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Game Development with Rust and WebAssembly. Learn how to run Rust on the web while building a game
The Rust programming language has held the most-loved technology ranking on Stack Overflow for 6 years running, while JavaScript has been the most-used programming language for 9 years straight as it runs on every web browser. Now, thanks to WebAssembly (or Wasm), you can use the language you love on the platform that's everywhere.This book is an easy-to-follow reference to help you develop your own games, teaching you all about game development and how to create an endless runner from scratch. You'll begin by drawing simple graphics in the browser window, and then learn how to move the main character across the screen. You'll also create a game loop, a renderer, and more, all written entirely in Rust. After getting simple shapes onto the screen, you'll scale the challenge by adding sprites, sounds, and user input. As you advance, you'll discover how to implement a procedurally generated world. Finally, you'll learn how to keep your Rust code clean and organized so you can continue to implement new features and deploy your app on the web.By the end of this Rust programming book, you'll build a 2D game in Rust, deploy it to the web, and be confident enough to start building your own games.
Learn from an Adobe Certified Expert who has guided over 500 students to professional certification—master the proven techniques and insider secrets that turn beginners into confident video editors with this definitive resource covering the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro. This book takes you through the fundamental concepts and tools in Premiere Pro, introducing essential techniques and advanced editing strategies to elevate your video projects.You’ll master Premier Pro 2025 from the ground up as you explore its interface and fundamental editing tools. Through hands-on lessons, you’ll get to grips with core techniques for working with video and audio, organizing assets, and applying stunning effects and build your skillset to include advanced skills color grading, color correction, transitions and effects, and refining audio quality using the Essential Sound panel. You’ll also learn editing techniques like compositing and multicam editing used by professionals. Beyond tools and techniques, the book emphasizes video editing best practices for project planning, structuring workflows, troubleshooting, and avoiding common mistakes.Whether you're creating content for media aspiring to edit feature films, this guide will give you the confidence to undertake any video project and bring your creative vision to life.
Irena Cronin, Robert Scoble, Hugo Swart
“The metaverse” has become a widely known term within a very short time span. The Immersive Metaverse Playbook for Business Leaders explicitly explains what it really refers to and shows you how to plot your business road map using the metaverse.This book helps you understand the concept of the metaverse, along with the implementation of generative AI in it. You'll not only get to grips with the underlying concepts, but also take a closer look at key technologies that power the metaverse, enabling you to plan your business road map. The chapters include use cases on social interaction, work, entertainment, art, and shopping to help you make better decisions when it comes to metaverse product and service development. You’ll also explore the overall societal benefits and dangers related to issues such as privacy encroachment, technology addiction, and sluggishness. The concluding chapters discuss the future of AR and VR roles in the metaverse and the metaverse as a whole to enable you to make long-term business plans.By the end of this book, you'll be able to successfully invest, build, and market metaverse products and services that set you apart as a progressive technology leader.
This book will illustrate how and why you should learn Python to strengthen your analysis skills and efficiency as you creatively solve real-world problems through instruction-based tutorials. The tutorials use an interactive design, giving you experience of the development process so you gain a better understanding of what it means to be a forensic developer.Each chapter walks you through a forensic artifact and one or more methods to analyze the evidence. It also provides reasons why one method may be advantageous over another. We cover common digital forensics and incident response scenarios, with scripts that can be used to tackle case work in the field. Using built-in and community-sourced libraries, you will improve your problem solving skills with the addition of the Python scripting language. In addition, we provide resources for further exploration of each script so you can understand what further purposes Python can serve. With this knowledge, you can rapidly develop and deploy solutions to identify critical information and fine-tune your skill set as an examiner.
Alexandru Serban, Aleksandar Seovic
Why is Software Configuration Management important?Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the discipline of managing the building and modification of software through techniques including source-code control, revision control, object-build tracking, and release construction. SCM involves identifying the configuration of the software at given points in time, systematically controlling changes to the configuration, and maintaining the integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the software development lifecycle.Software Configuration Management is one of the first skills a serious developer should master, after becoming proficient with his or her development tools of choice. Unfortunately, this does not always happen because the subject of SCM is not commonly taught in either academic or company training.When developing software, you need to have a manageable team development effort, track and maintain the history of your projects, sustain parallel development on multiple product versions, fix bugs, and release service packs while further developing the application. This is where the concepts of Software Configuration Management come into play; SCM is about getting the job done safer, faster, and better.Visual SourceSafe has a long history behind it. The previous versions were either loved for their ease of use and integration with other Microsoft products, or hated because the headaches caused by using them improperly. This book will help you to avoid such problems.
Microsoft Windows Intune is a cloud service solution that simplifies how small and mid-sized businesses manage and secure PCs using Microsoft cloud services and Windows 7óso your computers and users can operate at peak performance all the time.This step-by-step guide will show you how to plan, set up and maintain Windows Intune, showing you how to manage a group of PCs (either 1 business or several if a partner) from the base operating system, through to the patches, anti-malware solution and deployed software and policies from a central console, using the Windows Intune service. This book takes you through all the steps to plan, set up and maintain Windows Intune and how to manage a group of PCs. The book starts by providing an overview of Cloud Computing and PC Management. The book then dives into topics such as Windows Intune features, signing up for Windows Intune and installing the client software, configuring Windows Intune, proactive management, and monitoring and dealing with alerts, including remote assistance amongst others. As Windows 7 is part of Windows Intune, the book will also cover the minimum steps required to move from Windows XP to Windows 7 while keeping user settings and preferences.
Matthew Moocarme, Mahla Abdolahnejad, Ritesh Bhagwat
New experiences can be intimidating, but not this one! This beginner’s guide to deep learning is here to help you explore deep learning from scratch with Keras, and be on your way to training your first ever neural networks.What sets Keras apart from other deep learning frameworks is its simplicity. With over two hundred thousand users, Keras has a stronger adoption in industry and the research community than any other deep learning framework.The Deep Learning with Keras Workshop starts by introducing you to the fundamental concepts of machine learning using the scikit-learn package. After learning how to perform the linear transformations that are necessary for building neural networks, you'll build your first neural network with the Keras library. As you advance, you'll learn how to build multi-layer neural networks and recognize when your model is underfitting or overfitting to the training data. With the help of practical exercises, you’ll learn to use cross-validation techniques to evaluate your models and then choose the optimal hyperparameters to fine-tune their performance. Finally, you’ll explore recurrent neural networks and learn how to train them to predict values in sequential data.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to confidently train your own neural network models.
101 UX Principles. A definitive design guide
We want our UX to be brilliant. We want to create stunning user experiences. We want our UX to drive the success of our business with useful and usable software products. This book draws on the wisdom and training of Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman to help you get your UX right - in 101 ways!101 UX Principles shows you the 101 most important things you need to know about usability and design. A practical reference for UX professionals, and a shortcut to greatness for anyone who needs a clear and wise selection of principles to guide their UX success. Learn the key principles that drive brilliant UX design.Enjoy 101 Principles including ‘Good UX has a Beginning, a Middle, and an End’, ‘Make Your Links Look Like Links’, ‘Don't Use Obsolete Icons’, ‘Decide Whether an Interaction Should Be Obvious, Easy, or Possible’, ‘Test with Real Users’, ‘Making the most of fonts’, ‘Good UX for search results’, and ‘Show your user - don't tell your user!’“Good to read from beginning to end, and a nice dip-in-and-out text, the chapter titles reminded me of principles I don't even think about explicitly when I likely should. The book inspired me to start more explicitly articulating some of the principles I just take for granted.”- Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience at Google“This is a great practical read. It is convenient to use as a reference when solving real UX problems. I would definitely recommend it as an introduction to UX, but also as a good reminder of best practices for more experienced designers.”- Anne-Marie Léger, Designer at ShopifySome more of the 101 UX Principles featured in this book:Work with user expectations not against themHow to build upon established metaphorsHow to arrange navigation elementsHow to introduce new ideas to your userMatching pagination and content structureWhen invention is not good for UXStriving for simplicityReducing user tasksWhat to make clickableMaking the most of fontsMaking your links look like linksPicking the right control for the jobData input and what users care aboutHow to handle destructive user actionsWhen color should not convey informationTappable areas and the size of fingersGetting payment details the right wayUse the standard e-commerce patternIf you really must use a flat designWhen to use progress bars or spinnersDropdowns the right and wrong wayHandling just-off-screen contentHow to do Hamburger menus rightWhen to hide Advanced SettingsGood UX for Notifications
The course begins with an engaging introduction to the world of Artificial Intelligence, making it approachable for absolute beginners. We unravel the mysteries of AI's evolution, from its historical roots to the cutting-edge technologies shaping our future. By explaining complex concepts in simple terms, this course aims to illuminate the path for those curious about how AI impacts our world.The course focuses on the core components of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, before advancing to more specialized topics like generative AI and computer vision. Each module is designed to build a comprehensive understanding, emphasizing why these technologies are crucial for solving real-world problems and how they're transforming industries.The course wraps up by exploring the ethical considerations and privacy concerns associated with AI, along with a visionary look at the future of work in an AI-driven world. It offers a treasure trove of further resources, ensuring learners have everything they need to continue their exploration of AI.
Web Content Management with Documentum. Setup, Design, Develop, and Deploy Documentum Applications
Gaurav Kathuria, BPB Publications
One of the world leaders in Enterprise Content Management, the EMC Documentum family of applications helps you manage all types of content across multiple departments within a single repository. With the Web Content Management suite of applications, you can efficiently manage content and underlying processes for your Web properties, and ensures that they are responsive to business needs.To fully realize the power of this system can seem daunting, but this book will help you achieve that. With easy to follow examples, this book will take you the simplest and most straightforward route to success. Along the way, you will learn insights that only a seasoned professional would know.Packed with practical examples, you will get hands-on with the powerful features of Documentum to grow your skills and confidence. You will see tips and tricks to handle complexities of the system, and avoid the common errors that waste your time.From installing and getting started with Documentum, you will see how to design and develop Documentum applications, before rounding off with deployment.
Trenton Potgieter, Jonathan Dahlberg
AWS provides a wide range of solutions to help automate a machine learning workflow with just a few lines of code. With this practical book, you'll learn how to automate a machine learning pipeline using the various AWS services.Automated Machine Learning on AWS begins with a quick overview of what the machine learning pipeline/process looks like and highlights the typical challenges that you may face when building a pipeline. Throughout the book, you'll become well versed with various AWS solutions such as Amazon SageMaker Autopilot, AutoGluon, and AWS Step Functions to automate an end-to-end ML process with the help of hands-on examples. The book will show you how to build, monitor, and execute a CI/CD pipeline for the ML process and how the various CI/CD services within AWS can be applied to a use case with the Cloud Development Kit (CDK). You'll understand what a data-centric ML process is by working with the Amazon Managed Services for Apache Airflow and then build a managed Airflow environment. You'll also cover the key success criteria for an MLSDLC implementation and the process of creating a self-mutating CI/CD pipeline using AWS CDK from the perspective of the platform engineering team.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to effectively automate a complete machine learning pipeline and deploy it to production.
This book, authored by a seasoned Senior Data Architect with 25 years of experience, aims to help you achieve proficiency in using the AWS ecosystem for data engineering. This revised edition provides updates in every chapter to cover the latest AWS services and features, takes a refreshed look at data governance, and includes a brand-new section on building modern data platforms which covers; implementing a data mesh approach, open-table formats (such as Apache Iceberg), and using DataOps for automation and observability.You'll begin by reviewing the key concepts and essential AWS tools in a data engineer's toolkit and getting acquainted with modern data management approaches. You'll then architect a data pipeline, review raw data sources, transform the data, and learn how that transformed data is used by various data consumers. You’ll learn how to ensure strong data governance, and about populating data marts and data warehouses along with how a data lakehouse fits into the picture. After that, you'll be introduced to AWS tools for analyzing data, including those for ad-hoc SQL queries and creating visualizations. Then, you'll explore how the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to draw new insights from data. In the final chapters, you'll discover transactional data lakes, data meshes, and how to build a cutting-edge data platform on AWS.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to execute data engineering tasks and implement a data pipeline on AWS like a pro!
Lauren Mullennex, Nate Bachmeier, Jay Rao
Computer vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence that helps transform visual data into actionable insights to solve a wide range of business challenges. This book provides prescriptive guidance to anyone looking to learn how to approach CV problems for quickly building and deploying production-ready models.You’ll begin by exploring the applications of CV and the features of Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Lookout for Vision. The book will then walk you through real-world use cases such as identity verification, real-time video analysis, content moderation, and detecting manufacturing defects that’ll enable you to understand how to implement AWS AI/ML services. As you make progress, you'll also use Amazon SageMaker for data annotation, training, and deploying CV models. In the concluding chapters, you'll work with practical code examples, and discover best practices and design principles for scaling, reducing cost, improving the security posture, and mitigating bias of CV workloads.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to accelerate your business outcomes by building and implementing CV into your production environments with the help of AWS AI/ML services.