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AWS FinOps Simplified. Eliminate cloud waste through practical FinOps
Much like how DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that advocate a collaborative working relationship between development and IT operations, FinOps encourages the same collaboration between technology and finance team, making it key relationship to establish and maintain for any thriving business.This book will help you understand how organizations with a mature FinOps practice can decentralize cost ownership to developer teams and encourage cross-functional collaboration between business, finance, and technology, enabling speed, innovation, and business growth. You’ll focus on structuring your organization to form the right FinOps team, including a Cloud Center of Excellence, and learn how to implement practical cost savings measures with AWS tools to optimize costs in both the short as well as long term.By the end of this cloud FinOps book, you’ll be ready to implement a successful Cloud FinOps practice for your organization to get the best value from the AWS cloud for your workloads.
Scala Test-Driven Development. Write clean scala code that works
Test-driven development (TDD) produces high-quality applications in less time than is possible with traditional methods. Due to the systematic nature of TDD, the application is tested in individual units as well as cumulatively, right from the design stage, to ensure optimum performance and reduced debugging costs. This step-by-step guide shows you how to use the principles of TDD and built-in Scala testing modules to write clean and fully tested Scala code and give your workflow the change it needs to let you create better applications than ever before. After an introduction to TDD, you will learn the basics of ScalaTest, one of the most flexible and most popular testing tools around for Scala, by building your first fully test-driven application. Building on from that you will learn about the ScalaTest API and how to refactor code to produce high-quality applications. We’ll teach you the concepts of BDD (Behavior-driven development) and you’ll see how to add functional tests to the existing suite of tests. You’ll be introduced to the concepts of Mocks and Stubs and will learn to increase test coverage using properties. With a concluding chapter on miscellaneous tools, this book will enable you to write better quality code that is easily maintainable and watch your apps change for the better.
Amazon SageMaker enables you to quickly build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale without managing any infrastructure. It helps you focus on the machine learning problem at hand and deploy high-quality models by eliminating the heavy lifting typically involved in each step of the ML process. This second edition will help data scientists and ML developers to explore new features such as SageMaker Data Wrangler, Pipelines, Clarify, Feature Store, and much more.You'll start by learning how to use various capabilities of SageMaker as a single toolset to solve ML challenges and progress to cover features such as AutoML, built-in algorithms and frameworks, and writing your own code and algorithms to build ML models. The book will then show you how to integrate Amazon SageMaker with popular deep learning libraries, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, to extend the capabilities of existing models. You'll also see how automating your workflows can help you get to production faster with minimum effort and at a lower cost. Finally, you'll explore SageMaker Debugger and SageMaker Model Monitor to detect quality issues in training and production.By the end of this Amazon book, you'll be able to use Amazon SageMaker on the full spectrum of ML workflows, from experimentation, training, and monitoring to scaling, deployment, and automation.
CI/CD Design Patterns. Design and implement CI/CD using proven design patterns
Garima Bajpai, Michel Schildmeijer, Muktesh Mishra, Pawel Piwosz, ...
The fast-changing world of software development demands robust CI/CD solutions that go beyond traditional methods to address the complexities of modern pipelines. This practical guide presents proven design patterns to streamline your CI/CD processes, tackling pain points often overlooked by other resources. This book introduces continuous delivery design patterns to help practitioners and engineering teams design, adopt, and implement CI/CD. Drawing from decades of combined industry experience, the expert author team—including DevOps and cloud leader Garima Bajpai, industry expert Michel Schildmeijer, CI/CD framework creator Pawel Piwosz, and open source advocate Muktesh Mishra—provides invaluable insights from leading voices in the industry.The book lays a solid foundation by starting with the importance of CI/CD design patterns, components, and principles. You’ll learn strategies for scaling CI/CD with a focus on performance, security, measurements, and pipeline auditability, along with infrastructure and release automation. The book also covers advanced design patterns that integrate machine learning, generative AI, and near real-time CI/CD processes.By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of continuous delivery design patterns, a solid foundation for audits and controls, and be able to mitigate risks associated with the rapid integration of modern technology into the SDLC.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly finding practical applications across a wide variety of industry verticals, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of them. Developers are looking for ways to make IoT devices smarter and to make users’ lives easier. With this AI cookbook, you’ll be able to implement smart analytics using IoT data to gain insights, predict outcomes, and make informed decisions, along with covering advanced AI techniques that facilitate analytics and learning in various IoT applications.Using a recipe-based approach, the book will take you through essential processes such as data collection, data analysis, modeling, statistics and monitoring, and deployment. You’ll use real-life datasets from smart homes, industrial IoT, and smart devices to train and evaluate simple to complex models and make predictions using trained models. Later chapters will take you through the key challenges faced while implementing machine learning, deep learning, and other AI techniques, such as natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and embedded machine learning for building smart IoT systems. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to deploy models and improve their performance with ease.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to package and deploy end-to-end AI apps and apply best practice solutions to common IoT problems.
Oracle Business Process Management Suite is a complete set of tools for creating, executing, and optimizing business processes.Oracle BPM Suite 11g offers the flexibility that business demands, hand-in-hand with the power IT requires. The result is an agile platform that brings together your existing applications, enabling you to react quickly to new business requirements.With this cookbook we will develop rich, interactive business processes using the Oracle Business Process Management suite.With Oracle BPM Suite 11g Developer's Cookbook, a common process model based on BPMN is presented to the specific role assigned to readers in each chapter. Explore Oracle BPM 11g with Modelling, Implementation, Simulation, Deployment, Exception Management, BPM and SOA in Concert, Advanced Rules and Human tasks, End User Interaction and Run-time.Oracle BPM Suite 11g Developer's Cookbook will help readers learn BPM 11g through a Real World Sample Process.This book is divided into four sections: the first section, Modeling, lays the foundation and demonstrates how to implement the Modeling of Business processes for a Use Case of a Fictitious Organization which needs BPM to be implemented at their site (with data objects and information handling). In the second section, Implementation, we learn about Process Implementation, Human Interaction, Business Rules, and much more. In the third section, Measuring, we learn about Post Process Development, Performance Analysis and Simulation Models. In the last section, Deployment, Migration and Run-Time, we learn deployment and migration, and Post Deployment Run-Time.
The iPhone is the most popular smartphone available on the market, renowned for its sophisticated design, immersive UI, and user safety. And even if you’ve bought an iPhone for its impressive specifications, you may still be unaware of many of its features, which you’ll discover with the help of this book!The iPhone Manual is your practical guide to uncovering the hidden potential of iPhones, and will leave you amazed at how productive you can be by learning tips and hacks for customizing your device as a communication, entertainment, and work tool. You’ll unearth the complete range of iPhone features and customize it to streamline your day-to-day interaction with your device. This iPhone manual will help you explore your iPhone’s impressive capabilities and fully understand all the features, functions, and settings that every iPhone owner should know. With this book, you’ll get to grips with not only the basics of communication but also best practices for accessing photos, videos, and music to set up your entertainment using your iPhone. In addition to this, you’ll learn about serious work tools that will make you productive in your everyday tasks.By the end of this iPhone book, you’ll have learned how to use your iPhone to perform tasks and customize your experience in ways you probably didn’t realize were possible.
Brais Brenlla Ramos, Kenneth Pimentel
Unreal Engine is here to stay! Since the launch of the first edition of this book, based on the Unreal Engine 5 technology, real-time rendering has only grown in popularity. The demand for expertise in this area has grown exponentially across various fields over the last few years, and Unreal Engine 5 builds upon that foundation and continues to push the boundaries of what is achievable in an interactive format.Against this backdrop, the second edition of this book takes a leap forward and explores the new opportunities offered by the latest version of the engine, including Lumen, ray tracing, and Nanite. The book also revisits previously covered techniques and updates them to current standards, shining new light on topics such as the PBR workflow and the different lighting solutions that were present in the first edition. Throughout the chapters, you’ll be able to focus on two key principles that you need to consider when dealing with real-time graphics: optimization and efficiency.By the end of this book, you’ll have explored the many rendering possibilities that Unreal Engine 5 has to offer to become the master of your own creations!
Zoho CRM is one of the most user-friendly, configurable, and competitively priced CRM systems for managing all your customer relationships. When tailored effectively to your business, it empowers your team to work smarter and helps your business to achieve more profitable and scalable growth. This book will show you how to make the most of Zoho CRM to increase productivity.You’ll start by learning about the foundation modules of Zoho CRM such as Leads, Deals, Contacts, and Accounts, and understand their functionalities that enable you to build effective solutions. Then, you’ll explore innovative workflows that will help you to save time and make sure that your sales teams are proactively managing opportunities and clients. The book also focuses on Zoho Marketplace, as well as how to extend the functionality of Zoho CRM using custom functions. You’ll cover real-world use cases that will inspire you to extend your Zoho adoption by integrating Zoho CRM with other Zoho apps such as Zoho Campaigns, Zoho Forms, Zoho Survey, and SalesIQ. Finally, you’ll discover best practices for adapting and evolving your CRM solutions and maintaining your CRM to achieve continuous improvement.By the end of this CRM book, you’ll have set up a CRM solution that will be fit for the next 10 years of business growth.
Irena Cronin, Robert Scoble, Steve Wozniak
What is Spatial Computing, and why are companies like Tesla, Apple, and Meta investing billions into it? In The Infinite Retina, Irena Cronin and Robert Scoble explore how spatial computing—where humans and machines interact in a digital–physical space—has progressed beyond theory into real-world applications.This second edition has many substantial updates, including two new chapters on the relevance of Generative AI in Spatial Computing and a new chapter on the impact of Apple Vision Pro. Each existing chapter has been updated to have the most current information and commentary. The book offers a fresh look at seven major industries, including healthcare and retail, featuring updated case studies, expert commentary, and real-world examples. Additionally, it addresses crucial risks and challenges, such as data privacy, automation's impact on employment, and ethical concerns. This edition moves beyond speculation to critically analyze what Spatial Computing means for businesses and individuals today.
Oracle Solaris provides innovative, built-in features that deliver breakthrough high availability, advanced security, efficiency, and industry-leading scalability and performance to help businesses grow. Oracle Solaris 11: First Look covers the new features and functionality of Oracle Solaris 11 and how these new features and improvements will make it easier to deploy services to the enterprise while improving performance and reducing total cost of ownership.This book starts with coverage of Image Packaging System and the new installation methods. It then moves swiftly to network configuration. The book also includes some security features and improvements.
Thomas Newton, Oscar Villarreal, Lars Verspohl
D3.js is a visualization library used for the creation and control of dynamic and interactive graphical forms. It is a library used to manipulate HTML and SVG documents as well as the Canvas element based on data. Using D3.js, developers can create interactive maps for the web, that look and feel beautiful. This book will show you how build and design maps with D3.js and gives you great insight into projections, colors, and the most appropriate types of map.The book begins by helping you set up all the tools necessary to build visualizations and maps. Then it covers obtaining geographic data, modifying it to your specific needs, visualizing it with augmented data using D3.js. It will further show you how to draw and map with the Canvas API and how to publish your visualization. By the end of this book, you'll be creating maps like the election maps and the kind of infographics you'll find on sites like the New York Times.
Multi-cloud has emerged as one of the top cloud computing trends, with businesses wanting to reduce their reliance on only one vendor. But when organizations shift to multiple cloud services without a clear strategy, they may face certain difficulties, in terms of how to stay in control, how to keep all the different components secure, and how to execute the cross-cloud development of applications. This book combines best practices from different cloud adoption frameworks to help you find solutions to these problems.With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll begin by planning the foundation, creating the architecture, designing the governance model, and implementing tools, processes, and technologies to manage multi-cloud environments. You’ll then discover how to design workload environments using different cloud propositions, understand how to optimize the use of these cloud technologies, and automate and monitor the environments. As you advance, you’ll delve into multi-cloud governance, defining clear demarcation models and management processes. Finally, you’ll learn about managing identities in multi-cloud: who’s doing what, why, when, and where.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create, implement, and manage multi-cloud architectures with confidence
Virtualization has created a new role within IT departments everywhere; the vSphere administrator. vSphere administrators have long been managing more than just the hypervisor, they have quickly had to adapt to become a ‘jack of all trades' in organizations. More and more tier 1 workloads are being virtualized, making the infrastructure underneath them all that more important. Due to this, along with the holistic nature of vSphere, administrators are forced to have the know-how on what to do when problems occur.This practical, easy-to-understand guide will give the vSphere administrator the knowledge and skill set they need in order to identify, troubleshoot, and solve issues that relate to storage visibility, storage performance, and storage capacity in a vSphere environment.This book will first give you the fundamental background knowledge of storage and virtualization. From there, you will explore the tools and techniques that you can use to troubleshoot common storage issues in today's data centers.You will learn the steps to take when storage seems slow, or there is limited availability of storage. The book will go over the most common storage transport such as Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and NFS, and explain what to do when you can't see your storage, where to look when your storage is experiencing performance issues, and how to react when you reach capacity. You will also learn about the tools that ESXi contains to help you with this, and how to identify key issues within the many vSphere logfiles.