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Developing artificial intelligence (AI) for game characters in Unity has never been easier. Unity provides game and app developers with a variety of tools to implement AI, from basic techniques to cutting-edge machine learning-powered agents. Leveraging these tools via Unity's API or built-in features allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating game worlds and characters.The updated fifth edition of Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming starts by breaking down AI into simple concepts. Using a variety of examples, the book then takes those concepts and walks you through actual implementations designed to highlight key concepts and features related to game AI in Unity. As you progress, you’ll learn how to implement a finite state machine (FSM) to determine how your AI behaves, apply probability and randomness to make games less predictable, and implement a basic sensory system. Later, you’ll understand how to set up a game map with a navigation mesh, incorporate movement through techniques such as A* pathfinding, and provide characters with decision-making abilities using behavior trees.By the end of this Unity book, you’ll have the skills you need to bring together all the concepts and practical lessons you’ve learned to build an impressive vehicle battle game.
The Linux storage stack serves as a prime example of meticulously coordinated layers. Embark on a journey through the kernel code with Architecture and Design of the Linux Storage Stack, crafted for anyone seeking in-depth knowledge about the layered design of Linux storage and its landscape.You’ll explore the Linux storage stack and its various concepts. You’ll unlock the secrets of the virtual filesystem and the actual filesystem and the differences in their implementation, the role of the block layer, the Multi-Queue and Device Mapper frameworks, I/O schedulers, physical storage layout, and how to analyze all the layers in the storage stack.By the end of this book, you’ll be acquainted with how a simple I/O request from a process travels down through all the layers and ends up in physical storage.
Data integration is a key component of an organization's technical strategy, yet historically the tools have been very expensive. Talend Open Studio is the world's leading open source data integration product and has played a huge part in making open source data integration a popular choice for businesses worldwide.This book is a welcome addition to the small but growing library of Talend Open Studio resources. From working with schemas to creating and validating test data, to scheduling your Talend code, you will get acquainted with the various Talend database handling techniques. Each recipe is designed to provide the key learning point in a short, simple and effective manner.This comprehensive guide provides practical exercises that cover all areas of the Talend development lifecycle including development, testing, debugging and deployment. The book delivers design patterns, hints, tips, and advice in a series of short and focused exercises that can be approached as a reference for more seasoned developers or as a series of useful learning tutorials for the beginner.The book covers the basics in terms of schema usage and mappings, along with dedicated sections that will allow you to get more from tMap, files, databases and XML.Geared towards the whole lifecycle, the Talend Open Studio Cookbook shows readers great ways to handle everyday tasks, and provides an insight into all areas of a development cycle including coding, testing, and debugging of code to provide start-to-finish coverage of the product.
SwiftUI is the new and powerful interface toolkit that lets you design and build iOS, iPadOS, and macOS apps using declarative syntax. It is a powerful way to develop the UI elements of applications, which would normally be tightly coupled to application logic.Learn SwiftUI will get you up to speed with the framework and cross-device UI development in no time. Complete with detailed explanations and practical examples, this easy-to-follow guide will teach you the fundamentals of the SwiftUI toolkit. You'll learn how to build a powerful iOS and iPadOS application that can be reused for deployment on watchOS. As you progress, you'll delve into UI and unit testing in iOS apps, along with learning how to test your SwiftUI code for multiple devices. The book will also show you how to integrate SwiftUI features such as data binding and network requests into your current application logic.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to build a cross-device application using the SwiftUI framework and Swift programming.
Cython is a hybrid programming language used to write C extensions for Python language. Combining the practicality of Python and speed and ease of the C language it’s an exciting language worth learning if you want to build fast applications with ease. This new edition of Learning Cython Programming shows you how to get started, taking you through the fundamentals so you can begin to experience its unique powers.You’ll find out how to get set up, before exploring the relationship between Python and Cython. You’ll also look at debugging Cython, before moving on to C++ constructs, Caveat on C++ usage, Python threading and GIL in Cython. Finally, you’ll learn object initialization and compile time, and gain a deeper insight into Python 3, which will help you not only become a confident Cython developer, but a much more fluent Python developer too.
– Extending Excel with Python and R is a game changer resource written by experts Steven Sanderson, the author of the healthyverse suite of R packages, and David Kun, co-founder of Functional Analytics. – This comprehensive guide transforms the way you work with spreadsheet-based data by integrating Python and R with Excel to automate tasks, execute statistical analysis, and create powerful visualizations. – Working through the chapters, you’ll find out how to perform exploratory data analysis, time series analysis, and even integrate APIs for maximum efficiency. – Both beginners and experts will get everything you need to unlock Excel's full potential and take your data analysis skills to the next level. – By the end of this book, you’ll be able to import data from Excel, manipulate it in R or Python, and perform the data analysis tasks in your preferred framework while pushing the results back to Excel for sharing with others as needed.
Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri
Python and R allow you to extend Power BI capabilities to simplify ingestion and transformation activities, enhance dashboards, and highlight insights. With this book, you'll be able to make your artifacts far more interesting and rich in insights using analytical languages.You'll start by learning how to configure your Power BI environment to use your Python and R scripts. The book then explores data ingestion and data transformation extensions, and advances to focus on data augmentation and data visualization. You'll understand how to import data from external sources and transform them using complex algorithms. The book helps you implement personal data de-identification methods such as pseudonymization, anonymization, and masking in Power BI. You'll be able to call external APIs to enrich your data much more quickly using Python programming and R programming. Later, you'll learn advanced Python and R techniques to perform in-depth analysis and extract valuable information using statistics and machine learning. You'll also understand the main statistical features of datasets by plotting multiple visual graphs in the process of creating a machine learning model.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to enrich your Power BI data models and visualizations using complex algorithms in Python and R.
Alexander Kandzior, Matt Butcher
This book takes you through the process of creating content-rich websites and applications using OpenCms. Although powerful and flexible, OpenCms can be daunting on first approach, but its advanced features reward the investment in learning. This book exists to ease Java developers into getting the most from OpenCms.OpenCms OpenCms is a professional-level, open source Website Content Management System, with which you can create and manage complex websites. Based on Java and XML technology, it fits into almost any modern IT environment. With hard-won experience of the practical difficulties faced by developers working with OpenCms, this book is the embodiment of the author's expertise, and the perfect way to master the system.
Mastering Active Directory, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide for Information Technology professionals looking to improve their knowledge about MS Windows Active Directory Domain Service. The audiobook will help you to use identity elements effectively and manage your organization’s infrastructure in a secure and efficient way. This third edition has been fully updated to reflect the importance of cloud-based strong authentication and other tactics to protect identity infrastructure from emerging security threats.Mastering Active Directory, Third Edition provides extensive coverage of AD Domain Services and helps you explore their capabilities as you update to Windows Server 2022. This audiobook will also teach you how to extend on-premises identity presence to cloud via Azure AD hybrid setup. By the end of this Microsoft Active Directory, you’ll feel confident in your ability to design, plan, deploy, protect, and troubleshoot your enterprise identity infrastructure.
A new language on the block, V comes with a promising set of features such as fast compilation and interoperability with other programming languages. This is the first book on the V programming language, packed with concise information and a walkthrough of all the features you need to know to get started with the language.The book begins by covering the fundamentals to help you learn about the basic features of V and the suite of built-in libraries available within the V ecosystem. You'll become familiar with primitive data types, declaring variables, arrays, and maps. In addition to basic programming, you'll develop a solid understanding of the building blocks of programming, including functions, structs, and modules in the V programming language.As you advance through the chapters, you'll learn how to implement concurrency in V Programming, and finally learn how to write test cases for functions. This book takes you through an end-to-end project that will guide you to build fast and maintainable RESTful microservices by leveraging the power of V and its built-in libraries.By the end of this V programming book, you'll be well-versed with the V programming language and be able to start writing your own programs and applications.
GPUs are proving to be excellent general purpose-parallel computing solutions for high-performance tasks such as deep learning and scientific computing.This book will be your guide to getting started with GPU computing. It begins by introducing GPU computing and explaining the GPU architecture and programming models. You will learn, by example, how to perform GPU programming with Python, and look at using integrations such as PyCUDA, PyOpenCL, CuPy, and Numba with Anaconda for various tasks such as machine learning and data mining. In addition to this, you will get to grips with GPU workflows, management, and deployment using modern containerization solutions. Toward the end of the book, you will get familiar with the principles of distributed computing for training machine learning models and enhancing efficiency and performance.By the end of this book, you will be able to set up a GPU ecosystem for running complex applications and data models that demand great processing capabilities, and be able to efficiently manage memory to compute your application effectively and quickly.
Owing to its ability to create models quickly and with high level of dimensional accuracy, SketchUp Pro has become a popular choice for many industries, including architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and video game design. If you are seeking to adopt Trimble's exceptional design software, Getting Started with SketchUp Pro serves as an ideal primer to prepare and equip you for its use.This book will help you lay the foundation of a project from scratch, set up appropriate units, and follow a guided path to structure your 3D models. You’ll explore the workflows used for creating designs from sketches, making CAD drawings (DWG), and even updating your existing 3D models. Finally, you’ll work with extensions and 3D Warehouse to find new workflows and models to add to your skill set.By the end of this SketchUp book, you’ll be able to confidently create and share models of your design through CAD drawings and 3D views, and even take them online through the 3D Warehouse
Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Mansoor Haqanee
As organizations embrace cloud-centric environments, it becomes imperative for security professionals to master the skills of effective cloud investigation. Cloud Forensics Demystified addresses this pressing need, explaining how to use cloud-native tools and logs together with traditional digital forensic techniques for a thorough cloud investigation. The book begins by giving you an overview of cloud services, followed by a detailed exploration of the tools and techniques used to investigate popular cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Progressing through the chapters, you’ll learn how to investigate Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and containerized environments such as Kubernetes. Throughout, the chapters emphasize the significance of the cloud, explaining which tools and logs need to be enabled for investigative purposes and demonstrating how to integrate them with traditional digital forensic tools and techniques to respond to cloud security incidents. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to handle security breaches in cloud-based environments and have a comprehensive understanding of the essential cloud-based logs vital to your investigations. This knowledge will enable you to swiftly acquire and scrutinize artifacts of interest in cloud security incidents.
Fernando J Miguel, Richard Carter
Magento is the e-commerce software and platform trusted by the world’s leading brands. Using Magento’s powerful theming engine, you can control the look, content, and functionality, and easily launch a flexible e-commerce website. However, because of its powerful features, developing Magento themes is easier said than done.This book aims to leverage the enhancements to theme designing in Magento 2 to the fullest. It will show you how to gear up the performance of your e-commerce website.We begin by introducing Magento 2 and its features along with implementing a local development Magento environment. We then move on to discuss the concepts of the Magento theme structure such as templates, inheritance, customization, and override. Further on, we explore the Magento UI Library, which is a new feature available in Magento 2.0. We will create a new Magento 2.0 theme named MyCake Store using Magento Bootstrap from Maven E-commerce and also create print strategies for the Magento 2.0 theme. We will also create and customize a new theme proposal for the Magento admin panel. At the end, we will integrate Magento 2.0 to Twitter and integrate it with social bookmarking and finally deploy our new Magento 2.0 theme.