


Dzieło filozoficzno-polityczne w formie dialogu. Zawiera syntezę Platońskich poglądów na temat funkcjonowania społeczeństwa. Porusza zagadnienia z zakresu etyki, filozofii politycznej, epistemologii, ontologii i etyki medycyny. Poprzez poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czym jest sprawiedliwość, Platon budował idealny wzorzec państwa. Z dzieła tego pochodzi też słynna metafora jaskini mit symbolizujący całokształt Platońskiego poglądu na rzeczywistość.


Wyllards Weird

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Wyllards Weird is a little-known sensational novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The story mainly concerns the riddle of a young girl who dies as a result of a fall from a train in motion. Was it a murder? Or was it suicide? Amateur detective makes his mission to solve the mystery at the request of old love. The discoveries he makes lead him to a double murder committed ten years ago. Were they connected? If so, then the same murderous hand struck again.


Peter Blue

Max Brand, Max Brand

This collection includes three short novels from one of the top three Western novelists of all time Max Brand (Frederick Faust). The stories here are character studies of outlaws, the lives they lead and the lies and myths that spring up about them. The title novel, Peter Blue, is an excellent character study. Blue, wounded in a gunfight, has lost the use of his gun hand and is desperately trying to learn to shoot with his left hand before his enemies realize how vulnerable he is. In the meantime, being hold up in one place, he, too, learns the values of a normal, fulfilling life until one of the gunmen he beat in the past comes to even the score. Now, Blue, with so much more to live for, is unable to defend himself. Or is he?


The Canary Murder Case

S.S. Van Dine

One of the best novels by the little American detective writer Van Dyne, The Canary Killing Case, takes the reader to New York sixty years ago, where amateur detective Filo Vance, a literary relative of Sherlock Holmes, brilliantly uses the deductive method to find the killer of the star Broadway at night nicknamed Canary.


Игроки (Gracze)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikołaj Wasiljewicz Gogol

В небольшом провинциальном городке появляется карточный шулер. Много дней и ночей он посвящал всего себя единственному занятию: краплению карт. Теперь колода готова и любовно названа прекрасным женским именем 2013 Аделаида Ивановна. Удастся ли нашему герою обвести вокруг пальца компанию игроков, остановившихся в той же гостинице уездного городка? Обойдется ли их встреча без вмешательства высших сил? В основу пьесы 201eИгроки201d, Николай Васильевич Гоголь положил реальные истории мошенничества банд карточных шулеров, широко распространившихся в Российской империи в 19-ом веке. Если поначалу шулера обитали только в светских салонов, то вскоре это явление стало выходить за их пределы. Появились профессиональные карточные шулера одиночки и целые сообщества с хорошо распределенными ролями для заманивания наивных 201eклиентов201d.



Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Dzieło autobiograficzne Jeana-Jacquesa Rousseau, XVIII-wiecznego filozofa, pisarza, pedagoga i teoretyka muzyki. Rousseau zasłynął jako autor koncepcji umowy społecznej, a także idei powrotu do natury. Negował wartość postępu cywilizacyjnego, w którym upatrywał źródło wszelkiego zła. W Wyznaniach dzieli się szczegółowo własnym życiem życiem ostatniego niezepsutego przez świat człowieka cnotliwego.


Larramees Ranch

Max Brand

Larramees Ranch is another great and entertaining Max Brand novel! This is quite a change of pace for Max Brand. His hero Tom Holden is a bookish young man with a bad leg, no money, and no experience with firearms. When he sets out to make his fortune, he has no real prospects but through a series of bluffs he outwits a killer, faces down a town bully, makes a considerable bundle of money for himself. Then he announces he will marry Alexa Larrame, the beautiful blue-eyed daughter of the wealthiest rancher around even though hed never even met her! But now he has a lot more than just a rash promise to live up to. He is being accused of committing several robberies and murders in a town where the strong make the laws and enforce them with bullets!


Und Friede auf Erden

Karl May

Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899/1900. In Kairo lernt Karl May die Hauptpersonen seiner Reise kennen: den stolzen Araber Sejjid Omar, der freiwillig in seine Dienste tritt, den religiösen Eiferer Waller mit seiner sanften Tochter Mary und zwei hochgebildete Chinesen, Vater und Sohn. Nach ersten Abenteuern in Gizeh beschliessen die fünf Reisenden, gemeinsam weiterzuziehen. Nach der Schiffsreise haben sie den ersten unangenehmen Zusammenstoß mit einer Gruppe von selbsternannten Zivilisatoren in Colombo auf Ceylon. Auch bei der Überfahrt nach der Malaiischen Halbinsel und in Penang selbst müssen sie sich mit den rücksichtslosen Menschen auseinandersetzen. Über Ceylon, die malaiische Halbinsel und Penang führt sie der Weg bis nach China.


Paul Clifford

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Paul Clifford is a novel published in 1830 by Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) who was an English novelist, playwright, and politician. It tells the life of Paul Clifford, a man who leads a dual life as both a criminal and an upscale gentleman. Paul Clifford tells the story of a chivalrous highwayman in the time of the French Revolution. This is the novel that first used the opening line It was a dark and stormy night...


Sleeper Turns Horse-Thief

Max Brand

Another Sleeper story, featuring Sleeper, a gunslinger turned horse-thief, from the collection More Tales of the Wild West. Six action-packed stories of the Old West, filled with unforgettable characters, includes A Lucky Dog, in which mans best friend helps a would-be killer and thief find salvation, along with A First Blooding, Inverness, (aka Sleeper Turns Horse-Thief) and Death in Alkali Flat. In this story Sleeper is hired to break a horse and turns horse-thief. No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. Brand has been labeled one of the top three Western novelists of all time so western fans will be in for a treat.


Trouble for Lucia

E.F. Benson

Lucia is now rich, happily married, and Mayor of Tilling but the village gossip is in full swing and Lucias arch-rival Miss Elizabeth Mapp is out for revenge. Their epic collisions rock their small society and provide the narrative engines for Bensons gloriously farcical masterpieces. Will Lucia fall at the final hurdle? Delightfully witty and shamelessly entertaining, this is a fitting finale to the series E.F. Bensons au reservoir!


Twelve Men

Theodore Dreiser

Twelve Men biographical stories. Each story individually is an autobiographical essay, a portrait of an individual. If we consider the works as a whole, as a collection, then we can trace the history of the authors life: adolescence in Indiana, work as a newspaper reporter, freelance writer, worker at a railway station, magazine editor.


Swanns Way

Marcel Proust

Swanns Way is one of the preeminent novels of childhood a sensitive boys impressions of his family and neighbors, all brought dazzlingly back to life years later by the famous taste of a madeleine. The first volume of the work that established Proust as one of the finest voices of the modern age satirical, skeptical, confiding, and endlessly varied in his response to the human condition Swanns Way also stands on its own as a perfect rendering of a life in art, of the past recreated through memory.


Arsene Lupin. 12 romans et recueils de nouvelles. MultiBook

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin est un personnage de fiction français créé par Maurice Leblanc. Ce gentleman cambrioleur est particulierement connu pour son talent user de déguisements et changer didentité pour commettre ses délits. Le livre comprend les ouvrages suivants: Arsene Lupin gentleman-cambrioleur; Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes; LAiguille creuse; 813; Le Bouchon de cristal; Les Confidences dArsene Lupin; LÉclat dobus; Le Triangle dOr; LÎle aux trente cercueils; Les Dents du tigre; Les Huit coups de lhorloge; La Comtesse de Cagliostro.


From a Surgeons Diary

Cliffford Ashdown

Meet the widow anxious to bury her husband before the autopsy, the artist whos brushes have never been used, the bedridden drunk who contracts lead poisoning from a pub miles away. These strange stories are designed to baffle the mind and entertain the crime buff and newcomer alike. Set in the early days of the nineteenth century, the six tales here take place in various parts of rural England -- wherever the young physician-detectives assignments take him.


The Provincial Lady Goes Further

E.M. Delafield

A sequel to extremely popular, largely autobiographical Diary of a Provincial Lady, by E. M. Delafield (also known as Mrs Henry de la Pasture), about her life in England in the early 20th century. Provincial Lady lives in a country house with her husband, two children, the childrens French governess, Cook and a few assorted helpers. A delightful see-youselves-as-others-see-you view that challenges the American sense of humor.