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Educators use the Moodle web application to create effective online learning sites. Creating such learning environments that suit Design and Technology subjects requires understanding and implementation of both basic and advanced Moodle features.This book takes a detailed look at Moodle features with examples of how to fully support the Design and Technology curricula using Moodle. It will guide you to incorporate specific modules and blocks to enhance learning as well as allow detailed tracking of performance by using formative and summative assessment tools with ease.We start with setting up a very basic Moodle course for Design and Technology, and then set up some basic resources and some interactive material. You will customize your own courses and create a course for each of the key areas of the DT subjects and add material to them. We will create some basic reporting and assessment tools and enhance the look of the course. We will use Moodle's detailed and sophisticated gradebook to assess your student s ' learning progress in activities from an assignment to an offline activity. Then we will support students in designing a product or trying a new recipe in food technology in market research to find out exactly what the public wants in relation to their product, by designing a questionnaire. We will allow product design or resistant material students use the HTML features of the questionnaire module to incorporate images into the questions to make it clearer to respondents what it is they are trying to make and sell.We will allow students in construction to gather and organize their research material in a great deal of detail and also allow them to better understand their target market and the materials used in their construction through detailed questioning. We will allow food technology students to discuss and receive constructive feedback on food products that contribute to health issues that will enable them to make informed decisions and therefore better quality products. Then we explore several components within Moodle's core functionality and some third-party sources to display the progress of the student's work and development. We then have an overview of the different design portfolios available. Finally we look at additional ways to enhance the teaching and learning of D ' T with Moodle using third-party modules and add-ons.
Written by a Senior Solutions Architect at Databricks, Data Engineering with Databricks Cookbook will show you how to effectively use Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and Databricks for data engineering, starting with comprehensive introduction to data ingestion and loading with Apache Spark.What makes this book unique is its recipe-based approach, which will help you put your knowledge to use straight away and tackle common problems. You’ll be introduced to various data manipulation and data transformation solutions that can be applied to data, find out how to manage and optimize Delta tables, and get to grips with ingesting and processing streaming data. The book will also show you how to improve the performance problems of Apache Spark apps and Delta Lake. Advanced recipes later in the book will teach you how to use Databricks to implement DataOps and DevOps practices, as well as how to orchestrate and schedule data pipelines using Databricks Workflows. You’ll also go through the full process of setup and configuration of the Unity Catalog for data governance.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed in building reliable and scalable data pipelines using modern data engineering technologies.
Bass Jobsen, Ian Whitney, David Cochran
Packed with trade secrets, this second edition is your one-stop solution to creating websites that will provide the best experience for your users. We cover six popular, real-world examples, where each project teaches you about the various functionalities of Bootstrap 4 and their implementation.The book starts off by getting you up and running with the new features of Bootstrap 4 before gradually moving on to customizing your blog with Bootstrap and SASS, building a portfolio site, and turning it into a WordPress theme. In the process, you will learn to recompile Bootstrap files using SASS, design a user interface, and integrate JavaScript plugins. Towards the end of the book, you will also be introduced to integrating Bootstrap 4 with popular application frameworks such as Angular 2, Ruby on Rails, and React.
AWS cloud technologies help businesses scale and innovate, however, adopting modern architecture and applications can be a real challenge. This book is a comprehensive guide that ensures your switch to AWS services is smooth and hitch-free. It will enable you to make optimal decisions to bring out the best ROI from AWS cloud adoption.Beginning with nuances of cloud transformation on AWS, you’ll be able to plan and implement the migration steps. The book will facilitate your system modernization journey by getting you acquainted with various technical domains, namely, applications, databases, big data, analytics, networking, and security. Once you’ve learned about the different operations, budgeting, and management best practices such as the 6 Rs of migration approaches and the AWS Well-Architected Framework, you’ll be able to achieve operational excellence in cloud adoption. You’ll also learn how to deploy some of the important AWS tools and services with real-life case studies and use cases.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to successfully implement cloud migration and modernization on AWS and make decisions that best suit your organization.
Hafsa Asad, Vishwesh Ravi Shrimali, Nikhil Singh
Computer Vision (CV) has become an important aspect of AI technology. From driverless cars to medical diagnostics and monitoring the health of crops to fraud detection in banking, computer vision is used across all domains to automate tasks. The Computer Vision Workshop will help you understand how computers master the art of processing digital images and videos to mimic human activities.Starting with an introduction to the OpenCV library, you'll learn how to write your first script using basic image processing operations. You'll then get to grips with essential image and video processing techniques such as histograms, contours, and face processing. As you progress, you'll become familiar with advanced computer vision and deep learning concepts, such as object detection, tracking, and recognition, and finally shift your focus from 2D to 3D visualization. This CV course will enable you to experiment with camera calibration and explore both passive and active canonical 3D reconstruction methods.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the practical skills necessary for building powerful applications to solve computer vision problems.
Salesforce stands as a leading cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform with extensive support for businesses in managing their sales, marketing, customer service, and other critical activities. Becoming a Salesforce Architect opens doors to lucrative career opportunities in a thriving industry, given the high demand for skilled professionals.This guide offers expert insights and best practices for developers who want to ascend the Salesforce ladder, technical leads honing their prowess in Salesforce, and enthusiasts exploring the dynamic world of Salesforce architecture. Whether you’re seeking a roadmap to success as a Salesforce Architect or want to enhance your skills, this concise yet insightful report ensures your growth in the vibrant Salesforce community.This guide will help you change your mindset from developer to architect, highlighting key considerations when designing a solution for clients. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of the role of a Salesforce Architect and the prerequisites and essential soft skills necessary for success within the Salesforce ecosystem.
Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Vahid Mirjalili, Dmytro Dzhulgakov
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn is a comprehensive guide to machine learning and deep learning with PyTorch. It acts as both a step-by-step tutorial and a reference you'll keep coming back to as you build your machine learning systems.Packed with clear explanations, visualizations, and examples, the book covers all the essential machine learning techniques in depth. While some books teach you only to follow instructions, with this machine learning book, we teach the principles allowing you to build models and applications for yourself.Why PyTorch?PyTorch is the Pythonic way to learn machine learning, making it easier to learn and simpler to code with. This book explains the essential parts of PyTorch and how to create models using popular libraries, such as PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch Geometric.You will also learn about generative adversarial networks (GANs) for generating new data and training intelligent agents with reinforcement learning. Finally, this new edition is expanded to cover the latest trends in deep learning, including graph neural networks and large-scale transformers used for natural language processing (NLP).This PyTorch book is your companion to machine learning with Python, whether you're a Python developer new to machine learning or want to deepen your knowledge of the latest developments.
Thanks to its reliability, robustness, and high performance, PostgreSQL has become one of the most advanced open source databases on the market. This updated fourth edition will help you understand PostgreSQL administration and how to build dynamic database solutions for enterprise apps with the latest release of PostgreSQL, including designing both physical and technical aspects of the system architecture with ease.Starting with an introduction to the new features in PostgreSQL 13, this book will guide you in building efficient and fault-tolerant PostgreSQL apps. You’ll explore advanced PostgreSQL features, such as logical replication, database clusters, performance tuning, advanced indexing, monitoring, and user management, to manage and maintain your database. You’ll then work with the PostgreSQL optimizer, configure PostgreSQL for high speed, and move from Oracle to PostgreSQL. The book also covers transactions, locking, and indexes, and shows you how to improve performance with query optimization. You’ll also focus on how to manage network security and work with backups and replication while exploring useful PostgreSQL extensions that optimize the performance of large databases.By the end of this PostgreSQL book, you’ll be able to get the most out of your database by executing advanced administrative tasks.
Megan Roddie, Jason Deyalsingh, Gary J. Katz
Threat validation is the backbone of every strong security detection strategy—it ensures your detection pipeline is effective, reliable, and resilient against real-world threats.This comprehensive guide is designed for those new to detection validation, offering clear, actionable frameworks to help you assess, test, and refine your security detections with confidence. Covering the entire detection lifecycle, from development to validation, this book provides real-world examples, hands-on tutorials, and practical projects to solidify your skills.Beyond just technical know-how, this book empowers you to build a career in detection engineering, equipping you with the essential expertise to thrive in today’s cybersecurity landscape.By the end of this book, you'll have the tools and knowledge to fortify your organization’s defenses, enhance detection accuracy, and stay ahead of cyber threats.
Aaron Guilmette, Yura Lee, Marcos Zanre
The MS-900 exam tests your understanding of Microsoft 365 services and components, along with their implementation, security, licensing, and general cloud concepts. This revised third edition helps you gain detailed actionable insights into the topics included in the latest syllabus, covering each topic according to its weight in the exam.You’ll begin by reviewing key cloud concepts, including cloud computing, services, and development models, and then explore different cloud architectures and learn what Microsoft offers as a service in the form of SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with core Microsoft 365 components as well as the processes and tools used for managing Windows 10, Windows 11, and Microsoft 365 apps. This edition also includes expanded information on the Microsoft Viva Suite, formerly Workplace Analytics. The chapters shed light on security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365, and provide additional guidance regarding the pricing and support offered by Microsoft for different services and apps.By the end of this MS-900 book, you’ll have gained all the knowledge and skills needed to confidently appear for the exam.
Game development demands more than just creativity; it requires code that’s as dynamic and adaptable as the games you dream of creating. Seasoned Godot developer, educator and creator of popular resources like The Essential Guide to Creating Multiplayer Games with Godot 4.0, Henrique Campos introduces you to object-oriented programming design patterns, offering time-tested, reliable solutions to common coding issues. With these patterns, you’ll not only build scalable, maintainable architectures for your games but also gain the confidence to tackle real-world development challenges head-on with Godot's built-in features.In this hands-on guide, you’ll step into the role of a game mechanics engineer tasked with implementing requests from a fictional game designer, simulating the collaborative nature of real-world game development. Using Godot 4.3, you’ll develop a complete platformer game featuring a playable character, enemies with advanced AI, interactive objects, multiple levels, music, and more. Along the way, you’ll master core programming concepts such as SOLID principles, favor composition over inheritance, and have a solid understanding of object-oriented programming along with the principles behind the design patterns.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to diagnose and fix pathologies in your code with ease.
Learning ArcGIS for Desktop. Create, analyze, and map your spatial data with ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcGIS for Desktop is one of the main components of the ESRI ArcGIS platform used to support decision making and solve real-world mapping problems. Learning ArcGIS for Desktop is a tutorial-based guide that provides a practical experience for those who are interested in start working with ArcGIS. The first five chapters cover the basic concepts of working with the File Geodatabase, as well as editing and symbolizing geospatial data. Then, the book focuses on planning and performing spatial analysis on vector and raster data using the geoprocessing and modeling tools. Finally, the basic principles of cartography design will be used to create a quality map that presents the information that resulted from the spatial analysis previously performed. To keep you learning throughout the chapters, all exercises have partial and final results stored in the dataset that accompanies the book. Finally, the book offers more than it promises by using the ArcGIS Online component in the tutorials as source of background data and for results sharing
Jira Quick Start Guide. Manage your projects efficiently using the all-new Jira
Jira is an issue tracker and project management system. With their latest release, the Jira team has now expanded their user base to agile teams as well as business teams. This book provides a comprehensive explanation covering all major components of Jira, including Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Service Desk.This book starts with an introduction to Jira's unique features and how it can be used as an issue-tracking tool. It will then teach you about how a new project is created by a Jira administrator, what responsibilities there are, and using correct and relevant schemes in your project. You will then learn how to configure project workflows and fields for project screens.You will understand the various permissions used in projects and the importance of project roles in Jira. Then, the book talks about the concepts of versions acting as milestones and using components when handling issues in your projects. It will then focus on analysing data using built-in reports and creating dashboards in Jira. At the end, it will discuss various best practices for users as well as project managers or project administrators.
Low-code testing helps build better applications, freeing developers from frustrating problems faced while enhancing app features. Automate Testing for Power Apps will help you use automation testing to build better Canvas apps. You’ll start by understanding the fundamentals of automation testing, different approaches for low-code testing, and its application to Power Apps. Next, you’ll learn how to use Test Studio, Power Automate Desktop, and other tools to automate testing for your Canvas apps. You'll find out how to incorporate testing into your deployment processes for faster and more reliable releases. Additionally, this book covers advanced topics such as PCF components testing and model-driven apps. You’ll discover the new open-source project, Power Apps Test Engine, that’ll provide you with a single automated testing platform for all Power Apps. You'll learn how to test these more complex components to ensure the highest quality and business value for your Power Apps. By the end of this book, you'll have become a pro at using automation testing to build better Power Apps, reduce app release times, and increase the quality of your applications.
Ian Young, Ian Greenleaf Young
JavaScript is becoming one of the key languages in web development. It is now more important than ever across a growing list of platforms. CoffeeScript puts the fun back into JavaScript programming with elegant syntax and powerful features.CoffeeScript Application Development will give you an in-depth look at the CoffeeScript language, all while building a working web application. Along the way, you'll see all the great features CoffeeScript has to offer, and learn how to use them to deal with real problems like sprawling codebases, incomplete data, and asynchronous web requests.Through the course of this book you will learn the CoffeeScript syntax and see it demonstrated with simple examples. As you go, you'll put your new skills into practice by building a web application, piece by piece. You'll start with standard language features such as loops, functions, and string manipulation. Then, we'll delve into advanced features like classes and inheritance. Learn advanced idioms to deal with common occurrences like external web requests, and hone your technique for development tasks like debugging and refactoring.CoffeeScript Application Development will teach you not only how to write CoffeeScript, but also how to build solid applications that run smoothly and are a pleasure to maintain.
C++ Fundamentals. Hit the ground running with C++, the language that supports tech giants globally
Antonio Mallia, Francesco Zoffoli
C++ Fundamentals begins by introducing you to the C++ compilation model and syntax. You will then study data types, variable declaration, scope, and control flow statements. With the help of this book, you'll be able to compile fully working C++ code and understand how variables, references, and pointers can be used to manipulate the state of the program. Next, you will explore functions and classes — the features that C++ offers to organize a program — and use them to solve more complex problems. You will also understand common pitfalls and modern best practices, especially the ones that diverge from the C++98 guidelines.As you advance through the chapters, you'll study the advantages of generic programming and write your own templates to make generic algorithms that work with any type. This C++ book will guide you in fully exploiting standard containers and algorithms, understanding how to pick the appropriate one for each problem. By the end of this book, you will not only be able to write efficient code but also be equipped to improve the readability, performance, and maintainability of your programs.