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Web development
.NET 5 is the unification of all .NET technologies in a single framework that can run on all platforms and provide a consistent experience to developers, regardless of the device, operating system (OS), or cloud platform they choose.By updating to .NET 5, you can build software that can quickly adapt to the rapidly changing demands of modern consumers and stay up to date on the latest technology trends in .NET.This book provides a comprehensive overview of all the technologies that will form the future landscape of .NET using practical examples based on real-world scenarios, along with best practices to help you migrate from legacy platforms.You’ll start by learning about Microsoft’s vision and rationale for the unification of the platforms. Then, you’ll cover all the new language enhancements in C# 9. As you advance, you’ll find out how you can align yourself with modern technology trends, focusing on everything from microservices to orchestrated containerized deployments. Finally, you’ll learn how to effectively integrate machine learning in .NET code.By the end of this .NET book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of the .NET 5 platform, together with a readiness to adapt to future .NET release cycles, and you’ll be able to make architectural decisions about porting legacy systems and code bases to a newer platform.
Puppet is a configuration management system and a language. It was written for and by system administrators to manage large numbers of systems efficiently and prevent configuration drifts.Mastering Puppet deals with the issues faced when scaling out Puppet to handle large numbers of nodes. It will show you how to fit Puppet into your enterprise and allow many developers to work on your Puppet code simultaneously. In addition, you will learn to write custom facts and roll your own modules to solve problems. Next, popular options for performing reporting and orchestration tasks will be introduced in this book. Moving over to troubleshooting techniques, which will be very useful. The concepts presented are useful to any size organization. By the end of the book, you will know how to deal with problems of scale and exceptions in your code, automate workflows, and support multiple developers working simultaneously.
Graphs have become increasingly integral to powering the products and services we use in our daily lives, driving social media, online shopping recommendations, and even fraud detection. With this book, you’ll see how a good graph data model can help enhance efficiency and unlock hidden insights through complex network analysis.Graph Data Modeling in Python will guide you through designing, implementing, and harnessing a variety of graph data models using the popular open source Python libraries NetworkX and igraph. Following practical use cases and examples, you’ll find out how to design optimal graph models capable of supporting a wide range of queries and features. Moreover, you’ll seamlessly transition from traditional relational databases and tabular data to the dynamic world of graph data structures that allow powerful, path-based analyses. As well as learning how to manage a persistent graph database using Neo4j, you’ll also get to grips with adapting your network model to evolving data requirements.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to transform tabular data into powerful graph data models. In essence, you’ll build your knowledge from beginner to advanced-level practitioner in no time.
Microsoft Azure Administrator – Exam Guide AZ-103 will cover all the exam objectives that will help you achieve Microsoft Azure Administrator certification. Whether you want to pass the AZ-103 exam or simply want hands-on experience in administering Azure, this study guide will help you achieve your goal. It covers the latest features and capabilities related to configuring, managing, and securing Azure resources. Following Microsoft's AZ-103 exam syllabus, this guide is divided into five modules. The first module helps you understand how to manage Azure subscriptions and resources. You will be able to configure Azure subscription policies at Azure subscription level and even learn how to use Azure policies for resource groups. Later, the book covers techniques related to implementing and managing storage in Azure. You will be able to create and configure backup policies and perform restore operations. The next module will guide you through creating, configuring, and deploying virtual machines for Windows and Linux. In the last two modules, you will learn about configuring and monitoring virtual networks and managing identities. The book concludes with effective mock tests, along with answers to them to help you confidently pass the exam.By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills you need to pass Exam AZ-103 and gain the corresponding certification.
A Blueprint for Production-Ready Web Applications will help you expand upon your coding knowledge and teach you how to create a complete web application. Unlike other guides that focus solely on a singular technology or process, this book shows you how to combine different technologies and processes as needed to meet industry standards.You’ll begin by learning how to set up your development environment, and use Quart and React to create the backend and frontend, respectively. This book then helps you get to grips with managing and validating accounts, structuring relational tables, and creating forms to manage data. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of web application development by creating a to-do app, which can be used as a base for your future projects. Finally, you’ll find out how to deploy and monitor your application, along with discovering advanced concepts such as managing database migrations and adding multifactor authentication.By the end of this web development book, you’ll be able to apply the lessons and industry best practices that you’ve learned to both your personal and work projects, allowing you to further develop your coding portfolio.
Do you want to transform data into captivating images? Do you want to make it easy for your audience to process and understand the patterns, trends, and relationships hidden within your data?The Data Visualization Workshop will guide you through the world of data visualization and help you to unlock simple secrets for transforming data into meaningful visuals with the help of exciting exercises and activities.Starting with an introduction to data visualization, this book shows you how to first prepare raw data for visualization using NumPy and pandas operations. As you progress, you’ll use plotting techniques, such as comparison and distribution, to identify relationships and similarities between datasets. You’ll then work through practical exercises to simplify the process of creating visualizations using Python plotting libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. If you’ve ever wondered how popular companies like Uber and Airbnb use geoplotlib for geographical visualizations, this book has got you covered, helping you analyze and understand the process effectively. Finally, you’ll use the Bokeh library to create dynamic visualizations that can be integrated into any web page.By the end of this workshop, you’ll have learned how to present engaging mission-critical insights by creating impactful visualizations with real-world data.
John P. Doran, William Sherif, Stephen Whittle
Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a popular and award-winning game engine that powers some of the most popular games. A truly powerful tool for game development, there has never been a better time to use it for both commercial and independent projects. With more than 100 recipes, this book shows how to unleash the power of C++ while developing games with Unreal Engine.This book takes you on a journey to jumpstart your C++ and UE4 development skills. You will start off by setting up UE4 for C++ development and learn how to work with Visual Studio, a popular code editor. You will learn how to create C++ classes and structs the Unreal way. This will be followed by exploring memory management, smart pointers, and debugging your code. You will then learn how to make your own Actors and Components through code and how to handle input and collision events. You will also get exposure to many elements of game development including creating user interfaces, artificial intelligence, and writing code with networked play in mind. You will also learn how to add on to the Unreal Editor itself. With a range of task-oriented recipes, this book provides actionable information about writing code for games with UE4 using C++. By the end of the book, you will be empowered to become a top-notch developer with UE4 using C++ as your scripting language!
Fedora Linux System Administration. Install, manage, and secure your Fedora Linux environments
Fedora Linux is a free and open-source platform designed for hardware, clouds, and containers that enables software developers and community members to create custom solutions for their customers. This book is a comprehensive guide focusing on workstation configuration for the modern system administrator.The book begins by introducing you to the philosophy underlying the open-source movement, along with the unique attributes of the Fedora Project that set it apart from other Linux distributions. The chapters outline best practices and strategies for essential system administration tasks, including operating system installation, first-boot configuration, storage, and network setup. As you make progress, you’ll get to grips with the selection and usage of top applications and tools in the tech environment. The concluding chapters help you get a clear understanding of the basics of version control systems, enhanced Linux security, automation, virtualization, and containers, which are integral to modern system administration.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the knowledge needed to optimize day-to-day tasks related to Linux-based system administration.
Bootstrap 4 is a free CSS and JavaScript framework that allows developers to rapidly build responsive web-interfaces. Right from the first chapter, dive into building a customized Bootstrap website from scratch. Get to grips with Bootstrap’s key features and quickly discover the various ways in which Bootstrap can help you develop web-interfaces. Then take walk through the fundamental features, such as its grid system, helper classes, and responsive utilities. When you have mastered these, you will discover how to structure page layouts, use forms, style different types of content and utilize Bootstrap’s various navigation components. Among other things, you will also tour the anatomy of a Bootstrap plugin, creating your own custom components and extending Bootstrap using jQuery. Finally, you will discover how to optimize your website and integrate it with third-party frameworks.By the end of this book, you will have a thorough knowledge of the framework’s ins and outs, and be able to build highly customizable and optimized web interfaces.
Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook. Solve real-world analytical problems
Spark has emerged as the most promising big data analytics engine for data science professionals. The true power and value of Apache Spark lies in its ability to execute data science tasks with speed and accuracy. Spark’s selling point is that it combines ETL, batch analytics, real-time stream analysis, machine learning, graph processing, and visualizations. It lets you tackle the complexities that come with raw unstructured data sets with ease. This guide will get you comfortable and confident performing data science tasks with Spark. You will learn about implementations including distributed deep learning, numerical computing, and scalable machine learning. You will be shown effective solutions to problematic concepts in data science using Spark’s data science libraries such as MLLib, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and more. These simple and efficient recipes will show you how to implement algorithms and optimize your work.
The Microsoft 365 Security, Compliance, and Identity Administration is designed to help you manage, implement, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 environments.With this book, you’ll first configure, administer identity and access within Microsoft 365. You’ll learn about hybrid identity, authentication methods, and conditional access policies with Microsoft Intune. Next, you’ll discover how RBAC and Azure AD Identity Protection can be used to detect risks and secure information in your organization. You’ll also explore concepts such as Microsoft Defender for endpoint and identity, along with threat intelligence. As you progress, you’ll uncover additional tools and techniques to configure and manage Microsoft 365, including Azure Information Protection, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to manage and implement security measures within your Microsoft 365 suite successfully.
Node.js is a modern development stack focused on providing an easy way to build scalable network software. Backed by a growing number of large companies and a rapidly increasing developer base, Node is revolutionizing the way that software is being built today. Powered by Google's V8 engine and built out of C++ modules, this is a JavaScript environment for the enterprise.Mastering Node.js will take the reader deep into this exciting development environment. Beginning with a comprehensive breakdown of its innovative non-blocking evented design, Node's structure is explained in detail, laying out how its blazingly fast I/O performance simplifies the creation of fast servers, scalable architectures, and responsive web applications.Mastering Node.js takes you through a concise yet thorough tour of Node's innovative evented non-blocking design, showing you how to build professional applications with the help of detailed examples.Learn how to integrate your applications with Facebook and Twitter, Amazon and Google, creating social apps and programs reaching thousands of collaborators on the cloud. See how the Express and Path frameworks make the creation of professional web applications painless. Set up one, two, or an entire server cluster with just a few lines of code, ready to scale as soon as you're ready to launch. Move data seamlessly between databases and file systems, between clients, and across network protocols, using a beautifully designed, consistent, and predictable set of tools.Mastering Node.js contains all of the examples and explanations you'll need to build applications in a short amount of time and at a low cost, running on a scale and speed that would have been nearly impossible just a few years ago.
Simulation for Data Science with R. Effective Data-driven Decision Making
Data Science with R aims to teach you how to begin performing data science tasks by taking advantage of Rs powerful ecosystem of packages. R being the most widely used programming language when used with data science can be a powerful combination to solve complexities involved with varied data sets in the real world.The book will provide a computational and methodological framework for statistical simulation to the users. Through this book, you will get in grips with the software environment R. After getting to know the background of popular methods in the area of computational statistics, you will see some applications in R to better understand the methods as well as gaining experience of working with real-world data and real-world problems. This book helps uncover the large-scale patterns in complex systems where interdependencies and variation are critical. An effective simulation is driven by data generating processes that accurately reflect real physical populations. You will learn how to plan and structure a simulation project to aid in the decision-making process as well as the presentation of results.By the end of this book, you reader will get in touch with the software environment R. After getting background on popular methods in the area, you will see applications in R to better understand the methods as well as to gain experience when working on real-world data and real-world problems.