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Sitecore Cookbook for Developers. Click here to enter text
Patel Y Sunderbhai, Yogesh Patel
This book will get you started on building rich websites, and customizing user interfaces by creating content management applications quickly. It will give you an insight into web designs and how to customize the Sitecore architecture as per your website's requirements using best practices. Packed with over 70 recipes to help you achieve and solve real-world common tasks, requirements, and the problems of content management, content delivery, and publishing instance environments. It also presents recipes on Sitecore’s backend processes of customizing pipelines, creating custom event handler and media handler, setting hooks and more. Other topics covered include creating a workflow action, publishing sublayouts and media files, securing your environment by customizing user profiles and access rights, boosting search capabilities, optimising performance, scalability and high-availability of Sitecore instances and much more. By the end of this book, you will have be able to add virtually limitless features to your websites by developing and deploying Sitecore efficiently.
Martin Czygan, Phuong Vo.T.H, Ashish Kumar, Kirthi Raman
You will start the course with an introduction to the principles of data analysis and supported libraries, along with NumPy basics for statistics and data processing. Next, you will overview the Pandas package and use its powerful features to solve data-processing problems. Moving on, you will get a brief overview of the Matplotlib API .Next, you will learn to manipulate time and data structures, and load and store data in a file or database using Python packages. You will learn how to apply powerful packages in Python to process raw data into pure and helpful data using examples. You will also get a brief overview of machine learning algorithms, that is, applying data analysis results to make decisions or building helpful products such as recommendations and predictions using Scikit-learn. After this, you will move on to a data analytics specialization—predictive analytics. Social media and IOT have resulted in an avalanche of data. You will get started with predictive analytics using Python. You will see how to create predictive models from data. You will get balanced information on statistical and mathematical concepts, and implement them in Python using libraries such as Pandas, scikit-learn, and NumPy. You’ll learn more about the best predictive modeling algorithms such as Linear Regression, Decision Tree, and Logistic Regression. Finally, you will master best practices in predictive modeling.After this, you will get all the practical guidance you need to help you on the journey to effective data visualization. Starting with a chapter on data frameworks, which explains the transformation of data into information and eventually knowledge, this path subsequently cover the complete visualization process using the most popular Python libraries with working examplesThis Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Getting Started with Python Data Analysis, Phuong Vo.T.H &Martin Czygan•Learning Predictive Analytics with Python, Ashish Kumar•Mastering Python Data Visualization, Kirthi Raman
Edge computing holds vast potential to revolutionize industries, yet its implementation poses unique challenges. Written by industry veterans Rob High and Sanjeev Gupta, this comprehensive guide bridges the gap between theory and practice. Distilling expertise from their combined decades of experience in edge computing and hybrid cloud mesh solutions, this book equips software developers and DevOps teams with the knowledge and skills needed to deploy edge solutions at scale in production environments. It also explores foundational standards and introduces key factors that may impede the scaling of edge solutions.While edge computing draws from the successes of cloud computing, crucial distinctions separate the two. High and Gupta elucidate these distinctions, helping you grasp the nuanced dynamics of edge-computing ecosystems. With a focus on leveraging Open Horizon to overcome pitfalls and optimize performance, this book will help you confidently navigate the intricacies of constructing and deploying resilient edge solutions in real-world production settings.By the end of this book, you’ll have acquired a deep understanding of essential success factors for building and deploying robust edge solutions in real-world production settings, leveraging Open Horizon for scalable edge deployments.
Adrian Neagu, Robert Pelletier
IBM DB2 LUW is a leading relational database system developed by IBM. DB2 LUW database software offers industry leading performance, scale, and reliability on your choice of platform on various Linux distributions, leading Unix Systems like AIX, HP-UX and Solaris and MS Windows platforms. With lots of new features, DB2 9.7 delivers one the best relational database systems in the market.IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook covers all the latest features with instance creation, setup, and administration of multi-partitioned database.This practical cookbook provides step-by-step instructions to build and configure powerful databases, with scalability, safety and reliability features, using industry standard best practices.This book will walk you through all the important aspects of administration. You will learn to set up production capable environments with multi-partitioned databases and make the best use of hardware resources for maximum performance. With this guide you can master the different ways to implement strong databases with a High Availability architecture.
B Diane Blackwood, Diane B Blackwood
This book is an effective step-by-step tutoring guide for financial analysis using Qlikview.It begins by teaching you the crucial concepts of Qlikview Finance to help you develop an effective understanding of financial data analysis and finance. The book then goes on to cover real-world, practical examples on the use of Qlikview for financial planning and analysis, expense management, risk management, and more. Moving on, topics such as Asset Management QlikView Dashboard and Retail Sales Analysis are covered in a strategic way. We then shift the focus to deal with the concepts of Inventory, Supply Chain, and Plant Coverage Dashboards. The book then reaches its conclusion by dealing with ways to share your QlikView insights. By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of how to use Qlikview for numerous applications in finance.
Stefano Tempesta, Michael John Pena
As Web3 technologies continue to gain momentum across industries, businesses are looking for new ways to leverage the benefits of Web3 and stay at the forefront of technological innovation. This comprehensive guide offers an in-depth exploration of cloud-native blockchain fundamentals, providing valuable insights into the benefits and challenges of deploying these technologies in the cloud. From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, the book covers everything you need to know about developing and deploying secure, scalable blockchain solutions on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Through hands-on tutorials and projects, you’ll explore the latest tools, technologies, real-world use cases, and best practices to expand your understanding of the field’s complexities and opportunities. This book ensures easy comprehension through practical examples and access to source code on GitHub. As you advance, you’ll master platform selection and apply your newfound knowledge to tackle complex problems and deliver innovative cloud-native blockchain solutions tailored for your specific needs. By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of cloud-native blockchain deployment and implementation, and you’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to build secure and scalable solutions.
As the complexity of software applications increases and the length of the implementation life cycles decreases, companies are looking for effective ways of training users in new applications, and the new releases of existing applications. Oracle's User Productivity Kit solves these problems by enabling the rapid creation of software application simulations, which are used for training purposes or to generate business documents. Although UPK provides such advanced features, nothing has been written about this application yet.This book provides a guided approach to building high-quality, re-functional simulations of tasks performed in software applications. With this book in hand, it is easy for organizations that are implementing or upgrading software to meet their full training and documentation requirements. This book explains how to harness all of the functionality provided by Oracle's User Productivity Kit, formerly known as OnDemand, to develop better quality training. It also covers the advanced topics of customizing UPK's built-in delivery formats, and defining new ones to extend the capabilities of UPK.This book explains how to make the most of Oracle User Productivity Kit's available functionality to create high-quality simulations. These simulations can be used during instructor-led training, self-directed learning, or refresher training. By following the approach described in this book, you will create world-class training material that your trainees will find useful, engaging, and informative. As a result, they will remember more of what they are taught, and will be better equipped to use the application on which you are training them. In turn, they will become more productive sooner, make fewer mistakes, and require less support. To ensure effective knowledge transfer through training simulations, it is necessary to add a business context to recordings, and to provide additional explanations. This book will teach you more than simple mouse-clicks and keystrokes.
ESP32, a low-cost and energy-efficient system-on-a-chip microcontroller, has become the backbone of numerous WiFi devices, fueling IoT innovation. This book offers a holistic approach to building an IoT system from the ground up, ensuring secure data communication from sensors to cloud platforms, empowering you to create production-grade IoT solutions using the ESP32 SoC.Starting with IoT essentials supported by real-world use cases, this book takes you through the entire process of constructing an IoT device using ESP32. Each chapter introduces new dimensions to your IoT applications, covering sensor communication, the integration of prominent IoT libraries like LittleFS and LVGL, connectivity options via WiFi, security measures, cloud integration, and the visualization of real-time data using Grafana. Furthermore, a dedicated section explores AI/ML for embedded systems, guiding you through building and running ML applications with tinyML and ESP32-S3 to create state-of-the-art embedded products.This book adopts a hands-on approach, ensuring you can start building IoT solutions right from the beginning. Towards the end of the book, you'll tackle a full-scale Smart Home project, applying all the techniques you've learned in real-time.Embark on your journey to build secure, production-grade IoT systems with ESP32 today!
Blockchain is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, with applications in finance, government, media, and other industries. With a legacy of providing technologists with executable insights, this new edition of Mastering Blockchain is thoroughly revised and updated to the latest blockchain research with four new chapters on consensus algorithms, Serenity (the update that will introduce Ethereum 2.0), tokenization, and enterprise blockchains.This book covers the basics, including blockchain’s technical underpinnings, cryptography and consensus protocols. It also provides you with expert knowledge on decentralization, decentralized application development on Ethereum, Bitcoin, alternative coins, smart contracts, alternative blockchains, and Hyperledger.Further, you will explore blockchain solutions beyond cryptocurrencies such as the Internet of Things with blockchain, enterprise blockchains, tokenization using blockchain, and consider the future scope of this fascinating and disruptive technology.By the end of this book, you will have gained a thorough comprehension of the various facets of blockchain and understand their potential in diverse real-world scenarios.
Network programming and automation, unlike traditional networking, is a modern-day skill that helps in configuring, managing, and operating networks and network devices. This book will guide you with important information, helping you set up and start working with network programming and automation.With Network Programming and Automation Essentials, you’ll learn the basics of networking in brief. You’ll explore the network programming and automation ecosystem, learn about the leading programmable interfaces, and go through the protocols, tools, techniques, and technologies associated with network programming. You’ll also master network automation using Python and Go with hands-on labs and real network emulation in this comprehensive guide.By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to program and automate networks efficiently.
Mastering FreeSWITCH. Advanced tips and tricks for advanced multimedia communication
Anthony Minessale II, Giovanni Maruzzelli, Russell Treleaven, Seven Du, ...
FreeSWITCH is one of the best tools around if you’re looking for a modern method of managing communication protocols through a range of different media. From real-time browser communication with the WebRTC API to implementing VoIP (voice over internet protocol), with FreeSWITCH you’re in full control of your projects. This book shows you how to unlock its full potential – more than just a tutorial, it’s packed with plenty of tips and tricks to make it work for you.Written by members of the team who actually helped build FreeSWITCH, it will guide you through some of the newest features of version 1.6 including video transcoding and conferencing. Find out how FreeSWITCH interacts with other tools and APIs, learn how to tackle common (and not so common) challenges ranging from high availability to IVR development and programming advanced PBXs. Great communication functionality begins with FreeSWITCH – find out how and get your project up and running today.
With cyber threats on the rise, IT professionals are now choosing cybersecurity as the next step to boost their career, and holding the relevant certification can prove to be a game-changer in this competitive market. CISM is one of the top-paying and most sought-after certifications by employers.This CISM Certification Guide comprises comprehensive self-study exam content for those who want to achieve CISM certification on the first attempt. This book is a great resource for information security leaders with a pragmatic approach to challenges related to real-world case scenarios. You'll learn about the practical aspects of information security governance and information security risk management. As you advance through the chapters, you'll get to grips with information security program development and management. The book will also help you to gain a clear understanding of the procedural aspects of information security incident management.By the end of this CISM exam book, you'll have covered everything needed to pass the CISM certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.
Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms, Second Edition helps you harness the real power of machine learning algorithms in order to implement smarter ways of meeting today's overwhelming data needs. This newly updated and revised guide will help you master algorithms used widely in semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning domains.You will use all the modern libraries from the Python ecosystem – including NumPy and Keras – to extract features from varied complexities of data. Ranging from Bayesian models to the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to Hidden Markov models, this machine learning book teaches you how to extract features from your dataset, perform complex dimensionality reduction, and train supervised and semi-supervised models by making use of Python-based libraries such as scikit-learn. You will also discover practical applications for complex techniques such as maximum likelihood estimation, Hebbian learning, and ensemble learning, and how to use TensorFlow 2.x to train effective deep neural networks.By the end of this book, you will be ready to implement and solve end-to-end machine learning problems and use case scenarios.