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Kubernetes is a trending topic among engineers, CTOs, CIOs, and other technically sound professionals. Due to its proliferation and importance for all cloud technologies, DevOps engineers nowadays need a solid grasp of key Kubernetes concepts to help their organization thrive.This book equips you with all the requisite information about how Kubernetes works and how to use it for the best results. You’ll learn everything from why cloud native is important to implementing Kubernetes clusters to deploying applications in production. This book takes you on a learning journey, starting from what cloud native is and how to get started with Kubernetes in the cloud, on-premises, and PaaS environments such as OpenShift. Next, you’ll learn about deploying applications in many ways, including Deployment specs, Ingress Specs, and StatefulSet specs. Finally, you’ll be comfortable working with Kubernetes monitoring, observability, and security. Each chapter of 50 Kubernetes Concepts Every DevOps Engineer Should Know is built upon the previous chapter, ensuring that you develop practical skills as you work through the code examples in GitHub, allowing you to follow along while giving you practical knowledge.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to implement Kubernetes in any environment, whether it’s an existing environment, a greenfield environment, or your very own lab running in the cloud or your home.
Christopher Ilacqua, QlikTech International AB, Henric Cronström, James Richardson
The intuitive and powerful Qlik Sense visual analytics software allows anyone to engage in data discovery, to explore your data, and find meaningful insights to empower your business. Qlik Sense lets you easily create personalized reports and visualizations and reveal essential connections to show new opportunities from every angle.Written by members of the Qlik Sense team, this book is the official guide from Qlik to understanding and using their powerful new product with fully updated coverage to the latest features of the most modern edition of Qlik Sense. Benefit from the vision behind the development of Qlik Sense and get to grips with how Qlik Sense can empower you as a data discovery consumer. Learn how to create your own applications for Qlik Sense to customize it to meet your personal needs for business intelligence, and how to oversee and administer the Qlik Sense data architecture. Finally, explore utilizing Qlik Sense to uncover essential data, with practical examples on finding and visualizing intelligence for sales figures, human resources information, travel expense tracking, and demographic data discovery.
With the advancements in wireless devices and mobile technology, there's increasing demand for people with digital image processing skills in order to extract useful information from the ever-growing volume of images. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the relevant tools and algorithms, and guides you through analysis and visualization for image processing.With the help of over 60 cutting-edge recipes, you'll address common challenges in image processing and learn how to perform complex tasks such as object detection, image segmentation, and image reconstruction using large hybrid datasets. Dedicated sections will also take you through implementing various image enhancement and image restoration techniques, such as cartooning, gradient blending, and sparse dictionary learning. As you advance, you'll get to grips with face morphing and image segmentation techniques. With an emphasis on practical solutions, this book will help you apply deep learning techniques such as transfer learning and fine-tuning to solve real-world problems.By the end of this book, you'll be proficient in utilizing the capabilities of the Python ecosystem to implement various image processing techniques effectively.
Mastering Ubuntu Server. Upgrade your Ubuntu skills
Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, and has various versions targeted at servers, desktops, phones, tablets and televisions. The Ubuntu Server Edition, also called Ubuntu Server, offers support for several common configurations, and also simplifies common Linux server deployment processes.With this book as their guide, readers will be able to configure and deploy Ubuntu Servers using Ubuntu Server 16.04, with all the skills necessary to manage real servers. The book begins with the concept of user management, group management, as well as file-system permissions. To manage your storage on Ubuntu Server systems, you will learn how to add and format storage and view disk usage. Later, you will also learn how to configure network interfaces, manage IP addresses, deploy Network Manager in order to connect to networks, and manage network interfaces. Furthermore, you will understand how to start and stop services so that you can manage running processes on Linux servers. The book will then demonstrate how to access and share files to or from Ubuntu Servers. You will learn how to create and manage databases using MariaDB and share web content with Apache. To virtualize hosts and applications, you will be shown how to set up KVM/Qemu and Docker and manage virtual machines with virt-manager. Lastly, you will explore best practices and troubleshooting techniques when working with Ubuntu Servers.By the end of the book, you will be an expert Ubuntu Server user well-versed in its advanced concepts.
Ritesh Modi, Jack Lee, Rithin Skaria
Thanks to its support for high availability, scalability, security, performance, and disaster recovery, Azure has been widely adopted to create and deploy different types of application with ease. Updated for the latest developments, this third edition of Azure for Architects helps you get to grips with the core concepts of designing serverless architecture, including containers, Kubernetes deployments, and big data solutions.You'll learn how to architect solutions such as serverless functions, you'll discover deployment patterns for containers and Kubernetes, and you'll explore large-scale big data processing using Spark and Databricks. As you advance, you'll implement DevOps using Azure DevOps, work with intelligent solutions using Azure Cognitive Services, and integrate security, high availability, and scalability into each solution. Finally, you'll delve into Azure security concepts such as OAuth, OpenConnect, and managed identities.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the confidence to design intelligent Azure solutions based on containers and serverless functions.
Unlock opportunities in the growing UAV market where drones are revolutionizing diverse sectors like agriculture, surveying, and the military. This book walks you through the complete drone development life cycle, from concept to pilot stage, prototyping, and ultimately, a market-ready product, with domain-specific applications.Starting with an introduction to unmanned systems, principles of drone flight, and it's motion in 3D space, this book shows you how to design a propulsion system tailored to your drone’s needs. You’ll then get hands on with the entire drone assembly process, covering airframe, components, and wiring. Next, you’ll enhance drone connectivity and navigation with communication devices, such as RFD900, Herelink, and H-16 Pro GCS and hardware protocols like I2C, and UART. The book also guides you in using the open-source flight software ArduPilot and PX4, along with firmware architecture and PID tuning for advanced control. Additionally, you’ll go learn about AeroGCS, Mission Planner, and UGCS ground control stations, tips for maiden flight and log analysis for optimizing performance while building a custom survey drone with a 60-min endurance, 10km range, live video feed, and photography options.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with all you need to build and fly your own drones and UAVs.
Go is the language of the Internet age, and the latest version of Go comes with major architectural changes. Implementation of the language, runtime, and libraries has changed significantly. The compiler and runtime are now written entirely in Go. The garbage collector is now concurrent and provides dramatically lower pause times by running in parallel with other Go routines when possible.This book will show you how to leverage all the latest features and much more. This book shows you how to build powerful systems and drops you into real-world situations. You will learn to develop high quality command-line tools that utilize the powerful shell capabilities and perform well using Go's in-built concurrency mechanisms. Scale, performance, and high availability lie at the heart of our projects, and the lessons learned throughout this book will arm you with everything you need to build world-class solutions. You will get a feel for app deployment using Docker and Google App Engine. Each project could form the basis of a start-up, which means they are directly applicable to modern software markets.
As .NET 8 emerges as a long-term support (LTS) release designed to assist developers in migrating legacy applications to ASP.NET, this best practices book becomes your go-to guide for exploring the intricacies of ASP.NET and advancing your skills as a software engineer, full-stack developer, or web architect.This book will lead you through project structure and layout, setting up robust source control, and employing pipelines for automated project building. You’ll focus on ASP.NET components and gain insights into their commonalities. As you advance, you’ll cover middleware best practices, learning how to handle frontend tasks involving JavaScript, CSS, and image files. You’ll examine the best approach for working with Blazor applications and familiarize yourself with controllers and Razor Pages. Additionally, you’ll discover how to leverage Entity Framework Core and exception handling in your application. In the later chapters, you’ll master components that enhance project organization, extensibility, security, and performance.By the end of this book, you’ll have acquired a comprehensive understanding of industry-proven concepts and best practices to build real-world ASP.NET 8.0 websites confidently.
There are several concepts that must be mastered to deliver functional and efficient SaaS applications. This book is perfect for developers and teams with experience in traditional application development looking to switch to SaaS and deliver slick and modern applications. You‘ll start with a general overview of SaaS as a concept and learn with the help of an example throughout the book to bring life to the technical descriptions. You’ll use the Microsoft .NET tech stack for development and C# as the programming language to develop your desired SaaS application.Delivering SaaS requires a deep understanding of all layers in the application stack. As you progress, you’ll learn how to approach the database layer, the API, and the UI to confidently approach application development using the SaaS model. Additionally, you’ll explore how to test, deploy, maintain, and upgrade each component of the application.By the end of this book, you will be well equipped to approach all aspects of delivering software using the SaaS paradigm.
Julia is a well-constructed programming language which was designed for fast execution speed by using just-in-time LLVM compilation techniques, thus eliminating the classic problem of performing analysis in one language and translating it for performance in a second.This book is a primer on Julia’s approach to a wide variety of topics such as scientific computing, statistics, machine learning, simulation, graphics, and distributed computing.Starting off with a refresher on installing and running Julia on different platforms, you’ll quickly get to grips with the core concepts and delve into a discussion on how to use Julia with various code editors and interactive development environments (IDEs).As you progress, you’ll see how data works through simple statistics and analytics and discover Julia's speed, its real strength, which makes it particularly useful in highly intensive computing tasks. You’ll also and observe how Julia can cooperate with external processes to enhance graphics and data visualization. Finally, you will explore metaprogramming and learn how it adds great power to the language and establish networking and distributed computing with Julia.By the end of this book, you’ll be confident in using Julia as part of your existing skill set.
ChatGPT for Conversational AI and Chatbots is a definitive resource for exploring conversational AI, ChatGPT, and large language models.This book introduces the fundamentals of ChatGPT and conversational AI automation. You’ll explore the application of ChatGPT in conversation design, the use of ChatGPT as a tool to create conversational experiences, and a range of other practical applications. As you progress, you’ll delve into LangChain, a dynamic framework for LLMs, covering topics such as prompt engineering, chatbot memory, using vector stores, and validating responses. Additionally, you’ll learn about creating and using LLM-enabling tools, monitoring and fine tuning, LangChain UI tools such as LangFlow, and the LangChain ecosystem. You’ll also cover popular use cases, such as using ChatGPT in conjunction with your own data. Later, the book focuses on creating a ChatGPT-powered chatbot that can comprehend and respond to queries directly from your unique data sources. The book then guides you through building chatbot UIs with ChatGPT API and some of the tools and best practices available.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to confidently leverage ChatGPT technologies to build conversational AI solutions.
Drupal is an award winning open source Content Management System. Based on PHP/MySQL, its power and flexibility combined with its exceptional design mean it is already on the way to becoming the de facto standard for CMS Websites. Drupal?˘‚Ǩ‚Ѣs modular design and structured source code make it both highly flexible and easily extended and modified. Drupal is extremely scalable, making it ideal for both a simple personal website as well as an industrial strength commercial or institutional web presence.Drupal is a model open source project in that it has a large, friendly community of people who contribute to the project in various ways. Drupal is not only free and easy to use, but this community provides on going mutual support.
Vulnerability researchers are in increasingly high demand as the number of security incidents related to crime continues to rise with the adoption and use of technology. To begin your journey of becoming a security researcher, you need more than just the technical skills to find vulnerabilities; you’ll need to learn how to adopt research strategies and navigate the complex and frustrating process of sharing your findings. This book provides an easy-to-follow approach that will help you understand the process of discovering, disclosing, and publishing your first zero-day vulnerability through a collection of examples and an in-depth review of the process.You’ll begin by learning the fundamentals of vulnerabilities, exploits, and what makes something a zero-day vulnerability. Then, you'll take a deep dive into the details of planning winning research strategies, navigating the complexities of vulnerability disclosure, and publishing your research with sometimes-less-than-receptive vendors.By the end of the book, you'll be well versed in how researchers discover, disclose, and publish vulnerabilities, navigate complex vendor relationships, receive credit for their work, and ultimately protect users from exploitation. With this knowledge, you’ll be prepared to conduct your own research and publish vulnerabilities.
Complete with the latest advancements in Azure services, this second edition of Learn Azure Administration is a comprehensive guide to scaling your cloud administration skills, offering an updated exploration of Azure fundamentals and delving into the intricacies of Azure Resource Manager and Azure Active Directory.Starting with infrastructure as code (IaC) basics, this book guides you through the seamless migration to Azure Bicep and ARM templates. From Azure virtual networks planning to deployment, you’ll get to grips with the complexities of Azure Load Balancer, virtual machines, and configuring essential virtual machine extensions. You'll handle the identity and security for users with the Microsoft Entra ID and centralize access using policies and defined roles. Further chapters strengthen your grasp of Azure Storage security, supplemented by an overview of tools such as Network Watcher.By the end of the book, you’ll have a holistic grasp of Azure administration principles to tackle contemporary challenges and expand your proficiency to administer your Azure-based cloud environment using various tools like Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, and infrastructure as code.