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ElasticSearch is an open source search server built on Apache Lucene. It was built to provide a scalable search solution with built-in support for near real-time search and multi-tenancy.Jumping into the world of ElasticSearch by setting up your own custom cluster, this book will show you how to create a fast, scalable, and flexible search solution. By learning the ins-and-outs of data indexing and analysis, ElasticSearch Server will start you on your journey to mastering the powerful capabilities of ElasticSearch. With practical chapters covering how to search data, extend your search, and go deep into cluster administration and search analysis, this book is perfect for those new and experienced with search servers.In ElasticSearch Server you will learn how to revolutionize your website or application with faster, more accurate, and flexible search functionality. Starting with chapters on setting up your own ElasticSearch cluster and searching and extending your search parameters you will quickly be able to create a fast, scalable, and completely custom search solution.Building on your knowledge further you will learn about ElasticSearch's query API and become confident using powerful filtering and faceting capabilities. You will develop practical knowledge on how to make use of ElasticSearch's near real-time capabilities and support for multi-tenancy.Your journey then concludes with chapters that help you monitor and tune your ElasticSearch cluster as well as advanced topics such as shard allocation, gateway configuration, and the discovery module.
David Young, phpList PAYPAL donate@phplist.com, David Young
Tired of an e-mail BCC list that scrolls off the page, or fiddly and hard-to-manage bulk mailing systems? You need phpList – a high-powered, robust, feature-packed mailing system that will get out of your way and get the job done! You want to know more about phpList?phpList is a popular open source e-mail campaign manager, sporting a powerful web frontend, rich message editor, and an advanced feature set.phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager will guide you from basic installation and setup through management, reporting, and automation of phpList, the world's most popular open source e-mail campaign manager. It also covers advanced customization and configuration of phpList.We start with a basic configuration, and finish with a full-featured e-mail management engine. You will work your way up from basic installation to advanced topics such as bounce automation, user and click-through tracking, and integration with third-party tools such as WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, and Blogger.Advanced topics such as securing your installation against spammers, attacks, and vulnerabilities are covered, as well as additional advanced and experimental features offered by phpList.This book is an invaluable guide for any e-mail publisher who wants a robust and powerful engine to manage their small-to-huge e-mail distribution empire.
A revolution is happening in web operations. Configuration management tools can build servers in seconds, and automate your entire network. Tools like Puppet are essential to taking full advantage of the power of cloud computing, and building reliable, scalable, secure, high-performance systems. More and more systems administration and IT jobs require some knowledge of configuration management, and specifically Puppet.Puppet 3 Cookbook takes you beyond the basics to explore the full power of Puppet, showing you in detail how to tackle a variety of real-world problems and applications. At every step it shows you exactly what commands you need to type, and includes full code samples for every recipe.The book takes the reader from a basic knowledge of Puppet to a complete and expert understanding of Puppet's latest and most advanced features, community best practices, writing great manifests, scaling and performance, and extending Puppet by adding your own providers and resources. It starts with guidance on how to set up and expand your Puppet infrastructure, then progresses through detailed information on the language and features, external tools, reporting, monitoring, and troubleshooting, and concludes with many specific recipes for managing popular applications.The book includes real examples from production systems and techniques that are in use in some of the world's largest Puppet installations, including a distributed Puppet architecture based on the Git version control system. You'll be introduced to powerful tools that work with Puppet such as Hiera. The book also explains managing Ruby applications and MySQL databases, building web servers, load balancers, high-availability systems with Heartbeat, and many other state-of-the-art techniques
Creating delightful web-based applications backed by complex business logic and intricate workflows is just one of the many things you can easily achieve by leveraging Bonita Open Solution. It is a highly customizable and efficient tool for business process modeling. Bonita Open Solution is a one-stop solution for developing scalable applications with a nifty user management system and easy deployment.This pragmatic, hands-on guide to developing complex applications is packed with succinct tips and demonstrations of the various aspects of Bonita Open Solution. This book will show you how to make the best use of the Bonita BPM tool, leverage its powerful backend engine, and design business application workflows with ease. By the end of this book, you will be able to develop a complete business process application.Right from designing web forms to integrating business logic to finally deploying the application on a server, this book takes you through the entire development cycle of an application created using Bonita Open Solution. You will learn about modeling business processes in Bonita, creating customizable web forms, and using connectors, contingencies, and transitions to move forward in the workflow. It also highlights the various page flows available, as well as the ease of use of the drag-and-drop, widget-based modular design of Bonita Studio. After developing the application, you will also learn about the various options for deployment, and the different environments on which it can be deployed.
Mark Dunkerley, Matt Tumbarello
Are you looking for the most current and effective ways to protect Windows-based systems from being compromised by intruders? This updated second edition is a detailed guide that helps you gain the expertise to implement efficient security measures and create robust defense solutions using modern technologies.The first part of the book covers security fundamentals with details around building and implementing baseline controls. As you advance, you’ll learn how to effectively secure and harden your Windows-based systems through hardware, virtualization, networking, and identity and access management (IAM). The second section will cover administering security controls for Windows clients and servers with remote policy management using Intune, Configuration Manager, Group Policy, Defender for Endpoint, and other Microsoft 365 and Azure cloud security technologies. In the last section, you’ll discover how to protect, detect, and respond with security monitoring, reporting, operations, testing, and auditing.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed an understanding of the processes and tools involved in enforcing security controls and implementing zero-trust security principles to protect Windows systems.
The Tableau Desktop Specialist certification is fundamental for any data visualization professional who works in the field with Tableau.This book gets you started by covering the exam format, Tableau basics, and best practices for preparing data for analysis and visualization. It also builds on your knowledge of advanced Tableau topics to get you up to speed with the essential domains and domain objectives. Although the guide provides an outline and starting point to key in on what needs to be understood before the examination, it also delivers in context to give you a strong understanding of each piece before taking the exam. Instructions on how to get hands on with examples, a common data source, and suggested elements are also included. Understanding the concepts will not only assist you in passing the examination, but will also help you work effectively with the tool in your workspace.By the end of this book, you'll be able to efficiently prepare for the certification exam with the help of mock tests, detailed explanations, and expert advice from the author.
Vikas Grover, Ishu Verma, Praveen Rajagopalan
Hybrid cloud technology can be leveraged by organizations aiming to build next-gen applications while safeguarding prior technological investments. This book will help you explore different hybrid cloud architectural patterns, whether designing new projects or migrating legacy applications to the cloud.You'll learn about the key building blocks of hybrid cloud enabling you to deploy, manage, and secure applications and data while porting the workloads between environments without rebuilding. Further, you’ll explore Kubernetes, GitOps, and Layer 3/7 services to reduce operational complexity. You'll also learn about nuances of security and compliance in hybrid cloud followed by the economics of hybrid cloud. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the concepts with use cases from telecom 5G and industrial manufacturing, giving you a glimpse into real industry problems resolved by hybrid cloud, and unlocking millions of dollars of opportunities for enterprises.By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped to design and develop efficient hybrid cloud strategies, lead conversations with senior IT and business executives, and succeed in hybrid cloud implementation or transformation opportunities.
This book is an exhaustive overview of how the Appian Low-Code BPM Suite enables tech-savvy professionals to rapidly automate business processes across their organization, integrating people, software bots, and data. This is crucial as 80% of all software development is expected to be carried out in low code by 2024.This practical guide helps you master business application development with Appian as a beginner low-code developer. You'll learn to automate business processes using Appian low-code, records, processes, and expressions quickly and on an enterprise scale. In a fictional development project, guided by step-by-step explanations of the concepts and practical examples, this book will empower you to transform complex business processes into software.At first, you’ll learn the power of no-code with Appian Quick Apps to solve some of your most crucial business challenges. You’ll then get to grips with the building blocks of an Appian, starting with no-code and advancing to low-code, eventually transforming complex business requirements into a working enterprise-ready application.By the end of this book, you'll be able to deploy Appian Quick Apps in minutes and successfully transform a complex business process into low-code process models, data, and UIs to deploy full-featured, enterprise-ready, process-driven, mobile-enabled apps.
Scala Design Patterns. Write efficient, clean, and reusable code with Scala
Scala has become increasingly popular in many different IT sectors. The language is exceptionally feature-rich which helps developers write less code and get faster results. Design patterns make developer’s lives easier by helping them write great software that is easy to maintain, runs efficiently and is valuable to the company or people concerned.You will learn about the various features of Scala and be able to apply well-known, industry-proven design patterns in your work. The book starts off by focusing on some of the most interesting features of Scala while using practical real-world examples. We will also cover the popular Gang of Four design patterns and show you how to incorporate functional patterns effectively. By the end of this book, you will have enough knowledge and understanding to quickly assess problems and come up with elegant solutions.
Nathan Liefting, Brian van Baekel
Zabbix offers useful insights into your infrastructure performance and issues and enables you to enhance your monitoring setup with its variety of powerful features. This book covers hands-on, easy-to-follow recipes for using Zabbix 5 for effectively monitoring the performance of devices and applications over networks.The book starts by guiding you through the installation of Zabbix and using the Zabbix frontend. You'll then work your way through the most prominent features of Zabbix and make the right design choices for building a scalable and easily manageable environment. The book contains recipes for building items and triggers for different types of monitoring, building templates, and using Zabbix proxies. As you advance, you’ll learn how to use the Zabbix API for customization and manage your Zabbix server and database efficiently. Finally, you'll find quick solutions to the common and not-so-common problems that you may encounter in your everyday Zabbix monitoring work.By the end of this Zabbix book, you’ll have learned how to use Zabbix for all your monitoring needs and be able to build a solid Zabbix setup by leveraging its key functionalities.
Docker Deep Dive. Zero to Docker in a single book - Third Edition
Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Docker and containers with this expertly crafted course. Starting with a high-level overview, you'll gain a solid understanding of containers and the significance of Docker in modern software development. Delve into Docker's core components, exploring essential standards, projects, and the intricacies of the Docker Engine, ensuring a robust foundation.As you progress, practical hands-on modules will guide you through working with images and containers, containerizing applications, and managing multi-container setups using Docker Compose. You'll learn to deploy applications efficiently with Docker Swarm and Docker Stacks, enhancing your ability to manage and scale containerized applications. The course also introduces Docker's integration with WebAssembly, offering a glimpse into cutting-edge container technologies.Concluding with advanced topics, you'll master Docker networking, including overlay networks and persistent data management with volumes. Emphasis on Docker security ensures you can safeguard your applications and data effectively. By the end of this course, you'll possess the skills and knowledge to leverage Docker's full capabilities, from development to deployment, ensuring you remain at the forefront of container technology.
Adrian Sergio Pulvirenti, María Carina Roldán, Alex Meadows
Pentaho Data Integration is the premier open source ETL tool, providing easy, fast, and effective ways to move and transform data. While PDI is relatively easy to pick up, it can take time to learn the best practices so you can design your transformations to process data faster and more efficiently. If you are looking for clear and practical recipes that will advance your skills in Kettle, then this is the book for you.Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook Second Edition guides you through the features of explains the Kettle features in detail and provides easy to follow recipes on file management and databases that can throw a curve ball to even the most experienced developers.Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook Second Edition provides updates to the material covered in the first edition as well as new recipes that show you how to use some of the key features of PDI that have been released since the publication of the first edition. You will learn how to work with various data sources – from relational and NoSQL databases, flat files, XML files, and more. The book will also cover best practices that you can take advantage of immediately within your own solutions, like building reusable code, data quality, and plugins that can add even more functionality.Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook Second Edition will provide you with the recipes that cover the common pitfalls that even seasoned developers can find themselves facing. You will also learn how to use various data sources in Kettle as well as advanced features.