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The Kaggle Book. Data analysis and machine learning for competitive data science
Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron, Anthony Goldbloom
Millions of data enthusiasts from around the world compete on Kaggle, the most famous data science competition platform of them all. Participating in Kaggle competitions is a surefire way to improve your data analysis skills, network with an amazing community of data scientists, and gain valuable experience to help grow your career.The first audiobook of its kind, The Kaggle Book assembles in one place the techniques and skills you'll need for success in competitions, data science projects, and beyond. Two Kaggle Grandmasters walk you through modeling strategies you won't easily find elsewhere, and the knowledge they've accumulated along the way. As well as Kaggle-specific tips, you'll learn more general techniques for approaching tasks based on image, tabular, textual data, and reinforcement learning. You'll design better validation schemes and work more comfortably with different evaluation metrics.Whether you want to climb the ranks of Kaggle, build some more data science skills, or improve the accuracy of your existing models, this audiobook is for you.
High-performance web development is all about cutting through the complexities in different layers of a web app and building services and APIs that improve the speed and performance of your apps on the browser. With emerging web technologies, building scalable websites and sustainable web apps is smoother than ever. This book starts by taking you through the web frontend, popular web development practices, and the latest version of ES and JavaScript. You'll work with Node.js and learn how to build web apps without a framework. The book consists of three hands-on examples that help you understand JavaScript applications at both the server-side and the client-side using Node.js and Svelte.js. Each chapter covers modern techniques such as DOM manipulation and V8 engine optimization to strengthen your understanding of the web. Finally, you’ll delve into advanced topics such as CI/CD and how you can harness their capabilities to speed up your web development dramatically.By the end of this web development book, you'll have understood how the JavaScript landscape has evolved, not just for the frontend but also for the backend, and be ready to use new tools and techniques to solve common web problems.
Running Windows on your Mac can seem complicated, but this book will make things easy by showing you how to get the most out of VMware Fusion. Having a virtual copy of Windows on your Mac can let you make a secure backup of your files and run Windows applications, which makes your computer more versatile.This book will show you how to start running Windows on your Mac, with practical examples of how to keep your Virtual Machine secure, backed up, and running smoothly. You will learn about the new features of VMware Fusion 6 and where to get help and support for the software when you need it.This book will walk you through what you need to know to safely and securely run Windows on your Mac. It then proceeds to show you how to upgrade to Windows 8, and shows you how you can seamlessly switch between Windows 7 and Windows 8 using snapshots. Next, it covers all that you need to know to safely and securely run Windows on a Mac computer with Intel processors. You will also learn how to manage your Virtual Machine backups and keep your VM safe.The recipes in this book will give you a helpful head start in getting the most out of VMware Fusion 6.
– SwiftUI transforms Apple Platform app development with intuitive Swift code for seamless UI design. – Explore SwiftUI's declarative programming: define what the app should look like and do, while the OS handles the heavy lifting. – Hands-on approach covers SwiftUI fundamentals and often-omitted parts in introductory guides. – Progress from creating views and modifiers to intricate, responsive UIs and advanced techniques for complex apps. – Focus on new features in asynchronous programming and architecture patterns for efficient, modern app design. – Learn UIKit and SwiftUI integration, plus how to run tests for SwiftUI applications. – Gain confidence to harness SwiftUI's full potential for building professional-grade apps across Apple devices.
Robo-Advisor with Python. A hands-on guide to building and operating your own Robo-advisor
Robo-advisors are becoming table stakes for the wealth management industry across all segments, from retail to high-net-worth investors. Robo-advisors enable you to manage your own portfolios and financial institutions to create automated platforms for effective digital wealth management. This book is your hands-on guide to understanding how Robo-advisors work, and how to build one efficiently. The chapters are designed in a way to help you get a comprehensive grasp of what Robo-advisors do and how they are structured with an end-to-end workflow.You’ll begin by learning about the key decisions that influence the building of a Robo-advisor, along with considerations on building and licensing a platform. As you advance, you’ll find out how to build all the core capabilities of a Robo-advisor using Python, including goals, risk questionnaires, portfolios, and projections. The book also shows you how to create orders, as well as open accounts and perform KYC verification for transacting. Finally, you’ll be able to implement capabilities such as performance reporting and rebalancing for operating a Robo-advisor with ease.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of how Robo-advisors work and be well on your way to building one for yourself or your business.
Bihag K Thaker, Bihag Thaker, Ritesh Shah, Ritesh A Shah
As a DBA you must have encountered a slow running application on SQL Server, but there are various factors that could be affecting the performance. If you find yourself in this situation, don't wait, pick up this book and start working towards improving performance of your SQL Server 2012. SQL Server 2012 Performance Tuning Cookbook is divided into three major parts -- Performance Monitoring, Performance Tuning, and Performance Management--that are mandatory to deal with performance in any capacity. SQL Server 2012 Performance Tuning Cookbook offers a great way to manage performance with effective, concise, and practical recipes. You will learn how to diagnose performance issues, fix them, and take precaution to avoid common mistakes. Each recipe given in this book is an individual task that will address different performance aspects to take your SQL Server's Performance to a higher level.The first part of this book covers Monitoring with SQL Server Profiler, DTA, System statistical function, SPs with DBCC commands, Resource Monitor & Reliability, and Performance Monitor and Execution Plan. The second part of the book offers Execution Plan, Dynamic Management Views, and Dynamic Management Functions, SQL Server Cache and Stored Procedure Recompilations, Indexes, Important ways to write effective TSQL, Statistics, Table and Index Partitioning, Advanced Query tuning with Query Hints and Plan Guide, Dealing with Locking, Blocking and Deadlocking and Configuring SQL Server for optimization to boost performance.The third and final part gives you knowledge of performance management with help of Policy Based Management and Management with Resource Governor.
Vladimir Prelovac, Vladimir Prelovac, Matt Mullenweg
If you can write WordPress plug-ins, you can make WordPress do just about anything. From making the site easier to administer, to adding the odd tweak or new feature, to completely changing the way your blog works, plug-ins are the method WordPress offers to customize and extend its functionality. This book will show you how to build all sorts of WordPress plug-ins: admin plug-ins, Widgets, plug-ins that alter your post output, present custom views of your blog, and more.WordPress Plug-in Development (Beginner's Guide) focuses on teaching you all aspects of modern WordPress development. The book uses real and published WordPress plug-ins and follows their creation from the idea to the finishing touches, in a series of carefully picked, easy-to-follow tutorials. You will discover how to use the WordPress API in all typical situations, from displaying output on the site in the beginning to turning WordPress into a CMS in the last chapter. In Chapters 2 to 7 you will develop six concrete plug-ins and conquer all aspects of WordPress development.Each new chapter and each new plug-in introduces different features of WordPress and how to put them to good use, allowing you to gradually advance your knowledge. This book is written as a guide to take your WordPress skills from the very beginning to the level where you are able to completely understand how WordPress works and how you can use it to your advantage.
Delphi is a strongly typed, event-driven programming language with a rich ecosystem of frameworks and support tools. It comes with an extensive set of web and database libraries for rapid application development on desktop, mobile, and internet-enabled devices. This book will help you keep up with the latest IDE features and provide a sound foundation of project management and recent language enhancements to take your productivity to the next level.You’ll discover how simple it is to support popular mobile device features such as sensors, cameras, and GPS. The book will help you feel comfortable working with FireMonkey and styles and incorporating 3D user interfaces in new ways. As you advance, you’ll be able to build cross-platform solutions that not only look native but also take advantage of a wide array of device capabilities. You’ll also learn how to use embedded databases, such as SQLite and InterBase ToGo, synchronizing them with your own custom backend servers or modules using the powerful RAD Server engine. The book concludes by sharing tips for testing and deploying your end-to-end application suite for a smooth user experience.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to deliver modern enterprise applications using Delphi confidently.
Vaadin is a mature, open-source, and powerful Java framework used to build modern web applications in plain Java. Vaadin brings back the fun of programming UI interfaces to the web universe. No HTML, no CSS, no JavaScript, no XML. Vaadin lets you implement web user interfaces using an object oriented model, similar to desktop technologies such as Swing and AWT.Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide is an engaging guide that will teach you how to develop web applications in minutes. With this book, you will Develop useful applications and learn basics of Java web development. By the end of the book you will be able to build Java web applications that look fantastic.The book begins with simple examples using the most common Vaadin UI components and quickly move towards more complex applications as components are introduced chapter-by-chapter.Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide shows you how to use Eclipse, Netbeans, and Maven to create Vaadin projects. It then demonstrates how to use labels, text fields, buttons, and other input components. Once you get a grasp of the basic usage of Vaadin, the book explains Vaadin theory to prepare you for the rest of the trip that will enhance your knowledge of Vaadin UI components and customization techniques.
Software projects start as brand-new greenfield projects, but invariably become muddied in technical debt far sooner than you’d expect. In Refactoring with C#, you'll explore what technical debt is and how it arises before walking through the process of safely refactoring C# code using modern tooling in Visual Studio and more recent C# language features using C# 12 and .NET 8. This book, written by a Microsoft MVP, will guide you through the process of refactoring safely through advanced unit testing with XUnit and libraries like Moq, Snapper, and Scientist .NET. You'll explore maintainable code through SOLID principles and defensive coding techniques made possible in newer versions of C#. You'll also find out how to run code analysis and write custom Roslyn analyzers to detect and resolve issues unique to your code.The nature of coding is changing, and you'll explore how to use AI with the GitHub Copilot Chat to refactor, test, document, and generate code before ending with a discussion about communicating technical debt to leadership and getting organizational buy-in to refactor your code in enterprise organizations and in agile teams.By the end of this book, you'll understand the nature of refactoring and see how you can safely, effectively, and repeatably pay down the technical debt in your application while adding value to your business.
Unity is a well-established player in the mobile game development sphere, and its new release, Unity 2022, is packed with new, exciting features. In Unity 2022 Mobile Game Development, the third edition in this popular series, you'll get to grips with the Unity game engine by building a mobile game and publishing it on the most popular mobile app stores as well as exploring the all-new features.This book provides a comprehensive and practical approach to mobile game development, helping you build an endless runner game. Starting with setting up a simple Unity project for mobile development, you’ll delve into various essential aspects needed to successfully create and publish your game. You’ll acquire a range of skills, such as incorporating touch gestures, monetizing your game with Unity Ads and in-app purchases, designing an intuitive UI, and seamlessly integrating social media functionalities. Additionally, you’ll gain valuable insights into player preferences and behavior using Unity's analytics tools. You’ll also explore features of augmented reality in Unity 2022, enhancing your game's appeal.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to reap the power of Unity 2022 to build, optimize, and publish robust cross-platform mobile games with C#, as well as widening your skill set and enhancing your credentials as a game developer.
The way you choose to interact with your employees is a critical influence on your success as a manager, as well as determining the quality of your employees’ work and the tone of your office. Your superiors will make note of how you handle matters of management, and so will your employees. Many managers, especially when they are new to the role, can find themselves struggling and reacting blindly to situations rather than calmly choosing the correct management style. It’s essential that you be well equipped to handle your role as a manager.This handy guide takes you through the various elements of management style, and shows you how to decide on the best approach to take in a variety of situations and with different types of employee. Drawing on years of management expertise, it will enable you to bring out the best in your employees.Mastering Management Styles looks at the various components of management style and shows you how to combine them in the way that best suits each type of situation you’ll face. When should you be consultative with your employees? When should you be directive? How much coaching should you offer them, and how should you do it? How do you balance the interests of your employer with those of your employees? How do you distinguish between different types of employee? All of these topics are covered in this practical instruction manual for managers, providing you with a go-to set of analytical tools and hands-on strategies that will make you a much more effective and successful manager.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Cookbook. Click here to enter text
Dominating the server market, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system gives you the support you need to modernize your infrastructure and boost your organization’s efficiency. Combining both stability and flexibility, RHEL helps you meet the challenges of today and adapt to the demands of tomorrow.This practical Cookbook guide will help you get to grips with RHEL 7 Server and automating its installation. Designed to provide targeted assistance through hands-on recipe guidance, it will introduce you to everything you need to know about KVM guests and deploying multiple standardized RHEL systems effortlessly. Get practical reference advice that will make complex networks setups look like child’s play, and dive into in-depth coverage of configuring a RHEL system. Also including full recipe coverage of how to set up, configuring, and troubleshoot SELinux, you’ll also discover how secure your operating system, as well as how to monitor it.
To gain a competitive edge in today's unpredictable economic climate, you’ll need to unravel the mystery of saving costs on Microsoft Azure Cloud. This book helps you do just that with proven strategies for building, running, and sustaining repeated cost optimization initiatives across your organization. You’ll learn how to collaborate with finance, procurement, product, and engineering teams to optimize your cloud spend and achieve cost savings that can make a significant impact on your bottom line.The book begins by showing you how to effectively monitor and manage your cloud usage, identify cost-saving opportunities, and implement changes that’ll reduce your overall spend. Whether you're a small start-up or a large enterprise, this book will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve cost savings and maintain a lean cloud infrastructure. As you advance, you'll find out how to benchmark your current cloud spend and establish a budget for cloud usage. Throughout the chapters, you’ll learn how to negotiate with your cloud provider to optimize your rate, allocate cost for the container, and gain a solid understanding of metric-driven cost optimization.By the end of this FinOps book, you’ll have become proficient in Azure Cloud financial management with the help of real-world examples, use cases, and scenarios.