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Sanctuary Island

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

1936. Sanctuary Island is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of the Medical Staff Corps stationed in South Africa. Over the rest of his life, Wallace produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence.


The Turn of the Tide

Fred M. White

An old-fashioned frivolous firm for a long time, which more progressive competitors talk about with good-natured contempt, they were still in the markets of the business world. They called themselves ordinary merchants selling mixed goods from all over the world, and, as people say, Mortimer Croot, the current sole owner, was considered a person of integrity and being. He had been manager and confidential clerk to an ailing owner, and when the latter was no more Croot quite naturally stepped into all there was left of the once great concern, together with the freehold house in Great Bower Street where the business was carried on.



Jan Kochanowski

Jan Kochanowski pisał fraszki przez całe życie. W ciągu całej z górą dwudziestoletniej działalności poety powstało ich ponad trzysta. Fraszka to drobny utwór poetycki wierszem, często o charakterze żartobliwym, oparty na dowcipnym pomyśle. Pierwowzór fraszek w literaturze polskiej dał Mikołaj Rej w Figlikach. Kochanowski ustalił swoimi Fraszkami obowiązujący wzór stylistyczny tego typu utworów. Fraszki Kochanowskiego charakteryzuje duża różnorodność. Są wśród nich utwory żartobliwe, humorystyczne, satyryczne, frywolne, ale także bardzo poważne. Autor przedstawia w nich portreciki swoich znajomych, zdarzenia ze swego życia, scenki obyczajowe. Liczne utwory zawierają rozważania filozoficzne oraz ironiczne refleksje, także na temat własnej twórczości.


Love Eternal

H. Rider Haggard

According to the story of Love Eternal, written by Henry Rider Haggard, love never dies, it is eternal.It is the story of Godfrey Knight, son of a puritanical parson in Essex and Isobel Blake, daughter of a wealthy shipping magnate who grow up together. Father sends Godfrey to Sweden to separate lovers. For the next 23 years, young lovers did not see each other, having only brief meetings in important moments. Is it true that Romeo and Juliets story will repeat?


The Solution of a Remarkable Case

Nick Carter

Carter is probably the most famous private detective after Sherlock Holmes. It has been a character of pulp fiction since 1886 and has appeared in a variety of formats over more than a century. Considered the King of Detectives, he was based out of an apartment on Madison Avenue in New York City and later out of Manchester. The Nick Carter name was treated as a pseudonym, and many of the volumes were written in first person. Nick Carter would go on to become one of the most popular heroes of the 19th and 20th centuries. In The Solution of a Remarkable Case, Nick investigates the mysterious death of popular dancer Eugenie La Verde, who has been brutally strangled in her bed.


Les Confidences dArsene Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

Cest un récit de neuf romans qui sont rassemblés par le narrateur rencontré dans un précédent volume, Arsene Lupin gentleman-cambrioleur. Les neuf nouvelles sont variées et représentent Lupin comme un personnage élégant, qui peut surprendre tout le monde dans une intrigue incroyable. Il nhésite pas aider ceux qui sapparaissent sur son chemin, mais il noublie pas sa part de richesse. Il est lintelligence et la subtilité, un voleur génial, il naccomplit aucun crime, tout est pensé au millimetre pres, ses plans sont savoureux suivre. Toutes les histoires de notre héros lui apportent la réputation et la popularité. Alors, voules vous explorer lunivers dArsene Lupin?


The Live Corpse. A Play in Six Acts

Leo Tolstoy

In the play The Living Corpse, the famous Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy appears as a playwright. It is filled with intense psychological collisions, complex images of heroes, ambiguous and with that vitally revealed throughout the whole story. And, as always, the themes of love, kindness and human destiny are in the foreground. The play is based on real events, it was popular at the beginning of the 20th century, when it was translated into foreign languages, put on stages, filmed.


Her Majestys Minister

William Le Queux

The Ambassadors office was indeed a very thankless one, while my own position as second secretary of the Paris Embassy was a post not to be envied, even though it is popularly supposed to be one of the plums of the diplomatic service. With Paris full of spies endeavouring to discover our secrets and divine our instructions from Downing Street, and the cabinet noir ever at work upon our correspondence, it behoved us to be always on the alert, and to have resort to all manner of ingenious subterfuges in order to combat our persistent enemies.


The Lost Million

William Le Queux

See! Itsits in my kit-bag, over there! The thingthe Thing at which the whole world will stand aghast! The thin, white-faced, grey-bearded man lying on his back in bed roused himself with difficulty, and with skinny finger pointed at his strong but battered old leather bag lying in the corner of the small hotel bedroom.


Roads of Destiny

O. Henry

O. Henrys unique style of writing will introduce you to story filled of mystery, suspense and of course a decision. A decision which will lead a certain main character to three roads of which he must choose from. A collection of 22 short stories: Roads of Destiny, The Guardian of the Accolade, The Discounters of Money, The Enchanted Profile, Next to Reading Matter, Art and the Bronco, Phobe, A Double-dyed Deceiver, The Passing of Black Eagle, A Retrieved Reformation and others. The title story of the volume Roads of Destiny, a story allegorical in nature, deals with that all important moment of choice: the decision to act, speak, or dress in a way which seems to determine the whole course of a life. O. Henry builds his own concept suggesting that the choice is not so much among different fates as among different versions of the same fate.


On the Spot. Violence and Murder in Chicago

Edgar Wallace

Set in Chicago, and written in 1931 by Edgar Wallace, On the Spot truly reflects the horror of gang life in Prohibition Chicago. Tony Perelli, the gang boss, recruits men for his gang and women for his bed with the same ruthlessness and rapidly arranges for their disposal when they become a nuisance. But Minn Lee, the half-Chinese widow, is a little too much for him, and as she gradually learns the extent of his treachery, she plans a revenge... The constant threat of death, the interaction between cops and gangsters, love gone wrong, love gone right, loss of youth, bootlegging, prostitution... its all here and beautifully handled by Edgar Wallace.


A Pair of Blue Eyes. A Novel

Thomas Hardy

The heroine of the novel is a young Elfrid. She can easily charm anyone with the look of her blue eyes. In her life, two appear, a young architect and an experienced writer. Former friends become rivals, and Elfrida is faced with a painful choice.


The Luck of the Spindrift

Max Brand

A Novel of Adventure. A quest for a fabulous treasure. The ordeal of Sam Culver. He gets mugged and shanghaied aboard the ship Spindrift. A race for exquisite pearls belonging to a man who is about to die. Prolific in many genres Max Brand wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. "The Luck of the Spindrift" is not the usual Max Brand Western - its a South Seas treasure hunt adventure. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists.


Up and Down

E.F. Benson

This is another work of art from Benson. The novel describes many events in England: the First World War, the mentality of that time, the life of the British and visitors there. The first half of the book describes reflections on war. The denouement we can see more sentimental.


The Old Curiosity Shop

1839. It tells the story of Nelly Trent and her grandfather as they wander the English countryside, north of London, trying to evade Daniel Quilp, probably Dickens most evil villain. Nells grandfather has borrowed money from Quilp to support a gambling habit and has lost everything, including the curiosity shop. But Quilp isnt sitting still, his spies are everywhere. Meanwhile a stranger is also looking for Nells grandfather. Dickenss depiction of the fate of his main characters is famously harrowing and unfailingly suspenseful, but not the least of its charms is that it is embellished with a supporting cast of figures as grotesque and colorful as anything in the Old Curiosity Shop itself.


Studium w szkarłacie

Arthur Conan Doyle

Doktor medycyny John H., weteran wojenny, powraca do Londynu. Tu poznaje ekscentrycznego detektywa amatora Sherlocka Holmesa. Wkrótce potem Holmes dostaje list od oficera Scotland Yardu z prośbą o pomoc w rozwikłaniu zagadki morderstwa Enocha Drebbera. Jego zwłoki znaleziono w pustym domu. Na ciele denata brak obrażeń, w kieszeniach pozostały pieniądze, na ręce złoty zegarek. Przyczyna zgonu pozostaje nieznana. Tym większą zagadkę stanowi napis rache (po niemiecku: zemsta) uczyniony krwią na ścianie. Sherlock Holmes i doktor Watson rozpoczynają śledztwo. Ślady prowadzą wiele lat w przeszłość do Ameryki, sekty mormonów i zemsty za zło sprzed wielu lat.