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Web development
If you’re a software developer, this book will give you an introduction to cryptography, helping you understand how to make the most of it for your applications. The book contains extensive code samples in JavaScript, both for Node.js and for frontend apps running in a web browser, although the core concepts can be used by developers working with any programming language and framework.With a purely hands-on approach that is focused on sharing actionable knowledge, you’ll learn about the common categories of cryptographic operations that you can leverage in all apps you’re developing, including hashing, encryption with symmetric, asymmetric and hybrid ciphers, and digital signatures. You’ll learn when to use these operations and how to choose and implement the most popular algorithms to perform them, including SHA-2, Argon2, AES, ChaCha20-Poly1305, RSA, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Later, you’ll learn how to deal with password and key management. All code in this book is written in JavaScript and designed to run in Node.js or as part of frontend apps for web browsers.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build solutions that leverage cryptography to protect user privacy, offer better security against an expanding and more complex threat landscape, help meet data protection requirements, and unlock new opportunities.
Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services.This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework.You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage.By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services.
Snort, an open source intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS), capable of real-time traffic analysis and packet logging, is regarded as the gold standard in IDS and IPS. The new version, Snort 3, is a major upgrade to the Snort IDS/IPS, featuring a new design and enhanced detection functionality, resulting in higher efficacy and improved performance, scalability, usability, and extensibility. Snort 3 is the latest version of Snort, with the current version at the time of writing being Snort v3.3.3.This book will help you understand the fundamentals of packet inspection in Snort and familiarize you with the various components of Snort. The chapters take you through the installation and configuration of Snort, focusing on helping you fine-tune your installation to optimize Snort performance. You’ll get to grips with creating and modifying Snort rules, fine-tuning specific modules, deploying and configuring, as well as troubleshooting Snort. The examples in this book enable network administrators to understand the real-world application of Snort, while familiarizing them with the functionality and configuration aspects.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage Snort to improve the security posture of even the largest and most complex networks.
Et al. Because not all research deserves a Nobel Prize
Tired of the same old math, science, statistics, and programming memes people post online and want something a little more elaborate? This is the book for you.Tremble as we make up all our own facts and data, hand-draw diagrams in MS Paint, and quote from fictional studies and journals. Cower as authors write in the first person because their study is just a little too personal for them. Recoil from the sheer mass of oversimplified methodology, distilling someone's entire thesis into a paragraph of jokes crude enough to make it into a Mike Myers movie.Over the last few years, we have taken arguments that you would normally have after four Jack and cokes at game night and turned them into properly formatted research papers with a writing tone serious enough to confuse the uninitiated. These papers are high-effort jokes by researchers and scientists for researchers and scientists. They cover a range of topics such as the consequences of re-releasing tourists back into Yellowstone National Park after COVID-19, how to play StarCraft competitively online on a quantum computer, and most importantly, how trees around the globe are becoming increasingly radicalized.
Artificial Intelligence Engines. A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Deep Learning
This book is a comprehensive guide to the mathematics behind artificial intelligence engines, taking readers from foundational concepts to advanced applications. It begins with an introduction to artificial neural networks, exploring topics like perceptrons, linear associative networks, and gradient descent. Practical examples accompany each chapter, making complex mathematical principles accessible, even for those with limited prior knowledge.The book's detailed structure covers key algorithms like backpropagation, Hopfield networks, and Boltzmann machines, advancing to deep restricted Boltzmann machines, variational autoencoders, and convolutional neural networks. Modern topics such as generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and capsule networks are explored in depth. Each section connects theory to real-world AI applications, helping readers understand how these techniques are used in practice.Ideal for students, researchers, and AI enthusiasts, the book balances theoretical depth with practical insights. Basic mathematical knowledge or foundation is recommended, allowing readers to fully engage with the content. This book serves as an accessible yet thorough resource for anyone eager to dive deeper into artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Akash Mukherjee, Jason D. Clinton
In an era of relentless cyber threats, organizations face daunting challenges in fortifying their defenses against increasingly sophisticated attacks. The Complete Guide to Defense in Depth offers a comprehensive roadmap to navigating the complex landscape, empowering you to master the art of layered security.This book starts by laying the groundwork, delving into risk navigation, asset classification, and threat identification, helping you establish a robust framework for layered security. It gradually transforms you into an adept strategist, providing insights into the attacker's mindset, revealing vulnerabilities from an adversarial perspective, and guiding the creation of a proactive defense strategy through meticulous mapping of attack vectors. Toward the end, the book addresses the ever-evolving threat landscape, exploring emerging dangers and emphasizing the crucial human factor in security awareness and training. This book also illustrates how Defense in Depth serves as a dynamic, adaptable approach to cybersecurity.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a profound understanding of the significance of multi-layered defense strategies, explored frameworks for building robust security programs, and developed the ability to navigate the evolving threat landscape with resilience and agility.
As hundreds of millions of people have started using Android smartphones, embedded Linux systems are becoming more and more popular. To get more market share, not only for hardware and function piling up, smartphone manufacturers gradually realized the importance of user experience. To improve user experience, the back-end Linux system must be optimized in many ways.Instant Optimizing Embedded System Using BusyBox is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises to help you take advantage of the real power behind Busybox, and give you a good grounding for using it to optimize your embedded (Android Linux) systems.Moving on from the basics, this book will teach you how to configure and compile it from source code, including cross-compiling it with static linking and dynamic linking. You will also learn how to install and use Busybox on the Android emulator. You will learn to replace the simple Android mksh console with Busybox ash console and start a telnet and HTTP service provided by Busybox. You will also build embedded Linux file system from scratch and start it on Android emulator. We will take a look at how to add functionality to Busybox based system, including adding external applets to Busybox, as well as building development environments (like Bash and C) for it manually or with the automatic Buildroot system.If want to learn how to take advantage of using Busybox applets to optimize your embedded system, then this is the book for you for it will also show you how to use the powerful applets to optimize multiple aspects of an embedded (Android Linux) system.This book will teach you how to build an embedded (Android Linux) system with Busybox, enhance its functionality to meet diverse system requirements, and optimize it to provide a better user experience for embedded products.
Dancing with Python. Learn to code with Python and Quantum Computing
Dancing with Python helps you learn Python and quantum computing in a practical way. It will help you explore how to work with numbers, strings, collections, iterators, and files.The book goes beyond functions and classes and teaches you to use Python and Qiskit to create gates and circuits for classical and quantum computing. Learn how quantum extends traditional techniques using the Grover Search Algorithm and the code that implements it. Dive into some advanced and widely used applications of Python and revisit strings with more sophisticated tools, such as regular expressions and basic natural language processing (NLP). The final chapters introduce you to data analysis, visualizations, and supervised and unsupervised machine learning.By the end of the book, you will be proficient in programming the latest and most powerful quantum computers, the Pythonic way.
Apple Watch App Development. Click here to enter text
With the increasing amount of new wearable devices hitting the market, wearables are the next wave of mobile technology. With the release of Apple's WatchKit SDK, a whole new world of exciting development possibilities hasopened up.Apple Watch App Development introduces you to the architecture and limitations of the Apple Watch platform, followed by an in-depth look at how to work with Xcode playgrounds. Here, we'll introduce you to the Swift programming language so you can quickly begin developing apps for the Apple Watch platform with the WatchKit framework and the Xcode Development IDE. We then discuss more advanced topics such as Notifiations, Glances, Closures, Tuples, Protocols, Apple pay, and using Swift playgrounds, with each concept backed up with example code that demonstrates how to properly execute it. We also show you how to package and deploy your Watch application to the Apple AppStore.By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of how to develop apps for Apple Watch platform using the WatchKit framework and Swift 2.0.
Generative Deep Learning with Python. Unleashing the Creative Power of AI by Mastering AI and Python
Generative Deep Learning with Python opens the door to the fascinating world of AI where machines create. This course begins with an introduction to deep learning, establishing the essential concepts and techniques. You will then delve into generative models, exploring their theoretical foundations and practical applications. As you progress, you will gain a deep understanding of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), learning how they function and how to implement them for tasks like face generation.The course's hands-on projects, such as creating GANs for face generation and using Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) for handwritten digit generation, provide practical experience that reinforces your learning. You'll also explore autoregressive models for text generation, allowing you to see the versatility of generative models across different types of data. Advanced topics will prepare you for cutting-edge developments in the field.Throughout your journey, you will gain insights into the future landscape of generative deep learning, equipping you with the skills to innovate and lead in this rapidly evolving field. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in generative deep learning and be ready to apply these techniques to real-world challenges, driving advancements in AI and machine learning.
Redux Made Easy with Rematch. Reduce Redux boilerplate and apply best practices with Rematch
Rematch is Redux best practices without the boilerplate. This book is an easy-to-read guide for anyone who wants to get started with Redux, and for those who are already using it and want to improve their codebase.Complete with hands-on tutorials, projects, and self-assessment questions, this easy-to-follow guide will take you from the simplest through to the most complex layers of Rematch. You’ll learn how to migrate from Redux, and write plugins to set up a fully tested store by integrating it with vanilla JavaScript, React, and React Native. You'll then build a real-world application from scratch with the power of Rematch and its plugins. As you advance, you’ll see how plugins extend Rematch functionalities, understanding how they work and help to create a maintainable project. Finally, you'll analyze the future of Rematch and how the frontend ecosystem is becoming easier to use and maintain with alternatives to Redux.By the end of this book, you'll be able to have total control of the application state and use Rematch to manage its scalability with simplicity.
Alfresco 3 Web Services. Build Alfresco applications using Web Services, WebScripts and CMIS
Alfresco.com, Piergiorgio Lucidi, Ugo Cei
Alfresco 3 is the leading open source enterprise content management system that offers powerful features for interacting with the content in its repository from outside the system. These include the support for the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) implementation, reusable web scripts, and a Web Services API.This is the first book to show you how to use Web Services in Alfresco. Packed with examples, you'll learn how to build applications using Alfresco remote APIs based on SOAP and REST. You'll see how to use different APIs and bindings such as WebServices, WebScripts, and CMIS.Alfresco 3 Web Services starts off by showing you the services exposed by the Alfresco Web Services API, and how the API fits into the Alfresco software architecture.You learn to develop your application firstly by setting up and testing your Java development environment using the Alfresco SDK in Eclipse IDE and secondly by associating the Alfresco source code and Javadocs in Eclipse.With the help of real world practical examples, you learn how to do things like create, sort, and call Web Scripts, and invoke remote calls to Alfresco repository. To get the most from the Web Services API, you need to know about the basics of the Content Manipulation Language (CML), and the book takes you through this.Examples such as the bookshop application show you how to sign in, change user sessions, get, remove and change public and private associated contents, manage a cart for your e-commerce application, and so on.Next, by implementing a Microsoft .NET application using the Alfresco Web Services API, you see how to perform operations against the repository from your .NET application.The book provides you with REST and SOAP concepts, their comparison, basics of the FreeMarker language, Atom Publishing Protocol, JavaScript controllers, and the Apache Chemistry project.By the end of this book, you will be able to put together your knowledge about CMIS and the Apache Chemistry toolkit to develop a complete working application that uses Alfresco, via CMIS, as a back-end storage. Last but not the least, this book also covers the WebServices security profiles— the best practices for Web Services to promote better interoperability.
Tim Beattie, Mike Hepburn, Noel O'Connor, Donal Spring, ...
DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift features many different real-world practices - some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related - to facilitate successful DevOps, and in turn OpenShift, adoption within your organization. It introduces many DevOps concepts and tools to connect culture and practice through a continuous loop of discovery, pivots, and delivery underpinned by a foundation of collaboration and software engineering.Containers and container-centric application lifecycle management are now an industry standard, and OpenShift has a leading position in a flourishing market of enterprise Kubernetes-based product offerings. DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift provides a roadmap for building empowered product teams within your organization.This guide brings together lean, agile, design thinking, DevOps, culture, facilitation, and hands-on technical enablement all in one book. Through a combination of real-world stories, a practical case study, facilitation guides, and technical implementation details, DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift provides tools and techniques to build a DevOps culture within your organization on Red Hat's OpenShift Container Platform.
Unleashing the Power of Data with Trusted AI. A guide for board members and executives
Written by a distinguished leader and innovator who has been instrumental in spearheading digital, cloud, and AI transformations across global brands, Unleashing the Power of Data with Trusted AI is an indispensable resource that will make you AI-ready.This comprehensive guide is designed to meet the urgent need for clarity and to give you actionable insights into today's rapidly evolving landscape of AI and its fundamental driver - data. You’ll delve into the exciting world of AI and its integration with data, uncover its significance, ethical considerations, and strategic applications with real-life success stories from industry giants like Starbucks, Netflix, and Siemens. You’ll also witness first-hand how the integration of data and AI has reshaped markets and elevated customer experiences, and discover the future of generative AI based on several surveys and case studies. You’ll gain an understanding of how AI has evolved across industries, empowering decision-making and fostering innovation. Tailored for board members, executives, innovators, and tech enthusiasts, this immersive guide will reshape your understanding of data and AI synergy.By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to lead your teams, customers, partners, and organizations confidently and responsibly in the era of AI.