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Carsten Windler, Alexandre Daubois
PHP is a beginner-friendly language, but also one that is rife with complaints of bad code, yet no clean code books are specific to PHP. Enter Clean Code in PHP. This audiobook is a one-stop guide to learning the theory and best practices of clean code specific to real-world PHP app development environments.This PHP audiobook is cleanly split to help you navigate through coding practices and theories to understand and adopt the nuances of the clean code paradigm. In addition to covering best practices, tooling for code quality, and PHP design patterns, this audiobook also presents tips and techniques for working on large-scale PHP apps with a team and writing effective documentation for your PHP projects.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be able to write human-friendly PHP code, which will fuel your PHP career growth and set you apart from the competition.
fastai is an easy-to-use deep learning framework built on top of PyTorch that lets you rapidly create complete deep learning solutions with as few as 10 lines of code. Both predominant low-level deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, require a lot of code, even for straightforward applications. In contrast, fastai handles the messy details for you and lets you focus on applying deep learning to actually solve problems.The book begins by summarizing the value of fastai and showing you how to create a simple 'hello world' deep learning application with fastai. You'll then learn how to use fastai for all four application areas that the framework explicitly supports: tabular data, text data (NLP), recommender systems, and vision data. As you advance, you'll work through a series of practical examples that illustrate how to create real-world applications of each type. Next, you'll learn how to deploy fastai models, including creating a simple web application that predicts what object is depicted in an image. The book wraps up with an overview of the advanced features of fastai.By the end of this fastai book, you'll be able to create your own deep learning applications using fastai. You'll also have learned how to use fastai to prepare raw datasets, explore datasets, train deep learning models, and deploy trained models.
Kiyoshi Nakayama PhD, George Jeno
Federated learning (FL) is a paradigm-shifting technology in AI that enables and accelerates machine learning (ML), allowing you to work on private data. It has become a must-have solution for most enterprise industries, making it a critical part of your learning journey. This book helps you get to grips with the building blocks of FL and how the systems work and interact with each other using solid coding examples.FL is more than just aggregating collected ML models and bringing them back to the distributed agents. This book teaches you about all the essential basics of FL and shows you how to design distributed systems and learning mechanisms carefully so as to synchronize the dispersed learning processes and synthesize the locally trained ML models in a consistent manner. This way, you’ll be able to create a sustainable and resilient FL system that can constantly function in real-world operations. This book goes further than simply outlining FL's conceptual framework or theory, as is the case with the majority of research-related literature.By the end of this book, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of the FL system design and implementation basics and be able to create an FL system and applications that can be deployed to various local and cloud environments.
This book will provide you with a comprehensive series of starting points that will give you direct access to the inner workings of the latest CentOS version 7 and help you trim the learning curve to master your server.You will begin with the installation and basic configuration of CentOS 7, followed by learning how to manage your system, services and software packages. You will then gain an understanding of how to administer the file system, secure access to your server and configure various resource sharing services such as file, printer and DHCP servers across your network. Further on, we cover advanced topics such as FTP services, building your own DNS server, running database servers, and providing mail and web services. Finally, you will get a deep understanding of SELinux and you will learn how to work with Docker operating-system virtualization and how to monitor your IT infrastructure with Nagios.By the end of this book, you will have a fair understanding of all the aspects of configuring, implementing and administering CentOS 7 Linux server and how to put it in control.
Data Structures and Algorithms with the C++ STL. A guide for modern C++ practitioners
While the Standard Template Library (STL) offers a rich set of tools for data structures and algorithms, navigating its intricacies can be daunting for intermediate C++ developers without expert guidance. This book offers a thorough exploration of the STL’s components, covering fundamental data structures, advanced algorithms, and concurrency features.Starting with an in-depth analysis of the std::vector, this book highlights its pivotal role in the STL, progressing toward building your proficiency in utilizing vectors, managing memory, and leveraging iterators. The book then advances to STL’s data structures, including sequence containers, associative containers, and unordered containers, simplifying the concepts of container adaptors and views to enhance your knowledge of modern STL programming. Shifting the focus to STL algorithms, you’ll get to grips with sorting, searching, and transformations and develop the skills to implement and modify algorithms with best practices. Advanced sections cover extending the STL with custom types and algorithms, as well as concurrency features, exception safety, and parallel algorithms.By the end of this book, you’ll have transformed into a proficient STL practitioner ready to tackle real-world challenges and build efficient and scalable C++ applications.
VMware vRealize Orchestrator Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition
VMware vRealize Orchestrator is a powerful automation tool designed for system administrators and IT operations staff who are planning to streamline their tasks and are waiting to integrate the functions with third-party operations software. This book is an update to VMware vRealize Orchestrator Cookbook and is blend of numerous recipes on vRealize Orchestrator 7. This book starts with installing and configuring vRealize Orchestrator. We will demonstrate how to upgrade from previous versions to vRealize Orchestrator 7. You will be taught all about orchestrator plugins and how to use and develop various plugins that have been enhanced in Orchestrator 7. Throughout this book, you will explore the new features of Orchestrator 7, such as the introduction of the control center, along with its uses. You will also come to understand visual programming, how to integrate base plugins into workflows, and how to automate VMware. You will also get to know how to troubleshoot vRealize Orchestrator.By the end of this book, you will be able to get the most out of your Orchestrator installation, and will be able to develop complex workflows and create your own highly integrated automations of vRealize environments.
Written by a nine-time Microsoft MVP award winner with over twenty years of experience working in IT, Mastering Windows Server 2019 is a hands-on guide for anyone looking to keep their skills up to date.This third edition comes with four new chapters to provide you with the in-depth knowledge needed to implement and use this operating system in any environment.Centralized management, monitoring, and configuration of servers are key to an efficient IT department.This book delves into multiple methods for quickly managing all your servers from a ‘single pane of glass' — the ability to monitor different servers across a network using Server Manager, Windows PowerShell, and even Windows Admin Center — from anywhere. Despite the focus on Windows Server 2019 LTSC, you will still explore containers and Nano Server, which are more related to the SAC of server releases. This additional coverage will give you insights into all aspects of using Windows Server 2019 in your environment.This book covers a range of remote access technologies available in this operating system, teaches management of PKI and certificates, and empowers you to virtualize your datacenter with Hyper-V. You will also discover the tools and software included with Windows Server 2019 that assist in the inevitable troubleshooting of problems that crop up.
As the need for digital transformation and remote work surges, so does the demand for cloud computing. However, the complexity of cloud architecture and the abundance of vendors and tools can be overwhelming for businesses. This book addresses the need for skilled professionals capable of designing, building, and managing scalable and resilient cloud systems to navigate the complex landscape of cloud computing through practical tips and strategies.This comprehensive cloud computing guide offers expertise and best practices for evaluating different cloud vendors and tools. Once you’ve gained a thorough understanding of cloud computing basics, you’ll delve deeper into cloud architecture, its design, and implementation. Armed with this expert insight, businesses can avoid costly mistakes, ensure that their cloud systems are secure and compliant, and build cloud systems that can adapt and grow with the business.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging different vendors and tools to build robust and secure cloud systems to achieve specific goals and meet business requirements.
Yuri Diogenes, Dr. Erdal Ozkaya
Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies, Third Edition will bring you up to speed with the key aspects of threat assessment and security hygiene, the current threat landscape and its challenges, and how to maintain a strong security posture.In this carefully revised new edition, you will learn about the Zero Trust approach and the initial Incident Response process. You will gradually become familiar with Red Team tactics, where you will learn basic syntax for commonly used tools to perform the necessary operations. You will also learn how to apply newer Red Team techniques with powerful tools. Simultaneously, Blue Team tactics are introduced to help you defend your system from complex cyber-attacks. This book provides a clear, in-depth understanding of attack/defense methods as well as patterns to recognize irregular behavior within your organization. Finally, you will learn how to analyze your network and address malware, while becoming familiar with mitigation and threat detection techniques.By the end of this cybersecurity book, you will have discovered the latest tools to enhance the security of your system, learned about the security controls you need, and understood how to carry out each step of the incident response process.
Refactoring TypeScript. Keeping your code healthy
Refactoring improves your code without changing its behavior. With refactoring, the best approach is to apply small targeted changes to a codebase. Instead of doing a huge sweeping change to your code, refactoring is better as a long-term and continuous enterprise. Refactoring TypeScript explains how to spot bugs and remove them from your code.You’ll start by seeing how wordy conditionals, methods, and null checks make code unhealthy and unstable. Whether it is identifying messy nested conditionals or removing unnecessary methods, this book will show various techniques to avoid these pitfalls and write code that is easier to understand, maintain, and test.By the end of the book, you’ll have learned some of the main causes of unhealthy code, tips to identify them and techniques to address them.
Java is one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. This comprehensive guide will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your job as a Java developer.This book contains two crucial elements of coding interviews - a brief section that will take you through non-technical interview questions, while the more comprehensive part covers over 200 coding interview problems along with their hands-on solutions. This book will help you to develop skills in data structures and algorithms, which technical interviewers look for in a candidate, by solving various problems based on these topics covering a wide range of concepts such as arrays, strings, maps, linked lists, sorting, and searching. You'll find out how to approach a coding interview problem in a structured way that produces faster results. Toward the final chapters, you'll learn to solve tricky questions about concurrency, functional programming, and system scalability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve Java coding problems commonly used in interviews, and will have developed the confidence to secure your Java-centric dream job.
Angular 2 Components. Practical and easy-to-follow guide to Angular 2 Components
Robin Böhm, Nir Kaufman, Thierry Templier Thierry
This book is a concise guide to Angular 2 Components and is based on the stable version of Angular 2. You will start with learning about the Angular 2 Components architecture and how components differ from Angular directives in Angular 1. You will then move on to quickly set up an Angular 2 development environment and grasp the basics of TypeScript. With this strong foundation in place, you will start building components.The book will teach you, with an example, how to define component behavior, create component templates, and use the controller of your component. You willalso learn how to make your components communicate with each other. Once you have built a component, you will learn how to extend it by integrating third-party components with it. By the end of the book, you will be confident with building and using components for your applications.
Kali Linux is the most popular and advanced penetration testing Linux distribution within the cybersecurity industry. Using Kali Linux, a cybersecurity professional will be able to discover and exploit various vulnerabilities and perform advanced penetration testing on both enterprise wired and wireless networks.This audiobook is a comprehensive guide for those who are new to Kali Linux and penetration testing that will have you up to speed in no time. Using real-world scenarios, you’ll understand how to set up a lab and explore core penetration testing concepts. Throughout this book, you’ll focus on information gathering and even discover different vulnerability assessment tools bundled in Kali Linux. You’ll learn to discover target systems on a network, identify security flaws on devices, exploit security weaknesses and gain access to networks, set up Command and Control (C2) operations, and perform web application penetration testing. In this updated second edition, you’ll be able to compromise Active Directory and exploit enterprise networks. Finally, this audiobook covers best practices for performing complex web penetration testing techniques in a highly secured environment.By the end of this Kali Linux audiobook, you’ll have gained the skills to perform advanced penetration testing on enterprise networks using Kali Linux.
Angelica Lo Duca, Gideon Mendels
This book provides concepts and practical use cases which can be used to quickly build, monitor, and optimize data science projects. Using Comet, you will learn how to manage almost every step of the data science process from data collection through to creating, deploying, and monitoring a machine learning model.The book starts by explaining the features of Comet, along with exploratory data analysis and model evaluation in Comet. You’ll see how Comet gives you the freedom to choose from a selection of programming languages, depending on which is best suited to your needs. Next, you will focus on workspaces, projects, experiments, and models. You will also learn how to build a narrative from your data, using the features provided by Comet. Later, you will review the basic concepts behind DevOps and how to extend the GitLab DevOps platform with Comet, further enhancing your ability to deploy your data science projects. Finally, you will cover various use cases of Comet in machine learning, NLP, deep learning, and time series analysis, gaining hands-on experience with some of the most interesting and valuable data science techniques available.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently build data science pipelines according to bespoke specifications and manage them through Comet.
Jean-Baptiste Jung, Matt Mullenweg
About 120,000 blogs are created every day. Most of them quickly die, but a few stay, grow up, and then become well known and respected places on the Web. If you are seriously interested in being in the top league, you will need to learn all the tricks of the trade. WordPress 2.7 Cookbook focuses on providing solutions to common WordPress problems, to make sure that your blog will be one of the ones that stay.The author's experience with WordPress enables him to share insights on using WordPress effectively, in a clear and friendly way, giving practical hands-on solutions to WordPress problems, questions, and common tasks ñ from themes to widgets and from SEO to security.Are you feeling limited with WordPress, or are you wondering how popular blogs do a certain kind of thing that you can't? With this cookbook, you will learn many WordPress secrets and techniques, with step-by-step, useful recipes dedicated to achieving a particular goal or solve a particular problem. You'll learn the secret of expensive premium themes, how to optimize your blog for SEO and online profits, and how to supercharge WordPress with killer functions used by the most popular blogs over the Internet.