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Sapphira and the Slave Girl

Willa Cather

The action takes place in Virginia five years before the Civil War. The story shows the impact of slavery on Saphira Colbert, a woman of spirit and common sense who is frighteningly capricious in dealing with the people she owns. The heroine Sapphira lacks moral qualities, she does not cause sympathy. However, the book was critically acclaimed and was a commercial success.


Maria. Powieść ukraińska

Antoni Malczewski

Powieść poetycka w dwóch pieśniach, dzieło polskiego romantyzmu z roku 1825. Antoni Malczewski jako pierwszy wprowadził gatunek powieści poetyckiej do literatury polskiej. Fabuła odwołuje się do rzeczywistej zbrodni mordu na Gertrudzie Komorowskiej dokonanego na polecenie przeciwnego małżeństwu teścia. Utwór, którego akcja rozgrywa się na ukraińskich stepach, przesycony jest pesymizmem, atmosferą grozy i tajemniczości, potęgowanymi przez zaburzenia chronologiczne.


The Lowest Rung

Mary Cholmondeley

This book focuses on the social exclusion and marginalization of respectable women in the context of their response to risk. Of the four stories included in the collection, three deal with crime, deviance, or both.


Riddles Read

Dick Donovan

Written by James Edward Preston Murdock (18431934), an author of mysteries, thrillers, and horror stories. For a time, his popularity rivaled that of Arthur Conan Doyle and he was certainly more prolific than Doyle. This collection of short stories dates from 1896: 1: In the Shadow of Sudden Death, 2: The Doom of the Star-gazer, 3: The Strange Story of Some State Papers, 4: The Problem of Dead Wood Hall, 5: Trapped, 6: The Riddle of Beavers Hill, 7: A Railway Mystery, 8: A Desperate Game


Jerozolima wyzwolona

Torquato Tasso

Wybitny epicki poemat rycerski pióra mistrza włoskiego renesansu Torquato Tasso (15441595), wydany po raz pierwszy w 1581 r. Jego akcja, nawiązująca formalnie do Iliady, opisuje ostatnią fazę pierwszej krucjaty: oblężenie i zdobycie Jerozolimy pod wodzą Godfreda de Bouillon w 1099 r. Brutalność wojny między europejskimi krzyżowcami i muzułmańskimi Saracenami nie daje nadziei na zawarcie pokoju. Bohaterowie obu stron dalecy są od wyidealizowanych wzorców rycerskich, wykazują głębię psychologiczną, targają nimi wątpliwości i sprzeczności.


The Hidden Children

Robert W. Chambers

The author reveals many of the smallest details about the life of revolutionary volunteers, the land, the hardships of camp life, numerous tribes of indigenous aborigines and their relationship with each other and with whites. The West is a relative place in relation to time.


The Common Law

Robert W. Chambers

This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.


Tajemnica żółtego pokoju

Gaston Leroux

Tajemnica żółtego pokoju to powieść w odcinkach autorstwa Gastona Leroux (18681927) francuskiego pisarza i reportera. Zasłynął jako autor powieści detektywistycznych oraz tzw. literatury weird fiction, z której największą sławę przyniósł mu Upiór w operze. W Tajemnicy żółtego pokoju po raz pierwszy pojawił się sympatyczny reporter-detektyw Joseph Rouletabille, którego postać podbiła serca szerokiej rzeszy czytelników.



Marie Corelli

Theos Olwyn, a poet and a lost man, travels to a secluded monastery in search of a man who can take his soul. He finds him in Heliobas, a seer who has given up his parlor sessions for the sake of isolation and worship of God. A night of thinking and talking leads to Alwyn writing an epic poem for free, which he packages and mails to his publisher. He also meets an angel named Edris who tells him to look for Ardat.


Innocent. Her Fancy and His Fact

Marie Corelli

This is the story of a young woman from England at the turn of the 20th century who learns the truth about her parents, and this knowledge sets her life on a path she is not ready for and those around her are powerless to stop.


Who Goes There!

Robert W. Chambers

This story is about the Crown Prince. Most of the world is against him and what he stands for. He expresses surprise at the position of the United States. This attitude is the natural result of various causes, among which are the following: Distrust of any aggressor on the part of a peace-minded nation.


Autour de la Lune

Jules Verne

Le conte de science-fiction décrit les aventures de trois amis: le fondateur du Cannon Club, Impee Barbicane, le capitaine Nicolas et le courageux Michel Ardant. Les voyageurs effectuent un vol de cinq jours autour dun satellite de notre planete, passant du temps des débats et discussions scientifiques et partageant entre eux dimportantes conjectures et observations. La société décrite dans lhistoire Autour de la Lune a des traits utopiques: chacun a son opinion


Balsamo, the Magician. Or, The Memoirs of a Physician

Alexandre Dumas

Joseph Balsamo, a skilled doctor, sorcerer, great master of the Masonic Order, whose network of intrigues includes many influential figures of the highest society of European countries. Bazzamo could command the fate of other people, was a magician, stood at the head of the mysterious society that rules the world Massonov. Everything is subject to him: time, people, events, except for one his beloved woman, the beautiful Lorenza.


The Pot of Gold and Other Stories

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

This novel is for those who are looking for a quick and easy read. The Flowers family lived in a small house in a wide grassy meadow that descended a few branches from the front door to a gentle silvery river. Directly across the river stood a lovely dark green mountain, and when a rainbow fell, as it often did, nothing could look more charming than it rose from the opposite bank of the stream against the backdrop of a wet, shady mountain.


Judith Paris

Hugh Walpole

The characters are diverse and strong in these books. Walpole clearly believed in women with character, because the book is full of them. Not so outrageous to be incredible, but more women who will not be meek rugs for spouses or family members. History and famous characters sometimes slip in to add color and historical context. Vivid descriptions of the countryside, especially the lake region. Even now, ridges and lakes penetrate in all directions of life.


The Huntress

Hulbert Footner

The Huntress written by Hulbert Footner who was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. Published in 1922, here a frontier love story with a tough, but intriguing heroine and a reluctant, at first weak, but eventually worthy lover.