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With the exception of Westgard, all other employees began migrating to the monthly conference, returning one by one from the mysterious financial jungle, popularly known as Downtown. This is a fascinating story that will keep you in suspense until the very end.
Chestertons last novel is a reflection of his first novel. Michael Herne, the librarian at Seawood Abbey, is asked to play the part of a medieval king. He not only takes his role seriously by thoroughly researching the Middle Ages, when the play is concluded, he refuses to take off the costume... Set in the early 20th Century, this is the intriguing story of the rise of a new Don Quixote who introduces a medieval government into the world of big business.
The Apple-Tree Table and Other Sketches
Smooth reading, very pretty, with graceful irony personifying superstition and fears in the unknown. The Apple Tree Table is a cool little ghost story where rationalistic skeptics were right, and it turns out that there is a mundane explanation. And oddly enough for Melville, at the end there is even a message of pro-Christianity.
The Last Vendée. Or, The She-Wolves of Machecoul
The scene takes place in 1832, just 40 years after the fall of the royal family and about 15 years after the fall of Napoleon. There are we have characters who are designed to fight, perhaps for the last time, to ask the royal family again. This book focuses on a specific area in France, not in France as a whole.
Степь (Step). История одной поездки
Антон Павлович Чехов, Anton Pawłowicz Czechow
201eСтепь201d 2013 одна из девятнадцати опубликованных повестей Антона Павловича Чехова, в котором за простым и незамысловатым сюжетом скрывается глубочайший философский смысл. Как отмечают критики, именно эта повесть стала переломной, открыв писателю путь от крохотных рассказов в большую литературу. Главный герой 2013 девятилетний мальчик по имени Егорушка 2013 прощается с родной деревней и по настоянию матери Ольги Ивановны отправляется в большой город учиться в гимназию. Дорога, дядя Иван Иванович Кузьмичев везет племянника в гимназию. Их сопровождает добрый, но практичный настоятель местной церкви. По дороге мальчик встречает много новых людей, включая красивую графиню Драницкую, обозчиков, семейство униженных евреев, богатого купца Варламова, которые позволяют понять ему природу человека, глубину русской души. Кроме этого, автор показал все свое мастерство детализировать не только персонажей, но именно в этом произведении он настолько полно и точно описал природу, что читателю книги может показаться, что это именно он сопровождает Егора в гимназию.
This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmophoria festival as an opportunity to discuss a suitable choice of revenge, Fearing their abilities, Euripides seeks out his tragic friend Agathon in the hope of convincing him to spy on him and become his protector at the festival a role that, of course, would require him to disguise himself as a woman.
Dialog Platoński, obok Państwa uważany za jedno ze szczytowych osiągnięć literackich Platona. Głównym tematem dialogu jest miłość (eros). Dialog ma skomplikowaną konstrukcję ramową o kilku poziomach narracji wydarzenia z uczty u Agatona referuje Apollodor na podstawie wieści zasłyszanych od innej osoby. Sedno stanowią przytoczone mowy uczestników uczty każda z nich opowiada o Erosie z innej perspektywy, zależnie od zajęcia lub charakteru opowiadającego.
Urke Nachalnik to pseudonim literacki przedwojennego autora kryminałów pochodzenia żydowskiego, które właściwe nazwisko brzmiało Icek Boruch Farbarowicz. Za działalność przestępczą trafił na długie lata do więzienia, gdzie z powodzeniem przekuwał znajomość przestępczego półświatka na literaturę. Po wyjściu z więzienia postanowił bliżej związać się z literaturą. Do wybuchu wojny napisał kilka powieści sensacyjno-kryminalnych, Gdyby nie kobiety.
Accused, tried, and convicted of robbery and murder that he did not commit, Jim Seton rotted in jail for five long years. Although the townspeople said he was lucky not to hang, that wasnt how Jim saw it. He didnt take kindly to being railroaded. Now he was free and ready. He was an innocent man whod been sent to hell, and he was ready, willing, and able to return the favor. The Return of the Rancher is a classical western excitement at its very best by a master of the genre. Max Brand is one of the most exciting and talented writers working in the Western genre who has been labeled one of the top three Western novelists of all time so western fans will be in for a treat.
One of Max Brands worth reading as an alternative to his western stories. Michael Clovelly might not have been the greatest swordsman ever to come to London town during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles the Second, but if a better man ever wielded a blade, he had not yet stepped forth to claim the distinction. Seeking gold with which to elevate his beggarly fortunes, Clovelly chances to encounter a bully, and his fierce sword work brings him to the attention of Lord Teynham, who has need of a resourceful man with a rapier. The commission: to turn highwayman and rob a certain coach. The reasons? They are both murky and mysterious. But they have to do with a certain lady of impeccable character...
Paul Campenhaye, Specialist in Criminology
These are great detective stories. Campenhaye solves secrets, at first he tries to understand who ukarl jewels, and then solves the mysterious murder. Every story has the least stress. The most interesting is the ending, it really will be unexpected.
Klechdy polskie to zbiór baśni napisanych przez wybitnego poetę Bolesława Leśmiana. Utwory zachwycają już na poziomie języka: stylizowanego na ludową opowieść, pełnego tajemniczości i magicznych opisów. Leśmian sięga głęboko do folkloru, aby wydobyć z niego archetypiczne motywy i symbole, a następnie twórczo je przekształca, osiągając efekt, którym zachwycają się czytelnicy niemal w każdym wieku.
B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance often with surprise endings. Her gift for creating engaging, human characters is just as evident in Tiger Eye, a book with a much tougher, more serious plot than some of her early works. The main character, nicknamed Tiger Eye because of his one yellow eye, is a young Texan who has left home to escape being drawn into an old feud. Arriving in Montana, he literally wanders into the middle of a vicious range war between a big cattle outfit and a community of small ranchers and farmers, or nesters. He soon finds himself working for the cattle outfit, but without a very clear idea of whats expected from him.
Depicting the fatal clash between material desires and the liberating power of human passions, Honoré de Balzacs Eugénie Grandet (1833) is one of the earliest and most famous novels in his Comedie humaine cycle, which portrays a society consumed by the struggle to amass wealth and achieve power. The Grandet household, oppressed by the exacting miserliness of Grandet himself, is jerked violently out of routine by the sudden arrival of Eugenies cousin Charles, recently orphaned and penniless. Eugenies emotional awakening, stimulated by her love for her cousin, brings her into direct conflict with her father, whose cunning and financial success are matched against her determination to rebel that results in tragedy for all. This classic work of social satire, carnal desire, greed, and obsession is both an exquisitely drawn portrayal of private life and an extraordinary document of post-revolutionary France.
LArgent est le dix-huitieme roman de lécrivain français. Le jeu, la spéculation sur la propriété fonciere et les valeurs mobilieres, leffondrement de la pyramide financiere sont brillamment décrits dans le roman. Un roman sur lamour et sur lamour de largent. En ce qui concerne le pouvoir global de largent et comment, au détriment deux, une personne peut sélever au ciel et seffondrer dans la boue, il en résultera des actes terribles.
The Dutchess of Wrexe, Her Decline and Death
An energetic girl enters society and must choose between her rebellious and exiled cousin or an ordinary young man. Rachel chooses an ordinary young man, but when their marriage begins to degenerate, she again comes into contact with her cousin. She falls in love with him will she leave her husband and run away with her romantic but weak lover?