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In a world with nearly 2 million apps on the App Store, the demand for skilled iOS developers has never been higher. iOS 17 Programming for Beginners, Eighth Edition is your gateway to this lucrative and dynamic field. This hands-on guide is tailored for those who are new to iOS and takes you on a journey from learning the Swift language to crafting your own app and seeing it thrive on the App Store.Our approach is hands-on and practical. Each chapter is designed to be a stepping stone in your development journey, providing step-by-step tutorials, real-life examples, and clear explanations of complex concepts. As you progress, you'll not only be skilled in Swift but also incorporate cutting-edge technologies into your apps. You'll learn how to publish your creations and harness the power of iOS 17 through a straightforward and easy to program example app divided into manageable parts.By the time you've completed this book, you'll possess the skills and knowledge to not only develop and publish captivating apps but also leverage online resources to continually enhance your app development prowess.
Shiva V. N. Parasram, Alex Samm, Damian Boodoo, Gerard Johansen, ...
Kali Linux is a comprehensive penetration testing platform with advanced tools to identify, detect, and exploit the vulnerabilities uncovered in the target network environment. With Kali Linux, you can apply the appropriate testing methodology with defined business objectives and a scheduled test plan, resulting in successful penetration testing project engagement.This fourth edition of Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing starts with the installation of Kali Linux. You will be able to create a full test environment to safely practice scanning, vulnerability assessment, and exploitation. You’ll explore the essentials of penetration testing by collecting relevant data on the target network with the use of several footprinting and discovery tools. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll focus on specific hosts and services via scanning and run vulnerability scans to discover various risks and threats within the target, which can then be exploited. In the concluding chapters, you’ll apply techniques to exploit target systems in order to gain access and find a way to maintain that access. You’ll also discover techniques and tools for assessing and attacking devices that are not physically connected to the network, including wireless networks.By the end of this book, you will be able to use NetHunter, the mobile version of Kali Linux, and write a detailed report based on your findings.
Beginning C++ Game Programming. Learn C++ from scratch and get started building your very own games
This book is all about offering you a fun introduction to the world of game programming, C++, and the OpenGL-powered SFML using three fun, fully-playable games. These games are an addictive frantic two-button tapper, a multi-level zombie survival shooter, and a split-screen multiplayer puzzle-platformer.We will start with the very basics of programming, such as variables, loops, and conditions and you will become more skillful with each game as you move through the key C++ topics, such as OOP (Object-Orientated Programming), C++ pointers, and an introduction to the Standard Template Library. While building these games, you will also learn exciting game programming concepts like particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable Shaders, spawning thousands of objects, and more.
Sergei Golubchik, Andrew Hutchings, Andrew Hutchings, Sergii Golubchyk
MySQL has introduced a Plugin API with its latest version – a robust, powerful, and easy way of extending the server functionality with loadable modules on the fly. But until now anyone wishing to develop a plugin would almost certainly need to dig into the MySQL source code and search the Web for missing bits of the information.This is the first book on the MySQL Plugin API. Written together with one of the Plugin API primary architects, it contains all the details you need to build a plugin. It shows what a plugin should contain and how to compile, install, and package it. Every chapter illustrates the material with thoroughly explained source code examples.Starting from the basic features, common to all plugin types, and the structure of the plugin framework, this book will guide you through the different plugin types, from simple examples to advanced ones. Server monitoring, full-text search in JPEG comments, typo-tolerant searches, getting the list of all user variables, system usage statistics, or a complete storage engine with indexes – these and other plugins are developed in different chapters of this book, demonstrating the power and versatility of the MySQL Plugin API and explaining the intricate details of MySQL Plugin programming.
Designing Machine Learning Systems with Python. Key design strategies to create intelligent systems
Machine learning is one of the fastest growing trends in modern computing. It has applications in a wide range of fields, including economics, the natural sciences, web development, and business modeling. In order to harness the power of these systems, it is essential that the practitioner develops a solid understanding of the underlying design principles.There are many reasons why machine learning models may not give accurate results. By looking at these systems from a design perspective, we gain a deeper understanding of the underlying algorithms and the optimisational methods that are available. This book will give you a solid foundation in the machine learning design process, and enable you to build customised machine learning models to solve unique problems. You may already know about, or have worked with, some of theoff-the-shelf machine learning models for solving common problems such as spam detection or movie classification, but to begin solving more complex problems, it is important to adapt these models to your own specific needs. This book will give you this understanding and more.
The Salesforce Data Architect is a prerequisite exam for the Application Architect half of the Salesforce Certified Technical Architect credential. This book offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the Salesforce Data Architect exam so you can take it with confidence.The book is written in a clear, succinct way with self-assessment and practice exam questions, covering all the topics necessary to help you pass the exam with ease. You’ll understand the theory around Salesforce data modeling, database design, master data management (MDM), Salesforce data management (SDM), and data governance. Additionally, performance considerations associated with large data volumes will be covered. You’ll also get to grips with data migration and understand the supporting theory needed to achieve Salesforce Data Architect certification.By the end of this Salesforce book, you'll have covered everything you need to know to pass the Salesforce Data Architect certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide to re-visit the concepts.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have revolutionized the fields of machine learning and deep learning. This book will be your first step toward understanding GAN architectures and tackling the challenges involved in training them.This book opens with an introduction to deep learning and generative models and their applications in artificial intelligence (AI). You will then learn how to build, evaluate, and improve your first GAN with the help of easy-to-follow examples. The next few chapters will guide you through training a GAN model to produce and improve high-resolution images. You will also learn how to implement conditional GANs that enable you to control characteristics of GAN output. You will build on your knowledge further by exploring a new training methodology for progressive growing of GANs. Moving on, you'll gain insights into state-of-the-art models in image synthesis, speech enhancement, and natural language generation using GANs. In addition to this, you'll be able to identify GAN samples with TequilaGAN.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the latest advancements in the GAN framework using various examples and datasets, and you will have developed the skills you need to implement GAN architectures for several tasks and domains, including computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and audio processing.Foreword by Ting-Chun Wang, Senior Research Scientist, NVIDIA
Raspberry Pi By Example. Start building amazing projects with the Raspberry Pi right out of the box
Chidananda Matada Shivan, Ashwin Pajankar, William Harrington, Bartek Zdanowski, ...
Want to put your Raspberry Pi through its paces right out of the box? This tutorial guide is designed to get you learning all the tricks of the Raspberry Pi through building complete, hands-on hardware projects. Speed through the basics and then dive right in to development!Discover that you can do almost anything with your Raspberry Pi with a taste of almost everything. Get started with Pi Gaming as you learn how to set up Minecraft, and then program your own game with the help of Pygame. Turn the Pi into your own home security system with complete guidance on setting up a webcam spy camera and OpenCV computer vision for image recognition capabilities. Get to grips with GPIO programming to make a Pi-based glowing LED system, build a complete functioning motion tracker, and more. Finally, get ready to tackle projects that push your Pi to its limits. Construct a complete Internet of Things home automation system with the Raspberry Pi to control your house via Twitter; turn your Pi into a super-computer through linking multiple boards into a cluster and then add in advanced network capabilities for super speedy processing!
Tableau: Creating Interactive Data Visualizations. Creating Interactive Data Visualizations
Matt Floyd, Jen Stirrup, Ashley Ohmann, Ashutosh Nandeshwar
With increasing interest for data visualization in the media, businesses are looking to create effective dashboards that engage as well as communicate the truth of data. Tableau makes data accessible to everyone, and is a great way of sharing enterprise dashboards across the business. Tableau is a revolutionary toolkit that lets you simply and effectively create high-quality data visualizations.This course starts with making you familiar with its features and enable you to develop and enhance your dashboard skills, starting with an overview of what dashboard is, followed by how you can collect data using various mathematical formulas. Next, you'll learn to filter and group data, as well as how to use various functions to present the data in an appealing and accurate way. In the first module, you will learn how to use the key advanced string functions to play with data and images. You will be walked through the various features of Tableau including dual axes, scatterplot matrices, heat maps, and sizing.In the second module, you’ll start with getting your data into Tableau, move onto generating progressively complex graphics, and end with the finishing touches and packaging your work for distribution. This module is filled with practical examples to help you create filled maps, use custom markers, add slider selectors, and create dashboards. You will learn how to manipulate data in various ways by applying various filters, logic, and calculating various aggregate measures. Finally, in the third module, you learn about Tableau Public using which allows readers to explore data associations in multiple-sourced public data, and uses state-of-the-art dashboard and chart graphics to immerse the users in an interactive experience. In this module, the readers can quickly gain confidence in understanding and expanding their visualization, creation knowledge, and quickly create interesting, interactive data visualizations to bring a richness and vibrancy to complex articles.The course provides a great overview for beginner to intermediate Tableau users, and covers the creation of data visualizations of varying complexities.
Businesses around the world are paying much greater attention toward database security than they ever have before. Not only does the current regulatory environment require tight security, particularly when dealing with sensitive and personal data, data is also arguably a company’s most valuable asset - why wouldn’t you want to protect it in a secure and reliable database? Oracle Database lets you do exactly that. It’s why it is one of the world’s leading databases – with a rich portfolio of features to protect data from contemporary vulnerabilities, it’s the go-to database for many organizations. Oracle Database 12c Security Cookbook helps DBAs, developers, and architects to better understand database security challenges. Let it guide you through the process of implementing appropriate security mechanisms, helping you to ensure you are taking proactive steps to keep your data safe. Featuring solutions for common security problems in the new Oracle Database 12c, with this book you can be confident about securing your database from a range of different threats and problems.