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Soheil Bakhshi, Christian Wade
This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding the ins and outs of data modeling and how to create full-fledged data models using Power BI confidently.In this new, fully updated edition, you'll learn how to connect data from multiple sources, understand data, define and manage relationships between data, and shape data models to gain deep and detailed insights about your organization. As you advance through the chapters, the book will demonstrate how to prepare efficient data models in the Power Query Editor and use simpler DAX code with new data modeling features. You'll explore how to use the various data modeling and navigation techniques and perform custom calculations using the modeling features with the help of real-world examples. Finally, you'll learn how to use some new and advanced modeling features to enhance your data models to carry out a wide variety of complex tasks. Additionally, you'll learn valuable best practices and explore common data modeling complications and the solutions to supercharge the process of creating a data model in Power BI and build better-performing data models.By the end of this Power BI book, you'll have gained the skills you need to structure data coming from multiple sources in different ways to create optimized data models that support high-performing reports and data analytics.
SOLIDWORKS© is the premier software choice for 3D engineering and product design applications across a wide range of industries, and the Sheet Metal module forms an important part of this powerful program.This book will help you to understand exactly what Sheet Metal is, why it is used, and how you can make the most of this fundamental design feature. You’ll start by understanding the basic tools, including Base Flanges and Sketched Bends, before moving on to more complex features such as Custom Forming Tools and Lofted Bends. The book covers all the necessary tools in a step-by-step manner and shares practical manufacturing tips and tricks that will allow you to apply the skills that you learn to real-world situations.By the end of this SOLIDWORKS book, you’ll have understood how to make the best use of SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal tools and be able to create a whole range of 3D models and designs confidently.
Organizations undergoing digital transformation rely on IT professionals to design systems to keep up with the rate of change while maintaining stability. With this edition, enriched with more real-world examples, you’ll be perfectly equipped to architect the future for unparalleled innovation.This book guides through the architectural patterns that power enterprise-grade software systems while exploring key architectural elements (such as events-driven microservices, and micro frontends) and learning how to implement anti-fragile systems.First, you'll divide up a system and define boundaries so that your teams can work autonomously and accelerate innovation. You'll cover the low-level event and data patterns that support the entire architecture while getting up and running with the different autonomous service design patterns.This edition is tailored with several new topics on security, observability, and multi-regional deployment. It focuses on best practices for security, reliability, testability, observability, and performance. You'll be exploring the methodologies of continuous experimentation, deployment, and delivery before delving into some final thoughts on how to start making progress.By the end of this book, you'll be able to architect your own event-driven, serverless systems that are ready to adapt and change.
As cloud technology and automation evolve, managing infrastructure as code, integrating security, and handling microservices complexity have become critical challenges. This book takes a hands-on approach to teaching Terraform, helping you build efficient cloud infrastructure using real-world scenarios and best practices.It begins with an introduction to Terraform's architecture, covering its command-line interface and HashiCorp Configuration Language. You’ll learn best practices, architectural patterns, and how to implement Terraform across virtual machines, Docker/Kubernetes, serverless environments, and cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP. The book also covers integrating Terraform into CI/CD pipelines with other technologies to automate infrastructure provisioning and management.Additional chapters focus on security, monitoring, troubleshooting, and cost optimization. You'll also gain insights into preparing for the Terraform Associate certification. By the end, you’ll have the skills to build, automate, and manage cloud infrastructure effectively.
With almost 2 million apps on the App Store, iOS mobile apps continue to be incredibly popular. Anyone can reach millions of customers around the world by publishing their apps on the App Store, which means that competent iOS developers are in high demand.iOS 16 Programming for Beginners, Seventh Edition, is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to iOS, covering the entire process of learning the Swift language, writing your own app, and publishing it on the App Store.This book follows a hands-on approach. With step-by-step tutorials to real-life examples and easy-to-understand explanations of complicated topics, each chapter will help you learn and practice the Swift language to build your apps and introduce exciting new technologies to incorporate into your apps. You'll learn how to publish iOS apps and work with new iOS 16 features such as Mac Catalyst, SwiftUI, Lock Screen widgets, WeatherKit, and much more.By the end of this iOS development book, you'll have the knowledge and skills to write and publish interesting apps, and more importantly, to use the online resources available to enhance your app development journey.
Frahaan Hussain, Sunny Pradhan
Elevate SwiftUI Skills by Building Projects helps you harness the cutting-edge potential of SwiftUI and its innovative and user-friendly approach to crafting user interfaces for Apple platforms with the power of Swift. This book will enhance your UI programming skills with SwiftUI through a project-based methodology, guiding you to create four real-world projects.Starting with a quick recap of Swift and SwiftUI, you’ll gradually develop projects tailored for iPhone, iPad, macOS, and watchOS using Swift and Xcode. You’ll experience SwiftUI’s versatility in action as you build a tax calculator for iPhone and a photo gallery for the iPad, which uses a larger display to enhance the viewing experience. You’ll also create an app store for Mac and, finally, get to grips with the power of SwiftUI for smaller devices such as the Apple Watch by designing a Fitness Companion app.By the end of this book, you'll have built fully functional projects across multiple platforms and gained the expertise needed to excel as a professional SwiftUI developer.
Jorge Ramon, Jorge Ramon, Adam Mishcom
Using Ext JS you can easily build desktop-style interfaces in your web applications. Over 400,000 developers are working smarter with Ext JS and yet most of them fail to exercise all of the features that this powerful JavaScript library has to offer.Get to grips with all of the features that you would expect with this quick and easy-to-follow Ext JS Cookbook. This book provides clear instructions for getting the most out of Ext JS with and offers many exercises to build impressive rich internet applications. This cookbook shows techniques and patterns for building particular interface styles and features in Ext JS. Pick what you want and move ahead.It teaches you how to use all of the Ext JS widgets and components smartly, through practical examples and exercises. Native and custom layouts, forms, grids, listviews, treeviews, charts, tab panels, menus, toolbars, and many more components are covered in a multitude of examples.The book also looks at best practices on data storage, application architecture, code organization, presenting recipes for improving themóour cookbook provides expert information for people working with Ext JS.
Kristian Margaryan Jorgensen, Tameem Bahri
With ever-growing digital transformation programs involving Salesforce, there is a greater need for a comprehensive overview of the phases and activities specific to Salesforce implementations. This book will act as a detailed guide for your Salesforce implementation journey, including common issues and pitfalls to mitigate and prevent errors.The Salesforce End-to-End Implementation Handbook starts with the pre-development phase. Here you’ll understand how to define the vision and nature of your project, determine your change management strategy and delivery methodology, learn to build a business case for your project, get insights on engaging with Salesforce and implementation partners, and learn to establish a governance framework.As you progress, you’ll gain insights on the necessary activities, milestones, and common issues faced in salesforce implementation, along with strategies to mitigate them. At the end of each section, you’ll find evaluation checklists to assess the state of your Salesforce implementation.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to set up Salesforce projects and programs effectively and deliver maximum ROI.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the technologies of the future, and this is the perfect time to tap into their potential and add value to your business. Machine Learning for Emotion Analysis in Python helps you employ these cutting-edge technologies in your customer feedback system and in turn grow your business exponentially. With this book, you’ll take your foundational data science skills and grow them in the exciting realm of emotion analysis. By following a practical approach, you’ll turn customer feedback into meaningful insights assisting you in making smart and data-driven business decisions.The book will help you understand how to preprocess data, build a serviceable dataset, and ensure top-notch data quality. Once you’re set up for success, you’ll explore complex ML techniques, uncovering the concepts of deep neural networks, support vector machines, conditional probabilities, and more. Finally, you’ll acquire practical knowledge using in-depth use cases showing how the experimental results can be transformed into real-life examples and how emotion mining can help track short- and long-term changes in public opinion. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to use emotion mining and analysis to drive business decisions.
Learning iOS UI Development. Implement complex iOS user interfaces with ease using Swift
Justin Stenning, Yari D'areglia, Jonathan Grant
Through this comprehensive one-stop guide, you’ll get to grips with the entire UIKit framework and in a flash, you’ll be creating modern user interfaces for your iOS devices using Swift.Starting with an overview of the iOS drawing system and the available tools, you will then learn how to use these technologies to create adaptable layouts and custom elements for your applications. Next, you’ll be introduced to other topics such as animation and code-drawing with Core Graphics, which will give you all the knowledge you need to create astonishing user interfaces.By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation in iOS user interface development and will have gained valuable insights on the process of building firm and complex UIs.
Confidence Staveley, Christopher Romeo
APIs have evolved into an essential part of modern applications, making them an attractive target for cybercriminals. Written by a multi-award-winning cybersecurity leader , this comprehensive guide offers practical insights into testing APIs, identifying vulnerabilities, and fixing them.With a focus on hands-on learning, this book guides you through securing your APIs in a step-by-step manner. You'll learn how to bypass authentication controls, circumvent authorization controls, and identify vulnerabilities in APIs using open-source and commercial tools. Moreover, you'll gain the skills you need to write comprehensive vulnerability reports and recommend and implement effective mitigation strategies to address the identified vulnerabilities. This book isn't just about hacking APIs; it's also about understanding how to defend them. You'll explore various API security management strategies and understand how to use them to safeguard APIs against emerging threats.By the end of this book, you'll have a profound understanding of API security and how to defend against the latest threats. Whether you're a developer, security professional, or ethical hacker, this book will ensure that your APIs are secure and your organization's data is protected.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a vast array of tools and applications to meet various Customer Engagement requirements. This Customer Relationship Management (CRM) guide covers the latest advancements in Dynamics 365 and Power Platform that help organizations adapt to changing market conditions for agility and resilience.With this book, you'll explore the core platform functionality of Dynamics 365 and explore its wide range of components for transforming your business with new services and capabilities. You’ll learn the basics of configuration and customization to enhance the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and create solutions and custom applications by leveraging features such as apps, portals, automation, and business intelligence. As you advance, you’ll understand how Power Platform drives Dynamics 365 and how various integration capabilities add value by providing a comprehensive view of data aggregated across different systems and data sources. Finally, you’ll delve into core administration concepts that will help you to manage extensions added to the platform.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to tailor Microsoft Dynamics 365 to fit your organization’s requirements and tweak the platform to meet your business needs.
The CISSP exam is for security professionals who understand that poor security can put a company out of business. The exam covers eight important security domains - risk management, security architecture, data security, network security, identity management, auditing, security operations, and software development security. Designed to cover all the concepts tested in the CISSP exam, CISSP (ISC)2 Certification Practice Exams and Tests will assess your knowledge of information security and introduce you to the tools you need to master to pass the CISSP exam (version May 2021). With more than 100 questions for every CISSP domain, this book will test your understanding and fill the gaps in your knowledge with the help of descriptive answers and detailed explanations. You'll also find two complete practice exams that simulate the real CISSP exam, along with answers. By the end of this book, you'll be ready to take and pass the (ISC)2 CISSP exam and achieve the Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification putting you in the position to build a career as a security engineer, security manager, or chief information security officer (CISO)
The Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook is back with a new edition, featuring over 100 PowerShell recipes that will make your day-to-day work easier. This book is designed to help you learn how to install, configure and use PowerShell 7.2 effectively.To start with, we’ll look at how to install and configure PowerShell 7.2, along with useful new features and optimizations, and show you how the PowerShell compatibility solution bridges the gap to older versions of PowerShell. We’ll also be covering a wide range of fundamental and more advanced use cases, including how to create a VM and set up an Azure VPN, as well as looking at how to back up to Azure. As you progress, you’ll explore topics such as using PowerShell to manage networking and DHCP in Windows Server, objects in Active Directory, Hyper-V, and Azure. We’ll also take a closer look at WSUS, containers and see how to handle modules that are not directly compatible with PowerShell 7. Finally, you’ll also learn how to use some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server.By the end of this PowerShell book, you’ll know how to use PowerShell 7.2 to automate tasks on Windows Server 2022 with ease, helping your Windows environment to run faster and smoother.