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Mastering Customer Success. Discover tactics to decrease churn and expand revenue
Jeff Mar, Peter Armaly, Mark Stouse
The rapidly evolving customer success landscape has left many Customer Success Managers (CSMs) struggling to keep pace with the complexities of this dynamic role. This Customer Success book bridges the gap by providing a comprehensive framework for mastering the essential skills required to excel.You’ll find out why the Customer Success function is indispensable today and gain expert insights into account segmentation, financial tiering, ideal customer profiles, and the complexity of customer engagement process design. You’ll then delve into playbook development, where you’ll find practical guidance for CSMs and Customer Success Operations Managers who want to improve their ability to drive desired business outcomes. Through insightful case studies, the authors illustrate their own experience of successful Customer Success implementation, showing you what it takes to exceed customer expectations with well-designed, proactive services. The journey doesn’t end there—it extends to highlighting the resilience required to build and operate successful Customer Success organizations.By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the tactics and mindset necessary to stand out as a world-class Customer Success leader in your organization, driving growth at every turn.
Slack is an online communication tool that allows workplace teams to collaborate efficiently, effectively, and securely. It’s the leading channel-based messaging platform used by millions to align their teams, unify their systems, and drive their businesses forward. As a developer, you can use Slack to create tools such as bots that handle and maintain routine and time-consuming tasks. If you’re looking to set up a Slack workplace or build a Slack bot or app, this is the book for you.In this book, you’ll explore scenarios that show you how to set up a Slack workplace, build a Slack bot, or integrate your favorite tools. You’ll also learn how Slack can help you create a more collaborative, efficient, and coordinated work environment from any location. As you advance through the chapters, you'll find out how to manage your tasks and boost your business productivity by automating the trivial tasks. You'll also cover more advanced features such as using a Slack bot to complete tasks, including automating message responses and accessing personal reminders.By the end of this Slack book, you'll have learned how to use Slack effectively to communicate with your team and build bots and have gained a solid understanding of how the platform can help you to progress in your industry.
101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
Design is everywhere. Take a look around you right now and consider the products and services we use every day. You'll notice that our computer and phone operating systems, our web browsers, and the apps we use to work, order food, socialize and even date have been designed by UX specialists to offer you the best experiences when using their products and services.Of course, not all online experiences are designed with our best interests in mind. That's exactly why UX design is such an exciting and rewarding field?by learning the logic behind what people engage with and implementing it in your UX work, you can craft intuitive, accessible, and highly functional designs for your digital products.The 2nd edition of 101 UX Principles is the perfect companion when working on digital projects and making the right decisions for your users. From landing pages and checkout basket UIs to startup launch products and enterprise software solutions, a rich user experience design will maximize the success of your product.The audiobook includes an exclusive invitation to join an online UX designers' community, where you can read the book alongside peers and other UX designers, and participate in various challenges and discussions with the author. See you there!
Pragmatic Microservices with C# and Azure introduces .NET Aspire for microservices, focusing on defining an app model, utilizing service discovery, and integrating with Azure's native cloud services. Written by a Microsoft MVP and seasoned software architect with over two decades of experience in .NET, this book will help you get to grips with robust service development using .NET features like minimal APIs, gRPC, and SignalR for real-time communication. Aside from covering essential aspects of DevOps, including testing methodologies such as unit, integration, and load testing, you’ll also explore logging and monitoring including OpenTelemetry using tools like Azure Log Analytics, Application Insights, Prometheus, and Grafana. You'll learn about asynchronous communication leveraging queues and events through Azure Event Hub and Apache. Throughout the book, theoretical aspects will be complemented by practical skills gained from building and deploying a fully functional microservices-based application. By the end, you’ll possess a deep understanding of microservices architecture, hands-on experience with various .NET technologies and Azure services, and the ability to design, build, deploy, and manage microservices applications effectively in both on-premises and cloud environments.
Algorithms have always played an important role in both the science and practice of computing. Beyond traditional computing, the ability to use algorithms to solve real-world problems is an important skill that any developer or programmer must have. This book will help you not only to develop the skills to select and use an algorithm to solve real-world problems but also to understand how it works.You’ll start with an introduction to algorithms and discover various algorithm design techniques, before exploring how to implement different types of algorithms, such as searching and sorting, with the help of practical examples. As you advance to a more complex set of algorithms, you'll learn about linear programming, page ranking, and graphs, and even work with machine learning algorithms, understanding the math and logic behind them. Further on, case studies such as weather prediction, tweet clustering, and movie recommendation engines will show you how to apply these algorithms optimally. Finally, you’ll become well versed in techniques that enable parallel processing, giving you the ability to use these algorithms for compute-intensive tasks.By the end of this book, you'll have become adept at solving real-world computational problems by using a wide range of algorithms.
Paola E. Annis, Giuliano Caglio, Marco Barra Caracciolo
Cloud teams and ICT cost controllers working with Azure will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide, introducing a process model for structured cost governance. The Road to Azure Cost Governance is a must-read if you find yourself facing the harsh reality of monthly cloud costs gradually getting out of control.Starting with how resources are created and managed, everything you need to know in order to track, display, optimize, rightsize, and clean up cloud resources will be tackled with a workflow approach that will leave the choice of operation to you (be it the Azure CLI, automation, logic apps, or even custom code). Using real-world datasets, you'll learn everything from basic cost management to modeling your cloud spend across your technical resources in a sustainable way. The book will also show you how to create a recursive optimization process that will give you full control of spending and savings, while helping you reserve budget for future cloud projects and innovation.By the end of this Azure book, you'll have a clear understanding and control of your cloud spend along with knowledge of a number of cost-saving techniques used by companies around the world, application optimization patterns, and the carbon impact of your cloud infrastructure.
The Complete Metasploit Guide. Explore effective penetration testing techniques with Metasploit
Most businesses today are driven by their IT infrastructure, and the tiniest crack in this IT network can bring down the entire business. Metasploit is a pentesting network that can validate your system by performing elaborate penetration tests using the Metasploit Framework to secure your infrastructure.This Learning Path introduces you to the basic functionalities and applications of Metasploit. Throughout this book, you’ll learn different techniques for programming Metasploit modules to validate services such as databases, fingerprinting, and scanning. You’ll get to grips with post exploitation and write quick scripts to gather information from exploited systems. As you progress, you’ll delve into real-world scenarios where performing penetration tests are a challenge. With the help of these case studies, you’ll explore client-side attacks using Metasploit and a variety of scripts built on the Metasploit Framework.By the end of this Learning Path, you’ll have the skills required to identify system vulnerabilities by using thorough testing.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:Metasploit for Beginners by Sagar RahalkarMastering Metasploit - Third Edition by Nipun Jaswal
Emily Jiang, Andrew McCright, John Alcorn, David Chan, ...
In this cloud-native era, most applications are deployed in a cloud environment that is public, private, or a combination of both. To ensure that your application performs well in the cloud, you need to build an application that is cloud native. MicroProfile is one of the most popular frameworks for building cloud-native applications, and fits well with Kubernetes. As an open standard technology, MicroProfile helps improve application portability across all of MicroProfile's implementations.Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile is a comprehensive guide that helps you explore the advanced features and use cases of a variety of Jakarta and MicroProfile specifications. You'll start by learning how to develop a real-world stock trader application, and then move on to enhancing the application and adding day-2 operation considerations. You'll gradually advance to packaging and deploying the application. The book demonstrates the complete process of development through to deployment and concludes by showing you how to monitor the application's performance in the cloud. By the end of this book, you will master MicroProfile's latest features and be able to build fast and efficient cloud-native applications.
Embark on a comprehensive journey to master natural language processing (NLP) with Python. Begin with foundational concepts like text preprocessing, tokenization, and key Python libraries such as NLTK, spaCy, and TextBlob. Explore the challenges of text data and gain hands-on experience in cleaning, tokenizing, and building basic NLP pipelines. Early chapters provide practical exercises to solidify your understanding of essential techniques.Advance to sophisticated topics like feature engineering using Bag of Words, TF-IDF, and embeddings like Word2Vec and BERT. Delve into language modeling with RNNs, syntax parsing, and sentiment analysis, learning to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios. Chapters on topic modeling and text summarization equip you to extract insights from data, while transformer-based models like BERT take your skills to the next level. Each concept is paired with Python-based examples, ensuring practical mastery.The final chapters focus on real-world projects, such as developing chatbots, sentiment analysis dashboards, and news aggregators. These hands-on applications challenge you to design, train, and deploy robust NLP solutions. With its structured approach and practical focus, this book equips you to confidently tackle real-world NLP challenges and innovate in the field.
Vincent Sesto, Onur Yilmaz, Sathsara Sarathchandra, Aric Renzo, ...
No doubt Docker Containers are the future of highly-scalable software systems and have cost and runtime efficient supporting infrastructure. But learning it might look complex as it comes with many technicalities. This is where The Docker Workshop will help you.Through this workshop, you’ll quickly learn how to work with containers and Docker with the help of practical activities.? The workshop starts with Docker containers, enabling you to understand how it works. You’ll run third party Docker images and also create your own images using Dockerfiles and multi-stage Dockerfiles. Next, you’ll create environments for Docker images, and expedite your deployment and testing process with Continuous Integration. Moving ahead, you’ll tap into interesting topics and learn how to implement production-ready environments using Docker Swarm. You’ll also apply best practices to secure Docker images and to ensure that production environments are running at maximum capacity. Towards the end, you’ll gather skills to successfully move Docker from development to testing, and then into production. While doing so, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot issues, clear up resource bottlenecks and optimize the performance of services.By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to utilize Docker containers in real-world use cases.
WordPress is one of the most widely used, powerful, and open content management systems (CMSs). Whether you're a site owner trying to find the right extension, a developer who wants to contribute to the community, or a website developer working to fulfill a client's needs, learning how to extend WordPress' capabilities will help you to unleash its full potential. This book will help you become familiar with API functions to create secure plugins with easy-to-use administration interfaces.This third edition contains new recipes and up-to-date code samples, including new chapters on creating custom blocks for the block editor and integrating data from external sources. From one chapter to the next, you’ll learn how to create plugins of varying complexity, ranging from a few lines of code to complex extensions that provide intricate new capabilities. You'll start by using the basic mechanisms provided in WordPress to create plugins, followed by recipes covering how to design administration panels, enhance the post editor with custom fields, store custom data, and even create custom blocks. You'll safely incorporate dynamic elements into web pages using scripting languages, learn how to integrate data from external sources, and build new widgets that users will be able to add to WordPress sidebars and widget areas.By the end of this book, you will be able to create WordPress plugins to perform any task you can imagine.
Preetish Kakkar, Mauricio Maurer
Vulkan is a graphics API that gives the program total control of the GPU, allowing the GPU to be used to its full potential. This cookbook will uncover useful techniques for emerging new technologies, such as hybrid rendering, extended reality – mixed reality (MR), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) – and GPU-driven rendering, and even features a dedicated chapter to help you debug and profile your graphics applications with tips and tricks tested in real-world scenarios.The book starts by explaining basic Vulkan concepts while guiding you through the implementation of a basic graphics engine. The building blocks presented in the first few chapters will then help you implement more advanced techniques and algorithms, while getting you acquainted with the inner workings of Vulkan. Gradually, you’ll discover how Vulkan can be used to build hybrid renderers as well as leveraged for the future of graphics with AR/VR/MR. Moreover, you’ll gain an understanding of how it can be debugged or measured for performance.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in how to use Vulkan to write graphics applications and how graphics algorithms are implemented using Vulkan.
C++ is meticulously designed with efficiency, performance, and flexibility as its core objectives. However, real-time low latency applications demand a distinct set of requirements, particularly in terms of performance latencies.With this book, you’ll gain insights into the performance requirements for low latency applications and the C++ features critical to achieving the required performance latencies. You’ll also solidify your understanding of the C++ principles and techniques as you build a low latency system in C++ from scratch.You’ll understand the similarities between such applications, recognize the impact of performance latencies on business, and grasp the reasons behind the extensive efforts invested in minimizing latencies. Using a step-by-step approach, you’ll embark on a low latency app development journey by building an entire electronic trading system, encompassing a matching engine, market data handlers, order gateways, and trading algorithms, all in C++. Additionally, you’ll get to grips with measuring and optimizing the performance of your trading system.By the end of this book, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to design and build low latency applications in C++ from the ground up, while effectively minimizing performance latencies.
Fast Data Processing with Spark 2. Accelerate your data for rapid insight - Third Edition
When people want a way to process big data at speed, Spark is invariably the solution. With its ease of development (in comparison to the relative complexity of Hadoop), it’s unsurprising that it’s becoming popular with data analysts and engineers everywhere. Beginning with the fundamentals, we’ll show you how to get set up with Spark with minimum fuss. You’ll then get to grips with some simple APIs before investigating machine learning and graph processing – throughout we’ll make sure you know exactly how to apply your knowledge. You will also learn how to use the Spark shell, how to load data before finding out how to build and run your own Spark applications. Discover how to manipulate your RDD and get stuck into a range of DataFrame APIs. As if that’s not enough, you’ll also learn some useful Machine Learning algorithms with the help of Spark MLlib and integrating Spark with R. We’ll also make sure you’re confident and prepared for graph processing, as you learn more about the GraphX API.
Guido Schmutz, Peter Welkenbach, Guido Schmutz (Euro)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) refers to building systems that offer applications as a set of independent services that communicate and inter-operate with each other effectively. Such applications may originate from different vendor, platform, and programming language backgrounds, making successful integration a challenging task. This book enables you to integrate application systems effectively, using the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint, which is supported by real-world scenarios in which this Integration Blueprint has proved a success.This book will enable you to grasp all of the intricacies of the Trivadis Architecture Blueprint, including detailed descriptions of each layer and component. It is a detailed theoretical guide that shows you how to implement your own integration architectures in practice, using the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint. The main focus is on explaining and visualizing the blueprint, including comprehensive descriptions of all of its layers and components. It also covers the more basic features of integration concepts for less experienced specialists, as well as shedding light on the future of integration technologies, such as XTP and Grid Computing. You will learn about EII and EAI, OGSi, as well as base technologies related to the implementation of solutions based on the Blueprint, such as JCA, JBI, SCA and SDO.The book begins by covering fundamental integration for those less familiar with the concepts and terminology, and then dives deep into explaining the different architecture variants and the future of integration technologies. Base technologies like JCA and SCA will be explored along the way, and the structure of the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint will be described in detail, as will the intricacies of each component and layer. Other content includes discovering and comparing traditional and modern SOA driven integration solutions, implementing transaction strategies and process modeling, and getting to grips with EDA developments in SOA. Finally, the book considers how to map software from vendors like Oracle and IBM to the blueprint in order to compare the solutions, and ultimately integrate your own projects successfully.