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Дни Турбиных

Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков

Пьеса посвящена переломному моменту истории России 2013 революции и Гражданской войне, раз и навсегда изменившим жизнь русской интеллигенции. Это произведение в гораздо большей степени было реалистическим, чем то допускали его критики, представлявшие действительность, в отличие от Булгакова, в виде заданных идеологических схем.


Find This Man

Aidan de Brune

A photograph and a message: "Find this man". Theres a fortune at stake. Find This Man novel is one of mystery by Aidan de Brune (Herbert Charles CULL). As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Aidan de Brune provides a thrill of another sort! Readers of Aidan de Brunes novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


Following the Equator

Mark Twain

In the book Following the Equator, the author talks about his journey from the shores of America to Australia, then to India and South Africa. This is a kind of travelers diary, written in art form. The narration is in the first person. The author talks about what he saw, remembered so figuratively, as if the reader himself had visited this distant journey


Szkice węglem

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Szkice węglem opisuje dramat chłopskiej rodziny z drugiej połowy XIX wieku. By uchronić męża przed wzięciem go na długie lata do rosyjskiego wojska, żona oddaje się pisarzowi gminnemu Zołzikiewiczowi. Ten obiecał kobiecie wyreklamować męża, czego jednak nie czyni. Zdradzony i zdesperowany Rzepa zabija żonę...


The Man from Manchester

Dick Donovan

The book, written in the 19 c. by British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction J. E. Preston Muddock. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle. It is about a married gentleman, first accused of murder of his lover and later acquitted due to brilliant investigation by police in spite of alleged heavy evidence against the gentleman. The real murder, ex-husband of the victim, is pretty evident to the reader.


Listy do Marysieńki

Jan III Sobieski

To arcydzieło polskiej epistolografii zachwyca mimo upływu wieków. Listy pisane najpierw przez hetmana Sobieskiego, a później króla Polski Jana III przesycone są szczerym uczuciem do żony Marii Kazimiery dArquien. Dają świadectwo niezwykłej intymnej relacji łączącej tę jakże publiczną parę, jedną z najsłynniejszych w historii. Urzeka ich język oparty na tajemniczym szyfrze wypracowanym przez kochanków. Miłosne perypetie poznajemy na tle kluczowych wydarzeń polskiej historii nowożytnej.



Hugh Walpole

The book begins with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Judith, and we regret her death, as she was one of the most dominant and memorable characters in this series, starting with the second volume. During the conspiracy, Vanessas father dies in tragic circumstances and the love triangle between Vanessa, Ellis and Benji deepens. Two new characters will appear in this book: the younger brothers Sally and Tom. And lets hope someone post Judiths memories. As a historical background, we have the Boer War, the Great War and the period between the first and second wars.


Fedra. Tragedia w pięciu aktach wierszem

Jean Baptiste Racine

Francuski dramaturg Jean-Baptiste Racine jest uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych tragików wszech czasów oraz mistrza w przedstawianiu kobiecej psychiki. Tragedia Fedra, napisana w roku 1677, jest inspirowana grecką mitologią. Opowiada o nieodwzajemnionej miłości tytułowej bohaterki do jej pasierba Hipolita. Ten jednak kocha się w innej kobiecie, potomkini zwaśnionego z nimi rodu. Fedra przedstawiona jest jako kobieta rozdarta i na wpół oszalała z nieszczęśliwej miłości.


Godzina trwogi. Powieść kryminalna

Zenon Różański

Warszawa roku 1938. Szaleniec podpisujący się pseudonimem Ekscentryk rozpoczyna śmiertelną grę z gwiazdą stołecznej policji: komisarzem Grotem. Informuje go o zamiarze podłożenia bomby w pociągu relacji Warszawa Paryż. Podaje dokładną godzinę i lokalizację. Stawia jednak przy tym liczne warunki dotyczące sposobu odnalezienia ładunku. I wydaje się, że znakomicie się przy tym bawi... Słyszałem, że jest pan jednym z najzdolniejszych kryminologów naszej policji i doznaję pewnej emocji na myśl, że wkrótce się spotkamy pisze w liście do komisarza.


The Fifth Queen Crowned

Ford Madox Hueffer

This is three novels bound as one. The wonderful Fifth Queen trilogy by Ford Madox Ford (1873 1939) is about Katharine Howard, the 5th wife of Henry VII which present Katharine Howards arrival at the Court of Henry VIII, her eventual marriage to the king, and her death. Depicting some of the eras most notorious figures, including Thomas Cromwell, Throckmorton, Bloody Mary, and the King himself, Ford makes history both entertaining and undeniably human.


On Liberty

John Stuart Mill

Readers are invited to a book by an outstanding English philosopher, psychologist, sociologist and economist John Stuart Mill, which explores the problem of civil liberty of the individual. According to the author himself, the subject of the work is not the so-called free will, namely civil, or social, freedom, that is, the properties and limits of that power, by the power of which society fully manages individual individuals. In various chapters of the book, Mill discusses the freedom of thought and speech, about individuality as one of the conditions for human well-being, and also about the existing limits of the power of society over an individual.


The Hesitation of Miss Anderson

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Duncan Sara Jeannette has written 22 works of fiction, many with international themes. The main characters have certain freedoms living among the limits of the Empire. The resulting stories combine a sophistication of manner and movement that is reminiscent of Henry James.


The Provincial Lady in Russia

E.M. Delafield

Written in the style of a diary, it tells the story of woman living in 1930s Russia who finds herself toiling on a collective farm, battling with public transport, and generally struggling with life in Soviet Russia. Although the style and humor are slightly different than the others in the series, it manages to be on itself a thoroughly interesting book about one womans experiences in Communist Russia.


Dan Lyons Doom

Mary Fortune

This novel was published as a series in several Australian newspapers. The action takes place on a small Victorian gold mine. This is a story about murder, retribution, guilt and cruel justice.


The Silver Horde

Rex Beach

A former American football star, Boyd Emerson has failed in several businesses. He did all this in order to get the hand of his rich lover, but failure seems to haunt him at every turn. Now he is trying his hand at salmon fishing in Alaska.


A Task for Leonardo

Henry Bedford-Jones

The incomparable Leonardo da Vinci had great plans for the magic Sphinx Emerald but though the King of France was his friend, he had also made a bitter enemy. Written by Henry James OBrien Bedford-Jones (April 29, 1887 May 6, 1949) who was a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer and who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.