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Web development
Node.js is the new buzz in town and has a vibrant community.It ships with npm, which is a tool that helps automate various development, deployment, and installation of node modules, and makes the process much easier.Instant Node Package Module is a practical guide to authoring and distributing node modules, and also for creating and managing private, standalone node.js projects.Starting with getting node.js installed and running on a variety of platforms, we then proceed to learn about code modularization and achieving it in node.js. Picking up a practical example, we will then explore the whole process and life cycle of conceiving, writing, and publishing a node module. We will also learn how to exploit a toolsincluded with npm to automate various development and deployment steps.Later on, we will discover the power of npm and how its different features and configurations can save large amounts of time by providing a helping hand for automating repetitive tasks between writing and publishing your modules.
PowerShell has become one of the most important skills in an Exchange administrator's armory. PowerShell has proved its mettle so widely that, if you're not already starting to learn PowerShell, then you're falling behind the industry. It isn't difficult to learn PowerShell at all. In fact, if you've ever run commands from a CMD prompt, then you'll be able to start using PowerShell straightaway.This book will walk you through the essentials of PowerShell in Microsoft Exchange Server and make sure you understand its nitty gritty effectively.You will first walk through the core concepts of PowerShell and their applications. This book discusses ways to automate tasks and activities that are performed by Exchange administrators and that otherwise take a lot of manual effort. Microsoft Exchange PowerShell Essentials will provide all the required details for Active Directory, System, and Exchange administrators to help them understand Windows PowerShell and build the required scripts to manage the Exchange Infrastructure.
Boydlee Pollentine, Jason Kneen, Jason Kneen
This book will take you through the process of building cross-platform, native UI applications for the mobile from scratch. You will learn how to develop apps, how to use GPS, cameras and photos and how to build socially connected apps. You will also learn how to package them for submission to the App Store and Google Play.This cookbook takes a pragmatic approach to creating applications in JavaScript from putting together basic UIs, to handling events and implementation of third party services such as Twitter, Facebook and Push notifications. The book shows you how to integrate datasources and server APIs, and how to use local databases. The topics covered will guide you to use Appcelerator Studio tools for all the mobile features such as Geolocation, Accelerometer, animation and more. You’ll also learn about Alloy, the Appcelerator MVC framework for rapid app development, and how to transfer data between applications using URLSchemes, enabling other developers to access and launch specific parts of your app.Finally, you will learn how to register developer accounts and publish your very own applications on the App Store and Google Play.
Devin Sherry, Vladimir Alyamkin, Katax Emperore
This book gives readers practical insight into the mathematical and physics principles necessary to properly implement physics within Unreal Engine 4.Discover how to manipulate physics within Unreal Engine 4 by learning basic real-world mathematical and physics concepts that assist in the implementation of physics-based objects in your game world. Then, you'll be introduced to PhAT (Physics Asset Tool) within Unreal Engine 4 to learn more about developing game physics objects for your game world.Next, dive into Unreal Engine 4’s collision generation, physical materials, blueprints, constraints, and more to get hands-on experience with the tools provided by Epic to create real-world physics in Unreal Engine 4. Lastly, you will create a working Vehicle Blueprint that uses all the concepts covered in this book, as well as covering advanced physics-based topics.
Mathematical modeling is the art of transforming a business problem into a well-defined mathematical formulation. Its emphasis on interpretability is particularly crucial when deploying a model to support high-stake decisions in sensitive sectors like pharmaceuticals and healthcare.Through this book, you’ll gain a firm grasp of the foundational mathematics underpinning various machine learning algorithms. Equipped with this knowledge, you can modify algorithms to suit your business problem. Starting with the basic theory and concepts of mathematical modeling, you’ll explore an array of mathematical tools that will empower you to extract insights and understand the data better, which in turn will aid in making optimal, data-driven decisions. The book allows you to explore mathematical optimization and its wide range of applications, and concludes by highlighting the synergetic value derived from blending mathematical models with machine learning.Ultimately, you’ll be able to apply everything you’ve learned to choose the most fitting methodologies for the business problems you encounter.
Big Data Analytics with R. Leverage R Programming to uncover hidden patterns in your Big Data
Big Data analytics is the process of examining large and complex data sets that often exceed the computational capabilities. R is a leading programming language of data science, consisting of powerful functions to tackle all problems related to Big Data processing.The book will begin with a brief introduction to the Big Data world and its current industry standards. With introduction to the R language and presenting its development, structure, applications in real world, and its shortcomings. Book will progress towards revision of major R functions for data management and transformations. Readers will be introduce to Cloud based Big Data solutions (e.g. Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon RDS, Microsoft Azure and its HDInsight clusters) and also provide guidance on R connectivity with relational and non-relational databases such as MongoDB and HBase etc. It will further expand to include Big Data tools such as Apache Hadoop ecosystem, HDFS and MapReduce frameworks. Also other R compatible tools such as Apache Spark, its machine learning library Spark MLlib, as well as H2O.
The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) is a programming language used for customizing parts of the OpenGL graphics pipeline that were formerly fixed-function, and are executed directly on the GPU. It provides programmers with unprecedented flexibility for implementing effects and optimizations utilizing the power of modern GPUs. With version 4.0, the language has been further refined to provide programmers with greater flexibility, and additional features have been added such as an entirely new stage called the tessellation shader.The OpenGL Shading Language 4.0 Cookbook provides easy-to-follow examples that first walk you through the theory and background behind each technique then go on to provide and explain the GLSL and OpenGL code needed to implement it. Beginning level through to advanced techniques are presented including topics such as texturing, screen-space techniques, lighting, shading, tessellation shaders, geometry shaders, and shadows.The OpenGL Shading Language 4.0 Cookbook is a practical guide that takes you from the basics of programming with GLSL 4.0 and OpenGL 4.0, through basic lighting and shading techniques, to more advanced techniques and effects. It presents techniques for producing basic lighting and shading effects; examples that demonstrate how to make use of textures for a wide variety of effects and as part of other techniques; examples of screen-space techniques, shadowing, tessellation and geometry shaders, noise, and animation.The OpenGL Shading Language 4.0 Cookbook provides examples of modern shading techniques that can be used as a starting point for programmers to expand upon to produce modern, interactive, 3D computer graphics applications.
With an introductory overview, the course prepares you for a deep dive into the practical application of Scikit-Learn and the datasets that bring theories to life. From the basics of machine learning to the intricate details of setting up a sandbox environment, this course covers the essential groundwork for any aspiring data scientist.The course focuses on developing your skills in working with data, implementing data reduction techniques, and understanding the intricacies of item-based and user-based collaborative filtering, along with content-based filtering. These core methodologies are crucial for creating accurate and efficient recommender systems that cater to the unique preferences of users. Practical examples and evaluations further solidify your learning, making complex concepts accessible and manageable.The course wraps up by addressing the critical topics of privacy, ethics in machine learning, and the exciting future of recommender systems. This holistic approach ensures that you not only gain technical proficiency but also consider the broader implications of your work in this field. With a final look at further resources, your journey into machine learning and recommender systems is just beginning, armed with the knowledge and tools to explore new horizons.
Prof. Chris Piorkowski, David K. Schmal, Luciano Saber, Michael M. Conti
This book will help you leverage the Logic Pro digital audio workstation (DAW) for scoring to picture. With the help of expert insights from a Hollywood film composer, you'll understand how the film music industry works and be ready to meet the demands of film directors or producers, exploring common scenarios and the process of post-production and final film score delivery. Packed with all the technical and practical skills needed when scoring to picture in Logic Pro, along with insights into real film scoring tasks, this book will prepare you for success in the industry.You’ll start by getting acquainted with film scoring terminology and then advance to working with QuickTime video and its components, getting an overview of how to set up and sync a movie file in Logic Pro. You’ll see the different methods of creating tempo maps, find a suitable tempo for a film scene using hit points and scene markers, and work with time signature and beat mapping functions. You’ll also work with a pre-composed score of a Mercedes commercial that you can analyze and emulate in your own Logic Pro session.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained new skills and the knowledge of commonly used industry scenarios to help you enter the professional market of scoring to picture.
Building AI Intensive Python Applications. Create intelligent apps with LLMs and vector databases
Rachelle Palmer, Ben Perlmutter, Ashwin Gangadhar, Nicholas Larew, ...
The era of generative AI is upon us, and this book serves as a roadmap to harness its full potential. With its help, you’ll learn the core components of the AI stack: large language models (LLMs), vector databases, and Python frameworks, and see how these technologies work together to create intelligent applications.The chapters will help you discover best practices for data preparation, model selection, and fine-tuning, and teach you advanced techniques such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to overcome common challenges, such as hallucinations and data leakage. You’ll get a solid understanding of vector databases, implement effective vector search strategies, refine models for accuracy, and optimize performance to achieve impactful results. You’ll also identify and address AI failures to ensure your applications deliver reliable and valuable results. By evaluating and improving the output of LLMs, you’ll be able to enhance their performance and relevance.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to build sophisticated AI applications that deliver real-world value.
Virgilio Vasconcelos, Virgilio Carlo de Menezes Vasconcelos, Ton Roosendaal
Blender is an open source 3D graphics application that can be used for modeling, rigging, animating, rendering and thousands of other things. While modeling characters isn't the biggest of your worries, animating them to make them feel as-good-as alive is what differentiates a professional from an amateur. This book offers clear, illustrative, and easy-to-follow recipes to create character rigs and animations for common situations. Bring your characters to life by understanding the principles, techniques and approaches involved in creating rigs and animations, you'll be able to adapt them to your own characters and films. The book offers clear step-by-step tutorials, with detailed explanations, screenshots and support files to help you understand the principles behind each topic. Each recipe covers a logical step of the complete creation of a character rig and animation, so you're not overwhelmed with too much information at once.You'll see numerous examples and screenshots that guide to achieve various rigging and animation tasks, logically separated so you can understand each in detail. The rigging topics are divided by each region of the body (torso, limbs, face, eyes), and further separated by the specific topic (neck, fingers, mouth, eyelids, etc) for clarity. All rigging tasks are accomplished with the built-in tools in Blender, without the complexity of coding custom Python behaviors or user interface elements.The animation topics deal with common situations found in real world productions, showing good practices to understand and overcome the challenges.
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
Poornachandra Sarang, Matjaz B. Juric, Benny Mathew, Poornachandra G Sarang, ...
Web services provide the basic technical platform required for application interoperability. They do not, however, provide higher level control, such as which web services need to be invoked, which operations should be called and in what sequence. Nor do they provide ways to describe the semantics of interfaces, the workflows, or e-business processes. BPEL is the missing link to assemble and integrate web services into a real business process BPEL4WS standardizes process automation between web services. This applies both within the enterprise, where BPEL4WS is used to integrate previously isolated systems, and between enterprises, where BPEL4WS enables easier and more effective integration with business partners. In providing a standard descriptive structure BPEL4WS enables enterprises to define their business processes during the design phase. Wider business benefits can flow from this through business process optimization, reengineering, and the selection of most appropriate processes . Supported by major vendorsó including BEA, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, SAP, Sun, and othersó BPEL4WS is becoming the accepted standard for business process management.This book provides detailed coverage of BPEL4WS, its syntax, and where, and how, it is used. It begins with an overview of web services, showing both the foundation of, and need for, BPEL. The web services orchestration stack is explained, including standards such as WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, WS-Addressing, and others. The BPEL language itself is explained in detail, with Code snippets and complete examples illustrating both its syntax and typical construction. Having covered BPEL itself, the book then goes on to show BPEL is used in context. by providing an overview of major BPEL4WS servers. It covers the Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 in detail, and shows how to write BPEL4WS solutions using these servers.
Are you a PHP developer looking to take your first steps into the world of Ruby development? From PHP to Ruby on Rails will help you leverage your existing knowledge to gain expertise in Ruby on Rails. With a focus on bridging the gap between PHP and Ruby, this guide will help you develop the Ruby mindset, set up your local environment, grasp the syntax, master scripting, explore popular Ruby frameworks, and find out about libraries and gems.This book offers a unique take on Ruby from the perspective of a seasoned PHP developer who initially refused to learn other technologies, but never looked back after taking the leap. As such, it teaches with a language-agnostic approach that will help you feel at home in any programming language without learning everything from scratch. This approach will help you avoid common mistakes such as writing Ruby as if it were PHP and increase your understanding of the programming ecosystem as a whole.By the end of this book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of Ruby, its ecosystem, and how it compares to PHP, enabling you to build robust and scalable applications using Ruby on Rails.