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Traditionally associated with Windows desktop applications and game development, C# has expanded into web, cloud, and mobile development. However, despite its extensive coding features, professionals often encounter issues with efficiency, scalability, and maintainability due to poor code. Clean Code in C# guides you in identifying and resolving these problems using coding best practices.This book starts by comparing good and bad code to emphasize the importance of coding standards, principles, and methodologies. It then covers code reviews, unit testing, and test-driven development, and addresses cross-cutting concerns. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll discover programming best practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. You’ll also explore API design and code quality enhancement tools, while studying examples of poor coding practices to understand what to avoid.By the end of this clean code book, you’ll have the developed the skills needed to apply industry-approved coding practices to write clean, readable, extendable, and maintainable C# code.
In today's data-centric world, the ability to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data has become a valuable skill across industries. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) lies at the heart of this process, enabling us to comprehend, visualize, and derive valuable insights from various forms of data.This book is a comprehensive guide to Exploratory Data Analysis using the Python programming language. It provides practical steps needed to effectively explore, analyze, and visualize structured and unstructured data. It offers hands-on guidance and code for concepts such as generating summary statistics, analyzing single and multiple variables, visualizing data, analyzing text data, handling outliers, handling missing values and automating the EDA process. It is suited for data scientists, data analysts, researchers or curious learners looking to gain essential knowledge and practical steps for analyzing vast amounts of data to uncover insights.Python is an open-source general purpose programming language which is used widely for data science and data analysis given its simplicity and versatility. It offers several libraries which can be used to clean, analyze, and visualize data. In this book, we will explore popular Python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn and provide workable code for analyzing data in Python using these libraries.By the end of this book, you will have gained comprehensive knowledge about EDA and mastered the powerful set of EDA techniques and tools required for analyzing both structured and unstructured data to derive valuable insights.
Joseph Gomez, Joseph Sydney Gomez, Sarma Anantapantula
The hot new data analysis trends involve business intelligence and analytics. The technology that supports business intelligence and analytics better than anything else is today's multidimensional OLAP technology ñ and there is none better than Oracle Essbase! Although storing data in a cube and developing analytical applications leaves many people grasping for understanding, especially if their experience is with relational databases, embracing OLAP technology will pay big dividends in the long run.It's easy to develop multidimensional analytic OLAP solutions when you have got this Oracle Essbase book to hand. It is a step-by-step guide to timeless Essbase fundamentals, which takes you from a basic software installation through to launching a fully functioning Essbase database cube.This book will guide you through every stage of installing Oracle's Essbase software on your analytic server, the Essbase Administration Services client, and the client software itself. You will learn, in easy-to-understand language, the concepts of multidimensional database technology as you are taken step by step through building an actual Essbase application complete with database, database calculation scripts, and database report scripts.Once you have your system built and functional, the next course of instruction covers the available automation features included in your Essbase software package and how to use them. These chapters alone are worth the price of admission!As an IT professional you quite rightly have a desire to understand multidimensional OLAP ñ this book gives you that understanding. Should you wish to embark on an exciting career as an Essbase developer/administrator, this book provides a fantastic foundation from which to grow.Best of all, this book is filled with the tips and tricks that you can only get from many years and countless hours spent playing with Essbase. You get them all in just the time it takes you to complete this book.
Puppeteer is an open source web automation library created by Google to perform tasks such as end-to-end testing, performance monitoring, and task automation with ease. Using real-world use cases, this book will take you on a pragmatic journey, helping you to learn Puppeteer and implement best practices to take your automation code to the next level!Starting with an introduction to headless browsers, this book will take you through the foundations of browser automation, showing you how far you can get using Puppeteer to automate Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. You’ll then learn the basics of end-to-end testing and understand how to create reliable tests. You’ll also get to grips with finding elements using CSS selectors and XPath expressions. As you progress through the chapters, the focus shifts to more advanced browser automation topics such as executing JavaScript code inside the browser. You’ll learn various use cases of Puppeteer, such as mobile devices or network speed testing, gauging your site’s performance, and using Puppeteer as a web scraping tool.By the end of this UI testing book, you’ll have learned how to make the most of Puppeteer’s API and be able to apply it in your real-world projects.
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers (CAIOs) are now imperative for businesses, enabling organizations to achieve strategic goals and unlock transformative opportunities through the power of AI. By building intelligent systems, training models to drive impactful decisions, and creating innovative applications, they empower organizations to thrive in an AI-driven world. Written by Jarrod Anderson, Chief AI Officer at SYRV.AI, this book bridges the gap between visionary leadership and practical execution.This handbook reimagines AI leadership for today’s fast-paced environment, leveraging predictive, deterministic, generative, and agentic AI to address complex challenges and foster innovation. It provides CAIOs with the strategies to develop transformative AI initiatives, build and lead elite teams, and adopt AI responsibly while maintaining compliance. From shaping impactful solutions to achieving measurable business outcomes, this guide offers a roadmap for making AI your organization’s competitive edge.By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to excel as a Chief AI Officer, driving innovation, strategic growth, and lasting success for your organization.
Alexandru Busuioc, David Carr, Markus Gray, Vijay Joshi, ...
Do you want to build your own websites, but have never really been confident enough to turn your ideas into real projects? If your web development skills are a bit rusty, or if you've simply never programmed before, The PHP Workshop will show you how to build dynamic websites using PHP with the help of engaging examples and challenging activities.This PHP tutorial starts with an introduction to PHP, getting you set up with a productive development environment. You will write, execute, and troubleshoot your first PHP script using a built-in templating engine and server. Next, you'll learn about variables and data types, and see how conditions and loops help control the flow of a PHP program. Progressing through the chapters, you'll use HTTP methods to turn your PHP scripts into web apps, persist data by connecting to an external database, handle application errors, and improve functionality by using third-party packages.By the end of this Workshop, you'll be well-versed in web application development, and have the knowledge and skills to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with PHP.
Today’s users expect mobile apps to be dynamic and highly interactive, with rich navigation features. These same apps must look fantastic whether running on a medium-resolution smartphone or high-resolution tablet. Fragments provide the toolset we need to meet these user expectations by enabling us to build our applications out of adaptable components that take advantage of the rich capabilities of each individual device and automatically adapt to their differences.This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and in providing best practices for incorporating rich UI behaviors. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we explore several specialized fragment-related classes such as ListFragment and DialogFragment. We then go on to discuss how to implement rich navigation features such as swipe-based screen browsing, and the role of fragments when developing applications that take advantage of the latest aspects of Material Design. You will learn everything you need to provide dynamic, multi-screen UIs within a single activity, and the rich UI features demanded by today’s mobile users.
BackTrack is a penetration testing and security auditing platform with advanced tools to identify, detect, and exploit any vulnerabilities uncovered in the target network environment. Applying appropriate testing methodology with defined business objectives and a scheduled test plan will result in robust penetration testing of your network.BackTrack 4: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing is a fully focused, structured book providing guidance on developing practical penetration testing skills by demonstrating the cutting-edge hacker tools and techniques in a coherent step-by-step strategy. It offers all the essential lab preparation and testing procedures to reflect real-world attack scenarios from your business perspective in today's digital age.The authors' experience and expertise enables them to reveal the industry's best approach for logical and systematic penetration testing.The first and so far only book on BackTrack OS starts with lab preparation and testing procedures, explaining the basic installation and configuration set up, discussing types of penetration testing (black-box and white-box), uncovering open security testing methodologies, and proposing the BackTrack specific testing process. The authors discuss a number of security assessment tools necessary to conduct penetration testing in their respective categories (target scoping, information gathering, discovery, enumeration, vulnerability mapping, social engineering, exploitation, privilege escalation, maintaining access, and reporting), following the formal testing methodology. Each of these tools is illustrated with real-world examples to highlight their practical usage and proven configuration techniques. The authors also provide extra weaponry treasures and cite key resources that may be crucial to any professional penetration tester.This book serves as a single professional, practical, and expert guide to developing hardcore penetration testing skills from scratch. You will be trained to make the best use of BackTrack OS either in a commercial environment or an experimental test bed.
Containers have entirely changed how developers and end-users see applications as a whole. With this book, you'll learn all about containers, their architecture and benefits, and how to implement them within your development lifecycle.You'll discover how you can transition from the traditional world of virtual machines and adopt modern ways of using DevOps to ship a package of software continuously. Starting with a quick refresher on the core concepts of containers, you'll move on to study the architectural concepts to implement modern ways of application development. You'll cover topics around Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, and other similar tools that will help you to build a base. As you advance, the book covers the core elements of cloud integration (AWS ECS, GKE, and other CaaS services), continuous integration, and continuous delivery (GitHub actions, Jenkins, and Spinnaker) to help you understand the essence of container management and delivery. The later sections of the book will take you through container pipeline security and GitOps (Flux CD and Terraform).By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have learned best practices for automating your development lifecycle and making the most of containers, infrastructure automation, and CaaS, and be ready to develop applications using modern tools and techniques.
Drupal 7 First Look. Learn the new features of Drupal 7, how they work and how they will impact you
Drupal 7 contains features for which site administrators have been clamoring for years, including support for fields, an improved administration interface, better database support, improved theming, and more. You could of course make a laborious search on sites, blogs, and many online tutorials that would promise to update you about every new feature, but there's an even better way to know all about Drupal 7's new features: Drupal 7 First Look is the first and only book that covers all of the fantastic new features in Drupal 7 in depth and covers the process of upgrading your Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7. If you've used Drupal 6 and want to use Drupal 7, you need this book.Drupal 7 First Look takes an in-depth look into all of the major new features in Drupal 7 so you can quickly take full advantage of Drupal 7. It also assists you in upgrading your site to Drupal 7. Some of the new features in Drupal 7 include:Fields API, based on Drupal 6 CCK, which allows you to easily build your own content typesImproved user interface for administering your websiteBuilt-in support for working with images and filesImproved security for the site and users of the siteCompletely rewritten database layer DBTNG to make working with the database easier and more secure. Improved API for custom module development and user interface theming
Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application framework for building interactive web applications using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML, and DOM scripting.Ext JS 4 Plugin and Extension Development is a practical, step-by-step tutorial which guides you to learn and develop ExtJS plugins and extensions. There are a lot of examples with explanations and plenty of code provided to make it easier and quicker to pick up.Starting with the fundamentals, this book introduces some of the ExtJS library and community provided plugins and extensions and finishes with several hands-on, real world development examples. You will get a clear concept of ExtJS plugins and extensions and learn how to use them. You will also learn how to develop an ExtJS plugin and extension by going through several examples with code and screenshots.Ext JS 4 Plugin and Extension Development book will provide you with the knowledge to develop ExtJS plugins and extensions using real-life examples.
It takes talent to be a great photographer, but in the digital era, it also takes a level of technical proficiency. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic was designed as a one-stop solution for photographers to perfect their final products on a desktop-focused workflow, which includes local storage of your photos in files and folders on your computer. Knowing how to efficiently navigate through Lightroom means that you’ll be able to concentrate on being creative instead of wondering “what does this button do”.Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you will begin with importing photographs into Lightroom. You’ll focus on how to sort through, sequence, develop, and export ready files in various formats, or even design a book and create gallery-ready prints. Next, you will learn how to make informed decisions within Lightroom and how to approach your work depending on the set of photographs you are working on. This guide also illustrates real-life usage and workflow examples that are not just for aspiring professionals, but also for artists and amateurs who are still getting to grips with the technical side of photography.By the end of this book, you'll be confident in importing, editing, sorting, developing, and delivering your photos like a professional.
Rafał Świdziński, Alexander Kushnir
Modern CMake for C++ isn't just another reference book, or a repackaging of the documentation, but a blueprint to bridging the gap between learning C++ and being able to use it in a professional setting. It's an end-to-end guide to the automation of complex tasks, including building, testing, and packaging software.This second edition is significantly rewritten, restructured and refreshed with latest additions to CMake, such as support of C++20 Modules.In this book, you'll not only learn how to use the CMake language in CMake projects but also discover how to make those projects maintainable, elegant, and clean. As you progress, you'll dive into the structure of source directories, building targets, and packages, all while learning how to compile and link executables and libraries. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of how those processes work and how to optimize builds in CMake for the best results. You'll discover how to use external dependencies in your project – third-party libraries, testing frameworks, program analysis tools, and documentation generators. Finally, you'll gain profi ciency in exporting, installing, and packaging for internal and external purposes.By the end of this book, you'll be able to use CMake confi dently at a professional level.
Dive into the world of digital photo editing with this latest edition, crafted by Robin Nichols, a seasoned photographer and digital imaging expert, which brings the latest Photoshop Elements 2024 to your fingertips. With a unique blend of in-depth tutorials and practical applications, this book is an essential resource for photographers at all levels.It introduces new features like Dark Mode, Match Color, and Photo Reels, along with advanced techniques like layering and artistic effects. The book also addresses common user feedback from previous editions, ensuring a refined and user-friendly experience. Elements 2024 extends its AI capabilities by simplifying complex editing processes. Learn to stitch widescreen panoramas, remove people from backgrounds, de-focus backgrounds, re-compose images, and even create a range of calendars and greeting cards for your friends and family.Take your prowess to the next level by learning how to correct optical distortion, re-shape images, exploit layers, layer masking, and sharpening techniques—create the perfect picture or imaginative fantasy illustration. You’ll also learn the online realms of animation, video creation, and third-party plug-ins.By the end of this book, you'll learn how to leverage the incredible features of Photoshop Elements 2024 with complete confidence.
Python is one of the most popular programming languages used in the financial industry, with a huge set of accompanying libraries. In this book, you'll cover different ways of downloading financial data and preparing it for modeling. You'll calculate popular indicators used in technical analysis, such as Bollinger Bands, MACD, RSI, and backtest automatic trading strategies. Next, you'll cover time series analysis and models, such as exponential smoothing, ARIMA, and GARCH (including multivariate specifications), before exploring the popular CAPM and the Fama-French three-factor model. You'll then discover how to optimize asset allocation and use Monte Carlo simulations for tasks such as calculating the price of American options and estimating the Value at Risk (VaR). In later chapters, you'll work through an entire data science project in the financial domain. You'll also learn how to solve the credit card fraud and default problems using advanced classifiers such as random forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, and stacked models. You'll then be able to tune the hyperparameters of the models and handle class imbalance. Finally, you'll focus on learning how to use deep learning (PyTorch) for approaching financial tasks.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to effectively analyze financial data using a recipe-based approach.