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The Holy Flower

H. Rider Haggard

This story is filled with adventure and humor. Allan Quatermain receives a sample of the huge orchid, the largest ever found. In England, he meets Mr. Somers, an avid orchid collector who is willing to fund an expedition to find the plant. This is the story of this expedition.


Hand and Ring

Anna Katharine Green

A classic detective story of murder and punishment by one of Americas finest mystery writers. Widow Clemmens is struck down in her parlor while the towns legal professionals chat outside the courthouse down the street and there is no sign of the killer. An investigation is made and two equally plausible suspects are quickly unearthed. But who actually committed the crime? And what role does the mysterious Miss Imogene Dare play in this drama? A powerful detective story, constructed with marvelous ingenuity and minuteness of detail, with a captivating jury trial youll be forced to admit that fiction is stranger than truth.


The Distributors

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Lord Evelyn and a group of seven like-minded esthetes make up The Ghosts a cabal of social arbiters, of whom the mere mention is regarded as a faux pas. They are imbued with almost mystical power in setting tastes and trends and behavior for the members of Society in London in 1908. Desperate for stimulation The Ghosts embark on a risky program of wealth redistribution... other peoples wealth. Meanwhile, a spurned aspirant to their club, the American debutante Sophy Van Heldt, seeks revenge against them. Originally published in 1908 as The Ghosts of Society this intriguing novel carries the theme of social boredom, ennui, and sensation craving which entranced late Victorian Europe in the pre-war period.


Rod of the Lone Patrol

H.A. Cody

The lone patrol is a boy scout squad, and the boys willingly participate in many adventures. Rodney had to leave his mother unattended. And it had its consequences. However, we are used to Codys works that end well. Is this an exception?


Boska komedia

Dante Alighieri

Poemat Dantego Alighieri Boska komedia powstawał w latach 13081321. Jako arcydzieło literatury włoskiej należy do klasyki światowej i wywarł ogromny wpływ na całą kulturę europejską. Boska komedia jest tryptykiem. Składa się z trzech ksiąg zatytułowanych: Piekło, Czyściec i Raj. Każdą z części poematu tworzą 33 pieśni, co wraz z pieśnią wstępną daje 100 utworów. Każdy z nich pisany jest strofą trzywersową tercyną. Liczba 3, kluczowa dla budowy utworu, jest symbolem Trójcy Świętej, a liczba 100 symbolizuje doskonałość. Tematem utworu jest wędrówka alter ego autora po zaświatach. Podróż trwa trzy dni i trzy noce, począwszy od Wielkiego Piątku do Wielkanocy 1300 r. Po zaświatach oprowadzają poetę inne osoby: Wergiliusz (symbol rozumu), święty Bernard z Clairvaux i ukochana Dantego, zmarła Beatrycze (alegoria miłości). Wizja świata pozagrobowego jest tu jednocześnie krytyką świata doczesnego.


The Desert of Wheat

Zane Grey

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a German in America and Canada during World War 1? Young farmer Kurt Dorn is torn between going to France to fight the Germans or staying in America to be with the woman he loves and to protect his wheat crop against saboteurs who question his loyalties. He struggles to come to terms with his deepest beliefs and his place in the world. A passionate novel of patriotic and anti-union propaganda, it portrays the anxieties of the young country threatened by a foreign war after the closing of the frontier. Grey captures the heart of a nation at the brink of a century of change. An exciting tale of romance and patriotism, The Desert of Wheat constitutes a must-read for those with an interest in American history.


An Act in a Backwater

E.F. Benson

The brother and sister of the poor nobleman settle in a simple town and bring a new element to the quiet life of this place, which gives many opportunities for comedy. Ginny Avesham is an attractive heroine, but the author tries so hard to show her kindness to the reader that she overdoes her and makes her a little theatrical. A simple story, with many good characters, but also with life features. Benson gave us a small but pleasant exploration of life in a small town.


Auf fremden Pfaden

Karl May

Karl May Auf fremden Pfaden Auf fremden Pfaden ist eine Sammlung von kürzeren Abenteuerromanen bestehend aus 9 Erzählungen des berühmten Autors. Diese Sammlung enthalten sind: Saiwa Tjalem, Der Boer van het Roer, Er Raml el Helahk, Blutrache, Der Kutb, Der Kys-Kaptschiji, Maria oder Fatima, Gott läßt sich nicht spotten, Ein Blizzard. Auf fremden Pfaden reist der Erzähler durch die ganze Welt: vom Rentierzelt in Lappland bis zu den Lagern der Kurden, von den Beduinendörfern der Sahara bis ins Gebiet der Amerikanischen Indianer.


Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa (Tom 17). Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa. Tom 17: Niebezpieczny zakład


Sherlock Holmes to jeden z tych bohaterów popkultury, którego nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba. Niebezpieczny zakład to jedno z wielu nieautoryzowanych przez Arthura Conan Doylea opowiadań o przygodach legendarnego londyńskiego detektywa i jego ucznia Harryego Taxona. Holmes rozwiązuje kryminalną zagadkę, nie tylko wykorzystując swoje niezwykłe talenty w dziedzinie dedukcji i szeroką wiedzę z zakresu chemii i psychologii, lecz także bezpośrednio stawiając czoła przemocy przy użyciu... pięści. Zagadkowe morderstwa, tajemnicze zaginięcia, zuchwałe kradzieże sprawiają, że czytelnik poczuje, że jest otoczony przez wszechogarniające zło.


The Richest Widow

Hulbert Footner

After a minimal education in Canada, Footner emigrated to New York in 1898 and worked at a variety of jobs, including an unsuccessful stint as an actor. He turned to journalism and worked for a time as a freelancer, contributing articles to periodicals such as Field and Stream. His first works were primarily travelogues of various river trips in Canada and the U.S., although he did produce some adventure novels. He is also credited with introducing the first American female investigator in Madame Storey. So we are introduced to the fascinating Madame Rosika Storey, fearless and intelligent, who plays cat-and-mouse with killers, goes undercover to break up criminal gangs, and unravels deadly mysteries.


Dodos Daughter. A Sequel to Dodo

E.F. Benson

Dodo is the main and favorite character of Benson. In this part of the novel, the main character experiences emotional experiences. She is trying to calm down and build her family. Readers will always be part of the novel. You can look at the whole story from the inside and empathize the main character.


Das Gesetz der Vier

Edgar Wallace

Das Gesetz der Vier ist die Fortsetzung von Die vier Gerechten, in der die gleichnamige Vereinigung von Rächern für Gerechtigkeit kämpfen, wo Polizei und Justiz nicht können oder wollen, sind zwar nur noch zu zweit nichtsdestotrotz kämpfen sie mit vollem Einsatz für ihre Fälle. Wenn das Gesetz des Staates Verbrecher nicht mehr belangen kann dann schlägt die Stunde der Vier Gerechten. Mit genialen und umsichtigen Plänen bestrafen die Vier Gerechten, kaltblütige Mörder, gemeine Erpresser und skrupellose Menschenhändler. Lose Weiterführung der Ereignisse aus Die vier Gerechten. Das Gesetz der Vier erschien erstmals 1921 unter dem Titel The Law of the Four Just Men. Jedes Kapitel ist eine in sich abgeschlossene Kurzgeschichte.


Hawk of the Hills

Robert E. Howard

This early work by Robert E. Howard was originally published. Hawk of the Hills is a story in the El Borak series where El Borak leads a tribe to war in Afganistan. I recommend this book



Carolyn Wells

War comes to Patty Fairfield. Also shes engaged. Pattys fiancé, Big Bill Farnsworth, is a captain in the engineering service and is doing a lot of secret work for his government, in Washington. Patty is kept busy with Red Cross work for the War is on and even so important a thing as Pattys engagement must take second place. Patty Bride is the 16th novel in the famous author Carolyn Wells series of Patty Fairfield for young readers, first published in 1918. It is one of 17 novels covering the life of this happy and cheerful American teenager of a century ago, as she matures and comes of age, and, in the meantime, living all kind of amazing adventures. Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on childrens books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre.


The Traitors

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A best-selling author of novels, short stories, magazine articles, translations, and plays, Oppenheim published over 150 books. He is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. The tiny kingdom of Theos is surrounded by Eastern European powers in this 1902 novel of politics, war, and romance. Russia and Turkey are plotting to take over the peaceful and rural country. A short lived Republic has been treacherously betrayed by communist elements. The country turns to its exiled King, Ughtred of Tyrnaus, a prince who has been a soldier in Britain for 20 years. The prince is convinced by Baron Nicholas of Reist to return to Theos and be crowned. Continuous action, changing alliances, loyalty and betrayal are all in play.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Rupiecie to zbiór nowel Marii Rodziewiczówny, których akcja toczy się na Kresach Wschodnich na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Dzięki epickiemu talentowi autorki odkrywamy świat już nieistniejący, będący częścią naszej bogatej i złożonej historii. Bohaterowie opowieści są jak zawsze u Rodziewiczówny osobami z krwi i kości. Bywają dobrzy albo źli, kochają albo nienawidzą, często nie potrafiąc znaleźć swego miejsca w świecie. Zbiór zawiera utwory: Rupiecie, Triumfator, Kamienie, Tutejszy, Tak zwani Głupi, Ciotka, Lamus, Jan Borucki, Bajka o głupim Marcinie, Hryc, Bagno, Wołowy czerep i Dobra służba.