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Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
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Web development
Erez Ben-Ari, Ran Dolev, Erez Y Ben
Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) is the latest in a line of Application Publishing (Reverse Proxy) and Remote Access (VPN) Server products. The broad set of features and technologies integrated into UAG makes for a steep learning curve. Understanding all the features and abilities of UAG is a complex task that can be daunting even to experienced networking and security engineers. This book is the first to be dedicated solely to Microsoft Forefront UAG. It guides you step-by-step throughout all the stages of deployment, from design to troubleshooting. Written by the absolute experts who have taken part of the product’s development, official training and support, this book covers all the primary features of UAG in a friendly style and a manner that is easy to follow. It takes you from the initial planning and design stage, through deployment and configuration, up to maintenance and troubleshooting. The book starts by introducing UAG's features and and abilities, and how your organization can benefit from them. It then goes on to guide you through planning and designing the integration of the product into your own unique environment. Further, the book guides you through the process of publishing the various applications, servers and resources - from simple web applications to complex client/server based applications. It also details the various VPN technologies that UAG provides and how to take full advantage of them. The later chapters of the book educate you with common routine “upkeep” tasks like monitoring, backup and troubleshooting of common issues. Finally, the book includes an introduction to ASP, which some of the product's features are based on, and can help the advanced administrator with enhancing and customizing the product.
Filled with useful React patterns that you can use in your projects straight away, this book will help you save time and build better web applications with ease.React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices is a hands-on guide for those who want to take their coding skills to a new level. You’ll spend most of your time working your way through the principles of writing maintainable and clean code, but you’ll also gain a deeper insight into the inner workings of React.As you progress through the chapters, you’ll learn how to build components that are reusable across the application, how to structure applications, and create forms that actually work. Then you’ll build on your knowledge by exploring how to style React components and optimize them to make applications faster and more responsive.Once you’ve mastered the rest, you’ll learn how to write tests effectively and how to contribute to React and its ecosystem.By the end of this book, you'll be able to avoid the process of trial and error and developmental headaches. Instead, you’ll be able to use your new skills to efficiently build and deploy real-world React web applications you can be proud of.
Kubernetes and DevOps are the two pillars that can keep your business at the top by ensuring high performance of your IT infrastructure. Introduction to DevOps with Kubernetes will help you develop the skills you need to improve your DevOps with the power of Kubernetes. The book begins with an overview of Kubernetes primitives and DevOps concepts. You'll understand how Kubernetes can assist you with overcoming a wide range of real-world operation challenges. You will get to grips with creating and upgrading a cluster, and then learn how to deploy, update, and scale an application on Kubernetes. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll be able to monitor an application by setting up a pod failure alert on Prometheus. The book will also guide you in configuring Alertmanager to send alerts to the Slack channel and trace down a problem on the application using kubectl commands. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to manage the lifecycle of simple to complex applications on Kubernetes with confidence.
Roy Rubin, William Rice, William Rice
Magento is a feature-rich, professional open source e-commerce solution that offers users complete flexibility and control over the look, content, and functionality of their online store. Although Magento provides users with the power to create dynamic e-commerce sites, it can be challenging to get beyond the basics and create sites that are tailored to your unique business needs.This book gives you a hands-on experience on Magento, helping you increase your revenue by implementing proven sales tactics on your Magento site.This book contains techniques to help you with each stage of selling to your customers: attracting visitors, driving them to your product pages, making the sale, increasing sales, engaging your customers, and more. It contains a powerful mix of techniques for increasing sales in your online storefront. Over thirty of the techniques are short and stand alone. A few are designed to be used together, such as the seven techniques in the chapter on creating an international storefront. Some techniques make creative use of Magento’s standard features. A few techniques combine Magento with other tools, such as social networking sites. All the techniques are explained in clear, step-by-step directions, with many screenshots. The book uses an example site for each technique, so that you can see exactly how it will affect your storefront. You can jump into the book at any point, or, work through it from beginning to end.
Yii2 Application Development Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Third Edition
Sergey Ivanov, Andrew Bogdanov, Dmitry Eliseev
Yii is a free, open source web application development framework written in PHP5 that promotes clean DRY design and encourages rapid development. It works to streamline your application development time and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product. Being extremely performance optimized, Yii is a perfect choice for any size project. However, it has been built with sophisticated, enterprise applications in mind. You have full control over the configuration from head-to-toe (presentation-to-persistence) to conform to your enterprise development guidelines. It comes packaged with tools to help test and debug your application, and has clear and comprehensive documentation.This book is a collection of Yii2 recipes. Each recipe is represented as a full and independent item, which showcases solutions from real web-applications. So you can easily reproduce them in your environment and learn Yii2 fast and without tears. All recipes are explained with step-by-step code examples and clear screenshots.Yii2 is like a suit that looks great off the rack, but is also very easy to tailor to fit your needs. Virtually every component of the framework is extensible. This book will show how to use official extensions, extend any component, or write a new one.This book will help you create modern web applications quickly, and make sure they perform well using examples and business logic from real life. You will deal with the Yii command line, migrations, and assets. You will learn about role-based access, security, and deployment. We’ll show you how to easily get started, configure your environment, and be ready to write web applications efficiently and quickly.
This updated edition of Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins is your one-stop guide to implementing CI/CD with Jenkins, addressing crucial technologies such as cloud computing, containerization, Infrastructure as Code, and GitOps. Tailored to both beginners and seasoned developers, the book provides a practical path to mastering a production-grade, secure, resilient, and cost-effective CI/CD setup.Starting with a detailed introduction to the fundamental principles of CI, this book systematically takes you through setting up a CI environment using Jenkins and other pivotal DevOps tools within the CI/CD ecosystem. You’ll learn to write pipeline code with AI assistance and craft your own CI pipeline. With the help of hands-on tutorials, you’ll gain a profound understanding of the CI process and Jenkins’ robust capabilities. Additionally, the book teaches you how to expand your CI pipeline with automated testing and deployment, setting the stage for continuous deployment. To help you through the complete software delivery process, this book also covers methods to ensure that your CI/CD setup is maintainable across teams, secure, and performs optimally.By the end of the book, you’ll have become an expert in implementing and optimizing CI/CD setups across diverse teams.
Heather VanCura, Bruno Souza, Ed Burns
Written by industry experts that have spent the last 20+ years helping developers grow their careers, this book offers invaluable insights and guidance tailored to the specific needs of technical professionals. By discovering the secret of continuous learning and adapting in the ever-evolving field of software development, you’ll explore various learning paths with formal and informal methods, as well as gain an understanding of the value of certifications to validate your skills. This book will teach you the significance of building a strong support network, holding crucial conversations, and taking ownership of your career growth. You'll delve into acquiring both soft and hard skills, becoming a well-rounded and sought-after developer. Packed with practical examples, stories of successful developers, and real-world applications, the chapters will equip you with actionable advice on how to push beyond your comfort zone and embracing communities to enhance your teamwork abilities. Additionally, you’ll uncover the benefits of joining open-source projects, speaking at conferences, and building a personal brand to amplify your visibility and reputation. By the end of this book, you'll have a well-laid-out long-term and short-term plan for your career progression, equipping you with advanced technical skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to effectively manage relationships within your organization.
David Millán Escrivá, Vinícius G. Mendonça, Prateek Joshi
OpenCV is one of the best open source libraries available, and can help you focus on constructing complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation. Whether you’re completely new to computer vision, or have a basic understanding of its concepts, Learn OpenCV 4 by Building Projects – Second edition will be your guide to understanding OpenCV concepts and algorithms through real-world examples and projects. You’ll begin with the installation of OpenCV and the basics of image processing. Then, you’ll cover user interfaces and get deeper into image processing. As you progress through the book, you'll learn complex computer vision algorithms and explore machine learning and face detection. The book then guides you in creating optical flow video analysis and background subtraction in complex scenes. In the concluding chapters, you'll also learn about text segmentation and recognition and understand the basics of the new and improved deep learning module.By the end of this book, you'll be familiar with the basics of Open CV, such as matrix operations, filters, and histograms, and you'll have mastered commonly used computer vision techniques to build OpenCV projects from scratch.
Michele Pinto, Sammy El Khammal
In the age of information, strategic management of data is critical to organizational success. The constant challenge lies in maintaining data accuracy and preventing data pipelines from breaking. Data Observability for Data Engineering is your definitive guide to implementing data observability successfully in your organization.This book unveils the power of data observability, a fusion of techniques and methods that allow you to monitor and validate the health of your data. You’ll see how it builds on data quality monitoring and understand its significance from the data engineering perspective. Once you're familiar with the techniques and elements of data observability, you'll get hands-on with a practical Python project to reinforce what you've learned. Toward the end of the book, you’ll apply your expertise to explore diverse use cases and experiment with projects to seamlessly implement data observability in your organization.Equipped with the mastery of data observability intricacies, you’ll be able to make your organization future-ready and resilient and never worry about the quality of your data pipelines again.
Modern Data Architecture on AWS. A Practical Guide for Building Next-Gen Data Platforms on AWS
Many IT leaders and professionals are adept at extracting data from a particular type of database and deriving value from it. However, designing and implementing an enterprise-wide holistic data platform with purpose-built data services, all seamlessly working in tandem with the least amount of manual intervention, still poses a challenge.This book will help you explore end-to-end solutions to common data, analytics, and AI/ML use cases by leveraging AWS services. The chapters systematically take you through all the building blocks of a modern data platform, including data lakes, data warehouses, data ingestion patterns, data consumption patterns, data governance, and AI/ML patterns. Using real-world use cases, each chapter highlights the features and functionalities of numerous AWS services to enable you to create a scalable, flexible, performant, and cost-effective modern data platform.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with all the necessary architectural patterns and be able to apply this knowledge to efficiently build a modern data platform for your organization using AWS services.
Learning IBM Bluemix. Click here to enter text
IBM Bluemix is an open standard platform for building, running, and managing applications on the cloud. With Bluemix, developers can build innovative applications using various compute options and value added services , developers can also manage the application lifecycle using the platform provided DevOps services.Learning IBM Bluemix will take you on a journey from the basics of IBM Bluemix to working with the platform to developing and deploying of modern applications. The sample application use cases employed in the book will introduce you to the transformative nexus of cloud, mobile, and security, all enabled through capabilities provided out-of-the-box by IBM Bluemix. By the end of the book, you will have understood the benefits and use cases for IBM Bluemix, and will possess the skills to further explore the platform and thus develop, deploy, and secure your own innovative, new-age applications.
Mastering UI Development with Unity covers the creation of captivating, functional UIs for player interaction and engagement. Learn design considerations, animation, particle effects, and UI optimization for various genres and platforms. Implement UIs using Unity's UI systems and input systems, creating visually engaging elements like HUDs, menus, and progress bars. Discover how to develop and implement UIs across multiple platforms and resolutions with practical examples. By the end, you'll confidently develop game UIs with technical and aesthetic considerations using Unity's versatile UI elements.
Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects takes a hands-on approach to implementing Revit effectively for everyone curious about this new and exciting methodology.Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, this Revit book begins by explaining the principles of productivity in Revit and data management for BIM projects. You'll get to grips with the primary BIM documentation to start a BIM project, including the contract, Exchange Information Requirements (EIR), and BIM Execution Plan (BEP/BXP). Later, you'll create a Revit template, start a Revit project, and explore the core functionalities of Revit to increase productivity. Once you've built the foundation, you'll learn about Revit plugins and use Dynamo for visual programming and Power BI for analyzing BIM information.By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of Revit as construction and design software, how to increase productivity in Revit, and how to apply multiple workflows in your project to manage BIM.