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If you’re a Python developer who wants to discover how to take the power of functional programming (FP) and bring it into your own programs, then this book is essential for you, even if you know next to nothing about the paradigm. Starting with a general overview of functional concepts, you’ll explore common functional features such as first-class and higher-order functions, pure functions, and more. You’ll see how these are accomplished in Python 3.6 to give you the core foundations you’ll build upon. After that, you’ll discover common functional optimizations for Python to help your apps reach even higher speeds. You’ll learn FP concepts such as lazy evaluation using Python’s generator functions and expressions. Moving forward, you’ll learn to design and implement decorators to create composite functions. You'll also explore data preparation techniques and data exploration in depth, and see how the Python standard library fits the functional programming model. Finally, to top off your journey into the world of functional Python, you’ll at look at the PyMonad project and some larger examples to put everything into perspective.
State management, a crucial aspect of the React ecosystem, has gained significant attention in recent times. While React offers various libraries and tools to handle state, each with different approaches and perspectives, one thing is clear: state management solutions for handling client state are not optimized for dealing with server state. React Query was created to address this issue of managing your server state, and this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use React Query for state management.Starting with a brief history of state management in the React ecosystem, you’ll find out what prompted the split from a global state to client and server state and thus understand the need for React Query. As you progress through the chapters, you'll see how React Query enables you to perform server state tasks such as fetching, caching, updating, and synchronizing your data with the server. But that’s not all; once you’ve mastered React Query, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to handle server state with server-side rendering frameworks as well. You’ll also work with patterns to test your code by leveraging the testing library and Mock Service Worker.By the end of this book, you'll have gained a new perspective of state and be able to leverage React Query to overcome the obstacles associated with server state.
For developers who are working with design patterns in Kotlin, this practical guide offers an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. The book covers classical and modern design patterns, and provides a hands-on approach to implementation, along with associated methodologies.The third edition stays current with Kotlin updates, spanning from version 1.6 onwards, and offers in-depth insights into topics like structured concurrency and context receivers. The book starts by introducing essential Kotlin syntax and the significance of design patterns, covering classic Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns. It then progresses to explore functional programming, Reactive, and Concurrent patterns, including detailed discussions on coroutines and structured concurrency. As you navigate through these advanced concepts, you'll enhance your Kotlin coding skills. The book also delves into the latest architectural trends, focusing on microservices design patterns and aiding your decision-making process when choosing between architectures.By the end of the book, you will have a solid grasp of these advanced concepts and be able to apply them in your own projects.
Mastering Go, now in its fourth edition, remains the go-to resource for real-world Go development. This comprehensive guide delves into advanced Go concepts, including RESTful servers, and Go memory management. This edition brings new chapters on Go Generics and fuzzy Testing, and an enriched exploration of efficiency and performance. As you work your way through the chapters, you will gain confidence and a deep understanding of advanced Go topics, including concurrency and the operation of the Garbage Collector, using Go with Docker, writing powerful command-line utilities, working with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data, and interacting with databases.You will be engaged in real-world exercises, build network servers, and develop robust command-line utilities. With in-depth chapters on RESTful services, the WebSocket protocol, and Go internals, you are going to master Go's nuances, optimization, and observability. You will also elevate your skills in efficiency, performance, and advanced testing.With the help of Mastering Go, you will become an expert Go programmer by building Go systems and implementing advanced Go techniques in your projects.
Siddharth Shekar, Raydelto Hernandez
Cocos2d is the world’s leading game development framework for developing iOS games. With the introduction of Swift and Spritebuilder, it has become easier than ever to develop the games of your dreams without much effort. With Cocos2d, you can also deploy the game on Android, thereby maximizing profit and reducing development and porting costs.The book starts off with a detailed look at how to implement sprites and animations into your game to make it livelier. You will then learn to add scenes to the game such as the gameplay scene and options scene and create menus and buttons in these scenes, as well as creating transitions between them. From there on, you will get an understanding of how to program user interactions such as tapping, holding, and swiping. You’ll then add accelerometer inputs and physics to the scene, and make objects respond back to the inputs. A game is practically incomplete without audio being added, so this will be covered next. The next section will include ways to add Artificial Intelligence to enemies in the game, allowing them to patrol, chase, and shoot in a projectile manner. You will then learn to use NSUserDefault to save and load game progress, and create and access files using JSON, Plist, and XML files for custom storage and retrieval of data. Then you will learn to add dynamic lighting to your game and will use industry-wide tools such as Texture Packer, Glyph Designer, Physics Editor, Particle Designer, and Sprite Illuminator to create more visually appealing and performance-optimized games.Towards the end of the book, we dive into Apple’s latest programming language—Swift, highlighting the major differences between Objective C and Swift. The book culminates with taking your existing game developed for iOS and porting it to Android, showing you how to install the Android Xcode plugin as well.
Heather Mahalik, Rohit Tamma, Satish Bommisetty
Mobile phone forensics is the science of retrieving data from a mobile phone under forensically sound conditions. This book is an update to Practical Mobile Forensics and it delves into the concepts of mobile forensics and its importance in today's world. We will deep dive into mobile forensics techniques in iOS 8 - 9.2, Android 4.4 - 6, and Windows Phone devices. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from cloud, and document and prepare reports for your investigations.By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and techniques so you can recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
Alex Chow, Vjekoslav Babić, Laura Nicolas Lorente, David Studebaker, ...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application used in all kinds of organizations around the world. It provides a great variety of functionality, out-of-the-box, in different topics such as accounting, sales, purchase processing, logistics, and manufacturing. Microsoft Dynamics NAV also allows companies to grow their applications by customizing solutions to meet specific requirements.This course is a hands-on tutorial on working with a real Dynamics NAV implementation. It begins by providing an insight into the different tools available to migrate data from client legacy systems into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If you are already live with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you will learn about upgrades and what to expect from them. We’ll also show you how to implement additional or expanding functionalities within your existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation, perform data analysis, debug error messages, and implement free third-party add-ons to your existing installation. From here, you will be introduced to integrated development tools to make you a highly productive developer in the NAV environment.The course will serve as a comprehensive reference guide, complementing NAV's Help files. You will find this course really useful if you want to evaluate Microsoft Dynamics NAV's development capabilities or need to manage NAV-based projects. Additionally, you will also learn about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together. Moving on, you will be guided through the NAV way of solving problems. You will be introduced to patterns and the software NAV architecture and will then build an example application. Then, you will walk through the details of architectural patterns, design patterns, and implementation patterns and will also learn about anti-patterns and handling legacy code. You will learn how to build solutions using patterns. The course offers premium, highly practical content on this recently released version of Dynamics NAV, and includes material from the following Packt books : 1. Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Third Edition 2. Programming Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV 3. Learning Dynamics NAV Patterns
Dive into the world of deep learning with this comprehensive guide that bridges theory and practice. From foundational neural networks to advanced architectures like CNNs, RNNs, and Transformers, this book equips you with the tools to build, train, and optimize AI models using TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. Clear explanations of key concepts such as gradient descent, loss functions, and backpropagation are combined with hands-on exercises to ensure practical understanding.Explore cutting-edge AI frameworks, including generative adversarial networks (GANs) and autoencoders, while mastering real-world applications like image classification, text generation, and natural language processing. Detailed chapters cover transfer learning, fine-tuning pretrained models, and deployment strategies for cloud and edge computing. Practical exercises and projects further solidify your skills as you implement AI solutions for diverse challenges.Whether you're deploying AI models on cloud platforms like AWS or optimizing them for edge devices with TensorFlow Lite, this book provides step-by-step guidance. Designed for developers, AI enthusiasts, and data scientists, it balances theoretical depth with actionable insights, making it the ultimate resource for mastering modern deep learning frameworks and advancing your career in AI
David A. Studebaker, David A. Studebaker, David Studebaker
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a well established Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application, part of the Microsoft Dynamics family. Dynamics NAV is installed worldwide, with well over one million users. Version 2009 contains many major new features and structures, requiring even experienced Dynamics NAV developers to refresh their NAV development knowledge.Renowned for its challenging learning curve, Dynamics NAV is a complex piece of software with a unique design structure. For developers learning to modify or enhance Dynamics NAV for vital business purposes, the task can sometimes be intimidating.This book is an in-depth step-by-step guide to programming NAV, designed to ease you through the complexities of NAV application development. You will learn the skills and develop the confidence to tackle your own critical NAV applications. This book will act as your experienced NAV programming mentor, helping you to become productive as a NAV developer much more quickly.NAV development is quite complex, with a steep learning curve. This book makes it easy for you. From basic NAV terminology and concept definitions, through the essential building blocks of NAV data structure and objects, you will gain an understanding of the fundamental underlying concepts of NAV. You will learn practical details about NAV object construction and the tools available, including table, page, and report design. You will learn how to use NAV's tools to effectively navigate through the various features of objects, including properties, triggers, and C/AL code, and receive practical guidance on ways to develop and test in the unique NAV C/SIDE development environment.Extensive guidance on software design for NAV is provided along with tips for efficient design of new NAV applications or enhancing existing applications. With its comprehensive collection of NAV information and distillation of years of NAV development experience, this book is not only designed to help you learn, but to act as a reference as well.
Quick Start Kubernetes. A Beginner's Guide to Container Orchestration in the Cloud - Third Edition
This book is the backbone of modern cloud-native application deployment, but its complexity can be daunting for beginners. This book provides a practical and approachable guide to mastering Kubernetes, starting with fundamental concepts like microservices, orchestration, and cloud-native development. Readers will explore Kubernetes architecture, including control planes, worker nodes, and hosted solutions.Step-by-step instructions guide readers through setting up Kubernetes clusters on local and cloud platforms, containerizing applications, and pushing images to registries. Learn how to deploy containerized applications, connect them via services, and enable self-healing to ensure resilience.As you advance, discover how to scale applications dynamically, perform rolling updates for zero-downtime deployments, and troubleshoot real-world issues. The book concludes with resources for further learning, empowering readers to confidently manage Kubernetes environments in DevOps or cloud-native roles. Perfect for beginners, this hands-on guide simplifies Kubernetes for practical use.
Exploring GPT-3. An unofficial first look at the general-purpose language processing API from OpenAI
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a highly advanced language model from OpenAI that can generate written text that is virtually indistinguishable from text written by humans. Whether you have a technical or non-technical background, this book will help you understand and start working with GPT-3 and the OpenAI API.If you want to get hands-on with leveraging artificial intelligence for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, this easy-to-follow book will help you get started. Beginning with a high-level introduction to NLP and GPT-3, the book takes you through practical examples that show how to leverage the OpenAI API and GPT-3 for text generation, classification, and semantic search. You'll explore the capabilities of the OpenAI API and GPT-3 and find out which NLP use cases GPT-3 is best suited for. You’ll also learn how to use the API and optimize requests for the best possible results. With examples focusing on the OpenAI Playground and easy-to-follow JavaScript and Python code samples, the book illustrates the possible applications of GPT-3 in production.By the end of this book, you'll understand the best use cases for GPT-3 and how to integrate the OpenAI API in your applications for a wide array of NLP tasks.
The philosophy of API development has evolved over the years to serve the modern needs of enterprise architecture, and developers need to know how to adapt to these modern API design principles. Apps are now developed with APIs that enable ease of integration for the cloud environment and distributed systems. With this Spring book, you'll discover various kinds of production-ready API implementation using REST APIs and explore async using the reactive paradigm, gRPC, and GraphQL.You'll learn how to design evolving REST-based APIs supported by HATEOAS and ETAGs and develop reactive, async, non-blocking APIs. After that, you'll see how to secure REST APIs using Spring Security and find out how the APIs that you develop are consumed by the app's UI. The book then takes you through the process of testing, deploying, logging, and monitoring your APIs. You'll also explore API development using gRPC and GraphQL and design modern scalable architecture with microservices. The book helps you gain practical knowledge of modern API implementation using a sample e-commerce app. By the end of this Spring book, you'll be able to develop, test, and deploy highly scalable, maintainable, and developer-friendly APIs to help your customers to transform their business.