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PowerShell scripts offer a handy way to automate various chores, however working effectively with these scripts can be a difficult task.This comprehensive guide starts with the fundamentals before moving on to advanced-level topics to help you become a PowerShell Core 6.0 expert. The first module, PowerShell Core 6.0 Fundamentals, begins with the new features of PowerShell Core 6.0, installing it on Linux, and working with parameters, objects and .NET classes from within PowerShell Core 6.0. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll see how to efficiently manage large amounts of data and interact with other services using PowerShell Core 6.0. You'll be able to make the most of PowerShell Core 6.0's powerful automation feature, where you will have different methods available to parse data and manipulate regular expressions and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). After having explored automation, you will enter the extending PowerShell Core 6.0 module, covering asynchronous processing and desired state configuration. In the last module, you will learn to extend PowerShell Core 6.0 using advanced scripts and filters, and also debug issues along with working on error handling techniques.By the end of this book, you will be an expert in scripting with PowerShell Core 6.0.
Learning Python Design Patterns. - Second Edition
Chetan Giridhar, Gennadiy Zlobin, Anand Balachandran Pillai
With the increasing focus on optimized software architecture and design it is important that software architects think about optimizations in object creation, code structure, and interaction between objects at the architecture or design level. This makes sure that the cost of software maintenance is low and code can be easily reused or is adaptable to change. The key to this is reusability and low maintenance in design patterns.Building on the success of the previous edition, Learning Python Design Patterns, Second Edition will help you implement real-world scenarios with Python’s latest release, Python v3.5. We start by introducing design patterns from the Python perspective. As you progress through the book, you will learn about Singleton patterns, Factory patterns, and Façade patterns in detail. After this, we’ll look at how to control object access with proxy patterns. It also covers observer patterns, command patterns, and compound patterns.By the end of the book, you will have enhanced your professional abilities in software architecture, design, and development.
Splunk Best Practices. Operational intelligent made simpler
This book will give you an edge over others through insights that will help you in day-to-day instances. When you're working with data from various sources in Splunk and performing analysis on this data, it can be a bit tricky. With this book, you will learn the best practices of working with Splunk.You'll learn about tools and techniques that will ease your life with Splunk, and will ultimately save you time. In some cases, it will adjust your thinking of what Splunk is, and what it can and cannot do.To start with, you'll get to know the best practices to get data into Splunk, analyze data, and package apps for distribution. Next, you'll discover the best practices in logging, operations, knowledge management, searching, and reporting. To finish off, we will teach you how to troubleshoot Splunk searches, as well as deployment, testing, and development with Splunk.
OSWorkflow is an open-source workflow engine written entirely in Java with a flexible approach and a technical user-base target. It is released under the Apache License. You can create simple or complex workflows, depending on your needs. You can focus your work on the business logic and rules. No more Petri Net or finite state machine coding! You can integrate OSWorkflow into your application with a minimum of fuss. OSWorkflow provides all of the workflow constructs that you might encounter in real-life processes, such as steps, conditions, loops, splits, joins, roles, etc.This book explains in detail all the various aspects of OSWorkflow, without assuming any prior knowledge of Business Process Management. Real-life examples are used to clarify concepts.
Written by a recognized cybersecurity expert, Microsoft Defender for Identity in Depth not only lays the groundwork for deploying and managing MDI, but also takes your knowledge to expert levels, enabling you to strengthen your organization against the most advanced cyber threats.You’ll familiarize yourself with the essentials of MDI, from seamless setup to leveraging PowerShell for automation, setting the stage for exploring advanced integrations and capabilities. Through practical, real-world examples, you’ll learn how to extend MDI’s reach by using APIs and conducting proactive threat hunting with KQL to turn insights into actions.The book gradually shifts focus to operational excellence, helping you develop expertise in investigating alerts, optimizing action accounts, and troubleshooting, which will empower you to master the building and maintenance of a robust ITDR framework and strengthen your security posture.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to harness the full potential of MDI’s functionalities, positioning you as a key player in your organization’s cybersecurity defenses.
Dmitry Anoshin, Dmitry Foshin, Roman Storchak, Xenia Ireton
Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a modern data integration tool available on Microsoft Azure. This Azure Data Factory Cookbook helps you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF. You’ll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines. This book will help you to discover the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage, which are frequently used for big data analytics. With practical recipes, you’ll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premise infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. As you advance, you’ll be able to integrate the most commonly used Azure Services into ADF and understand how Azure services can be useful in designing ETL pipelines. The book will take you through the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and show you how to use the Azure portal to monitor pipelines. You’ll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use ADF as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse or data platform projects.
Ouya is a microconsole running its own version of the Android operating system. The console features an exclusive Ouya store for applications and games designed specifically for the Ouya platform. It runs a modified version of Android 4.1 Jellybean, and is open to rooting without voiding the warranty. All systems can be used as development kits which allow any Ouya owner to be a developer without any licensing fee. Ouya Unity Game Development offers detailed, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions which will help you learn the ins and outs of Ouya development in Unity.From connecting your device with Android Debug Bridge to publishing it on the Ouya Developer Portal, this book will explain the processes involved in creating a game from scratch. As you progress through the book, you will learn about scenes, prefabs, sounds, models, and animations. By the end of the seventh chapter, you will have a 3D game with multiple levels, the possibility of in-app purchases, and controller support that runs on both the Ouya and an Android phone. Starting with an introduction to Ouya, you will learn how to set up an environment and render game levels on Ouya. You will learn how to change levels and how to save the current level. You will then dive into Ouya controller integration and character animation. This book will also teach you the workings of audio source components, and will show you how to add textures to prefabs. Finally, you will learn how you can monetize the game. By the end of this book, you will have the game running on Ouya and geared up to create games on your own.
Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud enables a 360-degree view of people related to your nonprofit to connect fundraising, program management, and grantmaking. With a single, unified view of every interaction with constituents, nonprofits can create strong relationships with the community and streamline internal processes.The book starts by covering the tools and features that make up Nonprofit Cloud, helping you understand their standard functionalities and how Nonprofit Success Pack's (NPSP) data architecture is critical to implementation. You’ll learn how the Nonprofit Cloud Program Management Module can connect your programs, automate case management, and track client progress. Next, you’ll explore the tools for creating a change management process to increase user adoption. Moving ahead, you’ll understand how to configure necessary permissions for NPSP administration and explore how declarative tools help better align the goals of a nonprofit organization. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll cover customizations, deployment, custom reports, and dashboards for fundraising analytics, as well as best practices for data management to maintain its integrity.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll be able to build and configure the Nonprofit Cloud for a variety of use cases to achieve maximum social impact with the least amount of technical debt.
Unreal Engine 4 now has support for Blender, which was not available in earlier versions. This has opened up new possibilities and that is where this book comes in. This is the first book in the market combining these two powerful game and graphic engines. Readers will build an amazing high-level game environment with UE4 and will show them how to use the power of Blender 3D to create stunning animations and 3D effects for their game. This book will start with creating levels, 3D assets for the game, game progression, light and environment control, animation, and so on. Then it will teach readers to add amazing visual effects to their game by applying rendering, lighting, rigging, and compositing techniques in Blender. Finally, readers will learn how to smoothly transfer blender files to UE4 and animate the game assets. Each chapter will add complexities to the game environment.
Tim McConnaughy, Steve McNutt, Christopher Miles
The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification exam focuses on leveraging AWS services alongside industry standards to create secure, resilient, and scalable cloud networks.Written by industry experts with decades of experience in the field, this comprehensive exam guide will enable you to transform into an AWS networking expert, going beyond the ANS-C01 exam blueprint to maximize your impact in the field. You’ll learn all about intricate AWS networking options and services with clear explanations, detailed diagrams, and practice questions in each chapter. The chapters help you gain hands-on experience with essential components, such as VPC networking, AWS Direct Connect, Route 53, security frameworks, and infrastructure as code. With access to mock exams, interactive flashcards, and invaluable exam tips, you have everything you need to excel in the AWS ANS-C01 exam.This book not only prepares you to confidently take the exam, but also deepens your understanding and provides practical insights that are vital for a successful career in AWS cloud networking.By the end of this exam guide, you’ll be thoroughly trained to take the AWS ANS-C01 exam and efficiently design and maintain network architectures across a wide range of AWS services.
The 2nd Edition of Linux Kernel Programming is an updated, comprehensive guide for those new to Linux kernel development. Built around the latest 6.1 Long-Term Support (LTS) Linux kernel, which is maintained until December 2026, this edition explores its key features and enhancements. Additionally, with the Civil Infrastructure Project extending support for the 6.1 Super LTS (SLTS) kernel until August 2033, this book will remain relevant for years to come.You'll begin this exciting journey by learning how to build the kernel from source. Step by step, you will then learn how to write your first kernel module by leveraging the kernel's powerful Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) framework. With this foundation, you will delve into key kernel internals topics including Linux kernel architecture, memory management, and CPU (task) scheduling. You'll finish with understanding the deep issues of concurrency, and gain insight into how they can be addressed with various synchronization/locking technologies (for example, mutexes, spinlocks, atomic/refcount operators, rw-spinlocks and even lock-free technologies such as per-CPU and RCU).By the end of this book, you'll build a strong understanding of the fundamentals to writing the Linux kernel and kernel module code that can straight away be used in real-world projects and products.
Drupal’s theme layer, and the themes that use it, are responsible for the look and feel of a Drupal web site. Themes have the final say and ultimate control over almost every aspect of each page. Good themes consist of all the same elements that you would find on any reputable web site, including standards-compliant XHTML markup, CSS, and JavaScript. How it all comes together is what is so special and what makes Drupal themes so flexible and powerful.Premium Drupal Themes is a practical, hands-on guide filled with clear, step-by-step examples which shows you how to create Drupal themes using HTML. This book will show you the best practices and conventions that you should adopt and utilize so you can change the way Drupal looks using HTML without wasting energy digging through Drupal’s code.Starting with the essentials including Drupal terminology and Drupal theme structures, this book will show you how to configure raw HTML in a Drupal environment. You will learn about the Drupal template variables and also how to populate a Drupal theme with dynamic content. You will also discover how to customize the search result page and how to add regions to your home page. This book will help you familiarize yourself with the theme engines and will help you learn about the core of Drupal’s theme rendering system. Finally, you will learn how to create your very own Drupal theme that will take people’s breath away!
Data Analytics for Marketing. A practical guide to analyzing marketing data using Python
Most marketing professionals are familiar with various sources of customer data that promise insights for success. There are extensive sources of data, from customer surveys to digital marketing data. Moreover, there is an increasing variety of tools and techniques to shape data, from small to big data. However, having the right knowledge and understanding the context of how to use data and tools is crucial.In this book, you’ll learn how to give context to your data and turn it into useful information. You’ll understand how and where to use a tool or dataset for a specific question, exploring the what and why questions to provide real value to your stakeholders. Using Python, this book will delve into the basics of analytics and causal inference. Then, you’ll focus on visualization and presentation, followed by understanding guidelines on how to present and condense large amounts of information into KPIs. After learning how to plan ahead and forecast, you’ll delve into customer analytics and insights. Finally, you’ll measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and derive insights for data-driven decision-making.By the end of this book, you’ll understand the tools you need to use on specific datasets to provide context and shape your data, as well as to gain information to boost your marketing efforts.