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Web development
Building Forms with Vue.js. Patterns for building and scaling complex forms with great UX
Almost every web application and site out there handles user input in one way or another, from registration forms and log-in handling to registration and landing pages. Building Forms with Vue.js follows a step-by-step approach to help you create an efficient user interface (UI) and seamless user experience (UX) by building quick and easy-to-use forms.You’ll get off to a steady start by setting up the demo project. Next, you’ll get to grips with component composition from creating reusable form components through to implementing the custom input components. To further help you develop a convenient user input experience, the book will show you how to enhance custom inputs with v-mask. As you progress, you’ll get up to speed with using Vuelidate and Vuex to effectively integrate your forms. You’ll learn how to create forms that use global state, reactive instant user input validation and input masking, along with ensuring that they are completely schema-driven and connected to your application’s API. Every chapter builds on the concepts learned in the previous chapter, while also allowing you to skip ahead to the topics you’re most interested in.By the end of this book, you will have gained the skills you need to transform even the simplest form into a crafted user and developer experience with Vue.
Web scraping is an essential technique used in many organizations to gather valuable data from web pages. This book will enable you to delve into web scraping techniques and methodologies.The book will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of web scraping techniques and how they can be applied to multiple sets of web pages. You'll use powerful libraries from the Python ecosystem such as Scrapy, lxml, pyquery, and bs4 to carry out web scraping operations. You will then get up to speed with simple to intermediate scraping operations such as identifying information from web pages and using patterns or attributes to retrieve information. This book adopts a practical approach to web scraping concepts and tools, guiding you through a series of use cases and showing you how to use the best tools and techniques to efficiently scrape web pages. You'll even cover the use of other popular web scraping tools, such as Selenium, Regex, and web-based APIs.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to efficiently scrape the web using different techniques with Python and other popular tools.
David Upton, Jose Argudo Blanco, Rick Ellis
CodeIgniter (CI) is a powerful open-source PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter is an MVC framework, similar in some ways to the Rails framework for Ruby, and is designed to enable, not overwhelm.This book explains how to work with CodeIgniter in a clear logical way. It is not a detailed guide to the syntax of CodeIgniter, but makes an ideal complement to the existing online CodeIgniter user guide, helping you grasp the bigger picture and bringing together many ideas to get your application development started as smoothly as possible.This book will start you from the basics, installing CodeIgniter, understanding its structure and the MVC pattern. You will also learn how to use some of the most important CodeIgniter libraries and helpers, upload it to a shared server, and take care of the most common problems. If you are new to CodeIgniter, this book will guide you from bottom to top. If you are an experienced developer or already know about CodeIgniter, here you will find ideas and code examples to compare to your own.
Discover the power of Clang, a versatile compiler known for its compilation speed and insightful error and warning messages. This book will get you acquainted with the capabilities of Clang, helping you harness its features for performance improvements and modularity by creating custom compiler tools.While focused on Clang compiler frontend, this book also covers other parts of LLVM, essential to understanding Clang's functionality, to keep up with the constantly evolving LLVM project.Starting with LLVM fundamentals, from installation procedures to development tools, this book walks you through Clang's internal architecture and its integral role within LLVM. As you progress, you’ll also tackle optimizing compilation performance through features such as C++ modules and header maps.The later chapters cover tools developed using the Clang/LLVM, including clang-tidy for linting, refactoring tools, and IDE support, and feature many examples to illustrate the material.By the end of this book, you’ll have a solid understanding of Clang, different Clang Tools, and how to use them to their fullest potential.
Sculpting the Blender Way is a detailed step-by-step guide for creating digital art with the latest Blender 3D sculpting features. With over 400 reference images, 18 Sculpting in Action videos, and dozens of 3D sculpture example files, this book is an invaluable resource for traditional and digital sculptors looking to try their hand at sculpting in Blender.The first part of the book will teach you how to navigate Blender's user interface and familiarize yourself with the core workflows, as well as gain an understanding of how the sculpting features work, including basic sculpting, Dyntopo, the Voxel Remesher, QuadriFlow, and Multiresolution.You’ll also learn about a wide range of brushes and all of the latest additions to the sculpting feature set, such as Face Sets, Mesh Filters, and the Cloth brush. The next chapters will show you how to customize these brushes and features to create fantastic 3D sculptures that you can share with the ever-growing Blender community.By the end of this book, you'll have gained a complete understanding of the core sculpting workflows and be able to use Blender to bring your digital characters to life.
Richard Diver, Gary Bushey, John Perkins
Microsoft Sentinel is a security information and event management (SIEM) tool developed by Microsoft that helps you integrate cloud security and artificial intelligence (AI). This book will teach you how to implement Microsoft Sentinel and understand how it can help detect security incidents in your environment with integrated AI, threat analysis, and built-in and community-driven logic.The first part of this book will introduce you to Microsoft Sentinel and Log Analytics, then move on to understanding data collection and management, as well as how to create effective Microsoft Sentinel queries to detect anomalous behaviors and activity patterns. The next part will focus on useful features, such as entity behavior analytics and Microsoft Sentinel playbooks, along with exploring the new bi-directional connector for ServiceNow. In the next part, you’ll be learning how to develop solutions that automate responses needed to handle security incidents and find out more about the latest developments in security, techniques to enhance your cloud security architecture, and explore how you can contribute to the security community.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to implement Microsoft Sentinel to fit your needs and protect your environment from cyber threats and other security issues.
Karthiek Reddy Bokka, Shubhangi Hora, Tanuj Jain, Monicah Wambugu
Applying deep learning approaches to various NLP tasks can take your computational algorithms to a completely new level in terms of speed and accuracy. Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing starts by highlighting the basic building blocks of the natural language processing domain.The book goes on to introduce the problems that you can solve using state-of-the-art neural network models. After this, delving into the various neural network architectures and their specific areas of application will help you to understand how to select the best model to suit your needs. As you advance through this deep learning book, you’ll study convolutional, recurrent, and recursive neural networks, in addition to covering long short-term memory networks (LSTM). Understanding these networks will help you to implement their models using Keras. In later chapters, you will be able to develop a trigger word detection application using NLP techniques such as attention model and beam search.By the end of this book, you will not only have sound knowledge of natural language processing, but also be able to select the best text preprocessing and neural network models to solve a number of NLP issues.
Santonu Kumar Dhar, Chris Davenport
Joomla! is a content management system that helps both novice users and expert developers to create powerful websites. Joomla! has extensions for construcing job sites; web sites for handling employment and careers. It can take hours to build even an elementary job site but imagine yourself building a job site such as Monster, CareerBuilder, a niche job listing such as TechCrunch or your own company job site within few minutes and with minimal development efforts.Building job sites with Joomla! shows you how to create your own job site with Joomla! with the Jobs! Pro extension. From the basic installation and configuration, you will see all the steps required to assemble a working job site in next to no time.This book is a step-by-step tutorial for creating a job site using Joomla!. First you will set up a server environment to install Joomla! 1.5 and Jobs!. Next you will learn how you can use Jobs! configuration settings to control the components of your job site such as adding companies, adding social bookmarking buttons, enabling the users to post their resume online and so on. You will learn to easily manage your site using the Jobs! control panel. This will be followed by using job site template to quickly create a job site and simultaneously test the site you have created. Next you will learn how to speed up the communication between employers and the jobseekers using e-mail templates.You can also entirely control user registration system from Jobs! Pro admin panel. You will also learn to add and manage job types, job categories, and applications to keep your database organized and to keep track of the application status. You will also learn to add a jobseeker or an employer and to manage resume fields. Then you will configure credit systems to charge an amount of money to users according to the specific service provided. By the end of this book you will learn to professionally optimize your Joomla! Job site for search engines and look at list of words that need to be avoided in the URLs.
Blender is an incredibly powerful, free computer graphics program that provides a world-class, open-source graphics toolset for creating amazing assets in 3D. With Mind-Melding Unity and Blender for 3D Game Development, you'll discover how adding Blender to Unity can help you unlock unlimited new possibilities and reduce your reliance on third parties for creating your game assets.This game development book will broaden your knowledge of Unity and help you to get to grips with Blender's core capabilities for enhancing your games. You'll become familiar with creating new assets and modifying existing assets in Blender as the book shows you how to use the Asset Store and Package Manager to download assets in Unity and then export them to Blender for modification. You'll also learn how to modify existing and create new sci-fi-themed assets for a minigame project. As you advance, the book will guide you through creating 3D model props, scenery, and characters and demonstrate UV mapping and texturing. Additionally, you'll get hands-on with rigging, animation, and C# scripting.By the end of this Unity book, you'll have developed a simple yet exciting mini game with audio and visual effects, and a GUI. More importantly, you'll be ready to apply everything you've learned to your Unity game projects.
Python is the preferred choice of developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists everywhere. It is a great language that can power your applications and provide great speed, safety, and scalability. It can be used for simple scripting or sophisticated web applications. By exposing Python as a series of simple recipes, this book gives you insight into specific language features in a particular context. Having a tangible context helps make the language or a given standard library feature easier to understand.This book comes with 133 recipes on the latest version of Python 3.8. The recipes will benefit everyone, from beginners just starting out with Python to experts. You'll not only learn Python programming concepts but also how to build complex applications.The recipes will touch upon all necessary Python concepts related to data structures, object oriented programming, functional programming, and statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively take advantage of it.By the end of this Python book, you will be equipped with knowledge of testing, web services, configuration, and application integration tips and tricks. You will be armed with the knowledge of how to create applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration, command-line options, automated unit tests, and good documentation.
The four Rhomobile products – Rhodes, Rhosync, RhoHub, and Rhogallery – provide a complete toolkit for creating a mobile application. Rhomobile is cross-platform and so allows you to build your application for many different types of smartphone – including iPhone and Blackberry – just with a single codebase. This makes it the most preferred and quickest way of developing mobile apps. As you create a native Rhomobile application, you can use the built-in device features such as GPS, Push, and Camera, all with offline capabilities.Rhomobile Beginner's Guide is filled with practical examples to help you to create a mobile application from scratch. You can choose on which operating system to build, as well as for which smartphone to develop your application, giving you the freedom to create a customized mobile application quickly and easily.Once you have learned how to install Rhomobile on Windows, Mac, or Linux, you will create a simple application, which will be used to explore the products of Rhomobile one by one. Things really get going when you write unit test cases for your application before deploying it to the server and making builds for your chosen Smartphone.You will learn about the different aspects of Rhomobile, starting with Rhodes 3, which helps you to build a native mobile application. Rhosync 2.1 carries out the offline device capabilities and RhoHub deploys the code on the server and creates a build for the different smartphones.Rhomobile Beginner's Guide gives you the freedom to create a mobile web application on the platform of your choice, for the smartphone of your choice.
To succeed in today's transforming business world, organizations need business intelligence capabilities to make smarter decisions faster than ever before. This Power BI book is an entry-level guide that will get you up and running with data modeling, visualization, and analytical techniques from scratch.You'll find this book handy if you want to get well-versed with the extensive Power BI ecosystem. You'll start by covering the basics of business intelligence and installing Power BI. You'll then learn the wide range of Power BI features to unlock business insights. As you progress, the book will take you through how to use Power Query to ingest, cleanse, and shape your data, and use Power BI DAX to create simple to complex calculations. You'll also be able to add a variety of interactive visualizations to your reports to bring your data to life. Finally, you'll gain hands-on experience in creating visually stunning reports that speak to business decision makers, and see how you can securely share these reports and collaborate with others.By the end of this book, you'll be ready to create simple, yet effective, BI reports and dashboards using the latest features of Power BI.
Essential Angular 4. Fast paced guide to Front-end web development with Angular
Essential Angular is a concise, complete overview of the key aspects of Angular, written by two Angular core contributors. The book covers the framework's mental model, its API, and the design principles behind it. This book is fully up to date with the latest release of Angular.Essential Angular gives you a strong foundation in the core Angular technology. It will help you put all the concepts into the right places so you will have a good understanding of why the framework is the way it is. Read this book after you have toyed around with the framework, but before you embark on writing your first serious Angular application.This book covers concepts such as the differences between Just-In-Time (JIT) and Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation in Angular, alongside NgModules, components and directives. It also goes into detail on Dependency Injection and Change Detection: essential skills for Angular developers to master. The book finishes with a look at testing, and how to integrate different testing methodologies in your Angular code.
D is a modern programming language that is both powerful and efficient. It combines multiple paradigms in a way that opens up a whole new world of software design. It is used to develop both desktop and web applications, with future targets including mobile, and is available on multiple platforms. It is familiar to anyone with some experience in one or more of the C-family languages. However, hidden in the similarities are several differences that can be surprising when trying to apply common idioms from other languages. When learning D on your own, this can make it more time-consuming to master. In order to make the most of the language and become an idiomatic D programmer, it’s necessary to learn how to think in D.This book familiarizes you with D from the ground up, with a heavy focus on helping you to avoid surprises so that you can take your D knowledge to the next level more quickly and painlessly.Your journey begins with a taste of the language and the basics of compiling D programs with DMD, the reference D compiler developed by Digital Mars, and DUB, a community-developed build utility and package manager. You then set out on an exploration of major language features. This begins with the fundamentals of D, including built-in types, conditionals, loops and all of the basic building-blocks of a D program, followed by an examination of D’s object-oriented programming support. You’ll learn how these features differ from languages you may already be familiar with. Next up are D’s compile-time features, such as Compile-Time Function Evaluation and conditional compilation, then generic programming with templates. After that, you’ll learn the more advanced features of ranges and functional pipeline programming. To enhance your D experience, you are next taken on a tour of the D ecosystem and learn how to make D interact with C. Finally, you get a look at D web development using the vibe.d project and the book closes with some handy advice on where to go next.