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Mastering Qt 5. Create stunning cross-platform applications
Qt 5.7 is an application development framework that provides a great user experience and develops full-capability applications with Qt Widgets, QML, and even Qt 3D.This book will address challenges in successfully developing cross-platform applications with the Qt framework. Cross-platform development needs a well-organized project. Using this book, you will have a better understanding of the Qt framework and the tools to resolve serious issues such as linking, debugging, and multithreading. Your journey will start with the new Qt 5 features. Then you will explore different platforms and learn to tame them. Every chapter along the way is a logical step that you must take to master Qt. The journey will end in an application that has been tested and is ready to be shipped.
Organizations across the world have switched to Office 365 to boost workplace productivity. However, to maximize investment in Office 365, you need to know how to efficiently administer Office 365 solutions.Microsoft Office 365 Administration Cookbook is packed with recipes to guide you through common and not-so-common administrative tasks throughout Office 365. Whether you’re administering a single app such as SharePoint or organization-wide Security & Compliance across Office 365, this cookbook offers a variety of recipes that you’ll want to have to hand. The book begins by covering essential setup and administration tasks. You’ll learn how to manage permissions for users and user groups along with automating routine admin tasks using PowerShell. You’ll then progress through to managing core Office 365 services such as Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Azure Active Directory (AD). This book also features recipes that’ll help you to manage newer services such as Microsoft Search, Power Platform, and Microsoft Teams. In the final chapters, you’ll delve into monitoring, reporting, and securing your Office 365 services.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about managing individual Office 365 services along with monitoring, securing, and optimizing your entire Office 365 deployment efficiently.
OpenStack Administration with Ansible 2. Automate and monitor administrative tasks - Second Edition
Most organizations are seeking methods to improve business agility because they have realized just having a cloud is not enough. Being able to improve application deployments, reduce infrastructure downtime, and eliminate daily manual tasks can only be accomplished through some sort of automation.We start with a brief overview of OpenStack and Ansible 2 and highlight some best practices. Each chapter will provide an introduction to handling various Cloud Operator administration tasks such as managing containers within your cloud; setting up/utilizing open source packages for monitoring; creating multiple users/tenants; taking instance snapshots; and customizing your cloud to run multiple active regions. Each chapter will also supply a step-by-step tutorial on how to automate these tasks with Ansible 2.Packed with real-world OpenStack administrative tasks, this book will walk you through working examples and explain how these tasks can be automated using one of the most popular open source automation tools on the market today.
In today's rapidly evolving world of DevOps, traditional silos are a thing of the past. Database administrators are no longer the only experts; site reliability engineers (SREs) and DevOps engineers are database experts as well. This blurring of the lines has led to increased responsibilities, making members of high-performing DevOps teams responsible for end-to-end ownership. This book helps you master DevOps for databases, making it a must-have resource for achieving success in the ever-changing world of DevOps.You’ll begin by exploring real-world examples of DevOps implementation and its significance in modern data-persistent technologies, before progressing into the various types of database technologies and recognizing their strengths, weaknesses, and commonalities. As you advance, the chapters will teach you about design, implementation, testing, and operations using practical examples, as well as common design patterns, combining them with tooling, technology, and strategies for different types of data-persistent technologies. You’ll also learn how to create complex end-to-end implementation, deployment, and cloud infrastructure strategies defined as code.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to design, build, and operate complex systems efficiently.
With the demand for ever more complex websites, the need to write robust, standard-compliant JavaScript has never been greater. TypeScript is modern JavaScript with the support of a first-class type system, which makes it simpler to write complex web systems. With this book, you’ll explore core concepts and learn by building a series of websites and TypeScript apps.You’ll start with an introduction to TypeScript features that are often overlooked in other books, before moving on to creating a simple markdown parser. You’ll then explore React and get up to speed with creating a client-side contacts manager. Next, the book will help you discover the Angular framework and use the MEAN stack to create a photo gallery. Later sections will assist you in creating a GraphQL Angular Todo app and then writing a Socket.IO chatroom. The book will also lead you through developing your final Angular project which is a mapping app. As you progress, you’ll gain insights into React with Docker and microservices. You’ll even focus on how to build an image classification program with machine learning using TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll learn to combine TypeScript and C# to create an ASP.NET Core-based music library app.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to confidently use TypeScript 3.0 and different JavaScript frameworks to build high-quality apps.
Valery Manokhin, Agus Sudjianto
In the rapidly evolving landscape of machine learning, the ability to accurately quantify uncertainty is pivotal. Practical Guide to Applied Conformal Prediction in Python addresses this need by offering an in-depth exploration of Conformal Prediction, a cutting-edge framework set to revolutionize uncertainty management in various ML applications.Embark on a comprehensive journey through Conformal Prediction, exploring its fundamentals and practical applications in binary classification, regression, time series forecasting, imbalanced data, computer vision, and NLP. Each chapter delves into specific aspects, offering hands-on insights and best practices for enhancing prediction reliability. The book concludes with a focus on multi-class classification nuances, providing expert-level proficiency to seamlessly integrate Conformal Prediction into diverse industries. Practical examples in Python using real-world datasets reinforce intuitive explanations, ensuring you acquire a robust understanding of this modern framework for uncertainty quantification.This guide is a beacon for mastering Conformal Prediction in Python, providing a blend of theory and practical application. It serves as a comprehensive toolkit to enhance machine learning skills, catering to professionals from data scientists to ML engineers.
World of Warcraft provides an immersive gaming experience with an exciting new world to explore. In this world (of Warcraft), players use gold to improve their characters and buy exciting items such as armor, vanity items, pets, mounts, and so much more. WoW gold not only helps with levelling up, but also helps the player gain respect in the WoW community.World of Warcraft Gold Strategy Guide will show you the most effective ways to make gold in World of Warcraft. It includes detailed examples and instructions that will set you up to efficiently make plentiful amounts of gold both now and in future expansions.World of Warcraft Gold Strategy Guide will arm you with all the latest strategies to become a World of Warcraft gold tycoon.Start by setting up your accounts for optimal gold making and progress through to advanced market techniques. You will learn to maintain thousands of auctions per day, master add-ons to reduce time spent making gold and increase time spent playing, and set yourself up to obtain anything you want in game.The World of Warcraft Gold Strategy Guide teaches readers how to go from rags to riches.
Instant Adobe Story Starter. Develop professional scripts, ready for production
Adobe Story makes it easy for anybody to create a well-rounded script, and gives you the power to develop an entire project from start to finish. Setting up predetermined styles in different word processors can be time- consuming and even a little confusing! With Adobe Story, all documents contain the default and proper formatting for any desired professional script format. Have you ever wanted to put together your own screenplay? In this essential guide, script formatting is fully explained alongside some shortcuts and new ways to enhance your work with Adobe Story. You'll discover that the script-writing process is more accessible to even the newest, inexperienced writer. Instant Adobe Story Starter will take you through a concise yet straight-forward journey, introducing you to elements used in all industry-standard scripts, as well as other features geared towards streamlining the pre-production process. You will also be able to harness the different types of script templates available to you, alongside the wide array of other features that Adobe Story provides to bolster your creativity.
Flask is a popular Python framework known for its lightweight and modular design. Mastering Flask Web Development will take you on a complete tour of the Flask environment and teach you how to build a production-ready application. You'll begin by learning about the installation of Flask and basic concepts such as MVC and accessing a database using an ORM. You will learn how to structure your application so that it can scale to any size with the help of Flask Blueprints. You'll then learn how to use Jinja2 templates with a high level of expertise. You will also learn how to develop with SQL or NoSQL databases, and how to develop REST APIs and JWT authentication. Next, you'll move on to build role-based access security and authentication using LDAP, OAuth, OpenID, and database. Also learn how to create asynchronous tasks that can scale to any load using Celery and RabbitMQ or Redis. You will also be introduced to a wide range of Flask extensions to leverage technologies such as cache, localization, and debugging. You will learn how to build your own Flask extensions, how to write tests, and how to get test coverage reports. Finally, you will learn how to deploy your application on Heroku and AWS using various technologies, such as Docker, CloudFormation, and Elastic Beanstalk, and will also learn how to develop Jenkins pipelines to build, test, and deploy applications.
This book describes how teachers can use Gamification design within the Moodle Learning Management System. Game elements can be included in course design by using, badges, rubrics, custom grading scales, forums, and conditional activities. Moodle courses do not have to be solo-learning experiences that replicate Distance Education models. The Gamification design process starts by profiling players and creating levels of achievement towards meeting learning outcomes. Each task is defined, valued, and sequenced. Motivation loops are devised to keep the momentum going. In a gaming studio, this approach would require a team of specialists with a large budget and time frames. Preparing for a class rarely has these optimal conditions. The approach used in this book is to introduce game elements into the course design gradually. First, apply gamification to just one lesson and then build up to gamifying a series of lessons over a term. Each example will indicate the difficulty level and time investment. Try it out to see what is most effective with your learners and choose wisely in your use of technology. By the end of this book, you will be able to create Moodle courses that incorporate choice, communication,challenge, and creativity.
Rapid Application Development with AWS Amplify. Full stack web development on Amazon Web Servics
AWS Amplify is a modern toolkit that includes a command line interface (CLI); libraries for JS, iOS, and Android programming; UI component libraries for frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js for web development, and React Native and Flutter for mobile development.You'll begin by learning how to build AWS Amplify solutions with React and React Native with TypeScript from scratch, along with integrating it with existing solutions. This book will show you the fastest way to build a production-ready minimum viable product (MVP) within days instead of years. You'll also discover how to increase development speed without compromising on quality by adopting behavior-driven development (BDD) and Cypress for end-to-end test automation, as well as the Amplify build pipeline (DevOps or CI/CD pipeline) to ensure optimal quality throughout continuous test automation and continuous delivery. As you advance, you'll work with React to determine how to build progressive web apps (PWAs) with Amplify and React Native for cross-platform mobile apps. In addition to this, you'll find out how to set up a custom domain name for your new website and set up the AWS Amplify Admin UI for managing the content of your app effectively.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to build a full-stack AWS Amplify solution all by yourself.
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition
Greg Ramsey, Samir Hammoudi, Brian Mason, Chuluunsuren Damdinsuren
This practical cookbook is based on the 1602 current branch of System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). It shows you how to administer SCCM, giving you an essential toolbox of techniques to solve real-world scenarios. Packed with over 60 task-based and instantly usable recipes, you’ll discover how design a SCCM Infrastructure, and dive into topics such as the recommended SQL configuration for SCCM and how to deploy Windows 10 with Operating System Deployment (OSD). You will learn to easily manage Windows 10 devices by deploying applications, software updates, and feature upgrades, andl be able to leverage Mobile Device Management (MDM) using SCCM and Microsoft Intune. Finally, you see how to gather the inventory of all your PC park and create reports based on it. By the end of the book, you will have learned the best practices when working with SCCM and have a handy reference guide for troubleshooting.