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Kubernetes is among the most popular open source platforms for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing a container-centric infrastructure.Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes starts by providing you with in-depth insights into the synergy between Kubernetes and microservices. You will learn how to use Delinkcious, which will serve as a live lab throughout the book to help you understand microservices and Kubernetes concepts in the context of a real-world application. Next, you will get up to speed with setting up a CI/CD pipeline and configuring microservices using Kubernetes ConfigMaps. As you cover later chapters, you will gain hands-on experience in securing microservices and implementing REST, gRPC APIs, and a Delinkcious data store. In addition to this, you’ll explore the Nuclio project, run a serverless task on Kubernetes, and manage and implement data-intensive tests. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll deploy microservices on Kubernetes and learn to maintain a well-monitored system. Finally, you’ll discover the importance of service meshes and how to incorporate Istio into the Delinkcious cluster. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to implement microservices on Kubernetes with the help of effective tools and best practices.
Delphi is a cross-platform programming language and software development kit that supports rapid application development for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Android, and iOS.With the help of seven practical projects, this book will guide you through the best practices, Delphi Run-Time Library (RTL) resources, and design patterns. Whether you use the Visual Component Library (VCL) or FireMonkey (FMX) framework, these design patterns will be implemented in the same way in Delphi, using Object Pascal. In the first few chapters, you will explore advanced features that will help you build rich applications using the same code base for both mobile and desktop projects. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to implement microservice architecture in Delphi. As you get familiar with the various aspects of Delphi, you will no longer need to maintain source code for similar projects, program business rules on screens, or fill your forms with data access components.By the end of this book, you will have gained an understanding of the principles of clean code and become proficient in building robust and scalable applications in Delphi.
Critical Infrastructure Security. Cybersecurity lessons learned from real-world breaches
Discover the core of cybersecurity through gripping real-world accounts of the most common assaults on critical infrastructure – the body of vital systems, networks, and assets so essential that their continued operation is required to ensure the security of a nation, its economy, and the public’s health and safety – with this guide to understanding cybersecurity principles. From an introduction to critical infrastructure and cybersecurity concepts to the most common types of attacks, this book takes you through the life cycle of a vulnerability and how to assess and manage it. You’ll study real-world cybersecurity breaches, each incident providing insights into the principles and practical lessons for cyber defenders striving to prevent future breaches. From DDoS to APTs, the book examines how each threat activates, operates, and succeeds. Additionally, you’ll analyze the risks posed by computational paradigms, such as the advancement of AI and quantum computing, to legacy infrastructure. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to identify key cybersecurity principles that can help mitigate evolving attacks to critical infrastructure.
Apache Spark is an in-memory, cluster-based Big Data processing system that provides a wide range of functionalities such as graph processing, machine learning, stream processing, and more. This book will take your knowledge of Apache Spark to the next level by teaching you how to expand Spark’s functionality and build your data flows and machine/deep learning programs on top of the platform.The book starts with a quick overview of the Apache Spark ecosystem, and introduces you to the new features and capabilities in Apache Spark 2.x. You will then work with the different modules in Apache Spark such as interactive querying with Spark SQL, using DataFrames and DataSets effectively, streaming analytics with Spark Streaming, and performing machine learning and deep learning on Spark using MLlib and external tools such as H20 and Deeplearning4j. The book also contains chapters on efficient graph processing, memory management and using Apache Spark on the cloud.By the end of this book, you will have all the necessary information to master Apache Spark, and use it efficiently for Big Data processing and analytics.
Do you want to understand all the facets of iOS programming and build complex iOS apps? Then you have come to the right place. This problem-solution guide will help you to eliminate expensive learning curves and focus on specific issues to make you proficient at tasks and the speed-up time involved.Beginning with some advanced UI components such as Stack Views and UICollectionView, you will gradually move on to building an interface efficiently.You will work through adding gesture recognizer and touch elements on table cells for custom actions. You will work with the Photos framework to access and manipulate photos. You will then prepare your app for multitasking and write responsive and highly efficient apps. Next, you will integrate maps and core location services while making your app more secure through various encryption methods. Finally, you will dive deep into the advanced techniques of implementing notifications while working with memory management and optimizing the performance of your apps. By the end of the book, you will master most of the latest iOS 10 frameworks.
Mastering Bash. A Step-by-Step Guide to working with Bash Programming and Shell Scripting
System administration is an everyday effort that involves a lot of tedious tasks, and devious pits. Knowing your environment is the key to unleashing the most powerful solution that will make your life easy as an administrator, and show you the path to new heights. Bash is your Swiss army knife to set up your working or home environment as you want, when you want.This book will enable you to customize your system step by step, making your own real, virtual, home out of it. The journey will take you swiftly through the basis of the shell programming in Bash to more interesting and challenging tasks. You will be introduced to one of the most famous open source monitoring systems—Nagios, and write complex programs with it in any languages. You’ll see how to perform checks on your sites and applications.Moving on, you’ll discover how to write your own daemons so you can create your services and take advantage of inter-process communication to let your scripts talk to each other. So, despite these being everyday tasks, you’ll have a lot of fun on the way. By the end of the book, you will have gained advanced knowledge of Bash that will help you automate routine tasks and manage your systems.
React Native Cookbook. Recipes for solving common React Native development problems - Second Edition
If you are a developer looking to create mobile applications with maximized code reusability and minimized cost, React Native is what you need. With this practical guide, you’ll be able to build attractive UIs, tackle common problems in mobile development, and achieve improved performance in mobile environments.This book starts by covering the common techniques for React Native customization and helps you set up your development platforms. Over the course of the book, you’ll work through a wide variety of recipes that help you create, style, and animate your apps with built-in React Native and custom third-party components. You’ll also develop real-world browser-based authentication, build a fully functional audio player, and integrate Google Maps in your apps. This book will help you explore different strategies for working with data, including leveraging the popular Redux library and optimizing your app’s dataflow. You’ll also learn how to write native device functionality for new and existing React Native projects and how app deployment works.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with tips and tricks to write efficient code and have the skills to build full iOS and Android applications using React Native.
Adrian Ward, Christian Screen, Haroun Khan
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c is packed full of features and has a fresh approach to information presentation, system management, and security. OBIEE can help any organization to understand its data, to make useful information from data, and to ensure decision-making is supported by facts. OBIEE can focus on information that needs action, alerting users when conditions are met. OBIEE can be used for data analysis, form production, dashoarding, and workflow processes.We will introduce you to OBIEE features and provide a step-by-step guide to build a complete system from scratch. With this guide, you will be equipped with a good basic understanding of what the product contains, how to install and configure it, and how to create effective Business Intelligence. This book contains the necessary information for a beginner to create a high-performance OBIEE 12c system.This book is also a guide that explains how to use an existing OBIEE 12c system, and shows end users how to create.
Pentaho Reporting lets you create, generate, and distribute rich and sophisticated report content from different data sources. Knowing how to use it quickly and efficiently gives you the edge in producing reports from your database. If you have been looking for a book that has plenty of easy-to-understand instructions and also contains lots of examples and screenshots, this is where your search ends.This book shows you how to replace or build your enterprise reporting solution from scratch with Pentaho's Reporting Suite. Through detailed examples, it dives deeply into all aspects of Pentaho's reporting functionalities, providing you with the knowledge you need to master report creation.This book starts off with a number of examples to get you familiar with the tools and technology of the Pentaho Reporting Suite. Then, with additional examples, it goes into advanced subjects such as charting, sub-reporting, cross tabs, as well as API generation of reports. There are also details and examples on extending Pentaho's open source reporting engine. The reader will learn the ins and outs of Pentaho Report Designer, including a cheat sheet with all the available short-cut keys, to make report design efficient and painless.Embedding reports into your Java application can be difficult. With Pentaho Reporting it's just a few lines of code. The book provides examples of how to embed reporting into your J2EE and client Java applications, as well as showing you how to build dynamic reports from scratch using Pentaho Reporting's simple Java Bean-based report generation API.Setting up and integrating a reporting server in an enterprise environment can be arduous. In addition to learning how to build great embeddable reports, you'll also learn how to combine Pentaho Reporting with Pentaho's BI Server for a zero-code, easy-to-configure, enterprise reporting solution.
With a large demand for responsive websites and availability of services, IT administrators are faced with an ever-rising need for services that are optimized for speed. NetScaler VPX is a software-based virtual appliance that provides users with the comprehensive NetScaler feature set. Implementing apps and cloud-based services is much easier with its increased service performance and integrated security features.This book will give you an insight into all the new features that NetScaler VPX™ has to offer. Starting off with the basics, you will learn how to set NetScaler up and configure it in a virtual environment including the new features available in version 11, such as unified gateway and portal theme customization. Next, the book will cover how to deploy NetScalar on Azure and Amazon, and you will also discover how to integrate it with an existing Citrix infrastructure. Next, you will venture into other topics such as load balancing Microsoft and Citrix solutions, configuring different forms of high availability Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB), and network optimization. You will also learn how to troubleshoot and analyze data using NetScaler's extensive array of features.Finally, you will discover how to protect web services using an application firewall and will get to grips with other features such as HTTP, DOS, and AAA.
The Automotive Cybersecurity Engineering Handbook introduces the critical technology of securing automotive systems, with a focus on compliance with industry standards like ISO 21434 and UNECE REG 155-156. This book provides automotive engineers and security professionals with the practical knowledge needed to integrate cybersecurity into their development processes, ensuring vehicles remain resilient against cyber threats. Whether you're a functional safety engineer, a software developer, or a security expert transitioning to the automotive domain, this book serves as your roadmap to implementing effective cybersecurity practices within automotive systems.The purpose of this book is to demystify automotive cybersecurity and bridge the gap between safety-critical systems and cybersecurity requirements. It addresses the needs of professionals who are expected to make their systems secure without sacrificing time, quality, or safety. Unlike other resources, this book offers a practical, real-world approach, focusing on the integration of security into the engineering process, using existing frameworks and tools.By the end of this book, readers will understand the importance of automotive cybersecurity, how to perform threat modeling, and how to deploy robust security controls at various layers of a vehicle's architecture.
This Packt bestseller continues to be the definitive guide to modern cross-platform development. The 9th edition of C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals has been updated to cover the latest features and improvements in .NET 9 and C# 13. You'll start by mastering object-oriented programming, learning how to write, test, and debug functions, and implementing interfaces. You'll then dive into .NET APIs for data management, filesystem operations, and serialization.This latest edition integrates .NET 9 enhancements into its examples: faster exceptions and new LINQ methods. New ASP.NET Core 9 features include optimized static assets, built-in OpenAPI document generation, and the HybridCache.Practical examples, such as building websites and services with ASP.NET Core, have been refreshed to utilize the latest .NET 9 features. The book also introduces Blazor, with its new unified hosting model for unparalleled code reusability. With these updates, you'll learn how to build robust applications and services efficiently and effectively.By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create professional and high-performance web applications using the latest technologies in C# 13 and .NET 9.
Oracle Database is one of the most popular databases and allows users to make efficient use of their resources and to enhance service levels while reducing the IT costs incurred. Oracle Database is sometimes compared with Microsoft SQL Server, however, Oracle Database clearly supersedes SQL server in terms of high availability and addressing planned and unplanned downtime. Oracle PL/SQL provides a rich platform for application developers to code and build scalable database applications and introduces multiple new features and enhancements to improve development experience. Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Guide, Second Edition is a handy technical reference for seasoned professionals in the database development space. This book starts with a refresher of fundamental concepts of PL/SQL, such as anonymous block, subprograms, and exceptions, and prepares you for the upcoming advanced concepts. The next chapter introduces you to the new features of Oracle Database 12c, not limited to PL/SQL. In this chapter, you will understand some of the most talked about features such as Multitenant and Database In-Memory. Moving forward, each chapter introduces advanced concepts with the help of demonstrations, and provides you with the latest update from Oracle Database 12c context. This helps you to visualize the pre- and post-applications of a feature over the database releases. By the end of this book, you will have become an expert in PL/SQL programming and will be able to implement advanced concepts of PL/SQL for efficient management of Oracle Database.