

Juliusz Słowacki

Król-Duch to koronne dzieło Juliusza Słowackiego, stanowiące summę jego poglądów. Ma formę poematu historiozoficznego, powstawało do ostatnich lat życia wieszcza, nie zostało jednak ukończone. Rzecz, zwana czasem eposem wszechsłowiańskim, rozgrywa się u zarania dziejów państwa polskiego. Omawia wędrówki niszczycielskiego Ducha, który wraz z grozą niesie zmianę...


La Jangada

Jules Verne

Le roman Jangada se déroule en Amérique du Sud sur les rivages pittoresques mais dangereux de lAmazone. Le héros, qui a caché de nombreuses années aux autorités brésiliennes sous un nom demprunt, est accusé dun crime grave: le vol de diamants, pour lequel il nétait pas impliqué. Par une fatale concidence, il ne peut pas prouver son innocence. La peine de mort a déj été signée. Seule la solution du message crypté dun véritable criminel peut lui sauver la vie.


The Double

Edgar Wallace

One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. The Double is a story about a man who encounters his unknown double and the trouble that arises. When Dick Staines joined the police force the big case of the day had been the Staines murder. The only clue was an unknown thumb-print, the case was never solved. Ten years later and Detective Inspector Staines investigating a curious burglary in fashionable Belgravia finds a thumb-print on a glass. The strangest of murders with surgical overtones confronts Dick Staines our Cambridge educated detective.


Ken Ward in the Jungle

Zane Grey

An interesting read. Ken and Hal go canoeing in Mexico. The writing has a very early 20th century feel to it, it almost feels as though Im watching an old classic movie on Saturday afternoon. It provides a curious insight into the beginnings of writing adventure novels.


Powieści fantastyczne

E.T.A. Hoffmann

Opowiadania prekursora fantastyki grozy E.T.A. Hoffmanna wciąż powodują, że po kręgosłupie biegną ciarki, a nawet najodważniejsi czytelnicy przeżywają chwile niepokoju. W zbiorze znalazły się takie utwory, jak Kawaler Gluck, Don Juan, Piaskun, Ślub czy Narożne okno.


An Autumn Sowing

E.F. Benson

The main character, Mr. Keeling, is a simple self-worker who started his business with the fish trade. That is how he became popular and famous. Having a lot of money behind him, the main character decided to fight the class community. This book puts an intriguing twist on an old story about a middle-aged man who falls in love with his secretary.


Smoke Bellew

Jack London

The famous cycle of novels and short stories by the American writer Jack London is a peculiar and unique painting of life in inhuman conditions, where people still manage to remain human beings. The story is about a man who found the courage, courage and power to exchange the clerks prosperous, but dull and boring life for danger, the exciting and fascinating fate of an adventurer in the wild lands of the Northern Way. The whole North knew him under the name Smoke Bellew.


The Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra

William Shakespeare

With a strong spirit and body, people who are ready to endure all sorts of hardships and difficulties for the sake of the cause of their whole life, their blood, their feats inscribing their names in the history of mankind, also end up being tested, which turn out to be stronger than them. And for the sake of this, a person is able to erase his entire former life overnight. This happens with Anthony, an honorary Roman who fell in love with the proud queen of Egypt. For his sake he forgot Rome and the family, and Caesar.


The Exploits of Danby Croker

R. Austin Freeman

What would you do if your doppelganger were committing crimes and making the police believe you were the perpetrator? In Danby Crokers case, he decides to retaliate! But that is only one of the problems besetting him in this set of interlinked stories. Given a job as an antique dealer, can he resist the temptations of earning some easy money through a bit of fencing and counterfeiting? And what on earth is he doing going round London dressed as a suffragette?! R. Austin Freemans The Exploits of Danby Croker involves mistaken identities, art forgery, antique swindles, and even a little cross-dressing. There is a price to be paid for breaking the law, but whos going to pay it? Originally written in 1911 by the great author of detective stories R. Austin Freeman, this is a comic novel that may surprise those who know Freemans work only through the Dr. Thorndyke stories! This rare collection of stories is an enjoyable romp through crime and romance.


The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation

Joseph Smith Fletcher

Marshall Allerdyke is driving through the night from London to Hull in response to an urgent telegram from his cousin. As he nears Hull, a beautiful woman stops his car to ask for directions to Scotland. Odd time to be traveling so far and in such a hurry, but Allerdykes mind is elsewhere. When he finally arrives in Hull, he finds his cousin dead in his hotel room and a valuable consignment of jewels missing. Allerdykes only clue rests with that woman hurrying off to Scotland. Written in beautifully period English, this mystery has many threads to solve. The main characters work wonderfully with each other to solve the mystery, with the assistance of the British police. There are enough twists and turns and revelations to keep you busy right to the end.


The Enchanted Island of Yew

L. Frank Baum

The Island of Yew is set at some undisclosed place in the Earths global ocean in the middle of the sea. A fairy has become bored with her life, and convinces some young girls to transform her into a human boy so she can go on fast and furious adventures. Transformed, he is Prince Marvel, but he keeps his fairy powers, as they might prove handy in a world where you will quite likely encounter giants, dwarves, wizards, rowdy robber gangs, talking dragons, damsels in distress, and overgrown hedges. He takes as a sidekick a dedicated masochist, which is just one of the ways the author keeps things interesting. Full of magic, and fairies and evil hearted villains, this a good read for young adults with a love of gentle adventure stories. The Enchanted Island of Yew is a 1903 childrens book, a fantasy written by L. Frank Baum. It is not an Oz book, though materials in it show a clear relationship and resemblance with Baums most famous fantasy country.


Бедные люди (Biedni ludzie)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

Это уникальное произведение гениального писателя. На первый взгляд, это обыкновенная переписка двух людей, которые оказались в непростых жизненных обстоятельствах, на самом деле 2013 феноменальный рассказ о человеческой сущности, о жизненных ценностях и каким образом выжить в мире, который абсолютно не приспособлен под «бедных людей». В основе романа 2013 история несчастной любви мелкого чиновника Макара Девушкина и Вареньки Доброселовой. Оба они 2013 удивительно трогательные, яркие, живые и светлые персонажи. Развивая извечно российскую тему 2013 тему «маленького человека», не способного переломить обстоятельства и систему, автор искренне сочувствует своим обездоленным героям, чья внутренняя красота и благородство души безмерны, но это никак не может помочь им в мире, наполненном несправедливостью, страданиями и жестокостью.


Doctor Grimshawes Secret. A Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The novel Doctor Grimshawes Secret, in which a specific eerie coloring is attached to one particular house, still existing in Salem and adjacent to the old cemetery on Charter Street. This mood was expressed in giving a certain amount of mystery, magic or horror to events that are basically not supernatural. An interesting novel for mystery lovers.


Allan and the Ice-Gods. A Tale of Beginnings

H. Rider Haggard

Many people want to have a drug in their hands that can change our appearance. Our hero was in the hands of just such a drug. Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic drug taduki, after which he transforms into an incomprehensible creature. He falls in prehistoric times, in cave times. Such an adventure will be definitely interesting.


La Frontiere

Maurice Leblanc

Seul lauteur dArsene Lupin savait décrire lhistoire si saturée et mysterieuse. La frontiere entre lAllemand et la France est plein de suspens et de rebondissements et malheureusement cela est une source de nombreux conflits. Philippe rentre apres de vacances chez Morestal a la frontiere. Un pere et son fils ne sont pas prtes dun évenement tragique qui survient sur la frontiere. Alors, tes vous prtes?


Frank Merriwells Chums

Burt L. Standish

The most important thing in life is to have true friends. So thought our hero, Frank Merriwell. It would seem like this can be a problem for one of the most popular students in the academy. However, Frank not only had a large number of friends, but also enemies. And when the enemy is among friends.. this is the worst thing ever.