
Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail

Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail- the story is not much different from other authors stories. The plot is based on the adventures of the protagonist. Frank tries to talk about a dream that has been tormenting him for a long time. All this is not just so, the dream has a great value on the further development of the plot. Such an intriguing development of the plot doesnt let the reader get bored.


De minuit sept heures

Maurice Leblanc

Une atmosphere intrigante de lhistoire, qui se déroule pendant le plus mystique temps de la nuit. Gérard le héros tres habile, charmant et aventurier, Baratof le rival russe, qui est tres riche, la concurrence pour la jeune femme, belle et séduisante... Est-ce que une jeune fille peut perdre son honneur et sa respectabilité? Quest-ce que Maurice Leblanc nous offre dans ce roman?


The Phantom of the Opera

Gaston Leroux

The fascinating story about a young Swede Christine Daaé. Her father, a famous musician, dies, and she is brought up in the Paris Opera House. After a while in the opera house, she begins to hear a voice that, in the end, teaches her how to sing beautifully. The ghost is in love with the main character and is jealous of her friend, but it can only spell disaster.


A Strange Disappearance

Anna Katharine Green

The book that will keep your attention until the very last page! A Strange Disappearance by Anna Katherine Green is one of the first detective stories to ever be published in USA. Her novels are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy and A Strange Disappearance is one of her finest works. In this story, a young woman working as a home help disappears from a rich household in New York City, and the police begin their search to find her.



Edgar Wallace

A collection of 23 stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kiplings famous rankers would live on, and he wrote his own tales of ordinary British soldiers. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War.


Oko proroka, czyli Hanusz Bystry i jego przygody. Powieść historyczna z XVII wieku

Władysław Łoziński

Akcja powieści toczy się w XVII wieku, zaraz po klęsce pod Cecorą. Hanusz Bystry udaje się na poszukiwania ojca, który ginie bez wieści. Podczas wędrówki w jego ręce trafia Oko proroka, cenny diament, który przysparza mu wielu kłopotów.


The Treasure of the Lake

H. Rider Haggard

In fact, this is one of several papers published after the death of Haggard. The Treasure of the Lake is another extreme adventure in the hidden heart of Africa. Allan Quatermain finds a village in the center of the Dark Continent, run by a man with a strange knowledge of future events. But what will the main character do with this knowledge? Can he change something? This is the last Quatermain book.


The Gunga Sahib

Talbot Mundy

Ben Cuern is a serious businessman from Philadelphia, who finds himself in a strange story and fails to rush through the elephants named Asok on the streets of the Meeting, the capital of a small Indian province. He sees hundreds of people and sees him reintroduced by Gunga Sahib, a famous character in Hindu mythology, who has to return from day to day to bring the beautiful princess to her legitimate throne.


White Face

Edgar Wallace

A man ends up stabbed to death on a street in Londons Tidal Basin, victim of the almost mythical murderer roaming the streets of London, the Devil of Tidal Basin. But why is another bandit suddenly sighted in Tidal Basin as well? What connection had the Devil with White Face? Superintendent Mason, one of the Yards Big Five wanted to know, and what Superintendent Mason wanted to know he generally found out. Criminals knew him as Sympathetic Mason, because of his curious methods of cross-examination. This is Edgar Wallace at his best and Edgar Wallace is known the world over as the king of mystery writers. White Face involves more mystery than a number of his novels and recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


The Pickwick Papers

Charles Dickens

This novel demonstrates Dickens experimenting with building his own voice. The Pickwick Papers is a series of linear adventures, unlike the convoluted plots of Dickenss later novels. In other words, we follow our heroes from one stop to the next and meet interesting characters, rather than unraveling a mystery. The novel is a late example of the picaresque, a style of story in which we follow a rough, but still likable, hero through his adventures.The Pickwick Club sends Mr. Pickwick and a group of friends to travel across England and to report back on the interesting things they find. In the course of their travels, they repeatedly encounter the friendly but disreputable Mr. Jingle, who becomes a continual source of trouble for all who know him. Pickwick himself is the victim of a number of misunderstandings that bring him both embarrassment and problems with the law.


The Woman from the East and Other Stories

Edgar Wallace

Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1934. The Woman From the East and Other Stories is an enjoyable collection of short stories that include The Chopham Affair, The Hopper, The Silver Charm, and many more. As the stories are rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Its all great fun and Wallace keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


Пиковая Дама (Dama pikowa)

Aleksander Puszkin

Повесть, которая отличается своей таинственностью и мистичностью. Молодой, амбициозный и достаточно беспринципный инженер Герман хочет разбогатеть. Игра в карты кажется ему подходящим, но слишком рискованным средством. Герман готов играть, но только зная беспроигрышный вариант. В обществе ходят слухи о том, что некая старая графиня знает особый секрет... Загадки судьбы и секрет трех мистических карт, которые приносят выигрыш. История о том, как неожиданно может обернуться жизнь 2013 о том что фарт непредсказуем, как в любви, так и в игре.


The Book of all Power

Edgar Wallace

A really top-notch literary thriller from Edgar Wallace. The story is set in Russia and England around the time of WW1. We follow a 22-year-old man on his first assignment for a Russian-English oil company as he becomes embroiled in intrigue and romance involving a beautiful Grand Duchess, American mobster Cherry Bim, and the influential Israel Kensky and his magical book of all power. It is through Hays eyes that we see the steady erosion of the existing Russian aristocracy and the rise of the proletariat. The novel really belongs to Hay and his circle of confederates. A high-spirited romp through the Russian Revolution with the aid of more coincidences than you can shake a stick at and a good dose of dramatic licence.


Ostatnie dni Pompejów

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

Powieść ukazuje życie Pompejów w przededniu kataklizmu, który w 79 r. n.e. zniósł je z powierzchni ziemi. Główny wątek stanowi historia pary zakochanych rzymskiego patrycjusza, Glaucusa i pięknej Greczynki Iony. Obojgu za wszelką cenę stara się zaszkodzić zazdrosny o dziewczynę kapłan Arbaces. W powieści miłość miesza się z nienawiścią, chrześcijaństwo z magią, a prawda z obłudą. Gdy sprawiedliwość wydaje się być niema, rachunek krzywd wystawia przyroda. Wybucha Wezuwiusz! W obliczu śmierci tracą przywileje nawet najpotężniejsi...


The Curious Quest

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was an English novelist, in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction. This novel is an Oppenheim classic from 1919 about a high society villain: characteristic of Oppenheims typical works, with the characters living in luxury, and a very flowing and exact story. Much of Oppenheims work possesses a unique escapist charm, featuring protagonists who delight in Epicurean meals, surroundings of intense luxury, and the relaxed pursuit of criminal practice, on either side of the law. The Curious Quest is a lovely tale of a rich man having to spend a year earning his own money because he is bored and ill. Full of action and scams.


Thunder Mountain

Zane Grey

One of the bestselling novelists of the American West brings us a gripping tale of gold, greed, and vengeance. Three brothers find a lode of gold at Thunder Mountain. But instead of finding peace and prosperity, Jake, Kalispel, and Sam Emerson find more treachery than any normal men could hope to survive. Before they can get the claim registered, one of the brothers is killed by a claim jumper and the other is beaten and robbed of his ore sample. A boom town rises around the new mine while the youngest brother plots to find a way to force Rand Leavitt, the mines owner to admit to the murder. A very complex story of danger and greed that ends with a real unexpected happening.