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Greg Gifford, Jason Hanshaw, Guilda Hilaire
Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows you to use multiple channels and tools to create a 1:1 marketing experience for your customers and subscribers. Through automation and helper tasks, you can greatly increase your productivity while also reducing the level of effort required in terms of volume and frequency.Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud starts by discussing what automation is generally and then progresses to what automation is in SFMC. After that, you’ll focus on how to perform automation inside of SFMC all the way to fully running processes and capabilities from an external service. Later chapters explore the benefits and capabilities of automation and having an automation mindset both within and outside of SFMC. Equipped with this knowledge and example code, you'll be prepared to maximize your SFMC efficiency.By the end of this Salesforce audiobook, you’ll have the skills you need to build automation both inside and outside of SFMC, along with the knowledge for using the platform optimally.
Python has made software development easier, but it falls short in several areas including memory management that lead to poor performance and security. Rust, on the other hand, provides memory safety without using a garbage collector, which means that with its low memory footprint, you can build high-performant and secure apps relatively easily. However, rewriting everything in Rust can be expensive and risky as there might not be package support in Rust for the problem being solved. This is where Python bindings and pip come in.This book will help you, as a Python developer, to start using Rust in your Python projects without having to manage a separate Rust server or application. Seeing as you'll already understand concepts like functions and loops, this book covers the quirks of Rust such as memory management to code Rust in a productive and structured manner. You'll explore the PyO3 crate to fuse Rust code with Python, learn how to package your fused Rust code in a pip package, and then deploy a Python Flask application in Docker that uses a private Rust pip module. Finally, you'll get to grips with advanced Rust binding topics such as inspecting Python objects and modules in Rust.By the end of this Rust book, you'll be able to develop safe and high-performant applications with better concurrency support.
This book is an introduction to modeling and an in-depth look at topology in Blender, written by a Blender topology specialist with years of experience with the software. As you progress through its chapters, you’ll conquer the basics of quad-based topology using triangles and Ngons, and learn best practices and things to avoid while modeling and retopologizing. The pages are full of illustrations and examples with in-depth explanations that showcase each step in an easy-to-follow format.Squeaky Clean Topology in Blender starts by introducing you to the user interface and navigation. It then goes through an overview of the modeling techniques and hotkeys that will be necessary to understand the examples. With the modeling basics out of the way, the next stop on our journey is topology. Working through projects like a character and a sci-fi blaster, the book will illustrate and work through complex topology problems, and present solutions to those problems. These examples focus on deforming character models, non-deforming hard surface models, and optimizing these models by reducing the triangle count.By the end of this book, you will be able to identify the general flow of a shape's topology, identify and solve issues in your topology, and come out with a model ready for UV unwrapping, materials, and rigging.
Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text
Change doesn’t have to be challenging. Sometimes it can be simple – sometimes it just makes sense. With Ionic, mobile development has never been so simple, so elegant and obvious. By helping developers to harness AngularJS and HTML5 for mobile development, it’s the perfect framework for anyone obsessed with performance, and anyone that understands just how important a great user experience really is. This book shows you how to get started with Ionic framework immediately. But it doesn’t just give you instructions and then expect you to follow them. Instead it demonstrates what Ionic is capable of through three practical projects you can follow and build yourself. From a basic to-do list app, a London tourist app, to a complete social media app, all three projects have been designed to help you learn Ionic at its very best. From setting up your project to developing on both the server side and front end, and best practices for testing and debugging your projects, you’ll quickly become a better mobile developer, delivering high performance mobile apps that look awesome. Ionic Framework by Example is for people who don’t want to learn now, build later – it’s for people who want to learn and build at the same time – so they can meet today’s mobile development challenges head on and deliver better products than anyone else.
Azure Databricks is a unified collaborative platform for performing scalable analytics in an interactive environment. The Azure Databricks Cookbook provides recipes to get hands-on with the analytics process, including ingesting data from various batch and streaming sources and building a modern data warehouse.The book starts by teaching you how to create an Azure Databricks instance within the Azure portal, Azure CLI, and ARM templates. You’ll work through clusters in Databricks and explore recipes for ingesting data from sources, including files, databases, and streaming sources such as Apache Kafka and EventHub. The book will help you explore all the features supported by Azure Databricks for building powerful end-to-end data pipelines. You'll also find out how to build a modern data warehouse by using Delta tables and Azure Synapse Analytics. Later, you’ll learn how to write ad hoc queries and extract meaningful insights from the data lake by creating visualizations and dashboards with Databricks SQL. Finally, you'll deploy and productionize a data pipeline as well as deploy notebooks and Azure Databricks service using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).By the end of this Azure book, you'll be able to use Azure Databricks to streamline different processes involved in building data-driven apps.
Jesse Glover, Jonathan Linowes
Unity is the leading platform to develop mixed reality experiences because it provides a great pipeline for working with 3D assets.Using a practical and project-based approach, this Learning Path educates you about the specifics of AR and VR development using Unity 2018 and Unity 3D. You’ll learn to integrate, animate, and overlay 3D objects on your camera feed, before moving on to implement sensor-based AR applications. You’ll explore various concepts by creating an AR application using Vuforia for both macOS and Windows for Android and iOS devices. Next, you’ll learn how to develop VR applications that can be experienced with devices, such as Oculus and Vive. You’ll also explore various tools for VR development: gaze-based versus hand controller input, world space UI canvases, locomotion and teleportation, timeline animation, and multiplayer networking. You’ll learn the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor and C# programming. By the end of this Learning Path, you’ll be fully equipped to develop rich, interactive mixed reality experiences using Unity.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• Unity Virtual Reality Projects - Second Edition by Jonathan Linowes• Unity 2018 Augmented Reality Projects by Jesse Glover
AshishSingh Bhatia, Bostjan Kaluza
As the amount of data in the world continues to grow at an almost incomprehensible rate, being able to understand and process data is becoming a key differentiator for competitive organizations. Machine learning applications are everywhere, from self-driving cars, spam detection, document search, and trading strategies, to speech recognition. This makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of big data and Data Science. The main challenge is how to transform data into actionable knowledge.Machine Learning in Java will provide you with the techniques and tools you need. You will start by learning how to apply machine learning methods to a variety of common tasks including classification, prediction, forecasting, market basket analysis, and clustering. The code in this book works for JDK 8 and above, the code is tested on JDK 11.Moving on, you will discover how to detect anomalies and fraud, and ways to perform activity recognition, image recognition, and text analysis. By the end of the book, you will have explored related web resources and technologies that will help you take your learning to the next level.By applying the most effective machine learning methods to real-world problems, you will gain hands-on experience that will transform the way you think about data.
Jonas Andersson, Mike Pfeiffer
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is a complex messaging system. Windows PowerShell 3 can be used in conjunction with Exchange Server 2013 to automate and manage routine and complex tasks to save time, money, and eliminate errors.Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell Cookbook: Second Edition offers more than 120 recipes and solutions to everyday problems and tasks encountered in the management and administration of Exchange Server. If you want to write scripts that help you create mailboxes, monitor server resources, and generate detailed reports, then this Cookbook is for you. This practical guide to Powershell and Exchange Server 2013 will help you automate and manage time-consuming and reoccurring tasks quickly and efficiently. Starting by going through key PowerShell concepts and the Exchange Management Shell, this book will get you automating tasks that used to take hours in no time.With practical recipes on the management of recipients and mailboxes as well as distribution groups and address lists, this book will save you countless hours on repetitive tasks. Diving deeper, you will then manage your mailbox database, client access, and your transport servers with simple but effective scripts.This book finishes with advanced recipes on Exchange Server problems such as server monitoring as well as maintaining high availability and security. If you want to control every aspect of Exchange Server 2013 and learn how to save time with PowerShell, then this cookbook is for you.
Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating rich media applications and line of business applications for the web and desktop.Microsoft Windows Azure is a cloud services operating system that serves as the development, service hosting, and service management environment for the Windows Azure platform.Silverlight allows you to integrate with Windows Azure and create and run Silverlight Enterprise Applications on Windows AzureThis book shows you how to create and run Silverlight Enterprise Applications on Windows Azure.Integrating Silverlight and Windows Azure can be difficult without guidance. This book will take you through all the steps to create and run Silverlight Enterprise Applications on the Windows Azure platform. The book starts by providing the steps required to set up the development environment, providing an overview of Azure. The book then dives deep into topics such as hosting Silverlight applications in Azure, using Azure Queues in Silverlight, storing data in Azure table storage from Silverlight, accessing Azure blob storage from Silverlight, relational data with SQL Azure and RIA, and manipulating data with RIA services amongst others.
Traditionally associated with developing Windows desktop applications and games, C# is now used in a wide variety of domains, such as web and cloud apps, and has become increasingly popular for mobile development. Despite its extensive coding features, professionals experience problems related to efficiency, scalability, and maintainability because of bad code. Clean Code in C# will help you identify these problems and solve them using coding best practices.The book starts with a comparison of good and bad code, helping you understand the importance of coding standards, principles, and methodologies. You’ll then get to grips with code reviews and their role in improving your code while ensuring that you adhere to industry-recognized coding standards. This C# book covers unit testing, delves into test-driven development, and addresses cross-cutting concerns. You’ll explore good programming practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. Once you’ve studied API design and discovered tools for improving code quality, you’ll look at examples of bad code and understand which coding practices you should avoid.By the end of this clean code book, you’ll have the developed skills you need in order to apply industry-approved coding practices to write clean, readable, extendable, and maintainable C# code.
Joshua Garverick, Jack Lee, Mélony Qin, Trevoir Williams
Azure Integration Guide for Business is essential for decision makers planning to transform their business with Microsoft Azure. The Microsoft Azure cloud platform can improve the availability, scalability, and cost-efficiency of any business.The guidance in this book will help decision makers gain valuable insights into proactively managing their applications and infrastructure. You'll learn to apply best practices in Azure Virtual Network and Azure Storage design, ensuring an efficient and secure cloud infrastructure. You'll also discover how to automate Azure through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and leverage various Azure services to support OLTP applications. Next, you’ll explore how to implement Azure offerings for event-driven architectural solutions and serverless applications. Additionally, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge on how to develop an automated, secure, and scalable solutions. Core elements of the Azure ecosystem will be discussed in the final chapters of the book, such as big data solutions, cost governance, and best practices to help you optimize your business.By the end of this book, you’ll understand what a well-architected Azure solution looks like and how to lead your organization toward a tailored Azure solution that meets your business needs.
Concurrency programming allows several large tasks to be divided into smaller sub-tasks, which are further processed as individual tasks that run in parallel. All the sub-tasks are combined together once the required results are achieved; they are then merged to get the final output. The whole process is very complex. This process goes from the design of concurrent algorithms to the testing phase where concurrent applications need extra attention. Java includes a comprehensive API with a lot of ready-to-use components to implement powerful concurrency applications in an easy way, but with a high flexibility to adapt these components to your needs.The book starts with a full description of design principles of concurrent applications and how to parallelize a sequential algorithm. We'll show you how to use all the components of the Java Concurrency API from basics to the most advanced techniques to implement them in powerful concurrency applications in Java.You will be using real-world examples of complex algorithms related to machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, image processing in client / server environments. Next, you will learn how to use the most important components of the Java 8 Concurrency API: the Executor framework to execute multiple tasks in your applications, the phaser class to implement concurrent tasks divided into phases, and the Fork/Join framework to implement concurrent tasks that can be split into smaller problems (using the divide and conquer technique). Toward the end, we will cover the new inclusions in Java 8 API, the Map and Reduce model, and the Map and Collect model. The book will also teach you about the data structures and synchronization utilities to avoid data-race conditions and other critical problems. Finally, the book ends with a detailed description of the tools and techniques that you can use to test a Java concurrent application.
Logic Pro is Apple’s flagship application for music creation, found in many professional music studios across the globe. It is a powerful digital audio workstation that comes with all the software tools that you need to create music that sounds great. In the previous version, Logic Pro 10.5, Apple had added impressive features to what was already a full package of tools, loops, FX plug-ins, and software instruments.Providing a comprehensive introduction if you’re new to Mac computer music creation, this practical guide will show you how to use Logic Pro and have you up to speed in no time.You’ll not only understand what Apple’s Logic Pro software can do but also get hands-on with using it to accomplish various musical tasks. The book starts by getting you up and running with the basic terminologies. As you progress, you’ll explore how to create audio and MIDI musical parts. To build on your knowledge further, the book will guide you through developing an automated mix. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to bounce mixes and audio files for distribution.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with Logic Pro and have the skills you need to create professional-quality music.
Wireless networks are everywhere. You have probably set one up yourself, but have you ever wondered just how safe you are while browsing online? In the majority of cases, the default settings for your networks are not enough to protect you. With your data being transferred over the air, it can be easily plucked and used by anyone who knows how. Don't let it happen to you.BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security will help you secure your wireless networks and keep your personal data safe. With this book, you will learn how to configure your hardware for optimum security, find network security holes, and fix them.BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security looks at what tools hackers use and shows you how to defend yourself against them. Taking you from no prior knowledge all the way to a fully secure environment, this guide provides useful tips every step of the way. Learn how to select a wireless card to work with the Backtrack tools, run spectrum analysis scans using kismet, set up test networks, and perform attacks against wireless networks. Use the tools aircrack-ng and airodump-ng to crack the wireless encryption used on the network.You will learn everything you need to know to set up your wireless network for use within Backtrack and also how to defend yourself against the included attack tools.