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Web development
Opa is a full-stack Open Source web development framework for JavaScript that lets you write secure and scalable web applications. It generates standard Node.js/MongoDB applications, natively supports HTML5 and CSS and automates many aspects of modern web application programming. It handles all aspects of web programming written in one consistent language and compiled to web standards.Opa Application Development is a practical,hands-on guide that provides you with a number of step-by-step exercises. It covers almost all aspects of developing a web application with Opa, which will help you take advantage of the real power of Opa, as well as building a secure, powerful web application rapidly.Opa Application Development dives into all concepts and components required to build a web application with Opa. The first half of this book shows you all of the basic building blocks that you will need to develop an Opa application, including the syntax of Opa, web development aspects, client and server communication and slicing, plugin, database, and so on. By the end of the book you will have yourself created a complete web application along with a game: Pacman!
Splunk: Enterprise Operational Intelligence Delivered. Machine data made accessible
Derek Mock, Betsy Page Sigman, Paul R. Johnson, Erickson Delgado, ...
Splunk is an extremely powerful tool for searching, exploring, and visualizing data of all types. Splunk is becoming increasingly popular, as more and more businesses, both large and small, discover its ease and usefulness. Analysts, managers, students, and others can quickly learn how to use the data from their systems, networks, web traffic, and social media to make attractive and informative reports. This course will teach everything right from installing and configuring Splunk.The first module is for anyone who wants to manage data with Splunk. You’ll start with very basics of Splunk— installing Splunk— before then moving on to searching machine data with Splunk. You will gather data from different sources, isolate them by indexes, classify them into source types, and tag them with the essential fields.With more than 70 recipes on hand in the second module that demonstrate all of Splunk’s features, not only will you find quick solutions to common problems, but you’ll also learn a wide range of strategies and uncover new ideas that will make you rethink what operational intelligence means to you and your organization.Dive deep into Splunk to find the most efficient solution to your data problems in the third module. Create the robust Splunk solutions you need to make informed decisions in big data machine analytics. From visualizations to enterprise integration, this well-organized high level guide has everything you need for Splunk mastery.This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer into one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Splunk Essentials - Second Edition• Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook - Second Edition• Advanced Splunk
Igor Milovanovic, Rick van Hattem
Python is a dynamic programming language. It is known for its high readability and hence it is often the first language learned by new programmers. Python being multi-paradigm, it can be used to achieve the same thing in different ways and it is compatible across different platforms. Even if you find writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient, easy to maintain, and reuse is not so straightforward. This book is an authoritative guide that will help you learn new advanced methods in a clear and contextualised way. It starts off by creating a project-specific environment using venv, introducing you to different Pythonic syntax and common pitfalls before moving on to cover the functional features in Python. It covers how to create different decorators, generators, and metaclasses. It also introduces you to functools.wraps and coroutines and how they work. Later on you will learn to use asyncio module for asynchronous clients and servers. You will also get familiar with different testing systems such as py.test, doctest, and unittest, and debugging tools such as Python debugger and faulthandler. You will learn to optimize application performance so that it works efficiently across multiple machines and Python versions. Finally, it will teach you how to access C functions with a simple Python call. By the end of the book, you will be able to write more advanced scripts and take on bigger challenges.
Qt is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for developing applications that can run on a wide range of hardware platforms with little to no change in the underlying codebase. If you have basic knowledge of C++ and want to build desktop or mobile applications with a modern graphical user interface (GUI), Qt is the right choice for you. Cross-Platform Development with Qt 6 and Modern C++ helps you understand why Qt is one of the favorite GUI frameworks adopted by industries worldwide, covering the essentials of programming GUI apps across a multitude of platforms using the standard C++17 and Qt 6 features.Starting with the fundamentals of the Qt framework, including the features offered by Qt Creator, this practical guide will show you how to create classic user interfaces using Qt Widgets and touch-friendly user interfaces using Qt Quick. As you advance, you'll explore the Qt Creator IDE for developing applications for multiple desktops as well as for embedded and mobile platforms. You will also learn advanced concepts about signals and slots. Finally, the book takes you through debugging and testing your app with Qt Creator IDE.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build cross-platform applications with a modern GUI along with the speed and power of native apps.
Fernando J Miguel, Ray Bogman, Vladimir Kerkhoff, Bret Williams, ...
Magento is the leading e-commerce software trusted by world`s leading organizations. Used by thousands of merchants for their transactions worth billions, it provides the flexibility to customize the content and functionality of your website. Our Magento Course will help you gain knowledge and skills that are required to design & develop world class online stores.Magento 2 Development Essentials - This book begins by setting up Magento 2 before gradually moving onto setting the basic options of the Sell System. You will learn Search Engine Optimization aspects, create design and customize theme layout, and adjust the Magento System to achieve great performance.Magento 2 Cookbook – This book is divided into several recipes, which show you which steps to take to complete a specific action. It will cover configuring your categories and products, performance tuning, creating a theme, developing a module etc. At the end of this book, you will gain the knowledge to start building a success website.Mastering Magento 2 - This is a comprehensive guide to using the all new features and interface of Magento 2 to build, extend, and design online stores. This book is your roadmap to managing your Magento store which teaches advanced and successful techniques. Focusing on Magento's Community version, this book offers you advanced guidance on managing, optimizing, and extending your store while taking advantage of the new features of Magento 2.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products• Magento 2 Development Essentials by Fernando J. Miguel • Magento 2 Cookbook by Ray Bogman and Vladimir Kerkhoff• Mastering Magento 2 by Bret Williams and Jonathan Bownds
CentOS 7 Server Deployment Cookbook
CentOS is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) sources and is widely used as a Linux server. This book will help you to better configure and manage Linux servers in varying scenarios and business requirements. Starting with installing CentOS, this book will walk you through the networking aspects of CentOS. You will then learn how to manage users and their permissions, software installs, disks, filesystems, and so on. You’ll then see how to secure connection to remotely access a desktop and work with databases. Toward the end, you will find out how to manage DNS, e-mails, web servers, and more. You will also learn to detect threats by monitoring network intrusion. Finally, the book will cover virtualization techniques that will help you make the most of CentOS.
If you’re looking to upskill and build sophisticated, minimalist web applications suited for enterprise use, Angular for Enterprise Applications is your guide to the next level of engineering mastery.In its third edition, this Angular book distils hard-earned lessons into a lucid roadmap for success. Adopting a pragmatic approach founded on a robust technical base, you'll utilize both JavaScript and TypeScript fundamentals. You'll also embrace agile engineering coding principles and learn to architect optimally sized enterprise solutions employing the freshest concepts in Angular.You’ll gradually build upon this foundation through insightful recipes, sample apps, and crystal-clear explanations. You’ll master authentication and authorization and achieve optimal performance through reactive programming and lazy loading, build complex yet flexible UIs with Router-first principles, and then integrate with backend systems using REST and GraphQL APIs.You’ll cover modern tools like RxAngular, Qwik, and Signals. You’ll construct master/detail views using data tables and NgRx for state management. You’ll explore DevOps using Docker and build CI/CD pipelines necessary for high-performance teams.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging Angular in enterprise and design robust systems that scale effortlessly.
Mastering Flask. Gain expertise in Flask to create dynamic and powerful web applications
Starting from a simple Flask app, this book will walk through advanced topics while providing practical examples of the lessons learned. After building a simple Flask app, a proper app structure is demonstrated by transforming the app to use a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. With a scalable structure in hand, the next chapters use Flask extensions to provide extra functionality to the app, including user login and registration, NoSQL querying, a REST API, an admin interface, and more. Next, you’ll discover how to use unit testing to take the guesswork away from making sure the code is performing as it should. The book closes with a discussion of the different platforms that are available to deploy a Flask app on, the pros and cons of each one, and how to deploy on each one.
Engineering MLps presents comprehensive insights into MLOps coupled with real-world examples in Azure to help you to write programs, train robust and scalable ML models, and build ML pipelines to train and deploy models securely in production.The book begins by familiarizing you with the MLOps workflow so you can start writing programs to train ML models. Then you’ll then move on to explore options for serializing and packaging ML models post-training to deploy them to facilitate machine learning inference, model interoperability, and end-to-end model traceability. You’ll learn how to build ML pipelines, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and monitor pipelines to systematically build, deploy, monitor, and govern ML solutions for businesses and industries. Finally, you’ll apply the knowledge you’ve gained to build real-world projects.By the end of this ML book, you'll have a 360-degree view of MLOps and be ready to implement MLOps in your organization.
Lovisa Johansson, David Dossot
RabbitMQ is an open source message queuing software that acts as a message broker using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). This book will help you to get to grips with RabbitMQ to build your own applications with a message queue architecture. You’ll learn from the experts from CloudAMQP as they share what they've learned while managing the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world.Following the case study of Complete Car, you’ll discover how you can use RabbitMQ to provide exceptional customer service and user experience, and see how a message queue architecture makes it easy to upgrade the app and add features as the company grows. From implementing simple synchronous operations through to advanced message routing and tracking, you’ll explore how RabbitMQ streamlines scalable operations for fast distribution. This book will help you understand the advantages of message queue architecture, including application scalability, resource efficiency, and user reliability. Finally, you’ll learn best practices for working with RabbitMQ and be able to use this book as a reference guide for your future app development projects.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to use message queuing software to streamline the development of your distributed and scalable applications.
Android: Game Programming. A Developer's Guide
Gaming has historically been a strong driver of technology, whether we’re talking about hardware or software performance, the variety of input methods, or graphics support and the Android game platform is no different. Android is a mature, yet still growing, platform that many game developers have embraced as it provides tools, APIs, and services to help bootstrap Android projects and ensure their success, many of which are specially designed to help game developers.Since Android uses one of the most popular programming languages, Java, as the primary language to build apps of all types, you will start this course by first obtaining a solid grasp of the Java language and its foundation APIs. This will improve your chances of succeeding as an Android app developer. We will show you how to get your Android development environment set up and you will soon have your first working game.The course covers all the aspects of game development through various engrossing and insightful game projects. You will learn all about frame-by-frame animations and resource animations using a space shooter game, create beautiful and responsive menus and dialogs, and explore the different options to play sound effects and music in Android. You will also learn the basics of creating a particle system and will see how to use the Leonids library. By the end of the course, you will be able to configure and use Google Play Services on the developer console and port your game to the big screen.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning Java by Building Android Games by John Horton? Android Game Programming by Example by John Horton? Mastering Android Game Development by Raul Portales
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become one of the prime technologies for processing very large amounts of unstructured data from disparate information sources. This book includes a wide set of recipes and quick methods that solve challenges in text syntax, semantics, and speech tasks. At the beginning of the book, you'll learn important NLP techniques, such as identifying parts of speech, tagging words, and analyzing word semantics. You will learn how to perform lexical analysis and use machine learning techniques to speed up NLP operations. With independent recipes, you will explore techniques for customizing your existing NLP engines/models using Java libraries such as OpenNLP and the Stanford NLP library. You will also learn how to use NLP processing features from cloud-based sources, including Google and Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will master core tasks, such as stemming, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition. You will also learn about sentiment analysis, semantic text similarity, language identification, machine translation, and text summarization. By the end of this book, you will be ready to become a professional NLP expert using a problem-solution approach to analyze any sort of text, sentence, or semantic word.
John Paul Mueller, Rod Stephens
Businesses are leveraging the power of AI to make undertakings that used to be complicated and pricy much easier, faster, and cheaper. The first part of this audiobook will explore these processes in more depth, which will help you in understanding the role security plays in machine learning.As you progress to the second part, you’ll learn more about the environments where ML is commonly used and dive into the security threats that plague them using code, graphics, and real-world references.The next part of the audiobook will guide you through the process of detecting hacker behaviors in the modern computing environment, where fraud takes many forms in ML, from gaining sales through fake reviews to destroying an adversary’s reputation. Once you’ve understood hacker goals and detection techniques, you’ll learn about the ramifications of deep fakes, followed by mitigation strategies.This audiobook also takes you through best practices for embracing ethical data sourcing, which reduces the security risk associated with data. You’ll see how the simple act of removing personally identifiable information (PII) from a dataset lowers the risk of social engineering attacks.By the end of this machine learning audiobook, you'll have an increased awareness of the various attacks and the techniques to secure your ML systems effectively.
With the explosive popularity of mobile apps and its much anticipated continued growth for the foreseeable future, developers will want to get their hands dirty and build some cool mobile apps. But we know that building mobile apps is not easy: we need to handle cross-platform issues, mobile devices of different screen sizes, not to mention traditional issues such as providing a content management system of the content served in the application.Enter WordPress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap. We leverage on some of the most popular open source projects: Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap and discover how they can be pieced together to build a fully functional cross platform mobile application.WordPress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap teaches you how to build mobile application with minimal effort and coding by leveraging on some of the most popular open source projects such as Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap.This book looks at some of the most popular open source projects: Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap and breaks down the nitty gritty details on how to leverage on these projects to build a fully functional cross-platform mobile application with minimal coding and effort.You will start off by quickly going through the capabilities of Wordpress. Then you will prepare some groundwork on how to make use of plugins and the GeoPlaces theme to provide geographic and API capabilities to WordPress. Next you will learn how to create an external HTML/CSS/JavaScript that consumes and posts data to your Wordpress blog. More importantly, you will see how to convert this external app into a PhoneGap in as little as five minutes. Finally, you will learn how to apply all these techniques and skills to a Wordpress app based on the Twenty-Ten theme and create a cross-platform mobile app using PhoneGap.By the end of Wordpress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap you will learn how to piece Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap together into a fully functional mobile app.
Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment that is based on the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. It provides developers with a unique platform to design and develop Android apps using various developer tools. The new Android Studio 4.2 has an upgraded IntelliJ platform and a variety of new features designed to improve the productivity of Android app developers. Fully updated for Android Studio 4.2, the objective of this book is to help you master the skills necessary to develop Android applications using Kotlin as the programming language.This book begins by outlining the steps necessary to set up an Android development and testing environment and introduces programming in Kotlin, addressing data types, flow control, functions, lambdas, and object-oriented programming. It includes an overview of Android Studio, covering areas such as tool windows, the code editor, and the Layout Editor tool. An introduction to Android architecture is followed by an in-depth explanation of the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.Early chapters detail Android Architecture components like view models, lifecycle management, Room database access, the Database Inspector, app navigation, live data, and data binding. Advanced topics such as intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, and the recording and playback of audio. You will also explore printing, transitions, cloud-based file storage, and foldable device support.Detailed descriptions of material design concepts are provided, including the use of floating action buttons, Snackbars, tabbed interfaces, card views, navigation drawers, and collapsing toolbars. Some key features of Android Studio 4.2 and Android discussed in-depth include the Layout Editor, the ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet classes, MotionLayout Editor, view binding, constraint chains, barriers, and direct reply notifications. Later chapters cover advanced features of Android Studio such as App links, Dynamic Delivery, the Android Studio Profiler, Gradle build configuration, and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.