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Practical UX Design. Click here to enter text
Written in an easy-to-read style, this book provides real-world examples, a historical perspective, and a holistic approach to design that will ground you in the fundamental essentials of interactive design, allow you to make more informed design decisions, and increase your understanding of UX in order to reach the highest levels of UX maturity. As you will see, UX is more than just delighting customers and users. It is also about thinking like a UX practitioner, making time for creativity, recognizing good design when you see it, understanding Information Architecture as more than just organizing and labeling websites, using design patterns to influence user behavior and decision making, approaching UX from a business perspective, transforming your client’s and company’s fundamental understanding of UX and its true value, and so much more.This book is an invaluable resource of knowledge, perspective, and inspiration for those seeking to become better UX designers, increase their confidence, become more mature design leaders, and deliver solutions that provide measurable value to stakeholders, customers, and users regardless of project type, size, and delivery method.
With advanced cyber attacks severely impacting industry giants and the constantly evolving threat landscape, organizations are adopting complex systems to maintain robust and secure environments. Network Security Strategies will help you get well-versed with the tools and techniques required to protect any network environment against modern cyber threats.You’ll understand how to identify security vulnerabilities across the network and how to effectively use a variety of network security techniques and platforms. Next, the book will show you how to design a robust network that provides top-notch security to protect against traditional and new evolving attacks. With the help of detailed solutions and explanations, you'll be able to monitor networks skillfully and identify potential risks. Finally, the book will cover topics relating to thought leadership and the management aspects of network security.By the end of this network security book, you'll be well-versed in defending your network from threats and be able to consistently maintain operational efficiency, security, and privacy in your environment.
Discover the user-friendly interface and versatility of Tinkercad and find out how it’s revolutionizing digital creation. This comprehensive guide explores Tinkercad’s 3D design features, equipping you with the skills to harness its full potential for advanced projects and creations. Written by a patented inventor and Tinkercad expert with over a decade of experience in technology education, this book offers an accessible, yet thorough approach to mastering Tinkercad for users of all levels.You'll enhance your 3D design skills as you delve into professional modeling topics and techniques in Tinkercad. As you progress, you’ll build your skills by mastering essential tools for 3D modeling, such as technical drawings and measurement methods, paving the way for efficient constructive solid geometry abilities. Advanced Tinkercad modeling techniques, including ruler and workplane tools, patterns, and shape generators, will guide you in bringing your designs to life through 3D printing. You'll also learn about advanced concepts such as tolerances, dimensions, material choice, and practical applications with step-by-step guides for creating items like threaded containers, puzzles, phone cases, and more.By the end of the book, you’ll be proficient in crafting intricate designs ready for successful production through 3D printing.
PostCSS is a tool that has quickly emerged as the future of existing preprocessors such as SASS and Less, mainly because of its power, speed, and ease of use. This comprehensive guide offers in-depth guidance on incorporating cutting-edge styles into your web page and at the same time maintaining the performance and maintainability of your code. The book will show how you can take advantage of PostCSS to simplify the entire process of stylesheet authoring. It covers various techniques to add dynamic and modern styling features to your web pages. As the book progresses, you will learn how to make CSS code more maintainable by taking advantage of the modular architecture of PostCSS. By the end of this book, you would have mastered the art of adding modern CSS effects to web pages by authoring high performing, maintainable stylesheets.
The Ultimate Docker Container Book, 3rd edition enables you to leverage Docker containers for streamlined software development. You’ll uncover Docker fundamentals and how containers improve software supply chain efficiency and enhance security.You’ll start by learning practical skills such as setting up Docker environments, handling stateful components, running and testing code within containers, and managing Docker images. You’ll also explore how to adapt legacy applications for containerization and understand distributed application architecture. Next, you’ll delve into Docker's networking model, software-defined networks for secure applications, and Docker compose for managing multi-service applications along with tools for log analysis and metrics. You’ll further deepen your understanding of popular orchestrators like Kubernetes and Docker swarmkit, exploring their key concepts, and deployment strategies for resilient applications. In the final sections, you’ll gain insights into deploying containerized applications on major cloud platforms, including Azure, AWS, and GCE and discover techniques for production monitoring and troubleshooting.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to manage and scale containerized applications effectively.
Like various other fields, AI offers boundless possibilities when it comes to art. Midjourney is one of the leading AI art creation tools that can assist you in your artistic ideas, regardless of your technical skill level. Written by an accomplished communication and web design specialist, The Midjourney Expedition is your guide to harnessing the power of AI in your creative journey.With this guide, you’ll explore the extensive features of Midjourney and start creating compelling AI-generated art with ease. The first set of chapters will teach you how to set up and use Discord for personalized and seamless art creation, with a dedicated section that will help you understand the different versions of Midjourney and their capabilities. As you progress, you’ll hone your prompt engineering skills, and eventually learn how to leverage the power of complex prompts. You’ll also learn how Midjourney-generated images can be integrated into a multitude of workflows and domains through real-life case studies. In the last set of chapters, you’ll get to grips with real-world applications of Midjourney for storytelling, creating moodboards, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll not only be proficient in using Midjourney, but also understand how to strategically apply AI-generated art in your projects.
Angelika Klidas, Kevin Hanegan
Data is more than a mere commodity in our digital world. It is the ebb and flow of our modern existence. Individuals, teams, and enterprises working with data can unlock a new realm of possibilities. And the resultant agility, growth, and inevitable success have one origin—data literacy.This comprehensive guide is written by two data literacy pioneers, each with a thorough footprint within the data and analytics commercial world and lectures at top universities in the US and the Netherlands. Complete with best practices, practical models, and real-world examples, Data Literacy in Practice will help you start making your data work for you by building your understanding of data literacy basics and accelerating your journey to independently uncovering insights.You’ll learn the four-pillar model that underpins all data and analytics and explore concepts such as measuring data quality, setting up a pragmatic data management environment, choosing the right graphs for your readers, and questioning your insights.By the end of the book, you'll be equipped with a combination of skills and mindset as well as with tools and frameworks that will allow you to find insights and meaning within your data for data-informed decision making.
Oracle Linux Cookbook. Embrace Oracle Linux and master Linux Server Management
Erik Benner, Erik B. Thomsen, Jonathan Spindel, Robert G. Shimp
Discover the power of Oracle Linux 8, the free and enterprise-grade Linux distribution designed for use in any environment, with this recipe-style book.Starting with instructions on how to obtain Oracle Linux for both X86 and ARM-based platforms, this book walks you through various installation methods, from running it as a Windows service to installing it on a Raspberry Pi. It unravels advanced topics such as system upgrades using Leapp for major version transitions and using a PXE server and kickstart files for more advanced installations. The book then delves into swapping kernels to take advantage of Oracle’s UEK, exploring boot options, managing software with DNF, and achieving high availability. Detailed recipes involving security topics will assist with tasks such as data encryption, both at rest and in motion.For developers, it offers guidance on building RPM files, using Docker and Podman in a containerized environment, working with AppStreams, and more. For large-scale deployments, the book introduces Oracle Linux Automation Manager for enterprise-level Ansible utilization, from setting up the Ansible server to basic playbook writing. Finally, you’ll discover strategies for cloud migration.By the end of this book, you’ll possess a comprehensive toolkit that will elevate your skills as a Linux administrator.
The chances are that more of your WordPress website visitors are using mobiles, or more clients are demanding responsive or mobile sites. If you can use WordPress to build mobile-friendly sites you can win more business from clients and more traffic for your site.WordPress Mobile Web Development Beginner's Guide will benefit you whether you've dabbled in WordPress or worked with it for years. It will help you identify which approach to mobile is most appropriate for your site (responsive, mobile, or web app) and learn how to make each one work, demonstrating a variety of techniques from the simple to the more complex, working through clear practical examples and applying these to your own website.Start by quickly making a WordPress site mobile-friendly, using off the shelf plugins and responsive themes, choosing the best ones for you and customising them. This leads into responsive theme design, with advice on layout, images and navigation. Finally, learn how to build a web app in WordPress, making use of plugins, APIs and custom code.If you need to hit the ground running with mobile WordPress development, then this book is for you. With practical examples and exercises from the beginning, it will help you build your first mobile WordPress site without having to learn aspects of WordPress or mobile development that aren't relevant. It will also help you understand which approaches work and why, so you can apply this knowledge to future projects.
OpenStack for Architects. Design production-ready private cloud infrastructure - Second Edition
Michael Solberg, Ben Silverman
Over the past six years, hundreds of organizations have successfully implemented Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms based on OpenStack. The huge amount of investment from these organizations, including industry giants such as IBM and HP, as well as open source leaders, such as Red Hat, Canonical, and SUSE, has led analysts to label OpenStack as the most important open source technology since the Linux operating system. Due to its ambitious scope, OpenStack is a complex and fast-evolving open source project that requires a diverse skill set to design and implement it.OpenStack for Architects leads you through the major decision points that you'll face while architecting an OpenStack private cloud for your organization. This book will address the recent changes made in the latest OpenStack release i.e Queens, and will also deal with advanced concepts such as containerization, NVF, and security. At each point, the authors offer you advice based on the experience they've gained from designing and leading successful OpenStack projects in a wide range of industries. Each chapter also includes lab material that gives you a chance to install and configure the technologies used to build production-quality OpenStack clouds. Most importantly, the book focuses on ensuring that your OpenStack project meets the needs of your organization, which will guarantee a successful rollout.
Embedded Systems Architecture begins with a bird’s-eye view of embedded development and how it differs from the other systems that you may be familiar with. This book will help you get the hang of the internal working of various components in real-world systems.You’ll start by setting up a development environment and then move on to the core system architectural concepts, exploring system designs, boot-up mechanisms, and memory management. As you progress through the topics, you’ll explore the programming interface and device drivers to establish communication via TCP/IP and take measures to increase the security of IoT solutions. Finally, you’ll be introduced to multithreaded operating systems through the development of a scheduler and the use of hardware-assisted trusted execution mechanisms.With the help of this book, you will gain the confidence to work with embedded systems at an architectural level and become familiar with various aspects of embedded software development on microcontrollers—such as memory management, multithreading, and RTOS—an approach oriented to memory isolation.
Bilgin Ibryam, Bilgin Ismet Ibryam
With new APIs and technologies emerging every day, the need for integrating applications is greater than ever before. With the right tools, integrating applications is not hard. Apache Camel is the leading open source integration and message orchestration framework. Apache Camel, which has a variety of connectors and features numerous well-known integration patterns, has an enormous advantage over home grown integration solutions.Instant Apache Camel Message Routing helps you to get started using the Camel routing engine and Enterprise Integration Patterns. This book will show you how to create integration applications using Apache Camel. You will learn how Camel works and how to leverage the Enterprise Integration Patterns for message routing.Instant Apache Camel Message Routing is a practical and step-by-step guide to Apache Camel and integration patterns. This book will show you how Apache Camel works and how it integrates disparate systems using Enterprise Integration Patterns. The book starts with a high level overview of the Camel architecture before diving into message routing principles. Then, it introduces a number of patterns, complete with diagrams, common use cases, and examples about how to use them with Camel. The book also shows you how to test and monitor Camel applications and cope with failure scenarios.
SharePoint 2013 feels like a of fresh air, offering many new features and changes over older versions. Among these new features is a completely revamped search engine. Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is a quick-start guide to creating search-driven applications using the new and exciting features that have revolutionized the SharePoint enterprise search experience.Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is a fast-paced, practical, hands-on guide to the world of enterprise search in SharePoint 2013. With step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples, this book will give you a head start creating fresh and exciting search-driven applications using SharePoint 2013's new search engine.Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is an accelerated way to create search-driven applications for SharePoint 2013. By covering the basics first and gradually covering all search related topics, this book will be your guide through the world of SharePoint's enterprise search.Furthermore, you will learn how to use the powerful feature of Query Rules to create smart conditions that help respond to user's search queries intelligently. We will also discuss how to style search results and make them stand out, how to index external content so it will be searchable using SharePoint's powerful search engine, and how to use the new client side search APIs, which will allow us to take advantage of search in Apps, the new development model for SharePoint 2013.After reading Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013, you will understand what it takes to create applications that use search as a content provider. Using applications that are based on real world examples and step-by-step tutorials, you'll get hands-on experience in developing search driven applications.