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3D printing has revolutionized the way that global industries conceptualize and design products for mass consumption. Considered as the next “trillion-dollar” business, every industry is in the race to equip its personnel with techniques to prototype and simplify complex manufacturing process. This book will take you through some simple to complex and effective principles of designing 3D printed objects using Blender. There is a comprehensive coverage of projects such as a 3D print-ready octopus pencil holder, which will teach you how to add basic geometric shapes, and use techniques such as extruding and subdividing to transform these shapes into complex meshes. Furthermore, you’ll learn to use various techniques to derive measurements for an object, model these objects using Blender, organize the parts into layers, and later combine them to create the desired object with the help of a 3D printable SD card holder ring design project. The final project will help you master the techniques of designing simple to complex puzzles models for 3D printing. Through the course of the book, we'll explore various robust sculpting methods supported by Blender to create objects. You’ll move, rotate, and scale the object, and manipulate the view. You’ll edit objects with actions such as bends or curves, similar to drawing or building up a clay structure of different shapes and sizes. By the end of the book, you will have gained thorough practical hands-on experience to be able to create a real-world 3D printable object of your choice.
The updated second edition of R Bioinformatics Cookbook takes a recipe-based approach to show you how to conduct practical research and analysis in computational biology with R. You’ll learn how to create a useful and modular R working environment, along with loading, cleaning, and analyzing data using the most up-to-date Bioconductor, ggplot2, and tidyverse tools.This book will walk you through the Bioconductor tools necessary for you to understand and carry out protocols in RNA-seq and ChIP-seq, phylogenetics, genomics, gene search, gene annotation, statistical analysis, and sequence analysis. As you advance, you'll find out how to use Quarto to create data-rich reports, presentations, and websites, as well as get a clear understanding of how machine learning techniques can be applied in the bioinformatics domain. The concluding chapters will help you develop proficiency in key skills, such as gene annotation analysis and functional programming in purrr and base R. Finally, you'll discover how to use the latest AI tools, including ChatGPT, to generate, edit, and understand R code and draft workflows for complex analyses.By the end of this book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of the skills and techniques needed to become a bioinformatics specialist and efficiently work with large and complex bioinformatics datasets.
Joomla! 1.6 First Look. A concise guide to everything that's new in Joomla! 1.6
Release of the much awaited Joomla! 1.6 is just round the corner. There is a lot of hype and curiosity about the new features Joomla! 1.6 will provide and how it will affect existing users.Joomla! 1.6 First Look is a concise guide to the new features of Joomla! 1.6, targeted at existing Joomla! users and developers. If you want to see what's new in Joomla 1.6 and how it's going to affect you, this is the book for you. This book will give readers an insight into the new features of Joomla! 1.6, showing them what has changed, how the changes will affect them, and how to upgrade to Joomla! 1.6 from existing Joomla! versions. It begins with general changes in interface and basic articles, and then takes you through the changes in menus, control levels, templates, extensions, and SEO features. It explains the new features and how to use them, drawing attention to significant differences from how things used to behave. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the consequences these changes will bring to you as a Joomla! user or developer.
Connecting a physical robot to a robot simulation using the Robot Operating System (ROS) infrastructure is one of the most common challenges faced by ROS engineers. With this book, you'll learn how to simulate a robot in a virtual environment and achieve desired behavior in equivalent real-world scenarios.This book starts with an introduction to GoPiGo3 and the sensors and actuators with which it is equipped. You'll then work with GoPiGo3's digital twin by creating a 3D model from scratch and running a simulation in ROS using Gazebo. Next, the book will show you how to use GoPiGo3 to build and run an autonomous mobile robot that is aware of its surroundings. Finally, you'll find out how a robot can learn tasks that have not been programmed in the code but are acquired by observing its environment. You'll even cover topics such as deep learning and reinforcement learning.By the end of this robot programming book, you'll be well-versed with the basics of building specific-purpose applications in robotics and developing highly intelligent autonomous robots from scratch.
Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen, Jacob Andresen, Santosh Yadav
Angular Ivy is the latest rendering engine and compiler introduced in Angular. Ivy helps frontend developers to make their Angular applications faster, better optimized, and more robust. This easy-to-follow guide will help you get to grips with the new features of Angular Ivy and show you how to migrate your Angular apps from View Engine to Ivy.You'll begin by learning about the most popular features of Angular Ivy with the help of simple stand-alone examples and realize its capabilities by working on a real-world application project. You'll then discover strategies to improve your developer workflow through new debugging APIs, testing APIs, and configurations that support higher code quality and productive development features. Throughout the book, you'll explore essential components of Angular, such as Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK), Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, and Angular command line interface (CLI). Finally, you'll gain a clear understanding of these components along with Angular Ivy which will help you update your Angular applications with modern features.By the end of this Angular Ivy book, you will learn about the core features of Angular Ivy, discover how to migrate your Angular View Engine application, and find out how to set up a high-quality Angular Ivy project.
This updated third edition of Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins will explain the advantages of combining Jenkins and Docker to improve the continuous integration and delivery process of app development.You’ll start by setting up a Docker server and configuring Jenkins on it. Next, you’ll discover steps for building applications and microservices on Dockerfiles and integrating them with Jenkins using continuous delivery processes such as continuous integration, automated acceptance testing, configuration management, and Infrastructure as Code. Moving ahead, you'll learn how to ensure quick application deployment with Docker containers, along with scaling Jenkins using Kubernetes. Later, you’ll explore how to deploy applications using Docker images and test them with Jenkins. Toward the concluding chapters, the book will focus on missing parts of the CD pipeline, such as the environments and infrastructure, application versioning, and non-functional testing.By the end of this continuous integration and continuous delivery book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to enhance the DevOps workflow by integrating the functionalities of Docker and Jenkins.
Dr. Gerald Auger, Jaclyn "Jax" Scott, Jonathan Helmus, Kim Nguyen, ...
Cybersecurity is an emerging career trend and will continue to become increasingly important. Despite the lucrative pay and significant career growth opportunities, many people are unsure of how to get started.This audiobook is designed by leading industry experts to help you enter the world of cybersecurity with confidence, covering everything from gaining the right certification to tips and tools for finding your first job. The audiobook starts by helping you gain a foundational understanding of cybersecurity, covering cyber law, cyber policy, and frameworks. Next, you'll focus on how to choose the career field best suited to you from options such as security operations, penetration testing, and risk analysis. The audiobook also guides you through the different certification options as well as the pros and cons of a formal college education versus formal certificate courses. Later, you'll discover the importance of defining and understanding your brand. Finally, you'll get up to speed with different career paths and learning opportunities.By the end of this cyber audiobook, you will have gained the knowledge you need to clearly define your career path and develop goals relating to career progression.
Cloud-Native Development and Migration to Jakarta EE will help you unlock the secrets of Jakarta EE's evolution as you explore the migration and modernization of your applications. You’ll discover how to make your code compatible with the latest Jakarta EE version and how to leverage its modern features effectively.First, you’ll navigate the realm of cloud-native development as you demystify containers and get introduced to the Eclipse MicroProfile, a powerful tool in your toolkit. Next, you’ll take the bold step of transitioning your applications from local hardware to the limitless possibilities of the cloud. By following the author’s expert guidance to deploy your Jakarta EE applications on Microsoft Azure, you’ll gain hands-on experience in managing cloud resources.In the final leg of your journey, you’ll explore the world of serverless architecture. You’ll learn to design and run services that are truly serverless, harnessing the potential of the event-driven paradigm for scalability and cost-efficiency.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Jakarta EE and become a proficient cloud-native developer. Join us on this exciting journey of transformation and innovation as you pave the way for the future of Jakarta EE and cloud-native development.
Anatoly Tykushin, Svetlana Ostrovskaya, Dmitry Volkov
Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, posing serious risks to organizations. Incident Response for Windows, by cybersecurity experts Anatoly Tykushin and Svetlana Ostrovskaya, provides a practical hands-on guide to mitigating threats in Windows environments, drawing from their real-world experience in incident response and digital forensics.Designed for cybersecurity professionals, IT administrators, and digital forensics practitioners, the book covers the stages of modern cyberattacks, including reconnaissance, infiltration, network propagation, and data exfiltration. It takes a step-by-step approach to incident response, from preparation and detection to containment, eradication, and recovery. You will also explore Windows endpoint forensic evidence and essential tools for gaining visibility into Windows infrastructure. The final chapters focus on threat hunting and proactive strategies to identify cyber incidents before they escalate.By the end of this book, you will gain expertise in forensic evidence collection, threat hunting, containment, eradication, and recovery, equipping them to detect, analyze, and respond to cyber threats while strengthening your organization's security posture
Adobe Character Animator is a power app for non-animators that provides easy rigging and easy-to- understand tools that enable you to create entertainment or business videos in no time.This guide to Character Animator gives you a comprehensive overview of the app, helping you learn the entire process—from importing a character designed in Adobe Photoshop to animating a sequence. Complete with background art, multiple character rigs and Character Animator project files, this book will show you how to animate a scene in Character Animator from start to finish.Starting with a character PSD from another artist, you’ll organize and condense the file to prepare it for rigging and animation. From there, you’ll systematically rig the character while exploring advanced behaviors and triggers to animate a complex scene that takes advantage of the app’s best features.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create appealing animations in Character Animator for any purpose.
Building Blazor WebAssembly Applications with gRPC will take you to the next level in your web development career. After working through all the essentials of gRPC, Blazor, and source generators, you will be far from a beginner C# developer and would qualify as a developer with intermediate knowledge of the Blazor ecosystem.After a quick primer on the basics of Blazor technology, REST, gRPC, and source generators, you’ll dive straight into building Blazor WASM applications. You’ll learn about everything from two-way bindings and Razor syntax to project setup. The practical emphasis continues throughout the book as you steam through creating data repositories, working with REST, and building and registering gRPC services. The chapters also cover how to manage source generators, C# and debugging best practices, and more. There is no shorter path than this book to solidify your gRPC-enabled web development knowledge.By the end of this book, your knowledge of building Blazor applications with one of the most modern and powerful frameworks around will equip you with a highly sought-after skill set that you can leverage in the best way possible.
Generative AI models and AI language models are becoming increasingly popular due to their unparalleled capabilities. This book will provide you with insights into the inner workings of the LLMs and guide you through creating your own language models. You’ll start with an introduction to the field of generative AI, helping you understand how these models are trained to generate new data.Next, you’ll explore use cases where ChatGPT can boost productivity and enhance creativity. You’ll learn how to get the best from your ChatGPT interactions by improving your prompt design and leveraging zero, one, and few-shots learning capabilities. The use cases are divided into clusters of marketers, researchers, and developers, which will help you apply what you learn in this book to your own challenges faster.You’ll also discover enterprise-level scenarios that leverage OpenAI models’ APIs available on Azure infrastructure; both generative models like GPT-3 and embedding models like Ada. For each scenario, you’ll find an end-to-end implementation with Python, using Streamlit as the frontend and the LangChain SDK to facilitate models' integration into your applications.By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to use the generative AI field and start using ChatGPT and OpenAI models’ APIs in your own projects.
Vladimir Yakovlev, Dameon D. Welch
Check Point firewalls are the premiere firewalls, access control, and threat prevention appliances for physical and virtual infrastructures. With Check Point’s superior security, administrators can help maintain confidentiality, integrity, and the availability of their resources protected by firewalls and threat prevention devices. This hands-on guide covers everything you need to be fluent in using Check Point firewalls for your operations.This book familiarizes you with Check Point firewalls and their most common implementation scenarios, showing you how to deploy them from scratch. You will begin by following the deployment and configuration of Check Point products and advance to their administration for an organization. Once you’ve learned how to plan, prepare, and implement Check Point infrastructure components and grasped the fundamental principles of their operation, you’ll be guided through the creation and modification of access control policies of increasing complexity, as well as the inclusion of additional features. To run your routine operations infallibly, you’ll also learn how to monitor security logs and dashboards. Generating reports detailing current or historical traffic patterns and security incidents is also covered.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the knowledge necessary to implement and comfortably operate Check Point firewalls.
Effectively translating AI insights to business stakeholders requires careful planning, design, and visualization choices. Describing the problem, the model, and the relationships among variables and their findings are often subtle, surprising, and technically complex.Hands-On Explainable AI (XAI) with Python will see you work with specific hands-on machine learning Python projects that are strategically arranged to enhance your grasp on AI results analysis. You will be building models, interpreting results with visualizations, and integrating XAI reporting tools and different applications.You will build XAI solutions in Python, TensorFlow 2, Google Cloud’s XAI platform, Google Colaboratory, and other frameworks to open up the black box of machine learning models. The book will introduce you to several open-source XAI tools for Python that can be used throughout the machine learning project life cycle.You will learn how to explore machine learning model results, review key influencing variables and variable relationships, detect and handle bias and ethics issues, and integrate predictions using Python along with supporting the visualization of machine learning models into user explainable interfaces.By the end of this AI book, you will possess an in-depth understanding of the core concepts of XAI.