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Redis is the most popular, open-source, key value data structure server that provides a wide range of capabilities on which multiple platforms can be be built. Its fast and flexible data structures give your existing applications an edge in the development environment. This book is a practical guide which aims to help you deep dive into the world of Redis data structure to exploit its excellent features. We start our journey by understanding the need of Redis in brief, followed by an explanation of Advanced key management. Next, you will learn about design patterns, best practices for using Redis in DevOps environment and Docker containerization paradigm in detail. After this, you will understand the concept of scaling with Redis cluster and Redis Sentinel , followed by a through explanation of incorporating Redis with NoSQL technologies such as Elasticsearch and MongoDB. At the end of this section, you will be able to develop competent applications using these technologies. You will then explore the message queuing and task management features of Redis and will be able to implement them in your applications. Finally, you will learn how Redis can be used to build real-time data analytic dashboards, for different disparate data streams.
Dale Meredith, Christopher Rees
With cyber threats continually evolving, understanding the trends and using the tools deployed by attackers to determine vulnerabilities in your system can help secure your applications, networks, and devices. To outmatch attacks, developing an attacker's mindset is a necessary skill, which you can hone with the help of this cybersecurity book.This study guide takes a step-by-step approach to helping you cover all the exam objectives using plenty of examples and hands-on activities. You'll start by gaining insights into the different elements of InfoSec and a thorough understanding of ethical hacking terms and concepts. You'll then learn about various vectors, including network-based vectors, software-based vectors, mobile devices, wireless networks, and IoT devices. The book also explores attacks on emerging technologies such as the cloud, IoT, web apps, and servers and examines prominent tools and techniques used by hackers. Finally, you'll be ready to take mock tests, which will help you test your understanding of all the topics covered in the book.By the end of this book, you'll have obtained the information necessary to take the 312-50 exam and become a CEH v11 certified ethical hacker.
John Horton, Igor Schlumberger
PrestaShop is a hidden gem. There are many much more widely known online shopping cart solutions that have nothing like the features, potential, and ease of use that this open source, completely free-to-use, system has. But until now there has been no information available on how to make the most of it. This book takes a step-by-step approach to help you set up your own e-commerce store and maximize its potential. Even if you are totally new to e-commerce and PrestaShop, you can have your own functioning e-commerce store quickly and with tiny expenditure. Imagine the feeling when you get that glorious e-mail saying that you have your first paying customer.This practical guide follows the order of developing an active business. Packed with easy-to-follow steps with loads of screenshots and clear explanations, it follows a step-by-step approach to set up a PrestaShop e-commerce store from the very beginning through finding a web host, setting up your PrestaShop store, accepting money from customers, and planning for the future of your business.The first few chapters are a lightening, but thorough, illustration of how to get your shop online, stocked up, and looking smart and unique, including some really cool and really simple product features to show off your wares in style – very quickly. The later chapters are quite diverse and cover some exciting stuff such as newsletters, loyalty schemes, alternative revenue streams, statistics and analytics. You will also learn about security, disaster recovery, payment handling, currencies, taxes, shipping, and more. Towards the end, the chapters cover final preparations before going live, handling orders in PrestaShop, and how to promote your store and get more customers. Once the money starts to flow, the book looks at the future of e-commerce and your PrestaShop business. Then it discusses how to get to the top of your niche and stay there. And then the big secret: to use the knowledge you have gained to turn a single PrestaShop into a thriving e-commerce empire.The Appendix covers a number of worthwhile topics such as a handy PrestaShop control panel reference and various web resources for PrestaShop.
Linear Regression With Python. A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Regression Analysis
This book offers a detailed yet approachable introduction to linear regression, blending mathematical theory with Python-based practical applications. Beginning with fundamentals, it explains the best-fitting line, regression and causation, and statistical measures like variance, correlation, and the coefficient of determination. Clear examples and Python code ensure readers can connect theory to implementation.As the journey continues, readers explore statistical significance through concepts like t-tests, z-tests, and p-values, understanding how to assess slopes, intercepts, and overall model fit. Advanced chapters cover multivariate regression, introducing matrix formulations, the best-fitting plane, and methods to handle multiple variables. Topics such as Bayesian regression, nonlinear models, and weighted regression are explored in depth, with step-by-step coding guides for hands-on practice.The final sections tie together these techniques with maximum likelihood estimation and practical summaries. Appendices provide resources such as matrix tutorials, key equations, and mathematical symbols. Designed for both beginners and professionals, this book ensures a structured learning experience. Basic mathematical knowledge or foundation is recommended.
Enhanced Test Automation with WebdriverIO. Unlock the superpowers of hybrid testing frameworks
Paul M. Grossman, Larry C. Goddard, Angie Jones
This book helps you embark on a comprehensive journey to master the art of WebdriverIO automation, from installation through to advanced framework development.You’ll start by following step-by-step instructions on installing WebdriverIO, configuring Node packages, and creating a simple test. Here you’ll gain an understanding of the mechanics while also learning to add reporting and screen captures to your test results to enhance your test case documentation. In the next set of chapters, you’ll delve into the intricacies of configuring and developing robust method wrappers, a crucial skill for supporting multiple test suites. The book goes beyond the basics, exploring testing techniques tailored for Jenkins as well as LambdaTest cloud environments. As you progress, you’ll gain a deep understanding of both TypeScript and JavaScript languages and acquire versatile coding skills.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the expertise to construct a sophisticated test automation framework capable of executing an entire suite of tests using WebdriverIO in either TypeScript or JavaScript, as well as excel in your test automation endeavors and deliver reliable, efficient testing solutions.
Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive applications for many screens across the Web, desktop, and mobile devices. Silverlight is also a great (and growing) Line-Of-Business platform and is increasingly being used to build data-driven business applications. Silverlight is based on familiar .NET languages such as C# which enables existing .NET developers to get started developing rich internet applications almost immediately. MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide will show you how to prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam.Packed with practical examples and Q&As, MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide starts by showing you how to lay out a user interface, enhance the user interface, implement application logic, work with data and interact with a host platform amongst others.
Francisco Munoz Alvarez, Aman Sharma
The three main responsibilities of a successful DBA are to ensure the availability, recoverability, and performance of any database. To ensure the recoverability of any database, a DBA needs to have a strong backup and recovery skills set. Every DBA is always looking for a reference book that will help them to solve any possible backup and recovery situation that they can come across in their professional life.Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide has the unique advantage to be a reference to all Oracle backup and recovery options available, making it essential for any DBA in the world. If you are new to Oracle Database, this book will introduce you to the fantastic world of backup and recovery that is vital to your success. If you are an experienced DBA, this book will become a reference guide and will also help you to learn some possible new skills, or give you some new ideas you were never aware about. It will also help you to easily find the solution to some of the most well known problems you could find during your career as a DBA. This book contains useful screenshots, scripts, and examples that you will find more than useful.Most of the books currently available in the market concentrate only on the RMAN utility to backup and recovery. This book will be an exception to the rule and will become a must-have reference, allowing you to design a real and complete backup and recovery strategy. It covers the most important topics on Oracle database such as backup strategies, Nologging operations, new features in 12c, user managed backups and recoveries, RMAN (including reporting, catalog management, troubleshooting, and performance tuning), advanced data pump, Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c and SQL Developer.Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide contains everything a DBA needs to know to keep data safe and recoverable, using real-life scenarios.
Author Patrick Rauland is a WooCommerce expert with a deep-rooted passion for the platform. Drawing from his multifaceted experience as a customer, WooCommerce support team member, core developer, release leader, and conference planner, he presents the latest edition of this guide to help you master every facet of launching and managing a successful WooCommerce store.From initiation to seamless integration of essential components such as payments, shipping, and tax configurations, this book takes you through the entire process of establishing your online store. You’ll then customize your store's visual identity, optimizing for search engines and advanced sales management through Point of Sale (POS) systems, outsourced fulfillment solutions, and external reporting services.You’ll then advance to enhancing the user experience, streamlining reorders, and simplifying the checkout process for your customers. With this new edition, you’ll also gain insights into secure hosting and bug fixing and be prepared for updates. That’s not all; you’ll build a promotional landing page, ensure store safety, contribute to the WooCommerce community, and design custom plugins for your unique needs.By the end of this WooCommerce book, you'll emerge with the skills to run a complete WooCommerce store and customize every aspect of the store on the frontend as well as backend.
Test-Driven Development with C++. A simple guide to writing bug-free Agile code
Modern, standard C++ is all that is needed to create a small and practical testing framework that will improve the design of any project. This allows you to think about how the code will be used, which is the first step in designing intuitive interfaces. TDD is a modern balanced software development approach that helps to create maintainable applications, provide modularity in design, and write minimal code that drastically reduces defects. With the help of this book, you'll be able to continue adding value when designs need to change by ensuring that the changes don't break existing tests.In this book, you will use test-driven development (TDD) to gain practical skills by writing a simple testing framework and then using it to drive the design of a logging library. The book will help you enhance your software development skills with test cases. You'll understand how to design and implement test cases. The chapters will also show you how to utilize the TDD approach to be more productive in software development than attempting to code in large unstructured steps.By the end of this book, you'll have gained knowledge of TDD and testing and also built a working logging library with unique features not found in other libraries.
DevOps is a set of practices that help remove barriers between developers and system administrators, and is implemented by Google through site reliability engineering (SRE).With the help of this book, you'll explore the evolution of DevOps and SRE, before delving into SRE technical practices such as SLA, SLO, SLI, and error budgets that are critical to building reliable software faster and balance new feature deployment with system reliability. You'll then explore SRE cultural practices such as incident management and being on-call, and learn the building blocks to form SRE teams. The second part of the book focuses on Google Cloud services to implement DevOps via continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). You'll learn how to add source code via Cloud Source Repositories, build code to create deployment artifacts via Cloud Build, and push it to Container Registry. Moving on, you'll understand the need for container orchestration via Kubernetes, comprehend Kubernetes essentials, apply via Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and secure the GKE cluster. Finally, you'll explore Cloud Operations to monitor, alert, debug, trace, and profile deployed applications.By the end of this SRE book, you'll be well-versed with the key concepts necessary for gaining Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification with the help of mock tests.
Professional Plone 4 Development. Build robust, content-centric web applications with Plone 4
Martin Aspeli, The Plone Foundation Alex Limi Toby Roberts (Project)
A years of experience in Plone development and project management are combined with an approachable writing style to create an engaging and highly-informative guide to working with Plone. Professional Plone 4 Development stands as an excellent resource for developers of all levels.- Eric Steele, Plone Release ManagerPlone is a web content management system that features among the top 2% of open source projects and is used by more than 300 solution providers in 57 countries. Its powerful workflow system, outstanding security track record, friendly user interface, elegant development model and vibrant community makes Plone a popular choice for building content-centric applications. By customising and extending the base platform, integrators can build unique solutions tailored to specific projects quickly and easily.If you want to create your own web applications and advanced websites using Plone 4, Professional Plone 4 Development is the book you need.The https://www.packtpub.com/Professional-Plone-web-applications-CMS/book first edition of this book remains one of the most widely read and recommended Plone books. This second edition is completely revised and up-to-date for Plone 4.1, covering new topics such as Dexterity, Diazo, jQuery and z3c.form, as well as improved ways of working with existing technologies such as Buildout, SQLAlchemy and the Pluggable Authentication Service. It retains the writing style and comprehensive approach that made the first edition so popular.Built around a realistic case study, Professional Plone 4 Development will take you from an understanding of Plone’s central concepts, through basic customization, theming, and custom development, to deployment and optimization.The book is divided into four sections:First, you will be introduced to Plone and the case study, and learn how to set up a development environment.The second section covers basic customization, including theming a Plone site using Diazo.The third section focuses on custom development – building new content types and user interfaces, customizing security and integrating with external databases.The final chapters cover deployment and performance optimization.
React helps you work smarter, not harder — but to reap the benefits of this popular JavaScript library and its components, you need a straightforward guide that will teach you how to make the most of it.React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices will help you use React effectively to make your applications more flexible, easier to maintain, and improve their performance, while giving your workflow a huge boost. With a better organization of topics and knowledge about best practices added to your developer toolbox, the updated fourth edition ensures an enhanced learning experience.The book is split into three parts; the first will teach you the fundamentals of React patterns, the second will dive into how React works, and the third will focus on real-world applications. All the code samples are updated to the latest version of React and you’ll also find plenty of new additions that explore React 18 and Node 19’s newest features, alongside MonoRepo Architecture and a dedicated chapter on TypeScript.By the end of this book, you'll be able to efficiently build and deploy real-world React web applications.
Elixir, based on Erlang’s virtual machine and ecosystem, makes it easier to achieve scalability, concurrency, fault tolerance, and high availability goals that are pursued by developers using any programming language or programming paradigm. Elixir is a modern programming language that utilizes the benefits offered by Erlang VM without really incorporating the complex syntaxes of Erlang.Learning to program using Elixir will teach many things that are very beneficial to programming as a craft, even if at the end of the day, the programmer isn't using Elixir. This book will teach you concepts and principles important to any complex, scalable, and resilient application. Mostly, applications are historically difficult to reason about, but using the concepts in this book, they will become easy and enjoyable. It will teach you the functional programing ropes, to enable them to create better and more scalable applications, and you will explore how Elixir can help you achieve new programming heights. You will also glean a firm understanding of basics of OTP and the available generic, provided functionality for creating resilient complex systems. Furthermore, you will learn the basics of metaprogramming: modifying and extending Elixir to suite your needs.