create and utilize maps, compile geographic data, analyze mapped information, share and discover geographic information and manage geographic information in a database.This book starts by showing you where ArcGIS Runtime fits within Esri’s overall platform strategy. You'll create an initial map using the SDK, then use it to get an understanding of the MVVM model. You'll find out about the different kinds of layers and start adding layers, and you'll learn to transform maps into a 3D scene. The next chapters will help you comprehend and extract information contained in the maps using co-ordinates and layer objects. Towards the end, you will learn to set the symbology, decide whether to use 2D or 3D, see how to implement 2D or 3D, and learn to search and find objects. You'll also get to grips with many other standard features of the Application Programming Interface (API), including create applications and finally testing, licensing, and deploying them. Once completed, you will be able to meet most of the common requirements of any mapping application for desktop or mobile platforms.
Implementing different search engines on web products is a mandate these days. Apache Solr is a robust search engine, but simply implementing Apache Solr and forgetting about it is not a good idea, especially when you have to fight for the search ranking of your web product. In such a scenario, you need to keep monitoring, administrating, and optimizing your Solr to retain your ranking.Administrating Solr is a practical, hands-on guide. This book will provide you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises and some advanced concepts which will help you administrate, monitor, and optimize Solr using Drupal and associated scripts. Administrating Solr will also provide you with a solid grounding on how you can use Apache Solr with Drupal.Administrating Solr starts with an overview of Apache Solr and the installation process to get you familiar with Solr. It then gradually moves on to discuss the mysteries that make Solr flexible enough to render appropriate search results in different scenarios. This book will take you through clear and practical concepts that will help you monitor, administrate, and optimize your Solr appropriately using both scripts and tools. This book will also teach you ways to query your search and methods to keep your Solr healthy and well maintained. With this book, you will learn how to effectively implement and optimize Solr using Drupal.
In C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development, Fourth Edition, expert teacher Mark J. Price gives you everything you need to start programming C# applications.This latest edition uses the popular Visual Studio Code editor to work across all major operating systems. It is fully updated and expanded with new chapters on Content Management Systems (CMS) and machine learning with ML.NET.The book covers all the topics you need. Part 1 teaches the fundamentals of C#, including object-oriented programming, and new C# 8.0 features such as nullable reference types, simplified switch pattern matching, and default interface methods. Part 2 covers the .NET Standard APIs, such as managing and querying data, monitoring and improving performance, working with the filesystem, async streams, serialization, and encryption. Part 3 provides examples of cross-platform applications you can build and deploy, such as web apps using ASP.NET Core or mobile apps using Xamarin.Forms. The book introduces three technologies for building Windows desktop applications including Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, as well as web applications, web services, and mobile apps.
Network Automation Cookbook is designed to help system administrators, network engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers to centrally manage switches, routers, and other devices in their organization's network. This book will help you gain hands-on experience in automating enterprise networks and take you through core network automation techniques using the latest version of Ansible and Python. With the help of practical recipes, you'll learn how to build a network infrastructure that can be easily managed and updated as it scales through a large number of devices. You'll also cover topics related to security automation and get to grips with essential techniques to maintain network robustness. As you make progress, the book will show you how to automate networks on public cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure. Finally, you will get up and running with Ansible 2.9 and discover troubleshooting techniques and network automation best practices. By the end of this book, you'll be able to use Ansible to automate modern network devices and integrate third-party tools such as NAPALM, NetBox, and Batfish easily to build robust network automation solutions.
Drupal 8: Enterprise Web Development. Build, manage, extend, and customize Drupal 8 websites
Matt Glaman, Richard Jones, Chaz Chumley, Nick Abbott
This Drupal 8 course takes you through the journey of building, extending, and customizing websites to build highly scalable and enterprise-ready websites.The first part—Learning Drupal 8—takes you step by step through building a Drupal 8 website. You will start with the basics, such as setting up a local “stack” development environment and installing your first Drupal 8 site, then we move on to image and media handling and extending Drupal modules. This section will help you get to grips with the modular nature of Drupal, and you’ll learn how to extend it by adding new functionalities to create your new modules. After learning to develop and manage a modern and responsive website using Drupal 8, you’ll start exploring different techniques to take advantage of the new Drupal 8 features. The next module—Drupal 8 Development Cookbook—is your go-to guide to experimenting with all of Drupal 8’s features through helpful recipes. You will explore techniques to customize and configure the Drupal environment, create blocks and custom modules, as well as make your web apps responsive by harnessing the mobile-first feature of Drupal 8. This module will also show you how to incorporate multilingual facilities in your sites, use web services and third-party plugins with your applications from inside Drupal 8, and test and deploy your apps. In the third part—Drupal 8 Theming with Twig—you will master Drupal 8’s new Twig templating engine to customize the look and feel of your website. This section will walk you through a real-world project to create a Twig theme from concept to completion while adopting best practices to implement CSS frameworks and JavaScript libraries. You will see just how quick and easy it is to create beautiful, responsive Drupal 8 websites while avoiding the common mistakes that many front-end developers make. By the end, you will have learned how to develop, manage, extend, and customize an enterprise-level website.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: • Learning Drupal 8 by Nick Abbott and Richard Jones • Drupal 8 Development Cookbook by Matt Glaman• Drupal 8 Theming with Twig by Chaz Chumley
Gamification with Unity 5.x. Click here to enter text
Are you looking at implementing gamification techniques for your business and wondering where to get a complete rundown of all the tricks and techniques? Well, you have come to the right place!This book will start right from the basics such as gameplay elements and their functionalities before gradually moving onto creating your first gamification project from scratch. You’ll be given the tools and shown how to perform various techniques for creating gamified applications in different contexts. Finally, you will implement various game elements into Unity, publish your own task management application, and get to know the best practices and approaches when designing gamified experiences.
Building a successful real-time strategy game is challenging, because of both the complex mechanics and the need to strike a balance between different elements, ensuring that players enjoy creating and executing strategies against the game's AI.Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023 will teach you how to install and set up the Unity game engine, create a new 3D project, and build a level editor to make it easier to modify and add maps to a game. The RTS game will start to take shape while you learn to implement different core systems such as melee and ranged battles, unit spawners, camera controls, dynamic mapping generation, basic enemy AI, and the pathfinder algorithm. You'll also get to grips with implementing command units to perform actions, crafting and producing resources, basic physics and collision detection, and building an RTS game from scratch using C# and the latest features of the Unity game engine.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to make professional and high-quality end-to-end RTS games using the best practices and techniques from the gaming industry.
Orrin Edenfield, Edward Corcoran
Microsoft Power BI enables organizations to create a data-driven culture with business intelligence for all. This guide to achieving the Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate certification will help you take control of your organization's data and pass the exam with confidence.From getting started with Power BI to connecting to data sources, including files, databases, cloud services, and SaaS providers, to using Power BI’s built-in tools to build data models and produce visualizations, this book will walk you through everything from setup to preparing for the certification exam. Throughout the chapters, you'll get detailed explanations and learn how to analyze your data, prepare it for consumption by business users, and maintain an enterprise environment in a secure and efficient way.By the end of this book, you'll be able to create and maintain robust reports and dashboards, enabling you to manage a data-driven enterprise, and be ready to take the PL-300 exam with confidence.
Alexandre Portela dos Santos, Miguel Loureiro
Deno is a JavaScript and TypeScript runtime with secure defaults and a great developer experience. With Deno Web Development, you'll learn all about Deno's primitives, its principles, and how you can use them to build real-world applications. The book is divided into three main sections: an introduction to Deno, building an API from scratch, and testing and deploying a Deno application.The book starts by getting you up to speed with Deno's runtime and the reason why it was developed. You'll explore some of the concepts introduced by Node, why many of them transitioned into Deno, and why new features were introduced. After understanding Deno and why it was created, you will start to experiment with Deno, exploring the toolchain and writing simple scripts and CLI applications. As you progress to the second section, you will create a simple web application and then add more features to it. This application will evolve from a simple 'hello world' API to a web application connected to the database, with users, authentication, and a JavaScript client. In the third section, the book will take you through topics such as dependency management, configuration and testing, finishing with an application deployed in a cloud environment.By the end of this web development book, you will become comfortable with using Deno to create, maintain, and deploy secure and reliable web applications.
Mastering Mobile Forensics. Develop the capacity to dig deeper into mobile device data acquisition
Mobile forensics presents a real challenge to the forensic community due to the fast and unstoppable changes in technology. This book aims to provide the forensic community an in-depth insight into mobile forensic techniques when it comes to deal with recent smartphones operating systemsStarting with a brief overview of forensic strategies and investigation procedures, you will understand the concepts of file carving, GPS analysis, and string analyzing. You will also see the difference between encryption, encoding, and hashing methods and get to grips with the fundamentals of reverse code engineering. Next, the book will walk you through the iOS, Android and Windows Phone architectures and filesystem, followed by showing you various forensic approaches and data gathering techniques. You will also explore advanced forensic techniques and find out how to deal with third-applications using case studies. The book will help you master data acquisition on Windows Phone 8. By the end of this book, you will be acquainted with best practices and the different models used in mobile forensics.
OpenStack: Building a Cloud Environment. Building a Cloud Environment
Kevin Jackson, Egle Sigler, Alok Shrivastwa, Cody Bunch, ...
OpenStack is a collection of software projects that work together to provide a cloud fabric.Learning OpenStack Cloud Computing course is an exquisite guide that you will need to build cloud environments proficiently. This course will help you gain a clearer understanding of OpenStack’s components and their interaction with each other to build a cloud environment. The first module, Learning OpenStack, starts with a brief look into the need for authentication and authorization, the different aspects of dashboards, cloud computing fabric controllers, along with 'Networking as a Service' and 'Software defined Networking'. Then, you will focus on installing, configuring, and troubleshooting different architectures such as Keystone, Horizon, Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Swift, and Glance. After getting familiar with the fundamentals and application of OpenStack, let's move deeper into the realm of OpenStack.In the second module, OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, preview how to build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation. Dive into Neutron, the OpenStack Networking service, and get your hands dirty with configuring ML2, networks, routers, and distributed virtual routers. Further, you'll learn practical examples of Block Storage, LBaaS, and FBaaS.The final module, Troubleshooting OpenStack, will help you quickly diagnose, troubleshoot, and correct problems in your OpenStack. We will diagnose and remediate issues in Keystone, Glance, Neutron networking, Nova, Cinder block storage, Swift object storage, and issues caused by Heat orchestration.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning OpenStack by Alok Shrivastwa, Sunil Sarat ? OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook - Third Edition by Kevin Jackson , Cody Bunch, Egle Sigler ? Troubleshooting OpenStack by Tony Campbell
C++ is a general-purpose programming language designed for efficiency, performance, and flexibility. Design patterns are commonly accepted solutions to well-recognized design problems. In essence, they are a library of reusable components, only for software architecture, and not for a concrete implementation. This book helps you focus on the design patterns that naturally adapt to your needs, and on the patterns that uniquely benefit from the features of C++. Armed with the knowledge of these patterns, you’ll spend less time searching for solutions to common problems and tackle challenges with the solutions developed from experience. You’ll also explore that design patterns are a concise and efficient way to communicate, as patterns are a familiar and recognizable solution to a specific problem and can convey a considerable amount of information with a single line of code. By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to use design patterns to write maintainable, robust, and reusable software.
Mastering Text Mining with R. Extract and recognize your text data
Text Mining (or text data mining or text analytics) is the process of extracting useful and high-quality information from text by devising patterns and trends. R provides an extensive ecosystem to mine text through its many frameworks and packages.Starting with basic information about the statistics concepts used in text mining, this book will teach you how to access, cleanse, and process text using the R language and will equip you with the tools and the associated knowledge about different tagging, chunking, and entailment approaches and their usage in natural language processing. Moving on, this book will teach you different dimensionality reduction techniques and their implementation in R. Next, we will cover pattern recognition in text data utilizing classification mechanisms, perform entity recognition, and develop an ontology learning framework. By the end of the book, you will develop a practical application from the concepts learned, and will understand how text mining can be leveraged to analyze the massively available data on social media.