
The Childerbridge Mystery

Guy Boothby

This book begins in Australia with a man and two adult children. They decide to return to England, but before leaving, an old enemy of his father appears. Son and daughter are surprised about him. In any case, they all move to England and buy a house, which is supposed to be inhabited by ghosts. All its owners saw them, and some were killed when they saw them. They are located in this village. Jamess son meets a young woman whom he falls in love with, but her grandfather will not allow them to marry and, later, even see each other.


Fentons Quest

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Women are forced to marry and forced to marry for money, not love. As in all her books, the basis is a mystery, and, like everything I read, for the reader, the screaming is obvious what is actually happening. But this does not detract from the expectations of history. The characters are well drawn, each with a distinctive style.


The Rape of Lucrece

William Shakespeare

This is a beautiful and touching poem. Shakespeare uses language and metaphor clearly and very accessible. This is a very sad poem, and he embodies the tragedy of events. Values, loyalty, virtue, shame and revenge are carefully studied. Lucretias rhetorical mastery, combined with an incredible ecphratic passage depicting Troy, creates a truly amazing poem.


Messengers Million

T.C. Bridges

Fat Mr. Horner might have changed his mind if he could have watched Gilberts face as he drove his rattling old motorcycle over the bridge and climbed the steep slope beyond. The young mans lips were clenched and his eyes were hard. These weekly trips to Taverton were the only gap in the deadly monotony of life in the works of Carnaby Clay, and he hated to return there, like a boy hates to return to school.


10 Most Famous Novels. MultiBook

John Buchan

One of the founders of the genre of espionage novel, but also an employee of British intelligence, and later a prominent political figure, whose career ended as Governor General of Canada. His first novel, Thirty-nine Steps, was a resounding success, published in 1915, in the midst of World War I. It first appears the charming image of Richard Hanney a hero who later wandered through the pages of Bakens novels, and the plot is associated with the activities of a group of German secret agents in England and Scotland. The multibook includes novels such as Sir Quixote of the Moors, John Burnet of Barns, A Lost Lady of Old Years, The Half-Hearted, A Lodge in the Wilderness, Prester John, Salute to Adventurers, The Path of the King, Midwinter, Witch Wood.


Житие одной бабы (Żywot pewnej baby). Из гостомельских воспоминаний

Николай Семёнович Лесков, Nikołaj Siemionowicz Leskow

Николай Семёнович Лесков (183120131895) 2013 писатель самобытный и мудрый, неукротимый и яркий 2013 прожил жизнь, полную 201eвсяческих терзательств201d: тревог, борьбы, изнурительного труда, духовных исканий и обретений, направленных на то, чтобы пробудить в людях 201eискру разумения о смысле жизни201d. Близкое знакомство с крепостными крестьянами, общение с крестьянскими детьми открыли будущему писателю своеобразие народного мировосприятия, столь непохожего на ценности и идеи образованных людей из высших сословий. Повесть 201eЖитие одной бабы (Из гостомельских воспоминаний)201d впервые опубликована в 1863 году под псевдонимом М. Стебницкий. Впоследствии Лесков значительно переработал повесть и дал ей новое название 2013 201eАмур в лапоточках201d. Известно, что писатель планировал поместить переработанный вариант во второй том 201eРассказов Стебницкого201d, однако при жизни автора вторая редакция повести так и не была напечатана.


Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина (Opowieści świętej pamięci Iwana Piotrowicza Biełkina)

Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, Aleksandr Siergiejewicz Puszkin

Прозаический цикл «Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина» был написан Пушкиным во время самого плодотворного творческого периода писателя 2013 осенью 1830 года, и затем издан анонимно. Включает в себя предисловие и пяти повестей, написанных от лица молодого помещика Ивана Белкина: «Выстрел», «Метель», «Гробовщик», «Станционный смотритель» и «Барышня-крестьянка». «Повести Белкина» рассказывают о России времен Пушкина и ее жителях: отставном гусаре Сильвио, гробовщике Адриане Прохорове, станционном смотрителе Самсоне Вырине, дочери богатого помещика Лизе Муромской и кавалеристе Бурмине.


Letters of Anton Chekhov to His Family and Friends with a Biographical Sketch

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Correspondence with Knipper is interesting not only as a chronicle of the last years of Chekhovs life, not only as a valuable source of information about the first years of the Art Theater. Knipper took an exceptional place in Chekhovs spiritual life in recent years, and letters to her most fully reflect his inner world in those years, to the extent that Chekhov generally considered it necessary to open this inner world to other, even closest people. In letters to his wife, Chekhovs ability to say something important, significant in a playful form, as if by chance, without lengthy explanations, was especially pronounced.


The Man Who Was Afraid

Maxim Gorky

Like Byrons passionate sayings sounding on the tones of a wild and completely unsophisticated melody, this is Gorkys crazy, unbridled, powerful voice when he sings about the madness of the brave, barefoot dreamers who are proud of their idleness, who have nothing and fear nothing who is cheerful in his suffering, but unhappy in his joy.


The Imperialist

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Lorne Murchison is the son of a respectable first-generation immigrant family. He is of Presbyterian Scottish descent and is running for office with his ideals of a renewed British Empire. An intelligent and insightful snapshot of provincial Canada as it enters the 20th century, torn between being alone in the world and strengthening imperial ties with the mother country.


Dr. Kildare Goes Home

Max Brand

After graduating from medical school, Dr. James Kildar returns to his small hometown where his proud parents Stephen and Martha Kildar and childhood friend Alice Raymond expect him to join his father in his medical practice. However, he is more ambitious, although he is not sure what he wants to do. He recruited as an intern at New York Hospital.


Powiastki filozoficzne. Wybór


Powiastka filozoficzna jako gatunek literacki rozwinęła się w oświeceniu, za sprawą Voltairea i Diderota. Pod płaszczykiem lekkiej narracyjnej formy, wykorzystującej satyrę obyczajową i wątki awanturnicze czy romansowe, propagowała idee filozoficzne i stawiała kluczowe dla danego nurtu pytania. Pisane ciętym, błyskotliwym, pełnym humoru językiem Powiastki Voltairea pozostają dziełem ponadczasowym, ilustrującym zamiłowanie autora do wolności i mądrości.


Orlando. A Biography

Virginia Woolf

A fascinating fantastic story about a beautiful young man Orlando, who comes from a noble family, is distinguished by intelligence and beauty, loves life, women, poetry and in general has a very impressive nature and subtle imagination, resists, as far as possible, the influence of light and gravitates to solitude. All the time he seeks the meaning of life and does not find it... One fine day Orlando wakes up... a woman also beautiful and noble, also delicately sensitive and also without meaning in life.


Portrait of a Man with Red Hair

Hugh Walpole

This is a terrible story about Harkness, a timid American who travels all over Europe with his etchings as his only friends. While in London, he meets a man at the club who recommends visiting a small town during his holidays. The next 24 hours completely change his life. He made friends with a frightened young woman who is unhappily married and meets a man with red hair, a rich and sadistic man who loves to influence others by hurting them.


6 najpiękniejszych powieści. MultiBook

Helena Mniszkówna

Helena Mniszkówna (18781943) była autorką romansów z życia wyższych sfer. Uznawana jest za klasyka literatury popularnej przeznaczonej dla masowego czytelnika. Fenomen twórczości powieściowej Mniszkówny polegał na tym, że chętnie posługiwała się sytuacjami melodramatycznymi, które w zbiorowej świadomości funkcjonowała od zarania literatury. Powieści autorki mówią o miłości, ale przede wszystkim o zalotach. To szczegółowa analiza wszelakich działań, które zmierzają do połączenia dwojga zakochanych ludzi. Im więcej przeszkód po drodze do celu, tym większa wartość ich miłości. W swych utworach powieściopisarka głosiła zwycięstwo cnoty i szlachetności nad złem i egoizmem. W multibooku znalazło się 6 najpiękniejszych powieści autorki, takich jak: Trędowata Ordynat Michorowski Panicz Gehenna Sfinks Magnesy serc


A Lucky Dog

Max Brand

Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. Max Brand was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. He does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel A Lucky Dog. Hagger is a man on the run, a thief and would-be killer. Hes no good on a horse, and feels miserable and out of place in the snowbound high country. But, then, Hagger comes upon a white bull terrier, abandoned in a mountain cabin, and his whole life begins to change...