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Automated Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure will teach you how to build high-performing, accurate machine learning models in record time. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills to easily harness the power of artificial intelligence and increase the productivity and profitability of your business. Guided user interfaces (GUIs) enable both novices and seasoned data scientists to easily train and deploy machine learning solutions to production. Using a careful, step-by-step approach, this book will teach you how to use Azure AutoML with a GUI as well as the AzureML Python software development kit (SDK).First, you'll learn how to prepare data, train models, and register them to your Azure Machine Learning workspace. You'll then discover how to take those models and use them to create both automated batch solutions using machine learning pipelines and real-time scoring solutions using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Finally, you will be able to use AutoML on your own data to not only train regression, classification, and forecasting models but also use them to solve a wide variety of business problems.By the end of this Azure book, you'll be able to show your business partners exactly how your ML models are making predictions through automatically generated charts and graphs, earning their trust and respect.
Ted Jordan, Ric Daza, Hinne Hettema
The (ISC)2 CISSP exam evaluates the competencies required to secure organizations, corporations, military sites, and government entities. The comprehensive CISSP certification guide offers up-to-date coverage of the latest exam syllabus, ensuring you can approach the exam with confidence, fully equipped to succeed.Complete with interactive flashcards, invaluable exam tips, and self-assessment questions, this book helps you build and test your knowledge of all eight CISSP domains. Detailed answers and explanations for all questions will enable you to gauge your current skill level and strengthen weak areas.This guide systematically takes you through all the information you need to not only pass the CISSP exam, but also excel in your role as a security professional. Starting with the big picture of what it takes to secure the organization through asset and risk management, it delves into the specifics of securing networks and identities. Later chapters address critical aspects of vendor security, physical security, and software security.By the end of this book, you'll have mastered everything you need to pass the latest CISSP certification exam and have this valuable desktop reference tool for ongoing security needs.
Alistair McDonald, Brian Fitzpatrick
As a busy administrator, you know Spam is a major distraction in todays network. The effects range from inappropriate content arriving in the mailboxes up to contact email addresses placed on a website being deluged with unsolicited mail, causing valid enquiries and sales leads to be lost and wasting employee time. The perception of the problem of spam is as big as the reality. In response to the growing problem of spam, a number of free and commercial applications and services have been developed to help network administrators and email users combat spam. Its up to you to choose and then get the most out of an antispam solution. Free to use, flexible, and effective, SpamAssassin has become the most popular open source antispam application. Its unique combination of power and flexibility make it the right choice. This book will now help you set up and optimize SpamAssassin for your network.
Shyam Varan Nath, Pieter van Schalkwyk, Dan Isaacs
Digital twin technology enables organizations to create digital representations of physical entities such as assets, systems, and processes throughout their life cycle. It improves asset performance, utilization, and safe operations and reduces manufacturing, operational, and maintenance costs.The book begins by introducing you to the concept of digital twins and sets you on a path to develop a digital twin strategy to positively influence business outcomes in your organization. You'll understand how digital twins relate to physical assets, processes, and technology and learn about the prerequisite conditions for the right platform, scale, and use case of your digital twins. You'll then get hands-on with Microsoft's Azure Digital Twins platform for your digital twin development and deployment. The book equips you with the knowledge to evaluate enterprise and specialty platforms, including the cloud and industrial IoT required to set up your digital twin prototype. Once you've built your prototype, you'll be able to test and validate it relative to the intended purpose of the twin through pilot deployment, full deployment, and value tracking techniques.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills to build and deploy your digital twin prototype, or minimum viable twin, to demonstrate, assess, and monitor your asset at specific stages in the asset life cycle.
Alberto Di Meglio, Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo, Alberto Di Meglio
This book provides deep coverage of modern quantum algorithms that can be used to solve real-world problems. You’ll be introduced to quantum computing using a hands-on approach with minimal prerequisites.You’ll discover many algorithms, tools, and methods to model optimization problems with the QUBO and Ising formalisms, and you will find out how to solve optimization problems with quantum annealing, QAOA, Grover Adaptive Search (GAS), and VQE. This book also shows you how to train quantum machine learning models, such as quantum support vector machines, quantum neural networks, and quantum generative adversarial networks. The book takes a straightforward path to help you learn about quantum algorithms, illustrating them with code that’s ready to be run on quantum simulators and actual quantum computers. You’ll also learn how to utilize programming frameworks such as IBM’s Qiskit, Xanadu’s PennyLane, and D-Wave’s Leap.Through reading this book, you will not only build a solid foundation of the fundamentals of quantum computing, but you will also become familiar with a wide variety of modern quantum algorithms. Moreover, this book will give you the programming skills that will enable you to start applying quantum methods to solve practical problems right away.
So, your company has made the wise decision to use Dynamics NAV as its main business software for all its enterprise resource planning. Dive in and learn the ins and outs of the software from a development standpoint and unlock the software's full potential.The book will walk you through creating an application from start to finish. Once you know how to create a working application that users can access, you will have the knowledge and the resources needed to create other applications based on the tutorials covered in this guide.You will start by obtaining a free trial version of Dynamics NAV and then be introduced to the world of analyzing and deriving user problems into a requirements list. Finally, you will be shown how to use the software to knock out these requirements.You will learn everything you need in order to begin creating your own applications, from translating the user's requirements to creating and modifying your system applications. Use Dynamics NAV's capability to create an application and address the user's needs, while also learning best practices and simple solutions.Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development will help you on your way to becoming a great developer!
Python has evolved over the years and has become the primary choice of developers in various fields. The purpose of this book is to help readers develop readable, reliable, and maintainable programs in Python. Starting with an introduction to the concept of modules and packages, this book shows how you can use these building blocks to organize a complex program into logical parts and make sure those parts are working correctly together. Using clearly written, real-world examples, this book demonstrates how you can use modular techniques to build better programs. A number of common modular programming patterns are covered, including divide-and-conquer, abstraction, encapsulation, wrappers and extensibility. You will also learn how to test your modules and packages, how to prepare your code for sharing with other people, and how to publish your modules and packages on GitHub and the Python Package Index so that other people can use them. Finally, you will learn how to use modular design techniques to be a more effective programmer.
PowerShell is tightly integrated with SharePoint 2010, demonstrating an important alliance between the fastest growing collaboration and web publishing platform, and the latest task automation framework. The advantages of PowerShell and SharePoint integration help administrators and infrastructure specialists achieve everyday enterprise tasks more efficiently, and this book will ensure you get the most out of SharePoint configuration and management. When it comes to custom SharePoint 2010 solution configuration, creating robust PowerShell scripts is the best option for saving time and providing a point of reference as to the changes made in the server environment. This practical expert cookbook translates the most commonly found scenarios into a series of immediately usable recipes, allowing you to get up and running straight away with writing powerful PowerShell scripts for SharePoint. “Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0: Expert Cookbook” focuses on a range of distinct areas of SharePoint administration, with expert recipes targeting unique business examples.You will learn exactly how solutions were achieved for managing SharePoint list settings with PowerShell, PowerShell configuration of SharePoint FAST Search, and more. You will also learn how to tailor the recipe to your own business needs.With this advanced cookbook in hand, you will be fully equipped with the source code as a starting point for creating your scripts in order to take advantage of the integration between SharePoint and PowerShell.
With the advancement of computer technology, the software market is exploding with tons of software choices for the user, making their expectations higher in terms of functionality and the look and feel of the application. Therefore, improving the visual quality of your application is vital in order to overcome the market competition and stand out from the crowd.This book will teach you how to develop functional and appealing software using Qt5 through multiple projects that are interesting and fun. This book covers a variety of topics such as look-and-feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will learn tons of useful information, and enjoy the process of working on the creative projects provided in this book
Zachary Lasiuk, Pareena Verma, Jason Andrews
Cortex-M has been around since 2004, so why a new book now? With new microcontrollers based on the Cortex-M55 and Cortex-M85 being introduced this year, Cortex-M continues to expand. New software concepts, such as standardized software reuse, have emerged alongside new topics including security and machine learning. Development methodologies have also significantly advanced, with more embedded development taking place in the cloud and increased levels of automation. Due to these advances, a single engineer can no longer understand an entire project and requires new skills to be successful.This book provides a unique view of how to navigate and apply the latest concepts in microcontroller development. The book is split into two parts. First, you’ll be guided through how to select the ideal set of hardware, software, and tools for your specific project. Next, you’ll explore how to implement essential topics for modern embedded developers. Throughout the book, there are examples for you to learn by working with real Cortex-M devices with all software available on GitHub. You will gain experience with the small Cortex-M0+, the powerful Cortex-M55, and more Cortex-M processors.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to practically apply modern Cortex-M software development concepts.
“OpenAI GPT for Python Developers” is meticulously crafted to provide Python developers with a deep dive into the mechanics and applications of GPT technology, beginning with a captivating narrative on the evolution of OpenAI and the fundamental workings of GPT models. As readers progress, they will be expertly guided through the essential steps of setting up a development environment tailored for AI innovations, coupled with insightful advice on selecting the most appropriate GPT model to suit specific project needs.The guide progresses into practical tutorials that cover the implementation of chat completions and the art of prompt engineering, providing a solid foundation in harnessing the capabilities of GPT for generating human-like text responses. Practical applications are further expanded with discussions on the creation of autonomous AI-to-AI dialogues, the development of AI avatars, and the strategic use of AI in interactive applications.In addition to technical skills, this book addresses the ethical implications and prospects of AI technologies, encouraging a holistic view of AI development. The guide is enriched with detailed examples, step-by-step tutorials, and comprehensive explanations that illuminate the theoretical aspects and emphasize practical implementation.
HTML5 Canvas Cookbook. Over 80 recipes to revolutionize the Web experience with HTML5 Canvas
The HTML5 canvas is revolutionizing graphics and visualizations on the Web. Powered by JavaScript, the HTML5 Canvas API enables web developers to create visualizations and animations right in the browser without Flash. Although the HTML5 Canvas is quickly becoming the standard for online graphics and interactivity, many developers fail to exercise all of the features that this powerful technology has to offer.The HTML5 Canvas Cookbook begins by covering the basics of the HTML5 Canvas API and then progresses by providing advanced techniques for handling features not directly supported by the API such as animation and canvas interactivity. It winds up by providing detailed templates for a few of the most common HTML5 canvas applications—data visualization, game development, and 3D modeling. It will acquaint you with interesting topics such as fractals, animation, physics, color models, and matrix mathematics.By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of the HTML5 Canvas API and a toolbox of techniques for creating any type of HTML5 Canvas application, limited only by the extent of your imagination.
Rajanarayanan Thottuvaikkatumana
If you are new to Cassandra but well-versed in RDBMS modeling and design, then it is natural to model data in the same way in Cassandra, resulting in poorly performing applications and losing the real purpose of Cassandra. If you want to learn to make the most of Cassandra, this book is for you.This book starts with strategies to integrate Cassandra with other legacy data stores and progresses to the ways in which a migration from RDBMS to Cassandra can be accomplished. The journey continues with ideas to migrate data from cache solutions to Cassandra. With this, the stage is set and the book moves on to some of the most commonly seen problems in applications when dealing with consistency, availability, and partition tolerance guarantees. Cassandra is exceptionally good at dealing with temporal data and patterns such as the time-series pattern and log pattern, which are covered next. Many NoSQL data stores fail miserably when a huge amount of data is read for analytical purposes, but Cassandra is different in this regard. Keeping analytical needs in mind, you’ll walk through different and interesting design patterns.No theoretical discussions are complete without a good set of use cases to which the knowledge gained can be applied, so the book concludes with a set of use cases you can apply the patterns you’ve learned.
Software Testing Strategies. A testing guide for the 2020s
Matthew Heusser, Michael Larsen
In today’s world, software is everywhere—from entertainment apps to mission-critical systems that support our health, finance, and infrastructure. Testing plays a vital role in ensuring these systems work reliably. Whether you're a software developer, hobbyist, or IT professional, this book will guide you in mastering the art of testing. It’s about asking the right What if? questions, uncovering vulnerabilities, and ensuring software performs as expected throughout its lifecycle. Testing isn't just about automation; it’s a human-driven, creative process that requires skill, and a deep understanding of software behavior. With practical examples and expert insights, this book helps you craft your own test strategies and explore novel approaches to problem-solving in the testing world. With its help, you’ll hone your testing skills with techniques and methodologies rather than tool-based solutions. Authored by experts Matt Heusser and Michael Larson, the book provides valuable strategies for making testing both effective and engaging. Matt is known for his leadership in project rescue initiatives, while Michael’s work in accessibility testing has helped shape industry standards. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped to enhance your testing practices and ensure high-quality software in an ever-evolving tech landscape.