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MongoDB Fundamentals. A hands-on guide to using MongoDB and Atlas in the real world
Amit Phaltankar, Juned Ahsan, Michael Harrison, Liviu Nedov
MongoDB is one of the most popular database technologies for handling large collections of data. This book will help MongoDB beginners develop the knowledge and skills to create databases and process data efficiently.Unlike other MongoDB books, MongoDB Fundamentals dives into cloud computing from the very start – showing you how to get started with Atlas in the first chapter. You will discover how to modify existing data, add new data into a database, and handle complex queries by creating aggregation pipelines. As you progress, you'll learn about the MongoDB replication architecture and configure a simple cluster. You will also get to grips with user authentication, as well as techniques for backing up and restoring data. Finally, you'll perform data visualization using MongoDB Charts.You will work on realistic projects that are presented as bitesize exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. Many of these mini-projects are based around a movie database case study, while the last chapter acts as a final project where you will use MongoDB to solve a real-world problem based on a bike-sharing app.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills and confidence to process large volumes of data and tackle your own projects using MongoDB.
Odoo Development Cookbook. Build effective applications by applying Odoo development best practices
Holger Brunn, Alexandre Fayolle, Daniel Reis
Odoo is a full-featured open source ERP with a focus on extensibility. The flexibility and sustainability of open source is also a key selling point of Odoo. It is built on a powerful framework for rapid application development, both for back-end applications and front-end websites.The book starts by covering Odoo installation and administration, and provides a gentle introduction to application development. It then dives deep into several of the areas that an experienced developer will need to use. You’ll learn implement business logic, adapt the UI, and extend existing features.
Cassandra 3.x High Availability. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition
Apache Cassandra is a massively scalable, peer-to-peer database designed for 100 percent uptime, with deployments in the tens of thousands of nodes, all supporting petabytes of data. This book offers a practical insight into building highly available, real-world applications using Apache Cassandra.The book starts with the fundamentals, helping you to understand how Apache Cassandra’s architecture allows it to achieve 100 percent uptime when other systems struggle to do so. You’ll get an excellent understanding of data distribution, replication, and Cassandra’s highly tunable consistency model. Then we take an in-depth look at Cassandra's robust support for multiple data centers, and you’ll see how to scale out a cluster. Next, the book explores the domain of application design, with chapters discussing the native driver and data modeling. Lastly, you’ll find out how to steer clear of common anti-patterns and take advantage of Cassandra’s ability to fail gracefully.
Data science combines the power of data with the rigor of scientific methodology, with mathematics providing the tools and frameworks for analysis, algorithm development, and deriving insights. As machine learning algorithms become increasingly complex, a solid grounding in math is crucial for data scientists. David Hoyle, with over 30 years of experience in statistical and mathematical modeling, brings unparalleled industrial expertise to this book, drawing from his work in building predictive models for the world's largest retailers. Encompassing 15 crucial concepts, this book covers a spectrum of mathematical techniques to help you understand a vast range of data science algorithms and applications. Starting with essential foundational concepts, such as random variables and probability distributions, you’ll learn why data varies, and explore matrices and linear algebra to transform that data. Building upon this foundation, the book spans general intermediate concepts, such as model complexity and network analysis, as well as advanced concepts such as kernel-based learning and information theory. Each concept is illustrated with Python code snippets demonstrating their practical application to solve problems.By the end of the book, you’ll have the confidence to apply key mathematical concepts to your data science challenges.
Niklas Sundberg, Hélene Barnekow
We are at a critical point in human history. Humanity is under threat, but all is not lost. We can take action! But how?Sustainable IT Playbook for Technology Leaders will show you how. It will walk you through the construction and implementation of a sustainable IT strategy and enable you to do your bit for the future of mankind.The book is split into three parts. Part I details the “why” and the clear and present danger that humanity faces today: the climate crisis. How did we get here, what are the immediate threats, what are the planetary boundaries that we need to peel back to safe levels, and what impact does IT have on society at large? Part II will focus on the what.” It examines the nitty-gritty details of what we can do to unlock significant returns on sustainable investments toward a more sustainable future. Part III, the final part of the book, focuses on the “how.” How do you turn your ideas into action? What do you need to do to establish your baseline and your direction of travel towards your objective? This part provides tangible case studies and explains how you can start your journey today to begin delivering global and impactful objectives.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to plan, implement, and communicate a sustainable IT strategy and set yourself apart as a progressive technology leader.
Beginner game developers are wonderfully optimistic, passionate, and ambitious. But that ambition is often dangerous! Too often, budding indie developers and hobbyists bite off more than they can chew. Some of the most popular games in recent memory – Doodle Jump, Paper Toss, and Canabalt, to name a few – have been fun, simple games that have delighted players and delivered big profits to their creators. This is the perfect climate for new game developers to succeed by creating simple games with Unity 3D, starting today.This book starts you off on the right foot, emphasizing small, simple game ideas and playable projects that you can actually finish. The complexity of the games increases gradually as we progress through the chapters. The chosen examples help you learn a wide variety of game development techniques. With this understanding of Unity 3D and bite-sized bits of programming, you can make your own mark on the game industry by finishing fun, simple games.This book shows you how to build crucial game elements that you can reuse and re-skin in many different games, using the phenomenal (and free!) Unity 3D game engine. It initiates you into indie game culture by teaching you how to make your own small, simple games using Unity3D and some gentle, easy-to-understand code. It will help you turn a rudimentary keep-up game into a madcap race through hospital hallways to rush a still-beating heart to the transplant ward, program a complete 2D game using Unity's User Interface controls, put a dramatic love story spin on a simple catch game, and turn that around into a classic space shooter with spectacular explosions and pew sounds! By the time you're finished, you'll have learned to develop a number of important pieces to create your own games that focus in on that small, singular piece of joy that makes games fun.
If you’re trying to navigate the complex world of AWS security and fortify your organizational cloud environment, then this book is for you. Written by an accomplished cybersecurity and AWS cloud consultant, Mastering AWS Security will help you understand and master the complexities of AWS security. This book offers an in-depth and practical exploration of AWS security concepts, features, and services, focusing on how they apply to modern cloud-based application environments. As you progress, you’ll gain a thorough introduction to the art of security automation and DevSecOps. You’ll learn how to automate security tasks, integrate security into your development process, and maintain a high level of security as your applications evolve and scale. Emphasizing continuous monitoring and improvement, this book will teach you how to set up monitoring systems, interpret security data, and make informed decisions to enhance your security over time. Through real-world case studies, you’ll learn how to tackle the challenges and find solutions for securing AWS environments. By the end of this book, you’ll confidently secure your AWS environments, and stay up to date with the latest security trends and updates in the AWS ecosystem.
Kumar Chetan Sharma, Stoyan Stefanov, Kumar Chetan Sharma
JavaScript is the behavior, the third pillar in today's paradigm that looks at web pages as something that consists of clearly distinguishable parts: content (HTML), presentation (CSS) and behavior (JavaScript). Using JavaScript, you can create not only web pages but also desktop widgets, browser and application extensions, and other pieces of software. It's a pretty good deal: you learn one language and then code all kinds of different applications. While there's one chapter specifically dedicated to the web browser environment including DOM, Events and AJAX tutorials, the rest is applicable to the other environmentsMany web developers have tried coding or adopting some bits of JavaScript, but it is time to man up and learn the language properly because it is the language of the browser and is, virtually, everywhere. This book starts from zero, not assuming any prior JavaScript programming knowledge and takes you through all the in-depth and exciting futures hidden behind the facade. Once listed in the nice to have sections of job postings, these days the knowledge of JavaScript is a deciding factor when it comes to hiring web developers. After reading this book you'll be prepared to ace your JavaScript job interview and even impress with some bits that the interviewer maybe didn't know. You should read this book if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.
ArcGIS is an industry standard geographic information system from ESRI.This book will show you how to use the Python programming language to create geoprocessing scripts, tools, and shortcuts for the ArcGIS Desktop environment.This book will make you a more effective and efficient GIS professional by showing you how to use the Python programming language with ArcGIS Desktop to automate geoprocessing tasks, manage map documents and layers, find and fix broken data links, edit data in feature classes and tables, and much more.Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook starts by covering fundamental Python programming concepts in an ArcGIS Desktop context. Using a how-to instruction style you'll then learn how to use Python to automate common important ArcGIS geoprocessing tasks.In this book you will also cover specific ArcGIS scripting topics which will help save you time and effort when working with ArcGIS. Topics include managing map document files, automating map production and printing, finding and fixing broken data sources, creating custom geoprocessing tools, and working with feature classes and tables, among others.In Python ArcGIS 10.1 Programming Cookbook you'll learn how to write geoprocessing scripts using a pragmatic approach designed around an approach of accomplishing specific tasks in a Cookbook style format.
Antonio Esposito, Michael Ciceri
Reactive programming is an innovative programming paradigm focused on time-based problem solving. It makes your programs better-performing, easier to scale, and more reliable.Want to create fast-running applications to handle complex logics and huge datasets for financial and big-data challenges? Then you have picked up the right book! Starting with the principles of reactive programming and unveiling the power of the pull-programming world, this book is your one-stop solution to get a deep practical understanding of reactive programming techniques. You will gradually learn all about reactive extensions, programming, testing, and debugging observable sequence, and integrating events from CLR data-at-rest or events. Finally, you will dive into advanced techniques such as manipulating time in data-flow, customizing operators and providers, and exploring functional reactive programming.By the end of the book, you'll know how to apply reactive programming to solve complex problems and build efficient programs with reactive user interfaces.
Time Series Indexing. Implement iSAX in Python to index time series with confidence
Time series are everywhere, ranging from financial data and system metrics to weather stations and medical records. Being able to access, search, and compare time series data quickly is essential, and this comprehensive guide enables you to do just that by helping you explore SAX representation and the most effective time series index, iSAX.The book begins by teaching you about the implementation of SAX representation in Python as well as the iSAX index, along with the required theory sourced from academic research papers. The chapters are filled with figures and plots to help you follow the presented topics and understand key concepts easily. But what makes this book really great is that it contains the right amount of knowledge about time series indexing using the right amount of theory and practice so that you can work with time series and develop time series indexes successfully. Additionally, the presented code can be easily ported to any other modern programming language, such as Swift, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Kotlin, Go, Rust, and JavaScript.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to harness the power of iSAX and SAX representation to efficiently index and analyze time series data and will be equipped to develop your own time series indexes and effectively work with time series data.
API Analytics for Product Managers. Understand key API metrics that can help you grow your business
APIs are crucial in the modern market as they allow faster innovation. But have you ever considered your APIs as products for revenue generation?API Analytics for Product Managers takes you through the benefits of efficient researching, strategizing, marketing, and continuously measuring the effectiveness of your APIs to help grow both B2B and B2C SaaS companies. Once you've been introduced to the concept of an API as a product, this fast-paced guide will show you how to establish metrics for activation, retention, engagement, and usage of your API products, as well as metrics to measure the reach and effectiveness of documentation—an often-overlooked aspect of development.Of course, it's not all about the product—as any good product manager knows; you need to understand your customers’ needs, expectations, and satisfaction too. Once you've gathered your data, you’ll need to be able to derive actionable insights from it. This is where the audiobook covers the advanced concepts of leading and lagging metrics, removing bias from the metric-setting process, and bringing metrics together to establish long- and short-term goals.By the end of this audiobook, you'll be perfectly placed to apply product management methodologies to the building and scaling of revenue-generating APIs.
Niyaz Ahmed, Lahiru Fernando, Rajaneesh Balakrishnan
UiPath is the most popular vendor in the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) industry. If you're an RPA enthusiast or citizen developer who wants to succeed in the industry, achieving this certification can help you get accredited and ready for real-world challenges using UiPath.UiPath Associate Certification Guide offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the UiPath RPA Associate certification exam to help you pass on the first attempt and get certified. The book is written in a clear, succinct way with self-assessment questions, quizzes with answers at the end of each chapter, exam tips, and mock exams with detailed answers and explanations. You'll start by getting to grips with the basic concepts of UiPath RPA, and then progress to an in-depth discussion of all the concepts required for Associate certification. Finally, you'll develop UiPath skills by gaining the required knowledge and implement these skills using sample business cases.By the end of this UiPath book, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the exam, gained the knowledge you need to work on real-world case studies, and learned how to apply the various concepts to build enterprise-level use cases.
Scala: Guide for Data Science Professionals. Build robust data pipelines with Scala
Arun Manivannan, Pascal Bugnion, Patrick R. Nicolas
Scala is especially good for analyzing large sets of data as the scale of the task doesn’t have any significant impact on performance. Scala’s powerful functional libraries can interact with databases and build scalable frameworks — resulting in the creation of robust data pipelines. The first module introduces you to Scala libraries to ingest, store, manipulate, process, and visualize data. Using real world examples, you will learn how to design scalable architecture to process and model data — starting from simple concurrency constructs and progressing to actor systems and Apache Spark. After this, you will also learn how to build interactive visualizations with web frameworks.Once you have become familiar with all the tasks involved in data science, you will explore data analytics with Scala in the second module. You’ll see how Scala can be used to make sense of data through easy to follow recipes. You will learn about Bokeh bindings for exploratory data analysis and quintessential machine learning with algorithms with Spark ML library. You’ll get a sufficient understanding of Spark streaming, machine learning for streaming data, and Spark graphX. Armed with a firm understanding of data analysis, you will be ready to explore the most cutting-edge aspect of data science — machine learning. The final module teaches you the A to Z of machine learning with Scala. You’ll explore Scala for dependency injections and implicits, which are used to write machine learning algorithms. You’ll also explore machine learning topics such as clustering, dimentionality reduction, Naïve Bayes, Regression models, SVMs, neural networks, and more. This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer into one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Scala for Data Science, Pascal Bugnion• Scala Data Analysis Cookbook, Arun Manivannan • Scala for Machine Learning, Patrick R. Nicolas