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Apache Tomcat (or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The latest major stable release, Apache Tomcat version 7 implements the Servlet 3 and JavaServer Pages 2 specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services.Apache Tomcat 7 Essentials follows a practical approach to teach installing, configuring, and maintaining Tomcat. It helps you to understand the middle architecture for hosting multiple websites and also provides the confidence to implement middleware support. It imparts to you the capacity to resolve migration issues and also provides regular maintenance solutions. This is the first and only book to cover upgrading to Tomcat 7 from previous versions.The journey of the reader starts at the beginner level and ends at the expert level. The content is designed in such a way that it balances the theory and practical approach for understanding concepts related to handling middle ware and web issues.In this book, you will go through a three-phase life cycle. The first cycle consists of installation, configuration of Tomcat 7 on different OS, and other configurations related to JDBC, port, deployment etc. The second phase deals with the building of enterprise application setup and high availability architecture (clustering load balancing). The third and critical phase will teach you to handle critical issues, performance tuning, and best practices for various environment stacks like dev/QA/stage/production.This book gives you a wider vision of using Tomcat 7 in web technologies and the skill to optimize their performance using Apache Tomcat 7.
Gianni Ciolli, Boriss Mejías, Jimmy Angelakos, Vibhor Kumar, ...
PostgreSQL has seen a huge increase in its customer base in the past few years and is becoming one of the go-to solutions for anyone who has a database-specific challenge. This PostgreSQL book touches on all the fundamentals of Database Administration in a problem-solution format. It is intended to be the perfect desk reference guide.This new edition focuses on recipes based on the new PostgreSQL 16 release. The additions include handling complex batch loading scenarios with the SQL MERGE statement, security improvements, running Postgres on Kubernetes or with TPA and Ansible, and more. This edition also focuses on certain performance gains, such as query optimization, and the acceleration of specific operations, such as sort. It will help you understand roles, ensuring high availability, concurrency, and replication. It also draws your attention to aspects like validating backups, recovery, monitoring, and scaling aspects. This book will act as a one-stop solution to all your real-world database administration challenges.By the end of this book, you will be able to manage, monitor, and replicate your PostgreSQL 16 database for efficient administration and maintenance with the best practices from experts.
Bhupesh Guptha Muthiyalu, Suneel Kumar Kunani, Reuben Bond
Building distributed applications in this modern era can be a tedious task as customers expect high availability, high performance, and improved resilience. With the help of this book, you'll discover how you can harness the power of Microsoft Orleans to build impressive distributed applications.Distributed .NET with Microsoft Orleans will demonstrate how to leverage Orleans to build highly scalable distributed applications step by step in the least possible time and with minimum effort. You'll explore some of the key concepts of Microsoft Orleans, including the Orleans programming model, runtime, virtual actors, hosting, and deployment. As you advance, you'll become well-versed with important Orleans assets such as grains, silos, timers, and persistence. Throughout the book, you'll create a distributed application by adding key components to the application as you progress through each chapter and explore them in detail.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the confidence and skills required to build distributed applications using Microsoft Orleans and deploy them in Microsoft Azure.
Project management is filled with various challenges, such as managing unforeseen risks, balancing priorities, and shifting project scopes, which can lead to inefficiencies. This definitive guide leverages the author’s 25+ years of industry experience to take you on a hands-on journey to unlock your full potential with Microsoft Project.This book helps you grasp the fundamental aspects of project creation, before moving on to more advanced topics, covering tracking, maintenance, and collaborative aspects for any project. You’ll find out how to track progress, optimize schedules, manage budgets, and customize reports based on business requirements by using easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations. The book taps into the author’s extensive experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and Project Management Professional (PMP) to provide you with invaluable insights into managing resource overallocations, mastering advanced resource management techniques, and seamlessly integrating Microsoft Project with other tools to boost productivity and achieve success with your projects.By the end of this Microsoft Project book, you’ll be able to create professional project plans, execute projects with confidence, and consistently achieve your desired outcomes.
Citrix® XenApp® is one of the leading pieces of Application delivery software that delivers Windows compatible apps to users on any device, anywhere. Citrix® XenApp® also gives administrators the ability to manage and control the freedom of mobility by increasing the security and saving costs at the same time.This book will provide you with all the knowledge required to successfully deploy and master a complete Citrix® hosted application. First, it will cover essential concepts of the architecture of XenApp®. You will then learn how to set up Hypervisor and how to set up Infrastructure components. Next you will learn how to Set up Citrix® Components, XenApp® resources, PVS, and Netscaler. We will further look at how to prepare the environment for Rollout. Additionally, you will learn how to configure the Citrix® components such as Citrix® Director. Moreover, you’ll learn about shared desktop for delivery to end users and the application of policies for effective and secure delivery. Finally, you will learn how to implement provisioning services for a Citrix® XenApp® 7.6 environment.
Rui Miguel Santos Madeira, Dawid Gorny
Cinder is one of the most exciting frameworks available for creative coding. It is developed in C++ for increased performance and allows for the fast creation of visually complex, interactive applications.Cinder Creative Coding Cookbook will show you how to develop interactive and visually dynamic applications using simple-to-follow recipes.You will learn how to use multimedia content, draw generative graphics in 2D and 3D, and animate them in compelling ways. Beginning with creating simple projects with Cinder, you will use multimedia, create animations, and interact with the user.From animation with particles to using video, audio, and images, the reader will gain a broad knowledge of creating applications using Cinder.With recipes that include drawing in 3D, image processing, and sensing and tracking in real-time from camera input, the book will teach you how to develop interesting applications.Cinder Creative Coding Cookbook will give you the necessary knowledge to start creating projects with Cinder that use animations and advanced visuals.
Hands-On Q-Learning with Python. Practical Q-learning with OpenAI Gym, Keras, and TensorFlow
Q-learning is a machine learning algorithm used to solve optimization problems in artificial intelligence (AI). It is one of the most popular fields of study among AI researchers.This book starts off by introducing you to reinforcement learning and Q-learning, in addition to helping you become familiar with OpenAI Gym as well as libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow. A few chapters into the book, you will gain insights into model-free Q-learning and use deep Q-networks and double deep Q-networks to solve complex problems. This book will guide you in exploring use cases such as self-driving vehicles and OpenAI Gym’s CartPole problem. You will also learn how to tune and optimize Q-networks and their hyperparameters. As you progress, you will understand the reinforcement learning approach to solving real-world problems. You will also explore how to use Q-learning and related algorithms in scientific research. Toward the end, you’ll gain insight into what’s in store for reinforcement learning.By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to solve reinforcement learning problems using Q-learning algorithms with OpenAI Gym, Keras, and TensorFlow.
Liyanapathirannahelage H Perera
MapReduce is a technology that enables users to process large datasets and Hadoop is an implementation of MapReduce. We are beginning to see more and more data becoming available, and this hides many insights that might hold key to success or failure. However, MapReduce has the ability to analyze this data and write code to process it.Instant MapReduce Patterns – Hadoop Essentials How-to is a concise introduction to Hadoop and programming with MapReduce. It is aimed to get you started and give you an overall feel for programming with Hadoop so that you will have a well-grounded foundation to understand and solve all of your MapReduce problems as needed.Instant MapReduce Patterns – Hadoop Essentials How-to will start with the configuration of Hadoop before moving on to writing simple examples and discussing MapReduce programming patterns.We will start simply by installing Hadoop and writing a word count program. After which, we will deal with the seven styles of MapReduce programs: analytics, set operations, cross correlation, search, graph, Joins, and clustering. For each case, you will learn the pattern and create a representative example program. The book also provides you with additional pointers to further enhance your Hadoop skills.
Proxmox is an open source server virtualization solution that has enterprise-class features to manage virtual machines, to be used for storage, and to virtualize both Linux and Windows application workloads.You begin with refresher on the advanced installation features and the Proxmox GUI to familiarize yourself with the Proxmox VE hypervisor. You then move on to explore Proxmox under the hood, focusing on the storage systems used with Proxmox. Moving on, you will learn to manage KVM Virtual Machines and Linux Containers and see how networking is handled in Proxmox. You will then learn how to protect a cluster or a VM with a firewall and explore the new HA features introduced in Proxmox VE 4 along with the brand new HA simulator. Next, you will dive deeper into the backup/restore strategy followed by learning how to properly update and upgrade a Proxmox node. Later, you will learn how to monitor a Proxmox cluster and all of its components using Zabbix. By the end of the book, you will become an expert at making Proxmox environments work in production environments with minimum downtime.
Splunk provides a platform that allows you to search data stored on a machine, analyze it, and visualize the analyzed data to make informed decisions. The adoption of Splunk in enterprises is huge, and it has a wide range of customers right from Adobe to Dominos. Using the Splunk platform as a user is one thing, but customizing this platform and creating applications specific to your needs takes more than basic knowledge of the platform. This book will dive into developing Splunk applications that cater to your needs of making sense of data and will let you visualize this data with the help of stunning dashboards. This book includes everything on developing a full-fledged Splunk application?right from designing to implementing to publishing. We will design the fundamentals to build a Splunk application and then move on to creating one. During the course of the book, we will cover application data, objects, permissions, and more. After this, we will show you how to enhance the application, including branding, workflows, and enriched data. Views, dashboards, and web frameworks are also covered. This book will showcase everything new in the latest version of Splunk?including the latest data models, alert actions, XML forms, various dashboard enhancements, and visualization options (with D3). Finally, we take a look at the latest Splunk cloud applications, advanced integrations, and development as per the latest release.
Ravi Kant Soni, Rajesh R V, Amuthan Ganeshan
This carefully designed course aims to get you started with Spring, the most widely adopted Java framework, and then goes on to more advanced topics such as building microservices using Spring Boot within Spring. With additional coverage of popular web frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, Java Server Faces, Tapestry, Docker, and Mesos, you'll have all the skills and expertise you need to build great applications. Starting with the Spring Framework architecture and setting up the key components of the Spring Application Development Environment, you will learn how to configure Spring Container and manage Spring beans using XML and Annotation. Next, you will delve into Spring MVC, which will help you build flexible and loosely coupled web applications. You'll also get to grips with testing applications for reliability. Moving on, this course will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring, this book will help you build modern, Internet-scale Java applications in no time.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning Spring Application Development by Ravi Kant Soni? Spring MVC Beginner's Guide - Second Edition by Amuthan Ganeshan? Spring Microservices by Rajesh RV
VMware vSphere is the most comprehensive core suite of SDDC solutions on the market. It helps transform data centers into simplified on-premises private cloud infrastructures. This edition of the book focuses on the latest version, vSphere 6.7. The books starts with chapters covering the greenfield deployment of vSphere 6.7 components and the upgrade of existing vSphere components to 6.7. You will then learn how to configure storage and network access for a vSphere environment. Get to grips with optimizing your vSphere environment for resource distribution and utilization using features such as DRS and DPM, along with enabling high availability for vSphere components using vSphere HA, VMware FT, and VCHA. Then, you will learn how to facilitate large-scale deployment of stateless/stateful ESXi hosts using Auto Deploy. Finally, you will explore how to upgrade/patch a vSphere environment using vSphere Update Manager, secure it using SSL certificates, and then monitor its performance with tools such as vSphere Performance Charts and esxtop. By the end of this book, you'll be well versed in the core functionalities of vSphere 6.7 and be able to effectively deploy, manage, secure, and monitor your environment.
jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML, and is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Using the features offered by jQuery, developers are able to create dynamic web pages. jQuery empowers you with creating simple as well as complex animations.jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide will teach you to understand animation in jQuery to produce slick and attractive interfaces that respond to your visitors' interactions. You will learn everything you need to know about creating engaging and effective web page animations using jQuery.In jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide, each chapter starts with simple concepts that enable you to build, style, and code your way into creating beautifully engaging and interactive user interfaces.With the use of wide range of examples, this book will teach you how to create a range of animations, from subtle UI effects (such as form validation animation and image resizing) to completely custom plugins (such as image slideshows and parallax background animations).The book provides various examples that gradually build up your knowledge and practical experience in using the jQuery API to create stunning animations. The book uses many examples and explains how to create animations using an easy and step-by-step approach.
David Ping, Head of GenAI and ML Solution Architecture for global industries at AWS, provides expert insights and practical examples to help you become a proficient ML solutions architect, linking technical architecture to business-related skills.You'll learn about ML algorithms, cloud infrastructure, system design, MLOps , and how to apply ML to solve real-world business problems. David explains the generative AI project lifecycle and examines Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), an effective architecture pattern for generative AI applications. You’ll also learn about open-source technologies, such as Kubernetes/Kubeflow, for building a data science environment and ML pipelines before building an enterprise ML architecture using AWS. As well as ML risk management and the different stages of AI/ML adoption, the biggest new addition to the handbook is the deep exploration of generative AI.By the end of this book , you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of AI/ML across all key aspects, including business use cases, data science, real-world solution architecture, risk management, and governance. You’ll possess the skills to design and construct ML solutions that effectively cater to common use cases and follow established ML architecture patterns, enabling you to excel as a true professional in the field.
Jürgen Gutsch, Damien Bowden, Ed Price
ASP.NET Core is packed full of hidden features for building sophisticated web applications – but if you don’t know how to customize it, you’re not making the most of its capabilities. Customizing ASP.NET Core 6.0 is a book that will teach you all about tweaking the knobs at various layers and take experienced programmers’ skills to a new level.This updated second edition covers the latest features and changes in the .NET 6 LTS version, along with new insights and customization techniques for important topics such as authentication and authorization. You’ll also learn how to work with caches and change the default behavior of ASP.NET Core apps.This book will show you the essential concepts relating to tweaking the framework, such as configuration, dependency injection, routing, action filters, and more. As you progress, you'll be able to create custom solutions that meet the needs of your use case with ASP.NET Core. Later chapters will cover expert techniques and best practices for using the framework for your app development needs, from UI design to hosting. Finally, you'll focus on the new endpoint routing in ASP.NET Core to build custom endpoints and add third-party endpoints to your web apps for processing requests faster.By the end of this book, you'll be able to customize ASP.NET Core to develop better, more robust apps.