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ESP32, a low-cost and energy-efficient system-on-a-chip microcontroller, has become the backbone of numerous WiFi devices, fueling IoT innovation. This book offers a holistic approach to building an IoT system from the ground up, ensuring secure data communication from sensors to cloud platforms, empowering you to create production-grade IoT solutions using the ESP32 SoC.Starting with IoT essentials supported by real-world use cases, this book takes you through the entire process of constructing an IoT device using ESP32. Each chapter introduces new dimensions to your IoT applications, covering sensor communication, the integration of prominent IoT libraries like LittleFS and LVGL, connectivity options via WiFi, security measures, cloud integration, and the visualization of real-time data using Grafana. Furthermore, a dedicated section explores AI/ML for embedded systems, guiding you through building and running ML applications with tinyML and ESP32-S3 to create state-of-the-art embedded products.This book adopts a hands-on approach, ensuring you can start building IoT solutions right from the beginning. Towards the end of the book, you'll tackle a full-scale Smart Home project, applying all the techniques you've learned in real-time.Embark on your journey to build secure, production-grade IoT systems with ESP32 today!
Blockchain is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, with applications in finance, government, media, and other industries. With a legacy of providing technologists with executable insights, this new edition of Mastering Blockchain is thoroughly revised and updated to the latest blockchain research with four new chapters on consensus algorithms, Serenity (the update that will introduce Ethereum 2.0), tokenization, and enterprise blockchains.This book covers the basics, including blockchain’s technical underpinnings, cryptography and consensus protocols. It also provides you with expert knowledge on decentralization, decentralized application development on Ethereum, Bitcoin, alternative coins, smart contracts, alternative blockchains, and Hyperledger.Further, you will explore blockchain solutions beyond cryptocurrencies such as the Internet of Things with blockchain, enterprise blockchains, tokenization using blockchain, and consider the future scope of this fascinating and disruptive technology.By the end of this book, you will have gained a thorough comprehension of the various facets of blockchain and understand their potential in diverse real-world scenarios.
Network programming and automation, unlike traditional networking, is a modern-day skill that helps in configuring, managing, and operating networks and network devices. This book will guide you with important information, helping you set up and start working with network programming and automation.With Network Programming and Automation Essentials, you’ll learn the basics of networking in brief. You’ll explore the network programming and automation ecosystem, learn about the leading programmable interfaces, and go through the protocols, tools, techniques, and technologies associated with network programming. You’ll also master network automation using Python and Go with hands-on labs and real network emulation in this comprehensive guide.By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to program and automate networks efficiently.
Mastering FreeSWITCH. Advanced tips and tricks for advanced multimedia communication
Anthony Minessale II, Giovanni Maruzzelli, Russell Treleaven, Seven Du, ...
FreeSWITCH is one of the best tools around if you’re looking for a modern method of managing communication protocols through a range of different media. From real-time browser communication with the WebRTC API to implementing VoIP (voice over internet protocol), with FreeSWITCH you’re in full control of your projects. This book shows you how to unlock its full potential – more than just a tutorial, it’s packed with plenty of tips and tricks to make it work for you.Written by members of the team who actually helped build FreeSWITCH, it will guide you through some of the newest features of version 1.6 including video transcoding and conferencing. Find out how FreeSWITCH interacts with other tools and APIs, learn how to tackle common (and not so common) challenges ranging from high availability to IVR development and programming advanced PBXs. Great communication functionality begins with FreeSWITCH – find out how and get your project up and running today.
With cyber threats on the rise, IT professionals are now choosing cybersecurity as the next step to boost their career, and holding the relevant certification can prove to be a game-changer in this competitive market. CISM is one of the top-paying and most sought-after certifications by employers.This CISM Certification Guide comprises comprehensive self-study exam content for those who want to achieve CISM certification on the first attempt. This book is a great resource for information security leaders with a pragmatic approach to challenges related to real-world case scenarios. You'll learn about the practical aspects of information security governance and information security risk management. As you advance through the chapters, you'll get to grips with information security program development and management. The book will also help you to gain a clear understanding of the procedural aspects of information security incident management.By the end of this CISM exam book, you'll have covered everything needed to pass the CISM certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.
Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms, Second Edition helps you harness the real power of machine learning algorithms in order to implement smarter ways of meeting today's overwhelming data needs. This newly updated and revised guide will help you master algorithms used widely in semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning domains.You will use all the modern libraries from the Python ecosystem – including NumPy and Keras – to extract features from varied complexities of data. Ranging from Bayesian models to the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to Hidden Markov models, this machine learning book teaches you how to extract features from your dataset, perform complex dimensionality reduction, and train supervised and semi-supervised models by making use of Python-based libraries such as scikit-learn. You will also discover practical applications for complex techniques such as maximum likelihood estimation, Hebbian learning, and ensemble learning, and how to use TensorFlow 2.x to train effective deep neural networks.By the end of this book, you will be ready to implement and solve end-to-end machine learning problems and use case scenarios.
With support for both server-side and client-side hosting, as well as the flexibility to mix render modes, Blazor empowers you to leverage cloud computing while maintaining the performance of local applications. Paweł Bazyluk—a Blazor expert with over a decade of experience in .NET technologies—shows you how Blazor, a Microsoft framework, enables you to create interactive web applications using C# and .NET, while reducing reliance on JavaScript. This cookbook highlights Blazor’s vast possibilities using practical recipes that address key aspects of web development and showcase the framework's versatility in building modern, integrated applications.Pawel demonstrates how to skillfully navigate component-based architecture, and create, parameterize, and customize components to achieve high modularity. Working through practical insights and hands-on guidance in each chapter, you’ll progress from advanced data binding and event handling intricacies to optimizing data display using grids. You’ll explore application state management, build interactive forms with validation, leverage Blazor’s routing engine, and keep every part of the application secure. The book also explores cutting-edge topics, touching on how to enhance your application with AI-powered features.By the end of the book, you’ll be fully equipped to build robust, scalable, and secure web applications in Blazor.
Blazor is an essential tool if you want to build interactive web apps without JavaScript, but it has a learning curve. Updated with the latest code in .NET 7 and C# 11 and written by someone who adopted Blazor early, this book will help you overcome the challenges associated with being a beginner with Blazor and teach you the best coding practices.You’ll start by learning how to leverage the power of Blazor and exploring the full capabilities of both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. Then you'll move on to the practical part, centered around a sample project – a blog engine. You'll apply all your newfound knowledge about creating Blazor projects, the inner workings of Razor syntax, validating forms, and creating your own components.This new edition also looks at source generators, dives deeper into Blazor WebAssembly with ahead-of-time, and includes a dedicated new chapter demonstrating how to move components of an existing JavaScript (Angular, React) or MVC-based website to Blazor or combine the two. You’ll also see how to use Blazor (Hybrid) together with .NET MAUI to create cross-platform desktop and mobile applications.When you reach the end of this book, you'll have the confidence you need to create and deploy production-ready Blazor applications, and you'll have a big-picture view of the Blazor landscape.
Max 6 and TouchDesigner are both high-level visual programming languages based on the metaphor of connecting computational objects with patch cords. This guide will teach you how to design and build high-quality audio-visual systems in Max 6 and TouchDesigner, giving you competence in both designing and using these real-time systems. In the first few chapters, you will learn the basics of designing tools to generate audio-visual experiences through easy-to-follow instructions aimed at beginners and intermediate. Then, we combine tools such as Gen, Jitter, and TouchDesigner to work along with Max 6 to create 2D and 3D visualizations, this book provides you with tutorials based on creating generative art synchronized to audio. By the end of the book, you will be able to design and structure highly interactive, real-time systems.
Take your React development skills to the next level by examining common anti-patterns with expert insights and practical solutions, to refine your codebases into sophisticated and scalable creations. Through this easy-to-follow guide, React Anti-Patterns serves as a roadmap to elevating the efficiency and maintainability of your React projects.You’ll begin by familiarizing yourself with the essential aspects of React before exploring strategies for structuring React applications and creating well-organized, modular, and easy-to-maintain codebases. From identifying and addressing common anti-patterns using refactoring techniques to harnessing the power of test-driven development (TDD), you’ll learn about the tools and techniques necessary to create reliable and robust tests. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with business logic and design patterns that offer solutions to prevalent challenges faced in React development. The book also offers insights into using composition patterns, such as code splitting and multiple entry points, to enhance the flexibility and modularity of your React applications, guiding you through end-to-end project implementation.By the end of this React book, you’ll be able to overcome common challenges and pitfalls to transform your React projects into elegant, efficient, and maintainable codebases.
Paul Iusztin, Maxime Labonne, Julien Chaumond, Hamza Tahir, ...
Artificial intelligence has undergone rapid advancements, and Large Language Models (LLMs) are at the forefront of this revolution. This LLM book offers insights into designing, training, and deploying LLMs in real-world scenarios by leveraging MLOps best practices. The guide walks you through building an LLM-powered twin that’s cost-effective, scalable, and modular. It moves beyond isolated Jupyter notebooks, focusing on how to build production-grade end-to-end LLM systems.Throughout this book, you will learn data engineering, supervised fine-tuning, and deployment. The hands-on approach to building the LLM Twin use case will help you implement MLOps components in your own projects. You will also explore cutting-edge advancements in the field, including inference optimization, preference alignment, and real-time data processing, making this a vital resource for those looking to apply LLMs in their projects.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in deploying LLMs that solve practical problems while maintaining low-latency and high-availability inference capabilities. Whether you are new to artificial intelligence or an experienced practitioner, this book delivers guidance and practical techniques that will deepen your understanding of LLMs and sharpen your ability to implement them effectively.