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Modern programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and Java have become increasingly accepted for application-level programming, but for systems programming, C and C++ are predominantly used due to the need for low-level control of system resources. Rust promises the best of both worlds: the type safety of Java, and the speed and expressiveness of C++, while also including memory safety without a garbage collector. This book is a comprehensive introduction if you’re new to Rust and systems programming and are looking to build reliable and efficient systems software without C or C++.The book takes a unique approach by starting each topic with Linux kernel concepts and APIs relevant to that topic. You’ll also explore how system resources can be controlled from Rust. As you progress, you’ll delve into advanced topics. You’ll cover network programming, focusing on aspects such as working with low-level network primitives and protocols in Rust, before going on to learn how to use and compile Rust with WebAssembly. Later chapters will take you through practical code examples and projects to help you build on your knowledge.By the end of this Rust programming book, you will be equipped with practical skills to write systems software tools, libraries, and utilities in Rust.
Machine learning algorithms are an integral part of almost all modern applications. To make the learning process faster and more accurate, you need a tool flexible and powerful enough to help you build machine learning algorithms quickly and easily. With The Machine Learning Workshop, you'll master the scikit-learn library and become proficient in developing clever machine learning algorithms.The Machine Learning Workshop begins by demonstrating how unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms work by analyzing a real-world dataset of wholesale customers. Once you've got to grips with the basics, you'll develop an artificial neural network using scikit-learn and then improve its performance by fine-tuning hyperparameters. Towards the end of the workshop, you'll study the dataset of a bank's marketing activities and build machine learning models that can list clients who are likely to subscribe to a term deposit. You'll also learn how to compare these models and select the optimal one.By the end of The Machine Learning Workshop, you'll not only have learned the difference between supervised and unsupervised models and their applications in the real world, but you'll also have developed the skills required to get started with programming your very own machine learning algorithms.
The Statistics and Machine Learning with R Workshop is a comprehensive resource packed with insights into statistics and machine learning, along with a deep dive into R libraries. The learning experience is further enhanced by practical examples and hands-on exercises that provide explanations of key concepts.Starting with the fundamentals, you’ll explore the complete model development process, covering everything from data pre-processing to model development. In addition to machine learning, you’ll also delve into R's statistical capabilities, learning to manipulate various data types and tackle complex mathematical challenges from algebra and calculus to probability and Bayesian statistics. You’ll discover linear regression techniques and more advanced statistical methodologies to hone your skills and advance your career.By the end of this book, you'll have a robust foundational understanding of statistics and machine learning. You’ll also be proficient in using R's extensive libraries for tasks such as data processing and model training and be well-equipped to leverage the full potential of R in your future projects.
Graph neural networks are a highly effective tool for analyzing data that can be represented as a graph, such as social networks, chemical compounds, or transportation networks. The past few years have seen an explosion in the use of graph neural networks, with their application ranging from natural language processing and computer vision to recommendation systems and drug discovery.Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python begins with the fundamentals of graph theory and shows you how to create graph datasets from tabular data. As you advance, you’ll explore major graph neural network architectures and learn essential concepts such as graph convolution, self-attention, link prediction, and heterogeneous graphs. Finally, the book proposes applications to solve real-life problems, enabling you to build a professional portfolio. The code is readily available online and can be easily adapted to other datasets and apps.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned to create graph datasets, implement graph neural networks using Python and PyTorch Geometric, and apply them to solve real-world problems, along with building and training graph neural network models for node and graph classification, link prediction, and much more.
Microsoft Azure and its Identity and access management are at the heart of Microsoft's software as service products, including Office 365, Dynamics CRM, and Enterprise Mobility Management. It is crucial to master Microsoft Azure in order to be able to work with the Microsoft Cloud effectively.You’ll begin by identifying the benefits of Microsoft Azure in the field of identity and access management. Working through the functionality of identity and access management as a service, you will get a full overview of the Microsoft strategy. Understanding identity synchronization will help you to provide a well-managed identity. Project scenarios and examples will enable you to understand, troubleshoot, and develop on essential authentication protocols and publishing scenarios. Finally, you will acquire a thorough understanding of Microsoft Information protection technologies.
Migrating to a new server involves a lot of decision making and planning. Windows Server 2012 comes with exciting new features and ease of use. This book will help you migrate to your new server in no time. Instant Migration from Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 to 2012 How-to provides you with many practical and real world scenarios in a step-by-step guide. It is designed to lead you through the entire process of migration.Beginning with an introduction to Windows Server 2012, the author then takes you through the installation and configuration of the server, before continuing on to migrate the existing services to Windows Server and how to decommission old servers. The “how-to” migration scenarios described are based on the author's own field experiences, guaranteeing real-world solutions. The scenarios include Active Directory, enabling a Remote Desktop, Print Server, and Hyper-V migration details. From the planning to theimplementation phase, Instant Migration from Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 to 2012 How-to is your comprehensive guide for completing migration solutions.
Amos Q. Haviv, Thoriq Firdaus, Joshua Johanan, Talha Khan, ...
This comprehensive reference guide takes you through each topic in web development and highlights the most popular and important elements of each area. Starting with HTML, you will learn key elements and attributes and how they relate to each other. Next, you will explore CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, followed by CSS properties and functions. This will introduce you to many powerful and new selectors. You will then move on to JavaScript. This section will not just introduce functions, but will provide you with an entire reference for the language and paradigms. You will discover more about three of the most popular frameworks today—Bootstrap, which builds on CSS, jQuery which builds on JavaScript, and AngularJS, which also builds on JavaScript. Finally, you will take a walk-through Node.js, which is a server-side framework that allows you to write programs in JavaScript.
Eren Kalelioglu, Evren Civelek
Implementing Atlassian Confluence is an all-encompassing guide to the essential concepts of distributed work and leveraging Confluence to create a world-class collaboration environment.This book begins with an introduction to enterprise collaboration concepts and explains how to set up Confluence. You’ll quickly proceed to creating and maintaining dynamic content, effective cross-functional collaboration, and employing Confluence applications in scenarios such as software project management and knowledge bases.You’ll discover how to use Jira Service Management together with Confluence, set up personal spaces, implement centralized user management, address security risks, and explore suggested solutions on Confluence. Furthermore, you’ll integrate and extend Confluence with other Atlassian and third-party software. The book also contains tips and guidance on managing Confluence adoption, enabling you to focus on your team and provide them with a state-of-the-art remote collaboration environment.Complete with practical business scenarios, best practices, and examples, this book will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of Atlassian Confluence’s capabilities for enhancing collaboration within cross-functional teams.
Ashish Kumar, Shashank Kumar, Abbas Kudrati, Sarah Armstrong- Smith
With the rapid pace of digital change today, especially since the pandemic sped up digital transformation and technologies, it has become more important than ever to be aware of the unknown risks and the landscape of digital threats. This book highlights various risks and shows how business-as-usual operations carried out by unaware or targeted workers can lead your organization to a regulatory or business risk, which can impact your organization’s reputation and balance sheet.This book is your guide to identifying the topmost risks relevant to your business with a clear roadmap of when to start the risk mitigation process and what your next steps should be. With a focus on the new and emerging risks that remote-working companies are experiencing across diverse industries, you’ll learn how to manage risks by taking advantage of zero trust network architecture and the steps to be taken when smart devices are compromised. Toward the end, you’ll explore various types of AI-powered machines and be ready to make your business future-proof.In a nutshell, this book will direct you on how to identify and mitigate risks that the ever- advancing digital technology has unleashed.
James H Baxter, Yoram Orzach, Charit Mishra
This Learning Path starts off installing Wireshark, before gradually taking you through your first packet capture, identifying and filtering out just the packets of interest, and saving them to a new file for later analysis. You will then discover different ways to create and use capture and display filters. By halfway through the book, you'll be mastering Wireshark features, analyzing different layers of the network protocol, and looking for any anomalies.We then start Ethernet and LAN switching, through IP, and then move on to TCP/UDP with a focus on TCP performance problems. It also focuses on WLAN security. Then, we go through application behavior issues including HTTP, mail, DNS, and other common protocols. This book finishes with a look at network forensics and how to locate security problems that might harm the network.This course provides you with highly practical content explaining Metasploit from the following books:1) Wireshark Essentials2) Network Analysis Using Wireshark Cookbook3) Mastering Wireshark
Bahaaldine Azarmi, Jeff Vestal, Shay Banon
While natural language processing (NLP) is largely used in search use cases, this book aims to inspire you to start using vectors to overcome equally important domain challenges like observability and cybersecurity. The chapters focus mainly on integrating vector search with Elastic to enhance not only their search but also observability and cybersecurity capabilities.The book, which also features a foreword written by the founder of Elastic, begins by teaching you about NLP and the functionality of Elastic in NLP processes. Here you’ll delve into resource requirements and find out how vectors are stored in the dense-vector type along with specific page cache requirements for fast response times. As you advance, you’ll discover various tuning techniques and strategies to improve machine learning model deployment, including node scaling, configuration tuning, and load testing with Rally and Python. You’ll also cover techniques for vector search with images, fine-tuning models for improved performance, and the use of clip models for image similarity search in Elasticsearch. Finally, you’ll explore retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and learn to integrate ChatGPT with Elasticsearch to leverage vectorized data, ELSER's capabilities, and RRF's refined search mechanism.By the end of this NLP book, you’ll have all the necessary skills needed to implement and optimize vector search in your projects with Elastic.
Dr. Chase Cunningham, Gregory J. Touhill
The era of cyber warfare is now upon us. What we do now and how we determine what we will do in the future is the difference between whether our businesses live or die and whether our digital self survives the digital battlefield. Cyber Warfare – Truth, Tactics, and Strategies takes you on a journey through the myriad of cyber attacks and threats that are present in a world powered by AI, big data, autonomous vehicles, drones video, and social media.Dr. Chase Cunningham uses his military background to provide you with a unique perspective on cyber security and warfare. Moving away from a reactive stance to one that is forward-looking, he aims to prepare people and organizations to better defend themselves in a world where there are no borders or perimeters. He demonstrates how the cyber landscape is growing infinitely more complex and is continuously evolving at the speed of light.The book not only covers cyber warfare, but it also looks at the political, cultural, and geographical influences that pertain to these attack methods and helps you understand the motivation and impacts that are likely in each scenario.Cyber Warfare – Truth, Tactics, and Strategies is as real-life and up-to-date as cyber can possibly be, with examples of actual attacks and defense techniques, tools. and strategies presented for you to learn how to think about defending your own systems and data.
If you need stable, dynamically developed, and easy-to-configure instrumentation for application development, look no further than MinGW. It supplies all the dynamic tools you need to enable you to develop Microsoft Windows applications, while allowing for easy integration with the software that you already use. This book will give you the expert guidance you will need to start developing applications with Instant MinGW. As well as help you to become an experienced user of MinGW, the book will also detail some of the more common pitfalls that beginners face when first using the software, and more importantly, how to avoid them yourself. This book will help you through the installation process, and help introduce you to compilation, debugging, and profiling with MinGW. It will guide you in importing existing projects developed with Visual C++ Integrated Development Environment to MinGW, and show you how to start using it to develop your current projects with minimal effort.This book will also introduce you to developing applications with several well-known, open source, GUI libraries and the MinGW software.With Instant MinGW Starter, you will gain a reliable, comprehensive, and supremely beneficial introduction to the MinGW software, and quickly learn how to use it for new, and old, projects.
Sathish Veerapandian, Harsharanjeet Kaur, Ashok Madhvarayan, Sriram Rajamanickam
The outbreak of the pandemic has forced the world to embrace remote working and the modern style of virtual business. However, end users may find it challenging to cope with this sudden change in working style, not aware of all the features and remote working tools available to make their life easy. Microsoft Teams is an exceptional platform, adopted by many organizations for unified communication and collaboration, and this book will help you to make the most of its capabilities.Complete with step-by-step explanations and screenshots, this book guides you through the topics that you'll find useful in your daily use of Teams. You'll learn how to manage your teams and projects with Microsoft Teams in a structured and organized way. The book provides hands-on information with a focus on the end user side to help corporate users to increase productivity and become a Microsoft Teams superuser. Finally, you'll explore the most effective ways of using the app with best practices and tips and tricks for making the most of the features available for your scenario.By the end of this Microsoft Teams book, you'll have mastered Microsoft Teams and be fully equipped as a modern collaboration end user to effectively increase your remote work productivity.