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Jakarta EE is widely used around the world for developing enterprise applications for a variety of domains. With this book, Java professionals will be able to enhance their skills to deliver powerful enterprise solutions using practical recipes.This second edition of the Jakarta EE Cookbook takes you through the improvements introduced in its latest version and helps you get hands-on with its significant APIs and features used for server-side development. You'll use Jakarta EE for creating RESTful web services and web applications with the JAX-RS, JSON-P, and JSON-B APIs and learn how you can improve the security of your enterprise solutions. Not only will you learn how to use the most important servers on the market, but you'll also learn to make the best of what they have to offer for your project. From an architectural point of view, this Jakarta book covers microservices, cloud computing, and containers. It allows you to explore all the tools for building reactive applications using Jakarta EE and core Java features such as lambdas. Finally, you'll discover how professionals can improve their projects by engaging with and contributing to the community.By the end of this book, you'll have become proficient in developing and deploying enterprise applications using Jakarta EE.
Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and offer many new possibilities for learning. Moodle, when combined with a mobile device, opens up a new world of possibilities to teachers, instructors, and training professionals to develop their courses. The learning experience can be hugely improved by playing to the strengths of mobile devices, and Moodle for Mobile Learning helps you do just that.Moodle for Mobile Learning is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with ideas and step-by-step exercises that will help you leverage the features of mobile devices in your Moodle course designs. It also aims at providing you with hands-on knowledge in creating mlearning courses so that you can create your own effective mobile learning interactions.Looking at the underlying theory of mobile learning, Moodle for Mobile Learning aims to enable you to apply this to course design using Moodle. Organized into key sectors including schools, further and higher education, and workplace learning, this book will take you through a number of clear, practical recipes that will help you to take advantage of mobile technology in your Moodle course design.You will learn how to develop your mobile learning strategy and whether to use a mobile friendly Moodle theme or a Moodle mobile app to deliver your strategy. There are certain types of learning activities that are perfectly suited to mobile delivery. We look at delivering podcasts, engaging with social media, setting up photo, video and audio assignments, setting up eBook and App libraries, uploading audio assignment feedback, submitting reflective logs, using chat and messaging tools, using web conferencing and much more.Mobile devices already form the backbone of your learners' daily lives. If you want to use Moodle to bring those devices into the learning process, then this is the book for you.
Are you looking to prepare for the CISA exam and understand the roles and responsibilities of an information systems (IS) auditor?The CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide is here to help you get started with CISA exam prep.This book covers all the five CISA domains in detail to help you pass the exam. You’ll start by getting up and running with the practical aspects of an information systems audit. The book then shows you how to govern and manage IT, before getting you up to speed with acquiring information systems. As you progress, you’ll gain knowledge of information systems operations and understand how to maintain business resilience, which will help you tackle various real-world business problems. Finally, you’ll be able to assist your organization in effectively protecting and controlling information systems with IT audit standards.By the end of this CISA book, you'll not only have covered the essential concepts and techniques you need to know to pass the CISA certification exam but also have the ability to apply them in the real world.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular and efficient cloud platforms for administering and deploying your applications to make them resilient and robust. AWS for System Administrators will help you to learn several advanced cloud administration concepts for deploying, managing, and operating highly available systems on AWS.Starting with the fundamentals of identity and access management (IAM) for securing your environment, this book will gradually take you through AWS networking and monitoring tools. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll get to grips with VPC, EC2, load balancer, Auto Scaling, RDS database, and data management. The book will also show you how to initiate AWS automated backups and store and keep track of log files. Later, you’ll work with AWS APIs and understand how to use them along with CloudFormation, Python Boto3 Script, and Terraform to automate infrastructure.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll be ready to build your two-tier startup with all the necessary infrastructure, monitoring, and logging components in place.
Microsoft Project is one of the most popular project management tools for enterprises of all sizes thanks to its wide variety of features such as project scheduling, project budgeting, built-in templates, and reporting tools. Learning Microsoft Project 2019 will get you started with the basics and gradually guide you through the complete project life cycle.Starting with an overview of Microsoft Project 2019 and a brief introduction to project management concepts, this book will take you through the different phases of project management – initiation, planning, execution, control, and closure. You will then learn how to identify and handle problems related to scheduling, costing, resourcing, and work allocation. Understand how to use dynamic reports to create powerful, automated reports and dashboards at the click of a button. This Microsoft Project book highlights the pitfalls of overallocation and demonstrates how to avoid and resolve these issues using a wide spectrum of tools, techniques, and best practices. Finally, you will focus on executing Agile projects efficiently and get to grips with using Kanban and Scrum features.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with Microsoft Project and have the skills you need to use it effectively in every stage of project management.
RethinkDB has a lot of cool things to be excited about: ReQL (its readable,highly-functional syntax), cluster management, primitives for 21st century applications, and change-feeds. This book starts with a brief overview of the RethinkDB architecture and data modeling, and coverage of the advanced ReQL queries to work with JSON documents. Then, you will quickly jump to implementing these conceptsin real-world scenarios, by building real-time applications on polling, data synchronization, share market, and the geospatial domain using RethinkDB andNode.js. You will also see how to tweak RethinkDB's capabilities to ensure faster data processing by exploring the sharding and replication techniques in depth.Then, we will take you through the more advanced administration tasks as well as show you the various deployment techniques using PaaS, Docker, and Compose. By the time you have finished reading this book, you would have taken your knowledge of RethinkDB to the next level, and will be able to use the concepts in RethinkDB to develop efficient, real-time applications with ease.
Kishen Das Kondabagilu Rajanna
Getting Started with CockroachDB will introduce you to the inner workings of CockroachDB and help you to understand how it provides faster access to distributed data through a SQL interface. The book will also uncover how you can use the database to provide solutions where the data is highly available.Starting with CockroachDB's installation, setup, and configuration, this SQL book will familiarize you with the database architecture and database design principles. You'll then discover several options that CockroachDB provides to store multiple copies of your data to ensure fast data access. The book covers the internals of CockroachDB, how to deploy and manage it on the cloud, performance tuning to get the best out of CockroachDB, and how to scale data across continents and serve it locally. In addition to this, you'll get to grips with fault tolerance and auto-rebalancing, how indexes work, and the CockroachDB Admin UI. The book will guide you in building scalable cloud services on top of CockroachDB, covering administrative and security aspects and tips for troubleshooting, performance enhancements, and a brief guideline on migrating from traditional databases.By the end of this book, you'll have gained sufficient knowledge to manage your data on CockroachDB and interact with it from your application layer.
Windows Terminal is a new and open-source command-line application for Windows 10, built for the Command Prompt, PowerShell, Windows Subsystem for Linux, and more. It's fast, modern, and configurable thanks to its GPU-accelerated rendering, excellent UTF-8 support, and JSON-based configurability, and this book can help you learn how to leverage these features.You’ll start by learning the benefits of Windows Terminal and its open-source development, as well as how to use the built-in tabs, panes, and key bindings to build your own efficient terminal workflows. After you’ve mastered Windows Terminal, this book shows how to use and configure PowerShell Core and the Windows Subsystem for Linux within Windows Terminal. You’ll maximize your productivity using powerful tools such as PSReadLine for PowerShell and ZSH on Linux, and discover useful tips and tricks for common developer tools like Git and SSH. Finally, you’ll see how Windows Terminal can be used in common development and DevOps tasks, such as developing frontend JavaScript applications and backend REST APIs, and managing cloud-based systems like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.By the end of this book, you'll not only be well-versed with Windows Terminal, but also have learned how to effectively use shells like PowerShell Core and ZSH to become proficient at the command line.
Alessandro Palmas, Emanuele Ghelfi, Dr. Alexandra Galina Petre, Mayur Kulkarni, ...
Various intelligent applications such as video games, inventory management software, warehouse robots, and translation tools use reinforcement learning (RL) to make decisions and perform actions that maximize the probability of the desired outcome. This book will help you to get to grips with the techniques and the algorithms for implementing RL in your machine learning models.Starting with an introduction to RL, youÔÇÖll be guided through different RL environments and frameworks. YouÔÇÖll learn how to implement your own custom environments and use OpenAI baselines to run RL algorithms. Once youÔÇÖve explored classic RL techniques such as Dynamic Programming, Monte Carlo, and TD Learning, youÔÇÖll understand when to apply the different deep learning methods in RL and advance to deep Q-learning. The book will even help you understand the different stages of machine-based problem-solving by using DARQN on a popular video game Breakout. Finally, youÔÇÖll find out when to use a policy-based method to tackle an RL problem.By the end of The Reinforcement Learning Workshop, youÔÇÖll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to solve challenging problems using reinforcement learning.
Marko Aleksendrić, Shrey Batra, Rachelle Palmer, Shubham Ranjan
Discover how to harness the power of the FARM stack—FastAPI, React, and MongoDB—to develop production-ready web applications of varying complexity. Written by a team of industry experts, including MongoDB champions and product leaders, this fast-paced, hands-on guide equips beginners with essential skills to build web applications efficiently.Introducing each element of the stack, the book demonstrates how to seamlessly integrate them to create a medium-sized web application. You'll set up MongoDB as a document store, construct a simple API with FastAPI, and build an application using React. The guide also covers enhancing application security through authentication and authorization with JSON Web Tokens.Beyond mastering the stack, you'll get to grips with integrating Large Language Models (like ChatGPT) for advanced functionality, such as automated email sending. Additionally, you'll learn how to make the most of Next.js 14, a robust full-stack framework offering improved developer experience.By the end of the book, you'll have created functional applications and gained the foundation to explore diverse and more specialized domains, expanding your development horizons.
Python stands out as a powerhouse in DevOps, boasting unparalleled libraries and support, which makes it the preferred programming language for problem solvers worldwide. This book will help you understand the true flexibility of Python, demonstrating how it can be integrated into incredibly useful DevOps workflows and workloads, through practical examples.You'll start by understanding the symbiotic relation between Python and DevOps philosophies and then explore the applications of Python for provisioning and manipulating VMs and other cloud resources to facilitate DevOps activities. With illustrated examples, you’ll become familiar with automating DevOps tasks and learn where and how Python can be used to enhance CI/CD pipelines. Further, the book highlights Python’s role in the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) process development, including its connections with tools like Ansible, SaltStack, and Terraform. The concluding chapters cover advanced concepts such as MLOps, DataOps, and Python’s integration with generative AI, offering a glimpse into the areas of monitoring, logging, Kubernetes, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll know how to leverage Python in your DevOps-based workloads to make your life easier and save time.
ink is a narrative scripting language designed for use with game engines such as Unity through a plugin that provides an application programming interface (API) to help you to move between the branches of a story and access the values within it.Hands-On Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting Language begins by showing you how ink understands stories and how to write some simple branching projects. You'll then move on to advanced usage with looping structures, discovering how to use variables to set up dynamic events in a story and defining simple rules to create complex narratives for use with larger Unity projects. As you advance, you'll learn how the Unity plugin allows access to a running story through its API and explore the ways in which this can be used to move data in and out of an ink story to adapt to different interactions and forms of user input. You'll also work with three specific use cases of ink with Unity by writing a dialogue system and creating quest structures and other branching narrative patterns. Finally, this will help you to find out how ink can be used to generate procedural storytelling patterns for Unity projects using different forms of data input.By the end of this book, you will be able to move from a simple story to an intricate Unity project using ink to power complex narrative structures.
This book incorporates the new features of ASP.NET Web API 2 that will help you to secure an ASP.NET Web API and make a well-informed decision when choosing the right security mechanism for your security requirements.We start by showing you how to set up a browser client to utilize ASP.NET Web API services. We then cover ASP.NET Web API’s security architecture, authentication, and authorization to help you secure a web API from unauthorized users. Next, you will learn how to use SSL with ASP.NET Web API, including using SSL client certificates, and integrate the ASP.NET Identity system with ASP.NET Web API.We’ll show you how to secure a web API using OAuth2 to authenticate against a membership database using OWIN middleware. You will be able to use local logins to send authenticated requests using OAuth2. We also explain how to secure a web API using forms authentication and how users can log in with their Windows credentials using integrated Windows authentication. You will come to understand the need for external authentication services to enable OAuth/OpenID and social media authentication. We’ll then help you implement anti-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) measures in ASP.NET Web API.Finally, you will discover how to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in your web API application.