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Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment
Balasubramanian Natarajan, Erez Ben-Ari, Bala Natarajan, Erez Y Ben
DirectAccess, introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2, has been a ground breaking VPN-like connectivity solution, adopted by thousands of organizations worldwide. Allowing organizations to deploy without manually configuring every client and providing always-on connectivity has made this technology world-famous. Now, with Windows Server 2012, this has been made even easier to deploy, with a new friendly user interface, easy-start wizard and built in support tools.With Unified Remote Access, Windows server 2012 offers a unique way to provide remote access that is seamless and easier to deploy than traditional VPN solutions. With URA, the successor to DirectAccess, your users can have full network connectivity that is always-on. If you have deployed Windows Server 2012 or are planning to, this book will help you implement Unified Remote Access from concept to completion in no time!Unified Remote Access, the successor to DirectAccess, offers a new approach to remote access, as well as several deployment scenarios to best suit your organization and needs. This book will take you through the design, planning, implementation and support for URA, from start to finish.Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment starts by exploring the mechanisms and infrastructure that are the backbone of URA, and then explores the various available scenarios and options. As you go through them, you will easily understand the ideal deployment for your own organization, and be ready to deploy quickly and easily. Whether you are looking into the simplest deployment, or a complex, multi-site or cloud scenario, Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment will provide all the answers and tools you will need to complete a successful deployment.
QlikView has been around since 1993, but has only really taken off in recent years as a leader in the in-memory BI space and, more recently, in the data discovery area. QlikView features the ability to consolidate relevant data from multiple sources into a single application, as well as an associative data model to allow you to explore the data to a way your brain works, state-of-the-art visualizations, dashboard, analysis and reports, and mobile data access.QlikView for Developers Cookbook builds on your initial training and experiences with QlikView to help you become a better developer. This book features plenty of hands-on examples of many challenging functions.Assuming a basic understanding of QlikView development, this book provides a range of step-by-step exercises to teach you different subjects to help build your QlikView developer expertise.From advanced charting and layout to set analysis; from advanced aggregations through to scripting, performance, and security, this book will cover all the areas that you need to know about.The recipes in this book will give you a lot of the information that you need to become an excellent QlikView developer.
The optimization of an attractive commercial website is a non-trivial task that demands time and knowledge. Optimization is a critical point for all growing businesses because a misconfiguration could make you lose money, a lot of money. If your server is overloaded, a browser that wants to turn into a buyer will not be able to, and you will lose customers.Instant Magento Performance Optimization How-To is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises to help you reach a high performance level for your Magento stores and keep your customers satisfied.This book looks at tweaks and tips used to boost your Magento Performance, and breaks down the confusion that surrounds the subject.You will learn how to compress your pages, styles, and scripts by almost 80%. We will also take a look at controversial optimization settings such as Magento core compilation or enabling all caching systems. You will discover new applications that improve performance. If you wish your e-businesses to grow and want to keep your customers satisfied, you definitely need this book.
Unlike other IoT books that focus on theory and generic applications, this guide takes a practical approach, empowering you to leverage ChatGPT to build your very first IoT prototype. With over 20 years of experience in wireless and IoT technologies and a background as an instructor, Jun Wen expertly guides you from project kick-off to a fully functional prototype.The book emphasizes the transformative impact of ChatGPT for IoT, teaching you how to use ChatGPT to generate code for your applications, even with limited coding experience. You’ll be introduced to using PlatformIO IDE within Visual Studio Code and discover the cutting-edge RISC-V architecture, the ESP32 MCU, Arduino-compatible sensors, and integration methods for AWS and the ThingsBoard dashboard. Working through 10 different project examples, including flame detection, smoke detection, and air quality measurement, you’ll become proficient in the functions and specifications of each sensor and the use cases they solve.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to undertake IoT development projects, bridging the gap between your ideas and functional creations.
Information Security Handbook is a practical guide that’ll empower you to take effective actions in securing your organization’s assets. Whether you are an experienced security professional seeking to refine your skills or someone new to the field looking to build a strong foundation, this book is designed to meet you where you are and guide you toward improving your understanding of information security.Each chapter addresses the key concepts, practical techniques, and best practices to establish a robust and effective information security program. You’ll be offered a holistic perspective on securing information, including risk management, incident response, cloud security, and supply chain considerations. This book has distilled years of experience and expertise of the author, Darren Death, into clear insights that can be applied directly to your organization’s security efforts. Whether you work in a large enterprise, a government agency, or a small business, the principles and strategies presented in this book are adaptable and scalable to suit your specific needs.By the end of this book, you’ll have all the tools and guidance needed to fortify your organization’s defenses and expand your capabilities as an information security practitioner.
Mohammed Jogie, Don Ryun Chang, Felix Ofori Dartey
Adobe InDesign is a powerful multi-page layout publishing tool for creating static and interactive content across print and digital platforms.This book will empower you to develop high-quality publications for digital and online projects. You’ll be guided through the workspace, tools, and trans-disciplinary design projects for various outputs, as well as creating custom award-winning designs. The book is written for creatives with an emphasis on creative outcomes and the tools that support your creative vision. Develop multiple design projects from the ground up to high-quality finished designs. You’ll also learn how to create professional and impactful visual communication pieces. Additionally, you’ll connect data sources like Microsoft Word and Excel to InDesign’s powerful design tools. You’ll then examine the best design practices using features such as Liquid Layout, PDF/X, ePub, and Publish Online. Finally, you’ll explore the latest third party and InDesign AI features and how to use them to fast-track your creative projects.By the end of this Adobe InDesign book, you’ll be able to confidently create different types of communication and design pieces in an efficient workflow.
Instant Heat Maps in R How-to. Learn how to design heat maps in R to enhance your data analysis
R has grown rapidly over the years to become one of the most versatile and valuable tools for data analysis and graphing. One of its many useful features is the heat map representation of numerical data, which is an invaluable tool to discover patterns in data quickly and efficiently.Instant Heat Maps in R How-to provides you with practical recipes to create heat maps of all difficulty levels by yourself right from the start. At the end of each recipe, you will find an in-depth analysis that will equip you with everything you need to know to frame the code to your own needs.Instant Heat Maps in R will present you with all the different heat map plotting functions that exist in R. You will start by creating simple heat maps before moving on to learn how to add more features to them. While you advance step-by-step through the well-connected recipes, you will find out which tool suits the given situation best. You will learn how to read data from popular file formats and how to format the data to create heat maps as well as the ways to export them for presentation.
Andrea De Mauro, Francesco Marzoni, Andrew J. Walter
Data Analytics Made Easy is an accessible beginner’s guide for anyone working with data. The book interweaves four key elements:Data visualizations and storytelling – Tired of people not listening to you and ignoring your results? Don’t worry; chapters 7 and 8 show you how to enhance your presentations and engage with your managers and co-workers. Learn to create focused content with a well-structured story behind it to captivate your audience.Automating your data workflows – Improve your productivity by automating your data analysis. This book introduces you to the open-source platform, KNIME Analytics Platform. You’ll see how to use this no-code and free-to-use software to create a KNIME workflow of your data processes just by clicking and dragging components.Machine learning – Data Analytics Made Easy describes popular machine learning approaches in a simplified and visual way before implementing these machine learning models using KNIME. You’ll not only be able to understand data scientists’ machine learning models; you’ll be able to challenge them and build your own.Creating interactive dashboards – Follow the book’s simple methodology to create professional-looking dashboards using Microsoft Power BI, giving users the capability to slice and dice data and drill down into the results.
TrixBox Made Easy. A step-by-step guide to installing and running your home and office VoIP system
Kerry Garrison, Barrie Dempster, Kerry Garrison (Project)
TrixBox is a telephone system based on the popular open source Asterisk PBX (Private Branch eXchange) Software. TrixBox allows an individual or organization to setup a telephone system with traditional telephone networks as well as Internet based telephony or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). SugarCRM can be integrated with Asterisk, and is bundled with Trixbox offering real power and flexibility.The book begins by introducing telephony concepts before detailing how to plan a telephone system and moving on to the installation, configuration, and management of a feature packed PBX.This book is rich with practical examples and tools. It provides examples of well laid out telephone systems with accompanying spreadsheets to aid the reader in building stable telephony infrastructure.
Shameer Kunjumohamed, Hamidreza Sattari
Spring is an open source Java application development framework to build and deploy systems and applications that run on the JVM. It is the industry standard and the most popular framework among Java developers with over two-thirds of developers using it.Spring Essentials makes learning Spring so much quicker and easier with the help of illustrations and practical examples. Starting from the core concepts of features such as inversion of Control Container and BeanFactory, we move on to a detailed look at aspect-oriented programming. We cover the breadth and depth of Spring MVC, the WebSocket technology, Spring Data, and Spring Security with various authentication and authorization mechanisms. Packed with real-world examples, you’ll get an insight into utilizing the power of Spring Expression Language in your applications for higher maintainability. You’ll also develop full-duplex real-time communication channels using WebSocket and integrate Spring with web technologies such as JSF, Struts 2, and Tapestry. At the tail end, you will build a modern SPA using EmberJS at the front end and a Spring MVC-based API at the back end.By the end of the book, you will be able to develop your own dull-fledged applications with Spring.
Linux: Embedded Development. Click here to enter text
Alexandru Vaduva, Alex Gonzalez, Chris Simmonds
Embedded Linux is a complete Linux distribution employed to operate embedded devices such as smartphones, tablets, PDAs, set-top boxes, and many more. An example of an embedded Linux distribution is Android, developed by Google.This learning path starts with the module Learning Embedded Linux Using the Yocto Project. It introduces embedded Linux software and hardware architecture and presents information about the bootloader. You will go through Linux kernel features and source code and get an overview of the Yocto Project components available.The next module Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook takes you through the installation of a professional embedded Yocto setup, then advises you on best practices. Finally, it explains how to quickly get hands-on with the Freescale ARM ecosystem and community layer using the affordable and open source Wandboard embedded board.Moving ahead, the final module Mastering Embedded Linux Programming takes you through the product cycle and gives you an in-depth description of the components and options that are available at each stage. You will see how functions are split between processes and the usage of POSIX threads.By the end of this learning path, your capabilities will be enhanced to create robust and versatile embedded projects.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning Embedded Linux Using the Yocto Project by Alexandru Vaduva? Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook by Alex González? Mastering Embedded Linux Programming by Chris Simmonds
Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav, Rajesh Sheth, Kamal Arora, ...
Build a strong foundation in solution architecture and excel in your career with the Solutions Architect’s Handbook. Authored by seasoned AWS technology leaders Saurabh Shrivastav and Neelanjali Srivastav, this book goes beyond traditional certification guides, offering in-depth insights and advanced techniques to meet the specific needs and challenges of solutions architects today. This edition introduces exciting new features that keep you at the forefront of this evolving field. From large language models and generative AI to deep learning innovations, these cutting-edge advancements are shaping the future of technology. Key topics such as cloud-native architecture, data engineering architecture, cloud optimization, mainframe modernization, and building cost-efficient, secure architectures remain essential today. This book covers both emerging and foundational technologies, guiding you through solution architecture design with key principles and providing the knowledge you need to succeed as a Solutions Architect. It also sharpens your soft skills, providing career-accelerating techniques to stay ahead.By the end of this book, you will be able to harness cutting-edge technologies, apply practical insights from real-world scenarios, and enhance your solution architecture skills with the Solutions Architect's Handbook.
Beginning C++ Game Programming. Learn C++ from scratch by building fun games - Third Edition
Always dreamed of creating your own games? With the third edition of Beginning C++ Game Programming, you can turn that dream into reality! This beginner-friendly guide is updated and improved to include the latest features of VS 2022, SFML, and modern C++20 programming techniques. You'll get a fun introduction to game programming by building four fully playable games of increasing complexity. You'll build clones of popular games such as Timberman, Pong, a Zombie survival shooter, and an endless runner.The book starts by covering the basics of programming. You'll study key C++ topics, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and C++ pointers and get acquainted with the Standard Template Library (STL). The book helps you learn about collision detection techniques and game physics by building a Pong game. As you build games, you'll also learn exciting game programming concepts such as vertex arrays, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable shaders, spawning objects, and much more. You’ll dive deep into game mechanics and implement input handling, levelling up a character, and simple enemy AI. Finally, you'll explore game design patterns to enhance your C++ game programming skills.By the end of the book, you'll have gained the knowledge you need to build your own games with exciting features from scratch.