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Blogging is a way of publicly thinking and sharing. It allows us to connect with others, crystallize our thoughts, and get authentic feedback from others in education – parents, students, and educators from all over the world. This translates into becoming an effective practitioner. Edublogs allows you to build a platform where you can share your life and knowledge with others. Connect with other educators and support each other as you grow together.Instant Edublogs will show you how to start a blog and improve it with powerful plugins. It then goes into detail about how to choose and customize engaging themes, write and manage posts, and even more. It will delve into the most advanced features that Edublogs offers and help you start blogging collectively with your students.Instant Edublogs takes a systemic and step-by-step approach from the very beginning. It will show you how to start a blog, and choose a title and theme. It then moves onto the more advanced features, such as utilizing plugins for specialized functionality and growing readership through social media. This book also gives you tips and ideas on how to reach out to your students so that they can reap the benefits of community and public writing. Follow this book to become a pro at blogging with Edublogs.
With the power and versatility of the Inkscape software, making charts, diagrams, illustrations, and UI mockups with infinite resolution becomes enjoyable. If you’re looking to get up to speed with vector illustration in no time, this comprehensive guide has got your back! Design Made Easy with Inkscape is easy to follow and teaches you everything you need to know to create graphics that you can use and reuse forever, for free!You’ll benefit from the author’s industry experience as you go over the basics of vector illustration, discovering tips and tricks for getting professional graphics done fast by leveraging Inkscape's powerful toolset. This book teaches by example, using a great variety of use cases from icons and logos to illustration, web design, and product design. You’ll learn about hotkeys and take a best-practices approach developed over ten years of using Inkscape as a design tool in production. What’s more, this book also includes links to free graphics resources that you can use in all your projects.Whether you’re a new user or a professional, by the end of this book, you’ll have full understanding of how to use Inkscape and its myriad of excellent features to make stunning graphics for your projects.
Christiaan Brinkhoff, Sandeep Patnaik, Morten Pedholt, Panos Panay, ...
Written by experts from the Windows 365 product group and a seasoned Microsoft MVP, this book offers a unique perspective on the features, functionality, and best practices of Windows 365. Drawing from their extensive professional experience and insight, the authors provide invaluable knowledge for those eager to learn about the next generation of cloud computing. Get ready to gain deep insights into this cutting-edge technology from industry insiders.Mastering Windows 365 starts by covering the fundamentals of Windows 365, helping you gain a deep understanding of deployment, management, access, security, analysis, and extensions with partner solutions. As you progress, you’ll explore the different connectivity layers and options to optimize your network connectivity from the endpoint to your Cloud PC. You’ll also learn how to manage a Cloud PC via the Microsoft Intune admin center successfully and experience how Windows and Windows 365 come together to provide new integrated experiences with Windows 11. In addition, this book will help you prepare for the new MD-102 Endpoint Administrator Exam, enhancing your career prospects.By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully plan, set up, and deploy Windows 365 Cloud PCs.
With the rising demand for and recent enhancements in IoT, a developer with sound knowledge of IoT is the need of the hour. This book will help you design, build, and operate large-scale E2E IoT solutions to transform your business and products, increase revenue, and reduce operational costs.Starting with an overview of how IoT technologies can help you solve your business problems, this book will be a useful guide to helping you implement end-to-end IoT solution architecture. You'll learn to select IoT devices; real-time operating systems; IoT Edge covering Edge location, software, and hardware; and the best IoT connectivity for your IoT solution. As you progress, you'll work with IoT device management, IoT data analytics, IoT platforms, and put these components to work as part of your IoT solution. You'll also be able to build IoT backend cloud from scratch by leveraging the modern app architecture paradigms and cloud-native technologies such as containers and microservices. Finally, you'll discover best practices for different operational excellence pillars, including high availability, resiliency, reliability, security, cost optimization, and high performance, which should be applied for large-scale production-grade IoT solutions.By the end of this IoT book, you'll be confident in designing, building, and operating IoT solutions.
Animation is one of the most important parts of any game. Modern animation systems work directly with track-driven animation and provide support for advanced techniques such as inverse kinematics (IK), blend trees, and dual quaternion skinning.This book will walk you through everything you need to get an optimized, production-ready animation system up and running, and contains all the code required to build the animation system. You’ll start by learning the basic principles, and then delve into the core topics of animation programming by building a curve-based skinned animation system. You’ll implement different skinning techniques and explore advanced animation topics such as IK, animation blending, dual quaternion skinning, and crowd rendering. The animation system you will build following this book can be easily integrated into your next game development project. The book is intended to be read from start to finish, although each chapter is self-contained and can be read independently as well.By the end of this book, you’ll have implemented a modern animation system and got to grips with optimization concepts and advanced animation techniques.
We live in a highly networked world. Every digital device—phone, tablet, or computer is connected to each other, in one way or another. In this new age of connected networks, there is network crime. Network forensics is the brave new frontier of digital investigation and information security professionals to extend their abilities to catch miscreants on the network.The book starts with an introduction to the world of network forensics and investigations. You will begin by getting an understanding of how to gather both physical and virtual evidence, intercepting and analyzing network data, wireless data packets, investigating intrusions, and so on. You will further explore the technology, tools, and investigating methods using malware forensics, network tunneling, and behaviors. By the end of the book, you will gain a complete understanding of how to successfully close a case.
Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-based SaaS ERP proposition from Microsoft. With development practices becoming more formal, implementing changes or new features is not as simple as it used to be back when Dynamics 365 Business Central was called Navigator, Navision Financials, or Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision, and the call for test automation is increasing.This book will show you how to leverage the testing tools available in Dynamics 365 Business Central to perform automated testing. Starting with a quick introduction to automated testing and test-driven development (TDD), you'll get an overview of test automation in Dynamics 365 Business Central. You'll then learn how to design and build automated tests and explore methods to progress from requirements to application and testing code. Next, you'll find out how you can incorporate your own as well as Microsoft tests into your development practice. With the addition of three new chapters, this second edition covers in detail how to construct complex scenarios, write testable code, and test processes with incoming and outgoing calls.By the end of this book, you'll be able to write your own automated tests for Microsoft Business Central.
Dr. Pablo Rivas, Laura Montoya
With information on the web exponentially increasing, it has become more difficult than ever to navigate through everything to find reliable content that will help you get started with deep learning. This book is designed to help you if you're a beginner looking to work on deep learning and build deep learning models from scratch, and you already have the basic mathematical and programming knowledge required to get started.The book begins with a basic overview of machine learning, guiding you through setting up popular Python frameworks. You will also understand how to prepare data by cleaning and preprocessing it for deep learning, and gradually go on to explore neural networks. A dedicated section will give you insights into the working of neural networks by helping you get hands-on with training single and multiple layers of neurons. Later, you will cover popular neural network architectures such as CNNs, RNNs, AEs, VAEs, and GANs with the help of simple examples, and learn how to build models from scratch. At the end of each chapter, you will find a question and answer section to help you test what you've learned through the course of the book.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with deep learning concepts and have the knowledge you need to use specific algorithms with various tools for different tasks.
Scheduler (DBMS_SCHEDULER) is included in Oracle Database and is a tool for the automation, management, and control of jobs. It enables users to schedule jobs running inside the database such as PL/SQL procedures or PL/SQL blocks, as well as jobs running outside the database like shell scripts. Scheduler ensures that jobs are run on time, automates business processes, and optimizes the use of available resources.You just need to specify a fixed date and time and Scheduler will do the rest. What if you don't know the precise time to execute your job? Nothing to worry about, you can specify an event upon which you want your job to be done and Scheduler will execute your job at the appropriate time. Although scheduling sounds quite easy, it requires programming skills and knowledge to set up such a powerful, intelligent scheduler for your project.This book is your practical guide to DBMS_SCHEDULER for setting up platform-independent schedules that automate the execution of time-based or event-based job processes. It will show you how to automate business processes, and help you manage and monitor those jobs efficiently and effectively. It explains how Scheduler can be used to achieve the tasks you need to make happen in the real world. With a little understanding of how the Scheduler can be used and what kind of control it gives, you will be able to recognize the real power that many known enterprise-class schedulers ñ with serious price tags ñ cannot compete with.You will see how running a specific program can be made dependent on the successful running of certain other programs, and how to separate various tasks using the built-in security mechanisms. You will learn to manage resources to balance the load on your system, and gain increased database performance.
Google Cloud for Developers. Write, migrate, and extend your code by leveraging Google Cloud
Hector Parra Martinez, Isaac Hernández Vargas
As more organizations embrace cloud computing, developers new to the cloud often feel overwhelmed by cloud migration and code running directly on the cloud. Google Cloud for Developers comes packed with practical tips and expert advice to accelerate your application development journey and help you unlock the full potential of cloud computing.You’ll begin by understanding and comparing all the available options to run your code. You’ll write, deploy, monitor, and troubleshoot your code without leaving the Google Cloud IDE while selecting the best option – serverless or GKE containers – for each use case. After that, you’ll get to grips with the basic Google Cloud infrastructure services and connect your code with public APIs. This will help you add features to your application, such as language translation and object detection in images or videos. Furthermore, you’ll explore a comprehensive list of tips and best practices to make your migration smooth. You’ll also gain the necessary knowledge to write code from scratch, by employing the basics of hybrid cloud applications and build services that can run virtually anywhere.By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to carry out the application development process and successfully move your code to Google Cloud.
Navigating GitHub Actions often leaves developers grappling with inefficiencies and collaboration bottlenecks. Mastering GitHub Actions offers solutions to these challenges, ensuring smoother software development.With 16 extensive chapters, this book simplifies GitHub Actions, walking you through its vast capabilities, from team and enterprise features to organization defaults, self-hosted runners, and monitoring tools. You’ll learn how to craft reusable workflows, design bespoke templates, publish actions, incorporate external services, and introduce enhanced security measures. Through hands-on examples, you’ll gain best-practice insights for team-based GitHub Actions workflows and discover strategies for maximizing organization accounts.Whether you’re a software engineer or a DevOps guru, by the end of this book, you'll be adept at amplifying productivity and leveraging automation's might to refine your development process.
Scott Surovich, Marc Boorshtein
Containerization has changed the DevOps game completely, with Docker and Kubernetes playing important roles in altering the flow of app creation and deployment. This book will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment.The book begins by introducing you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You’ll then get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities, including how to create ephemeral multinode clusters using kind. As you make progress, you’ll learn about cluster architecture, Kubernetes cluster deployment, and cluster management, and get started with application deployment. Moving on, you’ll find out how to integrate your container to a cloud platform and integrate tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), pod security policies (PSPs), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire platform to the cloud using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).By the end of this Kubernetes book, you will have learned how to create development clusters for testing applications and Kubernetes components, and be able to secure and audit a cluster by implementing various open-source solutions including OpenUnison, OPA, Falco, Kibana, and Velero.
Christopher Duffy, Mohit Raj, Cameron Buchanan, Andrew Mabbitt, ...
Cybercriminals are always one step ahead, when it comes to tools and techniques. This means you need to use the same tools and adopt the same mindset to properly secure your software. This course shows you how to do just that, demonstrating how effective Python can be for powerful pentesting that keeps your software safe. Comprising of three key modules, follow each one to push your Python and security skills to the next level.In the first module, we’ll show you how to get to grips with the fundamentals. This means you’ll quickly find out how to tackle some of the common challenges facing pentesters using custom Python tools designed specifically for your needs. You’ll also learn what tools to use and when, giving you complete confidence when deploying your pentester tools to combat any potential threat.In the next module you’ll begin hacking into the application layer. Covering everything from parameter tampering, DDoS, XXS and SQL injection, it will build on the knowledge and skills you learned in the first module to make you an even more fluent security expert.Finally in the third module, you’ll find more than 60 Python pentesting recipes. We think this will soon become your trusted resource for any pentesting situation.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning Penetration Testing with Python by Christopher Duffy? Python Penetration Testing Essentials by Mohit? Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook by Cameron Buchanan,Terry Ip, Andrew Mabbitt, Benjamin May and Dave Mound
jQuery Mobile is a HTML5-based touch-optimized web framework. jQuery Mobile can be used to build responsive cross-platform websites and apps for a wide range of smartphones, tablets, and desktop devices. The jQuery Mobile framework can be integrated with other mobile app frameworks such as PhoneGap, IBM Worklight, and more.Introduction to jQuery Mobile explains how to add the framework to your HTML pages to create rich, mobile-optimized web pages with minimal effort. You’ll learn how to use jQuery Mobile’s automatic enhancements and configure the framework for customized, powerful mobile-friendly websites. We then dig into forms, events, and styling. You'll see how jQuery Mobile automatically enhances content, and will find out how to use the JavaScript API to build complex sites. We’ll introduce you to how jQuery Mobile can be themed as well looking into how JavaScript can be used for deep sets of customizations. The examples are ready to run and can be used to help kick-start your own site. Along the way, you will leverage all the concepts you learn to build three sample mobile applications.